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Everything posted by Llama

  1. THIS!!!! I was like NOTHING is real on you Kim! Shut up!! LOL!
  2. Mike was cracking me up with his commentary! The both of them are crazy so it is a match (paraphrasing) really cracked me up. I did not understand that at all! I would have run if I was GG. Not really feeling that ring. I guess he fooled me lol!
  3. There is a series on Oxygen (looks to be the 2nd episode airing tonight) that just started. I found your comment when searching to see if a Forum had been started for this. It is called "The Disappearance of Maura Murray"
  4. Agreed! Yes, MJ just kick the guy out and not listen and it's over. You know you can't do that with a child right? Oy vey!! She needs a therapist - ASAP!
  5. I completely agree with the therapist/psychiatrist thoughts. I said pretty much to same to a friend. I really don't think he's dealt with his mother's passing completely. Not that you can ever get over that but how he explains things after stunted his growth some.
  6. Did Matt ever claim Jasmine? I think he was pretty clear trying to avoid her for some time. I can't rewatch to see if I missed something lol! On Taylor, I was trying to catch what she said to Derek and it didn't seem like she said it the right way. Granted FU is strong words to respond with, but she doesn't seem to consider others feelings when she's giving such 'great' advice.
  7. Be glad you saved yourself from Jasmine's meltdown. Annoying and delusional. I think she created a relationship with Matt in her head because he didn't seem all that into her when they returned. Paradise isn't Matt's jam it seems.
  8. When you need puppets, this isn't funny. Matt peacing out and Jasmine still being upset - girl you weren't together! Kristin needs a backbone too. I am enjoying the single life more and more LOL!! Daniel is only good for some entertainment (I don't find him that funny) but he is not attractive to me (well not in the face lol!!)
  9. I'd like to not hear Jasmine speak anymore either. These voices!! He found it!! Yes!
  10. I am so confused on how Kristina is ok with that conversation with Dean. No wonder most of them are single. Oy vey!
  11. She completely missed that Matt told Kristin he would go on a date with her. He seems to want to get away from Jasmine at everg turn. He asked her permission - man up dude!!
  12. I've read all 6 pages, and re-watch this scene and have not seen it mentioned so maybe I'm reading more into it, but did anyone else wonder why they focused on Beth handling William's medication? It almost seemed like she gave the appearance of taking it out the bottle but we never saw it taken out the bottle. So why zoom in on it?
  13. They never said what she needed to get herself together from. The mom just kept saying she did it for her and the kids. The mom told her they were her numbers and Marie barely seemed to register appreciation at first until Iyanla said something. Her mom only ever slapped her in the face as a kid and she asked herb,mom why. That she was only a kid and couldn't say anything because she was her mother. She didn't feel like she had her mom there for her so why would anyone else be (maybe this could be her 'get herself together' but I was rolling my eyes so much at this I could have missed it). Marie's dad was also a drug dealer and user. Momma may still has the kids. I don't recall it being addressed why. Marie moved out the plantation and is with all her kids at an undisclosed location (I think the mom with them too). She still plan to marry this fool when he get out. Hence my eye rolling I may have eliminated some info because why even do this then?! She won in 2015 and gonna be broke before 2017 over I bet. Just because you get money doesn't mean you should own a business. Certainly not for no fool who you bailed out THREE times at a total of $21m. You didn't get $188m tax free soooo.
  14. Yes!! Can't forget Taraji P Henson. 45 and working it (though I wasn't a fan of that particular outfit she looks fabulous).
  15. Lincee has been writing recaps for years. Hope you enjoy - it is my favorite part of Tuesdays lol!! Episode 1 - http://www.ihategreenbeans.com/bachelorette-jojo-season-12-premiere/ http://www.ihategreenbeans.com/bachelorette-jojo/ Take on the guys from their bios before show aired - http://www.ihategreenbeans.com/bachelorette-jojo-contestants/
  16. Chad - the king of jackwagons - said something like 'the problem with Jordan is he isn't his brother'.
  17. YES!!! I thought the same about Jordan and Chase I think it is too. I missed the intros so didn't know he was a Rodgers. Same about Jake. I busted out laughing when he 'strutted' in. Um still a dufus and that sooo wasn't needed. I hope she takes Ali's advice and ignores who she's really into for a week. What an admission and the Roberto one too! for a previous poster - Alex was the Marine I believe. Hottie.
  18. This gave me a good chuckle for some reason. LOL!! I haven't heard anything, but I am without E News channel now. I don't recall ever hearing anything like that.
  19. And by the over done lashes! She could hardly keep her eyes open lol
  20. Rinna 51%; LVP 15 or 16%; Eileen 15% the rest small numbers. Top of my head memory. I look forward to catching up on the snark in the morning. You all are better to read than a book! :)
  21. I've never been married so I have no clue how any of this works LOL! My final plea as I go to sleep - clean house Bravo. Don't dress it up with bronzer like Erika's new boobs :)
  22. How about Yolanda not believing Kyle when she backed up that LVP did not bring up Munches!?!! Then goes back to the table saying LVP said she had nothing to do with it or part of the convo when that is not the question Yolanda asked her?!? She said Rinna told her she started Munches is that true?! Ugh so glad I don't have cable to rewatch this tonight lol!!
  23. I think on WWHL Yo said she was surprised about her divorce. I recall saying out loud - BULLSHITE!!
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