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Everything posted by LoveLeigh

  1. Becky and Shelli look alike. John and Clay look alike. And Liz sort of looks like Becky and Shelli. Production always tries to bring a cute and coy edit to the HGs they like. So I think they will keep Audrey's edit lighthearted instead of bringing some dire and cuckoo drama into the scene.
  2. All I can think of is that it is not even July 4th yet and all they do is talk strategy. It seems to me in most past seasons, the HGs sat around the backyard and had conversations. And they had fights. I couldn't stand him, but (even though I feel his win was manipulated) did Evel Dick sit around talking strategy all day? Was Hayden consumed with strategy? Jordan just lay around talking to Jeff in the hammock. Dan didn't talk strategy, he quietly manipulated others and Adam did nothing. This heavy strategy is overkill and I think they will implode. It's all just too much too soon.
  3. The suspicious one to watch is Frank's wife, Jordan. She looks like she has something up her sleeve. She is way too into Frank. And why is Abigail Spencer not listed in the credits? She plays Alicia Brune, Ray's ex wife.
  4. There was just a shot of Becky, and she looked like Hilary Swank... (I think it was Becky because to me she looks like Shelli.
  5. CF is listed on IMDb as in 8 episodes of season 2 True Detective... so who knows what to think. On a another note, who is the actor who plays Ray's wife? Anybody?
  6. I totally agree and those who play hard at the beginning get nominated and evicted first. Those who manage to keep low profiles coast easier to the end. It's best to play the game hard after the half way mark.
  7. Rapunzel... I would not be surprised if they get bedbugs in there. Ants don't bite, bedbugs do. Also, why do I think Liz, Shelli, and Becky all look alike? Well maybe just Shelli and Becky. And John and Clay look alike as well to me.
  8. How many poker players did BB stick into the house this season? The "DJ" and the "teacher?"
  9. The "twin twist" was twitch inducing ten years ago. And my guess is the HGs will "out" that foolishness in five minutes, thus thwarting AG and her silly ideas.
  10. Wow, I have never seen an episode 1 that was so excruciatingly boring. This first group of HGs actually made me change the channel. Will sparks fly with this bunch? I am not getting the live feeds... doubt I will watch any of the episodes except the Thursday night live eviction.
  11. In the cast list, there is no listing for Ray's ex-wife. Is that because it will be a "surprise" when the pieces come together and she is revealed?
  12. The acting is not very good on this show. Molly underacts and I don't know.... the whole show is just absurd and fake. Maybe it is the writing and directing.
  13. In tonight's episode, who did Arya see coming off the water (as she was wheeling those oysters) that caused her great concern? I am so lost.... and with all the characters I find it hard to keep track. Thanks. ETA: I think I found the answer in a reply above. Is this it? He is: "The perverted guy is Meryn Trant, a Kingsguard from Kings Landing who killed Arya's dancing (sword-fighting) master Syrio in S1. Trant is on the hit list Arya used to recite at night. He's escorting Mace Tyrrell from Tommen's Small Council in Braavos. (Cersei sent Mace away on a "mission" to consolidate her own power.)" ????
  14. There was a show on HBO almost 20 years ago called "Oz." It took place in a men's prison and it was very graphic and there was a lot of rape and torture and some pretty outrageous stuff that happened. However, somehow Jamie's rape was excruciatingly much more hard to watch. I could not watch Jamie's whipping scenes and had to fast forward through it. But there was that "spanking" scene with Jamie and Claire and Claire was whipped too after her witch trial. I think so much more could be done with the concept of the time travel. And it seems to me that no matter how much Claire loves Jamie, this would be a world she would try to leave very quiickly. it is just so dangerous and revolting.
  15. I never liked Jax so I am glad she is not in the final 2. I think she was grossly over rated. I am rooting for Clark because I think he is more talented than Nick who I think is generic.
  16. Does anybody know the restaurant in NYC where Kim had lunch with Jonathan Cheban and their friend Sal?
  17. Seriously, what does it say about a season when so may episodes in I still do not know the survivors' names? They are all so innocuous to me and none stand out from the crowd as great players. This season is just not getting inside me and I am rooting for nobody. I suppose I will stop watching until a few episodes before the finale. My interest level is just very low for what is going on because nothing exciting is going on.
  18. How does the handwriting seal the deal? All it proves is that Durst wrote both of the pieces: the cadaver note and the Berman letter. It does not prove the killer wrote the note, it just proves Durst did. Durst's lawyer can say Durst was just "the messenger." He sent the note after the real killer told him the job was done. And as far as Durst saying the killer wrote the cadaver letter, he can say he was just using context clues to draw that conclusion. And the confession is worthless because it is open to huge interpretation. "killed them all" can mean he was voicing out loud what he thought THEY were thinking.
  19. "The Slap" has really gone off plot. The last two episodes were all filler. Without a medical report (which the parents do not have) this case would be thrown out of court. Are the writers trying to present a profile of an abusive husband who went unchecked and because of that his rages turned on other people's children? It is just all so boring. All the adults seem nutty to me.
  20. She saw that she had some incurable condition, I think it was a brain tumor. This whole episode seemed like filler. I was bored and I think Uma and zero chemistry with Penn. What did anything have to do with the slap?
  21. I found this episode to be very confusing. If Cookie went to jail for selling drugs, and in this episode we saw that drug bust, in her trial wouldn't she have learned she sold drugs to a fed? Wouldn't he have testified at her trial? If "Frank" is in jail and her testimony at the grand jury is to keep "Frank" in jail, who did Cookie put a contract out on and have killed? Who was shot in that car in that drive-by?
  22. Thank-you, Sierra Mist for your reply. I agree with you... but I think I disliked the final episode much more than you did. I don't need everything tied up, but I just did not like how they ended this series. In real life, there are unsolved murders. The Black Dahlia, Jack the Ripper murders... Etan Patz and even JonBenet Ramsey, but this is fiction and I just do not like how the writers chose to end this story. I was invested in "Tony" and to see him in Russia and driven mad seemed manipulative to prove a point instead of just allowing him to be heartbroken with no closure in a more simple and believable way.
  23. Well, HumblePi, the director of The Missing may have selected a young actor for that final scene prior to the filming of the series and then may have used the young actor's face for the artist's aged rendition of Ollie's face that we saw in the newspaper clipping of the disappearance. It may have been done to keep the images similar so that the mystery is kept alive and the audience is led to believe he may indeed be Ollie.
  24. I agree with Superpole2000. A deathbed confession after 7 episodes is a real letdown. Instead of the diversion in all the episodes about the pedophile ring, we should have been led through good detective work which resulted in exposing the truth about Ollie's disappearance. This final episode was similar to that of True Detective... we are give outstanding acting within excellent episodes only to be disappointed in the final episode by a trite and not very surprising conclusion.
  25. paramitch, I totally agree with you on every point you made. I too hated the end and I was angry and depressed. "Tony" did not deserve such a horrible conclusion. Seeing him in that police car was crushingly hard to watch. To see him descend into dark madness as he continues his desperate search was unbearably sad to watch. I know that parents of missing children sometimes do not get closure (i.e. Etan Patz), but here it was in the writers' hands to construct an ending not so devastating. I am hoping the writers left this open ended so that within the next season that can revisit this story even though the series may be predominately about another case. They should do it not just to satisfy the audience who hated the end, but do it so their own credibility as writers receives a better critical response. (I just want to add here that I also hated the season finales to The Affair and Homeland, but the series' finale to The Missing I hated on so many levels my head was spinning)
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