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Kiss my mutt

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Everything posted by Kiss my mutt

  1. Leah keeps saying, I’m out of here, what am I doing here etc and I’m like go, bitch! I’m surprised Leah has never been to Mexico. She would fit right in in Tijuana.
  2. I like Garcelle and Sutton but Sutton doesn’t much of a storyline. She doesn’t seem like she has anything going on and I really couldn’t tell you anything about her.
  3. I know Jess gets tons of Amazon packages but you’d think if they had plenty of money they’d move into a bigger place. Oh well, maybe next kid.
  4. I just mean because she tries to connect with people with her little talks like she’s so good at reading people. I don’t think she is but she fancies herself as some empath.
  5. Sandy fancies herself the Deanna Troi of the ship as well as a captain and she might as well take over the galley completely the way she’s micromanaging. She just needs skintight jumpsuit with a communicator on the front instead of a walkie talkie. Sorry, had to geek out for a second there.
  6. Haha! I just got the Dick Butkus reference. Nice! Considering how much teddi supposedly exercises and restricts calories she’s not particularly thin. She’s healthy but she looks kind of big in a lot of pictures, pregnancy aside. Maybe it’s the broad shoulders and large, masculine face. She may actually need to do that just so doesn’t ballon up which she lives in constant fear of. She’s pretty big next to her skinny husband. He looks sickly to me though. I’m not sure what the big deal is if Denise et al did have a threesome. I’d probably say, and? Like who cares and why are you so concerned about my sex life? She makes it an issue by reacting. Ever season I like Kyle less and less. Her clothing is tragic second to Kim’s face.
  7. I’m not a fan of giving kids large amounts of money but you have to then prepare them to be independent so they can support themselves which they have not. But since appearing on the show is more or less their job, they should be compensated.
  8. What’s with all the poofy sleeves? Teddi looks absolutely colossal and even rinna looked bad, especially with that wig or topper thing she has going on.
  9. Something about Leah makes me feel like I need to get a penicillin shot when ever I see her. She can make the demurest of outfits look trashy. She’s just gross and honestly not even very attractive.
  10. Karen is very composed and poised which makes her seem older than she is, since most 30 year old on reality tv are pretty immature for their ages.
  11. I’m probably the only one and I’m okay with that but I find Amelia and Bennett annoying and not as interesting as they’d like to think they are.
  12. I never would have guessed that man was Henry’s father. He does seem to love his son a lot but I could feel Henry’s discomfort and I wouldn’t feel good about embarrassing one of my kids like that especially if they were the sensitive sort. He kinda made it about him and look at how hilarious I am. His accent was awesome though.
  13. Poor Henry is trying to open up to Christina and she’s all “OMG, my earring!!” Olivia’s friend with the short hair was not having it with Brett. I’m pretty pissed they paired her with this goon.
  14. Jamie’s extensions are just tragic. That is all. Oh wait, Christina has a stank face. Now that is all.
  15. I ended up really liking this show though I almost stopped watching after Justin. He was a bit “on” for my taste, very image conscious and seemed super impressed with himself. Definitely anything for tall, blonde girls. Now, thank god for Ben, though I was watching through the cracks of my fingers but I’m really happy that all the women were pretty patient and friendly at least. I liked the single mom the most, but the writer was very nice and had a very open face that I liked. I’d like how he seemed to really listen to each person and found interesting things to ask to keep the conversation going. I wonder if the stammering is pronounced more because he was being filmed and if the women would have been willing to continue the dates if they weren’t, but I’m glad the one he picked seemed happy to spend the day with him. Deva is my queena. I could just listen to her speak all day. She was enchanting and mesmerizing. I can see why both men and women are attracted to her. She was really good about not leading them on and being gentle about it. That one poly guy gave me the creeps right off the bat especially when he said something about his ex “getting out of hand”. He sounded like he wanted a harem. Gross. She and Laura had great chemistry. Just lovely to watch. Rueben seems like he’d be fun to hang out with as a friend. The “no doubt” utterances were a bit excessive though. Heather was so annoying. Very pretty, but her voice was just awful and I cringed when she started speaking. She chose the right guy I thought in the end but I was surprised by how easily she handed out the compliments but she sounded like cocktail waitress, with the “hiya handsome” stuff. She did not handle Truman well at all, trying to put it on him as to why she wasn’t interested but I honestly think he was relieved. I know I would have been. That’s as far as I’ve gotten and I didn’t realize there was an earlier season so I’ll have to go back at watch that. It definitely felt more authentic than a lot of other dating shows. I have to say, getting a taste of that NOLA vibe was making me want to up and move.
  16. I would add staff psychologist and possibly chief engineer for all we know. I used to cut sandy more slack than a lot of people but I’ve had it up to here (points above my head) with her. Jess’s lips are distracting. A but overdone and all that lip gloss. Aww, Kiko is a Libra like my husband. Such good people, but I have to tell him to shit or get off the pot sometimes to make a decision. Kiko had a rough childhood, his story was heartbreaking. He’s a sensitive soul and I’m pissed Sandy brought him to tears. Sometimes I like Bugsy but then she just seems like an an annoying person to be around for any length of time.
  17. That translator app was the best scene of the night. Ariel is what you get when you continue to change your kid’s diaper after they’re an adult. Does Bini’s kid live in the US? Is he helping to support him? He seems a sympathetic sort but I would have questions for him. Melyza should see if Jonathan is available. She’s way more mature than Fernanda. I honestly can’t image what she sees in cheesedick but if it’s a green card she can do so much better. Her English is on point and she seems quite accomplished. Deaven needs to go home. She doesn’t need another baby to take care of.
  18. Maybe Melyza should see if Jonathan is available? The guy that bought the boobs for Fernanda? He’s a much better option than that douche bro.
  19. Does anyone want to punch Kenny in the dick right now? Nothing ever “just happens”. Please break up with this tool.
  20. Even as a cisgender woman I have no desire to slobber over my husband in public.
  21. Oh crap, I must be tired because I thought you said Special Olympics. Please forgive me.
  22. I must have missed something but why does she think Colt needs to defend her for?
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