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Everything posted by BatmanBeatles

  1. I've always wondered why Ma hated Indians so much?
  2. If you go to a small hick town never, ever make fun of the locals. It'll be the last thing you do.
  3. I do like the story Mr. Edwards told the girls about meeting Santa Clause.
  4. Ma mentioned they still had white sugar. She made those little heart shaped cakes that would have been their only gift if Mr. Edwards hadn't showed up.
  5. I hear five seconds of that song and that was a enough.
  6. I remember when Mary refused to play hop scotch because it wasn't lady-like. I thought "Since when?". It 's funny that what we considered normal play was too rough for a lady back in those days.
  7. Yes. That was the bitter powder Dr. Tan gave Laura.
  8. Some believed it was the humidity that caused malaria. I too never got why Jack couldn't ride in the wagon. He wasn't a huge dog.
  9. I don't remember Mother Wilder saying something in a gentle way.
  10. I saw another Cracked list like that. The one for Stand And Deliver depressed me.
  11. He and Russel Crow should make an album together.
  12. I once ruined a glass casserole dish when I left it on the stove and I turned on the wrong burner by mistake. It exploded and glass flew everywhere. I still find pieces of glass under the fridge when i sweep.
  13. The sequels to Back To The Future would have been better without Marty freaking out every time someone called him chicken.
  14. You don't have to have a detective license to solve a crime. You just have to be a writer or a great mathematician.
  15. I don't know the title of the song but the chorus goes, "Text me in the morning. Tell me that you love me..." I hear it every morning around the ten o'clock hour.
  16. I've always been curious about the milk fed pumpkin. How does that work?
  17. His mother and the girls must of spent most of their lives in the kitchen.
  18. The remake of The Wicker Man. Nick Cage dressed up like a bear and punching out a woman. Nick Cage punching out women in general These immortal lines, "How'd it get burnt?" and "Not the bees! Arrrrrgh!"
  19. That sometimes happens with the youngest. Parents tend to loosen up rules.
  20. What was the deal with the hoovercraft or whatever that was in the trailer?
  21. These are moments that didn't intend to be funny, but they turned out that way. Seven: The infamous "What's In the Boooox?" line.
  22. When you wake up from a nightmare, you sit straight up.
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