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Everything posted by Llama

  1. I think Pandora started crying thinking he wanted to know his parents who gave him up. She just never turned back to the camera. Lisa was telling her to stop crying and not think that is what I got from that
  2. Some friend Brandi is! She didn't ask for this my ass! I bought not a thing out her mouth of supposed concern to LisaR. Kim - you don't like people talking about those you love?!? In defense of Brandi? Oh chick I am going to enjoy the burn you get from this. Your best friend outed your call not your sister! Give her some damn credit. Enjoy that hill you rolling down, your buddy won't be there to help you.
  3. How about she probably twisted in her head that Brandi saw her before Kyle and therefore just trying to embarrass her because clearly Brandi cares so much more!! Riiiiight! Kyle was right...why mention that she calls you late at night if you care so much. Why put her in blast like that....oh yeah gotta make my storyline! Get off my TV Brandi!
  4. How about that wasn't even an invite?!!? That mess was laughable. Discussing about possibly throwing a party is not you getting an actual invite and you know you didn't!! Let's keep on twisting crap Brandi to fit your story - oh that's right you don't have one!!!
  5. Kim is a master manipulator. Let's turn this back to me and make you feel guilty for not just doing what I want. I was pissed Kyle didn't say from jump get out. I get she was trying to please Kim but there is no pleasing that Heffa! Ugh....and I like Kyle. All the HW of all the franchises do this 'my gays' business and they should stop.
  6. I am so freaking hot right now!!!! They both desired a slap to the face - Kim and Brandi! News flash Brandi the top attention whore I see is YOU!!!!
  7. THIS IS THE PERFECT DESCRIPTION!!! I'm watching now and my goodness I can't believe they are real!!!! Virtual high-five!!!
  8. The 'this is your brain on drugs' commercial popped in my head! How fitting!
  9. Brandi's care has NOTHING to do with caring for Kim! She just sat in glee about 'Kyle knowing' she's there for her or some shit she said in the car to Kim. She kept inserting herself in their convo. Let them talk! You are making it more of a scene. Ugh. I wanted to deck her through the TV! Kim is loving this crap too. She tells Brandi you can't do that she's my sister...about to leave her (Brandi). Then there is wonky editing where she's all hugging on Brandi. Both of them beyond annoying.
  10. I am trying to get through all the pages but I recall Kim telling Paul she was on meds whatever season that was when she was "getting sober" from alcohol so it wasn't ever really sober. She is used to pills too.
  11. Welcome Dani331 She suuuure did say it was during a time they were together. No one trying to come for her...she inviting it!!
  12. It wasn't during an off cycle and that's what upset her. She told Cynthia they were together during that time. Then the whole 'she knows him (Bobb)' - 2 b's really? These women give me a headache but next week looks hilarious - the number 8 may get a lot of play lol! You know what would open Cynthia's eyes to Peter's shadyness...the investor guy Marcus from The Profit. Peter couldn't run that game on him. She's going to need Suze Orman before a divorce lawyer.
  13. What was the line that season..."Bye ashy!" LMAO
  14. For real!!! Gretchen STILL can't pronounce words correctly! You can't talk smack when the people have to decipher what you are trying to say!
  15. When it seems that most of the reunion was spent on repeated words Lydia and Jackie say - I think they need to call it a day with this series. And the words or lines weren't funny!!! That host looked more pulled than Janet!
  16. I only saw the last 10 mins or so and thought the exact same thing!!!! Stop dumping on Alex Shonda!!!
  17. I'm sure I'll fall asleep on that as I did with the all women episode. Ugh. Stop giving the tired player a platform! I bet he getting new women approaching him too. Why who knows but someone will think they are the ONE to save him and be the reason he didn't do the snip!
  18. Ha! She couldn't come up with something better than that?!? Man, for someone who claims to be sooo together who knew all it takes to do her in is make her change 4 times a day!
  19. I should have more so said burn him that quickly. That would need to burn a long time to do some damage no? They seemed to be in an area that would get noticed quickly if there was a fire.
  20. They certainly can't burn him with just lighter fluid lol! I'm in for the show so far. Love me some Viola.
  21. This is the bomb!!! I figured right about who was dead. Not really sure what that says about me though - other than maybe I can get away with murder or I watch too many crime shows!!! LOL
  22. Quetzal posted an article up thread on Giba that may explain the makeup thing. I'd be annoyed with that as well but goodness if Andrea soooo loaded get new towels and send her a bill. LOL! Andrea seems to be trying waaaayyyy too hard to prove how together she has it too. I bet it's not as smooth as she wants people to believe. Which would be ok and make her human - which I doubt the more I see her face doesn't move either! Is she a secret stepford wife? Happy Monday!!!
  23. Hot sauce and saltine crackers with them - delicious! Well to me any who. :)
  24. I haven't watched this since the second episode, and turned on this rerun now. Andrea basically flipped off Gina while running off her list on her fingers, yet who's rude? This mess sounds like grammar school. Andrea and Lydia - idiots. It annoys me when someone tries to tell me I'm not living my life. Hmm last I checked it's THEIR life to live at their choosing. Miss me with that mess. Janet - some friend. 25 years if friendship and that soooo upsets you about her being late you wait till you both on tv and with others you've known a much shorter time. But you the better one?!? Ok. Get your face to move more then maybe I'll believe the crap you selling.
  25. Aww...seeing this I must tell you Lablover27 I always enjoy your posts - here and when on TWOP. :) A cyber hug to you for the years of entertainment. :) I'm just catching up on the thread. I saw most of the ep but you guys are killing it with the commentary!! I'm only two pages in. I howled when Tamra said she didn't want the world to know she was crazy! Scrambled Fog -your "Heather" vocabulary to describe it - genius!!
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