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Everything posted by crowsworks

  1. he was so good on GL as the Indiana Jones style character, so handsome
  2. ask Delia - alone in a car - on a dark road - dressed in black - with an unleashed puppy - when he could have taken her with him into the store where she would have gotten attention and probably candy instead of being road pizza
  3. I think Billy took Ashland's killer to Italy - that guy has atomic grade daddy issues
  4. Victoria knows and if they start to gang up and moralize I'd love it if she blurts it out, Also if they wipe Chance.com off the face of the earth. With a rusty knife. I want this almost as bad as Kelly being the one who mowed down Delia and Victor covering it up She AND Kyle were in on it. So sweet and innocent and deserving of happiness You know Ashland is going to die (thanks Billy) I'd LOVE it if he left a huge chunk to the charities - Here kitty kitty. Burgi played a super hero/black panther long before Marvel had one.
  5. Norman....Norman....put down the bowie knife auntie Mariah bought you for you fifth birthday. Norman...I mean Tragaren...I mean Torrin....I mean Loki...Brian? You wouldn't harm Mother, would you. Locke's final act should be wiping Chance.com of the show. (Sorry Lily but you turned into an enabling doormat in record time.) If Billy comes out a hero (and Kummer returns)I may have to take another 6 to 12 month break. Putrid stuff. Thata was somea bad Italiana Accenta. Back at Abby's (I still say it looks like and empty one liter coke bottle) A summer sausage needing saline drops is peculiar. I like summer sausage (made of real Summer?) no that would be mostly lips. Sizzled in sweet and sour sauce with a bit of brown mustard.....NumNum
  6. She seems to have had a personality transplant. I hope it's handled as trauma from the shooting or ship her back to the grans
  7. It's because he makes them look like stacks of old innertubes. bleached by the sun
  8. Or Don Draper. I suspect it might go like that Viggo Mortenson movie History of Violence??? where a guy gets outed and his crime family (that he ran from) comes after him years later (Like he stole enough to buy a station or two) Also that creepy Nicole Kidman movie with no sets, where she was a criminals daughter hiding out. Dog town? The head is tooo big for the size - you often try to keep the head regular size or below unless it's a huge picture Lots worse. Tony Contralto? Big fan here. The other actors will probably be happy to see him go - hope he gets a good ending.
  9. I hate it when I'm smarter than the supposedly Top In the Field guys, OK Many swat types with guns and not just the heroes. Good start. Chopper sitting outside the mansion - Me: "somebody disable that chopper". But Noooo - there was an airstrip Connected to the house. An airstrip!! That no-one spotted with a satellite. That no one took the simple precaution of parking a car in the middle of it. Not our heroes. I know they needed to go to Europe but did they have to be so bone-headed.
  10. Either kill off Chance or bring him back - loads of stories either way. Chance returns with PTSS and Abby is confused and turns to Devon OR Chance is missing and reported dead and Abby is confused and turns to Devon and they raise their one-liter empty bottle to adulthood in 5 years. Oh gosh - I just visualized a huge 5 gl water cooler jug with a business suit and puffy hair.
  11. Also so Connor wouldn't sell him to a ring of predator's or tell him that horses really like it when you stand right behind them and pull their tail hair and also surprise them by going BOO!!
  12. So that's what's wrong with Every One on the show. I still hope that Bowie turns out to be a Stitch baby. Terriah could be good BUT not another baby-rabies story. Maybe Tessa could turn to Noah for a shot of jizz
  13. Please please Pleeeeeeze! Then they can line up Airplane style and each take a turn with Ash. (I thought Adam knew) or a car....Noah is coming home having done all the dick-stroking photo instillations for CEOs ever needed
  14. I'd love it if Ashland found out his only living blood relative is Sally. She did live with carnies? If she can't be Phacks long lost that might be good too Why didn't Victoria tell Billy to go embezzle some money and gamble it away.
  15. I know they won't but wouldn't it be great if Ashland was a long ago protected witness with plastic surgery and Billy outed him and Endangered Mop and Hiz KIDZ!!! They could have a Red Wedding. Bonus if Noah runs over Billy's head again. But that might be good so....
  16. I actually liked the sons in this and I usually hate kid characters - I didn't want to drown the kids in this
  17. I love that according to the GC faithful poor Dummer is being held prisoner in Italy. Otherwise she could come home and get her old job and be under Rodan's thumb Just because she screwed his brother on his desk? Judgmental much? Just because she and his warped brother debased every elevator and cabin and giggled about dumb OLD Ja.ck? It was years before people could push an elevator button without their finger sticking.
  18. I only watched a few minutes here and there but you mean they haven't put that Thomas in a wood chipper or something. That guy made Adam look like Albert Schweitzer.
  19. Seconded! I hope Adam tells her about the dead hooker he disposed of for Jack. Does anyone know if way back in the day around the time Phy was lying about Daniel's father if she was awos (absent without storyline) for a time? 4-9 months. Did she have anything to do with Jack? Might explain why jack never kissed Sally. Snicker. Adam and Sally do make a cute couple. Anyone is better than Chelsea.
  20. I've been thinking this. Also it spares Devon giving away his first born son - not a good look and not in character somehow. Especially since he already lost one baby with Hilary - unless my long to come theory about Mad Scientist Nate having Hil and child locked up somewhere ala, ROOM turns up. Maybe someone will notice Bowie has a basketball shaped head covered with platinum blond stubble. BUT first!!! Did everyone notice when Victor stood in front of the N logo the circle made a halo on his head But with tiny horns from the serif's on the N. It had to be planned
  21. But it would be even better if he fell for Tracy and Ashley returned and was like "What!" He and Tracy would be super
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