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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. It’s so bizarre that Mary is a ‘spiritual leader’ when she has no understanding of humility, penance or forgiveness. she can’t even fake them like the usual religious scammers. I’ll never get why people give her money. Those people usually have some charm, at least. They’re all just so weird.
  2. Heather really loves having Shannon under duress. Shannon’s insecurities are so obvious, and Heather is cruel to use them against her any chance she gets. Shannon should say “Ok, I tried.” Then, ice Heather out and love her best life right in Heathers face. Shannon’s daughters are Stunning! Noella seems like an attention sponge and exhausting. Other one with the face is stealth nasty.
  3. I won’t get to see the supersized episode-if anyone can post here what was in the never before seen scenes, that’s be greatly appreciated!!
  4. I always thought Terry was a decent looking guy, but when he walked in with Heather to confront Nicole, he looked like Leatherface. Hell, they’re all so tampered with, it was like everyone was wearing a skin mask. Can we please all go back to wrinkles?? It’s getting scary.
  5. Didn’t Jen accuse Mary of being racist last season for saying she wouldn’t go into a store if black people are standing outside of it? And tonight, the Mexican and chubby comments. Wow. What is she teaching at this ‘church?’ She’s vile. Everyone sees Lisa for who she is, and she can’t handle it. Starts fake crying, yelling cliches about ‘go ahead-run away! That’s what you do!’ Lol I haven’t heard that in a fight since I was a teenager. She ran right to Mary, not to ‘process’ but to cover her ass for spilling the Cameron beans. She and Meredith (why tho??) totally threw Heather and Whitney under the bus. Heather fell apart like Lisa hoped, but Whitney held her own. Had to laugh at the shot of Heather when Mary said she wanted her purse back. You know Heather’s keeping that bag haha
  6. Never, in all my Real Housewives viewing years, did I think Heather would have the 2nd most real looking face of the OC cast. (After Gina. Gina, Girl-run back to the Island! Before the Stepford surgeons get you!) Emily’s all puffed and lifted and squinty in the face, but at least she looks like she eats. The rest-yikes.
  7. I’m so happy for Elliot. He seems like a sweet guy who really loves his siblings, and he looked great at the end. Hope his mom gets help someday. She must be exhausting to deal with. Didn’t care for his dad much-just leaves 5 kids with a woman he knew was unstable. It’s that all or nothing parenting style. He only wanted them if he never had to deal with her, and that’s selfish.
  8. Was this the season finale? I feel like nothing happened the entire season lol
  9. I knew that Melanie was full up in it. Her first interview, she was so phony and her poor husband, standing by her side-watch your back!
  10. Wow, she didn’t stand a chance with that family. Her mom had a weird sunny disposition while describing the horrific childhood this girl had. And Dad seemed checked out. I think I’d do a lot more than just shrug if my daughter’s stepfather was feeding her drugs and raping her. No one fought for this girl. I hope she finds the fight within herself before she kills herself.
  11. These women are so strange. If someone spoke to me like that, the last thing I’d say to them is “I love you.” I don’t get it. Mary has zero appeal. She’s sour, conceited and all around bizarre. How does she even have friends, let alone followers who want to give her their money? Then again, I feel the same about pretty much this whole cast. Whitney, Jennie and Heather could be fun, when not trying too hard to ‘be fun.’ The rest, Zzzzzzzz
  12. Meredith and Lisa are the worst actresses. Every scene they’re in together, it’s like they’re trying to remember the script they worked out together. The way they both speak, every word is so over exaggerated and fake. They don’t seem like they’d be any fun to spend time with at all.
  13. Last thing a nervous patient wants to hear their doctor say after they reveal an embarrassing condition: “Oh, Wow.”
  14. This whole episode was the same conversation over and over for an hour. Her neediness must be Exhausting in real life. The dramatic pause and plop down on the rock ‘it’s not good.’ How do they keep a straight face through all their ‘OMG what’s wrong!?’s? ”I wanted him to meet my family and my pets!” She was acting like he died.
  15. The super smooth faces are starting to freak me out. There were two blonds who looked nearly identical and then Whitney, who I could tell apart because her hair was shorter. I thought it was just Whitney and one blonde girl and then-wait, is that her again? Nope, another blonde smoothface. Like they were being cloned in the next room. Ladies, Stawp! You all look like you’re wearing masks.
  16. It’s Bizarre how that moment was just dropped in and rushed over, with them just laughing and laughing..I was waiting for Someone to stop -record scratch style-and say “woah, what did you say?!” So weird.
  17. If I asked a friend to be my surrogate, and she expressed Any doubt-as a friend-I would immediately give her an out and say “I totally understand. It’s a lot to ask and I appreciate you even considering it.” Whitney, instead, gets angry and acts like they’ve done her wrong. So selfish and not how a real friend would act. Run, Heather, Run!!!
  18. Jen “we’re going ice fishing. I just need your full name, phone number, email, height, weight, bra size, mother’s maiden name, first car you owned, kids’ birthdates and the last 4 digits of your social security number.” Everyone “OK. Woohoo ice fishing!!”
  19. I agree. She wouldn’t be supportive of a client that was striving. She would be competitive. I always think about the time she immediately had to embarrass Heather at Chase’s younger/thinner people party. Heather looked really pretty and because Whitney was feeling insecure, she loudly called out the fact that Heather was wearing support undergarments.
  20. It’s so funny how Kyle looks everyone up and down from shoes to hair when she greets them. That would make me so self-conscious, but I dress for comfort not fashion. I loved Garcelle at the resort ‘if two twin girls in dresses pop out, I’m leaving! You know they always kill the black person off first!” She doesn’t fit in with these women because she’s too good for them. Yes, she can ask some really blunt questions, but that’s what they want, right? Honesty? But Only when the honesty makes her look bad. When it puts Them on the spot, it’s called ‘throwing jabs.’ I’d love to see her with a fun cast who aren’t so gang mentality about maintaining the status quo. Crystal is the girl who sits back, listening to everyone, but saying nothing, commits to no opinion until she sees where the majority leans, then adds a snotty “me too!” when the conversation is already over. I’d Love to see how she’d act if Sutton had the Mean Girl Squad on her side. Who leaves a loved one when they’re at their lowest point while judging everyone else for not doing their emotional support work for them? Ericka. I wouldn’t question her either. I’d just keep encouraging her to talk and talk and talk. On the positive side, loved seeing the resort.
  21. I would actually Love a game or tv lounge room decorated in total Beetlejuice or Alice in Wonderland style! But Mary is such a negative, egotistical person...there’s nothing about her that says ‘whimsy.’ So, it doesn’t fit.
  22. The producers’ influence on judging seems more obvious this season. Some of their critiques were really inconsistent. Carla would say, “Dude!” Then, another judge would say the same cake was too dry & you’d see Carla nodding in agreement. Plus, the heavy handed repeating of how the one team’s story was ‘confusing’ when I thought others were much more convoluted. Just seemed the winners were pre-chosen, and the critiques edited to match.
  23. Meredith’s mama bear ferocity is making me like her more. Heather has a weird combination of severe insecurity combined with these moments of thinking she’s the shit. Hard to explain. I couldn’t be friends with her because she seems fake, like she’s taking notes or something. Jennies kids are cute, but a little goes along with with reality tv children. Jen Shah? Ugh. She cycles through all her tricks in a row. Act Confused. Deny. Yell. Cry. Pout. Apologize. Then immediately do the wrong thing again. “What did I do!? Did I re-tweet funny comments? Yes, so what? They were funny?.....I was hurt too! I was protecting my vagina!” Lmao
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