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Everything posted by vibeology

  1. I am heartbroken about the end of Jayla. With Jeff dead and Layla mourning this show has run out of happy people. No one is in a good place right now. I get that dramas need drama but they also need humour to balance it out. Right. Now there is nothing. I did love Colt for actually having morals and trying to get the truth out. Will tore into Gunnar just the way I do at my TV at least once an episode. He was also such an amazing friend to Avery and Layla. I thought Layla dealing with her grief was actually very moving. I hated Scarlett's hair and was indifferent to her storyline. I managed to hang on with Juliette through some of her shittiest behaviour these last few weeks but the way she treated Layla just disgusting.
  2. Ugh. Too much Darvina and now we're adding her friends. The first dance she critiqued, she showed she has no idea what she's talking about. last week Alek danced a Samba, this week a Salsa. If you know dance, you know the difference. This show needs at least one of Kristen, Jake or Anna to make it worth my time.
  3. Oh Hyle! I think he's a great character. I've never minded Brienne's chapters because her supporting characters are just some of my favourites.
  4. I'm one of those John Noble fangirls so I'm so happy to have him show up here. Its only been a few minutes so its hard to say yet but I do think he's the perfect mix of Sherlock and Mycroft.
  5. The walk home scene was incredible. The switch form Don't Worry, Be Happy to a horror movie soundtrack was perfection. That's basically what I hear in my head any time I'm walking alone at night. I loved the citizens arrest scene too. "If it isn't real how do we both know the term?" killed me. That seems like a strange way to judge if something is real or not.
  6. That comment was about the lift she did in the team dance two weeks back and has nothing to do with the dance off. Alexa did a great job with that lift.
  7. Emory was channeling Jessica with his direction to not "be scared of horses." It was one line but it was epic. I also loved the boys being so confused about dating. I feel like in 7th grade its pretty messy and awkward. Louis and the Asian stereotype was a great plot and I was really drawn into his concerns about being the model minority or comic relief minority. He just wanted to be a guy who had a business and was sometimes funny. I love that the show tackled that and I think they did a very good job handling a difficult concept. Grandma falling asleep and missing her cue and Eddie bringing back his reeling them in dance also made me laugh.
  8. Kevin was the hot one? Kevin was so old and looked it. I'm about to turn 30 and I knew many BSB fans back in junior high. Most loved Nick, Brian had a decent following and I knew one girl obsessed with AJ but everyone I knew thought Howie and Kevin were old and ugly. The idea that in the media Kevin was "the hot one" is blowing my mind. I really feel like Nick was the BSB with the most name recognition but who knows, my sample of tween girls might have been biased.
  9. I don't think it's a coincidence that the two contestants with brain injuries got the most experienced teachers this year. I'm sure, for insurance reasons, Victor's memory issued were disclosed at casting and the show wanted to make sure his pro would be good at dealing with him. Yes, they want the young hot pros to go deep in the competition but they also wants the stars to have positive experiences because if they don't it will get hard to book people in the future. I'm sure they put paring Victor with a strong teacher ahead of worrying about height since all their current pros would have been taller than him in heels.
  10. I really wish Alexa hadn't messed up twice because I loved the concept and execution of the dance otherwise. I want to give her props for the opening where she danced solo and managed to mostly capture the character of the AT while playing David. She was out of her head that moment and I thought she brought it. I'm glad we're at the end of Alison and Andy. It's mean because my issues are with her but I've never enjoyed their numbers. They spent all of six seconds in hold in that dance. all of the things the judges called Andy out for I blame Alison. It's hard to learn proper technique when your teacher is faking it till she makes it. I thought Nick's dance was over scored. It was lovely but not enough for perfect scores. I miss when that was rare and the judges only rewarded a perfect score to a few dances all season long. I think both Carlos and Alek were lucky they didn't hurt their partners. They both lost control during the most dangerous moves of their routine. In the dance-off, I wish Tamar could have gotten Andy's points since her dancing crushed what those two guys were doing. I didn't think she was popular (though I personally like her) but seeing those viewer scores was shocking. She really lacks fan support. I didn't see a squeaker between Carlos and Bindi. I thought her jive was lacklustre. Very little kicks, not much crispness and some serious reliance on her costume to create movement. Considering the state of her feet I'm not surprised jive was a struggle. I bet all that bounce on the balls of your feet hurts like hell. I'm glad the judges chose Carlos; I thought his dance had more content and was crisper.
  11. That's how I've always seen it too. Sybil Spicer is supposed to be an ambitious person. She used the money her family made as merchants to wed into a more important family and then when the guy who was winning the war showed up she saw it as a chance to have her daughter take another huge step up. When things started to turn, she turned too to keep her family in the best spot. We know Ravens can only travel to fixed locations and Tywin was on the move during the attack on the Crag, so he couldn't be involved in getting Jeyne in bed with Robb. Anything that happened once he was in King's Landing sure, but Tywin couldn't have set Robb up. That was just an ambitious family who saw the chance to marry their daughter to the King who was winning the war.
  12. I'm sad because I really wanted to love Louis as a guest but he was just alright. I thought Alek was a dick this week too but if Tamar gets a "editing" pass on her comments, I would think Alek should get a little leeway. The way Louis talked about Alek as the train hero just felt off and disrespectful. Also I hated how Louis fished for a compliment when he brought up his Emmy nomination. That's not cool. I did like his call for more ballroom because it's gotten ridiculous at this point. Jake, for once, didn't fight back so I guess he respects Louis enough. Also, the Alison shade moment was awkward and funny. For once the Alison fan club didn't jump to her defence. Suri's claim that she doesn't know the contestants and her opinions are only on the dancing was eyeroll inducing. She might not be friends with the stars but her relationships with the pros strongly influence her feelings. Finally, no Diva Darv. Bless because I was getting sick of her and her biases becoming fixtures on the show. I'm sure she'll be back but a reprieve was welcome.
  13. I get why she likes Josh. After the party, I like Josh. He wasn't a jerk or a dudebro. He was sweet to his new friend and made her wish of a good party come true. He clearly is kind of into Rebecca but mostly because he's unhappy with Valencia and Rebecca's worship makes him feel good about himself. At the same time, he wants to be a good boyfriend and a good friend. Its immature but for the first episode, I get him. The music was great. I could relate to "I Have Friends" song way too much. I've been that tween before. And The Josh Boy Band was a nice surprise.
  14. What happened tonight? I don't understand Tamar's scores, or Carlos's scores, or Bindi's scores. What is Alek talking about? I'm so confused. Tamar danced that very well. I watched it twice and I didn't see the "many errors" the judges were talking about. There was one moment that looked a little off to me, but the way the judges were talking I was sure she was going home and they were trying to justify it. Val looked pissed. Tamar looked pissed. And I can't blame either one. I'm not saying it was perfect, but that was some lowball bs. I think some of the complaints here and on social media have been overblown in past weeks, but this is clearly about getting her out next week. Carlos danced I guess? I couldn't really see it so I'm not sure how the judges scored it. It felt high to me, especially compared to Alexa who I thought had the superior Paso. Being able to see is a pretty important part of TV so I'm now sure how the show gets that one wrong. Bindi danced beautifully but the character was so off it was embarrassing. Its like when you're watching cringe worthy comedy and have to look away. All of her sneers were hilarious and I'm certain that wasn't the intent. High scores absolutely, but a perfect score? What? Alek kinda ruined that nice guy thing he had going on and I wish Lindsay had been more straightforward calling him out on his mistakes last week. I was all about him at the start of the competition but I'm ready to see him go home now. He danced better this week, but its still not great. Also I hated Alison's Paso. It turns out when she doesn't have an already trained dancer and a flawless pirate impression to hide behind, her Paso choreography is maybe her worst of all. That was devoid of Spanish lines, very repetitive and lacking any of the softer moments that only make the intense moments all the more shocking. Next season is going to be the best season ever. The team dances. I'm pleased Derek finally lost one so we never have to hear about him being undefeated ever again. Nice that they didn't feel the need to let couples know they were in jeopardy before the dance this time too. Frankly, I liked both dances, but I agree that Nightmare was the stronger dance. With Ghostbusters, the judges really did try their hardest not to call out Bindi for screwing up. Bindi/Witney/Lindsay all have similar hair but Alexa's looked totally different. It was very clear who messed up, but suddenly "who knows who that was" "you all look exactly alike." Whatever judges. I liked Ghostbusters, but there didn't feel like there was much dancing in it. The not hoverboard thing was silly. As for NIghtmare, maybe it was the table, the chair and some of the dancing around the table but I instantly thought of this. I wonder who got the idea to rip of Mia Michaels?
  15. I'm someone who believes Glenn is not dead. If he was dead, why so coy with the camera angle? Why have a very dead Nicholas do that weird post death spin to land on top of Glenn? I'm completely unspoiled and I don't read the comics and I still think Glenn lives. I also think we're many weeks away from that being confirmed. Next week is the Morga-thon, then we still have to deal with the dangers from this week. Rick is in trouble, Walkers are going to make it past Rick and reach Alexandria because he has no way to draw that many off, Michonne and co still have to hobble home and I'm still unclear how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham are supposed to break away from the Walker parade in the same vehicles they're using to lead it. The next two weeks seem pretty crowded without "pieces of Glenn" showing up. Alexandria is done. Even if they fix the walls and the blind spots, it's done as a story. There's no opposition there. Deanna is team Rick, most of the fighters died in the past couple of episodes and everyone else has seen CDB save the day. Something new has to be coming in terms of antagonists and I'm going to guess whatever is coming will be how Glenn survives.
  16. What even was Eli's end game? Peter just hired Ruth so Eli had to know that she wasn't getting fired since that would make for horrible optics. If it was just about making sure she had a bad day, then fine, but this particular plan was never going to be more than that. Getting rid of Eli then Ruth back to back would have killed Peter's campaign before it even began. I would have much preferred a racist store and a class action to the very predictable end we got. The moment the daughter said the sweater was a gift from mom, I had a feeling the story would end with mom having stole it. I'm no lawyer so is it realistic that Matan, who oversees murder trials and other huge cases, also is in bond court? And if bond court is about setting bail is it realistic that they've tried whole cases? Isn't bail for when a client pleads not guilty?
  17. Catelyn is so shrewd in this chapter and while it doesn't undo some of her political mistakes like arresting Tyrion or trusting Littlefinger, it does go a long way to showing that she is from a Southern family and better politically connected than the Northerners. She predicts the Theon/Bslon troubledps, she knows Karstark is going to be a problem, she sees Tywin's plans clearly, knows that there will be a problem with Edmure letting the River lords leave and has a pretty good sense of who Renly is and what will motivate him. If she were another Lord and not the King's mother, she'd probably be one of Robb's most trusted and valued advisors. Robb, though, cannot be seen being led around by his mother so she gets shut out and ignored so his men will respect him. The whole "the girls are worth less than a man" thing isn't just about Sansa and Arya; it's about where Catelyn fits into this world too. Even when she's the smartest person in the room or the person with the most first hand experience, she just matters less because she is a woman. Seeing her thoughts about putting an end to violence and bloodshed are especially sad considering where she ends up in the next few books.
  18. Part of the problem is ASOS is backloaded. I know it's many fans favourite book, but the pacing is off. The first two thirds of the book very little happens. Jamie's plot is strong, Dany's is pretty good, Arya does okay but for most of the characters the big things really happen Red Wedding and after. You get the Purple wedding, Tyrion's trial, Oberyn, the attack on the Wall. I think it works okay in a book (though the pacing is why it's not my favourite) but it really isn't a TV friendly plot. Sometimes I have issues with D&D but I cannot think of a better way to break the book up or make it work in one season.
  19. That other couple was being so obvious and rude about their interest in Dean though. It would have been okay if they acted friendly toward Stewart and Deb but also wanted to meet Dean. It probably would have been okay if they'd been upfront about the sick kid wanting to meet the Grinder at the charity dinner, but instead they were over the top phoney and then blew Stewart and Debbie off the moment Dean left.
  20. You know she's going to have a lot to say about Mark's scores.
  21. Karina. She looked amazing. If anyone can bear to go back and watch Paula again do it just to see Anna give face. Her face was so fierce and full of character for that dumb dance. She should be given ringers every year the way she performs and sells it. I've never said this before and probably never will again, but Tamar's dance needed more people on stage. It was pretty awesome but if there had been more people with her killing it at the front it would have been epic. I feel like the moment Carlos was uncomfortable with his assigned dance for religious reasons, the producers should have let him switch it up. I feel like Candace wouldn't have been given a striptease type of dance. Or any of the more conservative women who have been on the show over the years.
  22. That's not really her fault though. She can't exactly spoil the show for the sake of a good interview. She had to be coy. The real issue was booking her now at the start of Enid's plot instead of at the end. That's on the production team. Why book a guest who can't talk?
  23. vibeology

    S06.E02: JSS

    Morgan headed back to town early and wasn't there when the horn sounded. He doesn't know what's coming though he should be able to guess.
  24. vibeology

    S06.E02: JSS

    I forgot my other favourite thing: a successful death by scissors. The writers are just trolling the Beth fans now, right?
  25. vibeology

    S06.E02: JSS

    Next week, Deanna better get in that truck and guide the horde away to make u for how useless she was this week. If you're not even willing to try what sort of leader are you? Denise showed more guts as did the lady in the armory. I know Carol was the superstar badass of the episode, but I want to give props to Carl. He's a teenager, was in the middle of a love triangle and still managed to be one of the best fighters in town. As for Morgan, I think not wanting to kill people is admirable but when someone is slaughtering your town, you should fight back. If Morgan isn't willing to kill people, he won't make it. The whole episode was brilliant. Drama and gore. It was really tense and the fighting was really well done. Even Carol's mean girl Southern act at the start was so much fun.
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