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Everything posted by Racj82

  1. The breakup - Mary Beth clearly had self esteem issues and she was worried that Travis would change and leave her behind when he became an athlete. They verbalized it on screen. Bit by bit we have seen changes in Travis that would confirm Mary Beth's fears. In reality, she's more projecting her own fears onto him. He didn't do anything outright to break Mary Beth's trust. But, if you are a insecure person, it doesn't take a lot. It's all been there on screen from the moment he joined the team. Really it was pretty much doomed the moment he joined the team because Mary Beth seems determined to paint Travis as this cocky jock that is moving past her. It's irrational but people are often irrational. Really both her and Emmett are acting extremely irrational right now but coming from different places. It's more about them and their own hang ups than anything Bay or Travis did.
  2. Is the break up out of nowhere? This was set up the moment Travis joined the teamed. In dialogue. Also, between that and the fallout from the Bay/Tank drama, they haven't been on the same page all season. I just have to say that I hate the Bay/Tank plotline even more at this point. I say this because they did just what I thought they were going to do. After all of that, it basically ends up being another way to drive a wedge between Bay and Emmett. Also, the minute Tank's life crumbles, we don't hear from the guy again and no one gives a shit about what he was going through. Dude could have jumped off a bridge or something by now. In touchy situations like this, I would like to see it from all angles. But, Tank was just a means to explore a issue they wanted to explore. It just blows. Bay is back to whining about art of Emmett every five seconds. I DON'T CARE.
  3. Cena is the number one guy in the company. There is no actual arguing that. The WWE doesn't push Bryan as the number 1 star, therefore he isn't. The man is in the IC title (a second tier title) picture right now. And Brock isn't around enough to be number one anything. The company relies on Cena for his merch, is great PR with the Make a Wish Foundation visits he does all the time (as other wrestlers have pointed out, other wrestlers do it but the company promotes the hell out of Cena's charity work). Kids love him and in a PG rated world, that is real important. In different time periods, there have been THE guy. Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock and John Cena is that person for them now. The issue with the company is that they have had Cena's back since 2004. They have never waivered from their confidence in him. He is protected the most (meaning he's made to look credible and all times, even in defeat). While with every other wrestler, they put time into them and then they move to someone else unless they are literally forced to by the fans (Daniel Bryan). The thing with Paige's tattoo is not over the top by the WWE. When you are an actor or entertainer in a avenue such as this, you physical appearance is very important. I remember when the first Becky on "Roseanne" wanted to get a shortcut and the bosses said absolutely not because it's not the look they wanted for her. That was just a haircut that would grow back. Roseanne actually took her and cut her hair so they would be forced to let her get the hair styled the way she wanted. With this tattoo, it's a huge change. There are clearances you need to go through to get that okayed. They might even be okay with it down the line but business wise, it's not the right time. They just did a new toy line a released a new game. Her likeness with the tattoo will date the products. The wrestler Randy Orton got sleeves (tattoos down the arm). That was a big a change but I'm sure there were discussions about when and how he would be designed. It's fucked up but you are basically their property. They own your likeness. You can't just make radical changes to your appearance without their input. Lastly, that tattoo is fucking ugly. I know a lot of guys that think Paige is the hottest female wrestler on the roster and that tattoo could throw a lot of people off. She doesn't need a huge dark tattoo on her chest with skin complexion either. I can't really blame the WWE on this one.
  4. They said very clearly why they were against it. Essentially, it's money. They have and are still making a lot of money off of toys and products with the looks of what the wrestlers already have. Putting a gigantic tattoo all over your chest and arm now quickly dates all of the products and they need make new models to match the wrestlers as they are on screen right now. The WWE doesn't care about tattoos. But, there is a time for everything. And of course, it wasn't just some tattoo. That tattoo would make the look of Paige radically different. The only plotline where I saw all parts of Paige's. Once Nattie got all jealous I didn't need to watch that anymore and I knew they would make up. I also didn't need to see Arriane running down her father over and over. I'm sure Vinnie's family gives no shits about anything she was worrying about. At this point, I think they have divas like Rosa, Arriane and Eva Marie on Total Divas because that is how they make money off of them. They are essentially on the payroll to be reality stars now. They can't wrestle. Probably will never be able to wrestle well. They can't cut promos so being a manager is pointless for them too. So, they use them here as casting for the show. Also, with that, they had to cut people out who don't need the show (pure speculation). Like, now, whenever Trinity is on Total Divas, they don't have to pay her as much because she's not a cast member anymore. I don't know if the Nattie/TJ drama is real. In some cases, it seemed to be a very genuine issue. But, I have hard time believing most stories Nattie is involved in. I never feel like anything she is involved in outside of genuine family and career concerns come off as real.
  5. Everyone needs to keep their damn hands to themselves. Bruno, Sylvia, Violetta. All of them. And they all should have been sent home weeks ago. None of it is okay.
  6. I hate to say that's the joke. But, the 9 to 5 game was clearly an old game made around the time the movie came out that mother got instead of Shaq fu. And if you don't have a certain amount of money, your probably still doing the 8 bit thing.
  7. Nothing about Barba's situation made me go "good". I felt awful for all involved. Barba had good intentions. But, I think Barba was thinking that removing his grandmother from the apartment all together would help out in the long run. His mom would probably still be trying to help constantly either way. But, yeah, I feel terrible for everyone. Also, not once did I have any thought that she killed herself. I still don't really. Not saying you guys are wrong. But, she was quite ill it seems anyway. I just figured she past away before she could move out.
  8. I love this episode (as always) but my favorite part was Rhonda looking at Andre at the party and having a reaction, "Oh here we go with this bipolar shit again". I cracked up.
  9. I see way too many people being accused of being int he closet. Nothing he has done makes him being in the closet seem logical at all. I don't think he's gay, I think he has no game. Two different things. Tony went from 0 to bitch real quick when those flowers showed up. Karma at no joke. I couldn't take all the crying in this episode. I was glad to see Madison and her sister reconnect but enough with the crying. Nicole going to NYC to be a EMT was mad random. They didn't bother following her or anything. There was also no set up for it. A cast member actually goes out into the real world and does something important (seemingly) and the crew rather tape the girls twerking. At least Bruno didn't turn into a rage demon this week. Although, I hate shit like the pranks. Because any other time, he would have thrashed the house if someone had did that to him. But, it's okay to fuck with other people. Anyways!
  10. Get her a car seat? For real? They weren't on a casual nightime summer drive. They aren't running around with car seats and stuff we have in everyday life.
  11. I also forgot to say that I'm happy Tony is accepting of his brother but I'm not patting the guy on the for it. Much like men being applauded for taking care of their children, that is stuff your supposed to do. So, I'm going to give you extra props for that. Good work being a sensible human being. Tony still sucks anyway.
  12. Well, my bad. I don't have time to be following people on twitter. I'm honestly not interested in what anyone says twitter so I wouldn't know. At the end if the day, i just think Leroy has taken sides. He sided with Reilly. He also called Jay a dirtbag for what he has done to Jenna so, whatever. Everyone is a hypocrite about something.
  13. That challenge would be the good guys vs the bad asses which they've done before. But, the issue is that all of these people are capable of being assholes or at the most unrootable. So, you never know.
  14. They always get a bill for damaged property at the end of the season. Some people just try to skip on it. Bruno is creating a huge debt.
  15. No one knows whether or not he got a blowjob. Much like the supposed blow job he got from Nia, no one actually saw anything. So, if he indeed didn't do anything in the back seat, than he can say what he wants.
  16. People seem to forget that on these trivia challenges there is a threat of being dropped or slung into water from great heights if you fuck up. That tends to mess with your mind. I would forget obvious things too if I was stressed like that.
  17. He did already. Zach completely flamed out the last time he was on in the last challenge and ended up in last place. He keeps talking about how great he is but he turned into a little bitch while doing the hiking part of the challenge. No one should be fearing him in this game.
  18. Dammit, three replies people! Anyway, I admit to hating whenever someone takes offense to another person being aggressive to a woman (because she's a woman). I get the sentiment behind it but Bruno shouldn't be doing that shit to anybody. Dude goes 0 to 100 too damn quick. Sylvia needs to keep her hands to herself though. Also, she's been popping off most of the season for no real reason so she has no leg to stand on either. Bruno and Sylvia can kick rocks at this point. Although, I think it's funny that Violetta was the one talking and Bruno went off on Sylvia. She had nothing to do with the initial issue. Nicole needs to leave this fool alone. She's constantly running around trying to calm Bruno's ass down even after he nearly attacks her in the process. Just stay away from that dude. Madison/Tony make me want to vomit. Together or apart they annoy me. Jason should have took his happy ass home around the time his baby was expected to arrive. I don't mind him doing whatever before the birth. That's on him but he should have been there for the birth. Jason continues to be the most sane one in the house.
  19. Of course. I was partially joking. I didn't need the click though. I do think the series has been getting better week to week but them comes with fleshing out the characters. It's a big old night time soap but I'm glad I care about the characters too.
  20. I've said this before, Jason's skeleton is going to end up being his dad that he never sees. It will tie into what he's going through now and it seemed pretty clear from the previews of the season. The things, skeletons in your closet doesn't HAVE to be high drama. Most of this season Nicole has been played as the life of the party and a "playa" but her sisters being there explored how bad it is for her in reality (all of the cheating and everything). It also exposed her in a way we hadn't seen before (with the accent and everything seemingly overdone on purpose).
  21. Finally? I don't know where you've been. I think the show has been great from the jump. It isn't killing in the ratings for nothing.
  22. as I said, his reaction was never justified, I'm just saying it's not just about his burgers being eaten
  23. As with the tuna thing, it's not about the food. With the hamburger, it was about people just helping themselves to something that isn't theirs. With how brother, it's about everything that was said afterwards. He can keep saying it's about food all he wants but it's not really about that. Not saying that Bruno isn't completely out of line when he says such things or pops off like he did last week but it was never about the actual food.
  24. I don't know why people say this every time a down to earth cast member is cast. There is always one to two cast members every year that are low on the drama. It happenes every year. They don't cast everyone to be crazy.
  25. I complete see why Tank wont say he did something wrong. If he says did something wrong, based on how people are reacted, he raped Bay. Of course he doesn't want to say that because he doesn't believe he did rape Bay. Once he says what he did was wrong, it's just going to open up a whole new can of worms for him. In regards to Toby, he's feeling like no one believes him. Two friends he trusts seems to be accusing him of rape. Like he said, he feels like he's in a nightmare and no one believes him. At end of the day, this is all murky. I and pretty much every I know has had sex while intoxicated and/or while the other was intoxicated. I don't recall ever asking if anything is okay. Because, we are both going for it. I move based on action. But, I don't know anyone who asks questions every step of the way. It's just something happens and it doesn't become an actual deal until someone makes it a deal. I don't mean to say that the person (say Bay for example) is in the wrong for feeling how they feel. But, to look at it from Tank's point of view, they had a drunken hook up. People do it all the time. It's college. They were just going with the flow. He didn't feel that he was taking advantage of her. I just feel awful on Tank's end. I mean obviously I feel for Bay and what's shes going to go through. But, I can't imagine being on cloud nine and thinking a girl you really like finally going for it with you and then the next day you being labeled a rapist by people you trust. Someone brought up a good point that as a administrator, when Toby's girlfriend hears about this, she has a duty to report this whether or not Bay does. I think Tank is going to to end up being expelled from school and that's how they write him off. From what I have seen of the character and the incident, I just don't want to see that for him, In regards to who was more drunk. Every single person reacts to alcohol differently. When it comes to memory, you can remember specifics while not remembering the whole picture. So, Bay being hyper aware of certain things but not remembering a lot of it isn't weird. Neither is Tank being hyper aware of the use of protection, what she said, etc. Not to be TMI, I remember one hook up I had that was totally random and we were drunk and I remembered barely any of the specifics the morning after but to this day I remember using a condom and her making sure I had one. This relates to Tank in that I'm super confident of this because even while drunk, my being scared of STD's and having a unplanned child always comes clear. So, the main focus the next morning and during the hook up was that protection was used even if a lot of the other specifics weren't. I made sure I found the protection used and everything the next morning as well (again sorry about the TMI). But with Tank, I could see that even if he doesn't remember a lot of the specifics, he would remember say protection being used or even Bay initiating a hook up because that's what he has wanted for so long. He could just be remembering what he wants to see instead of reality. But, there is another gray area. But, this is just a mess. It's possible someone spiked her drink. She may have had a concussion. Two different stories are being remembered. Even if Tank never meant to do any harm to Bay he could end paying dire consequences. It's just all bad. I feel bad for everyone and I felt ill watching it. I care jack shit about Daphne or whatever other BS is going on. All of that is super filler for me right now.
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