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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. Loren seems pretty annoying. I like Alexei more than her. And at least those those two seem like two people who might actually be together in no-green-card-needed land... Same with the two boring Mormons. The stuff about her going to clubs in Russia or whatever...don't care.

    The train wrecks! That's what I'm here for!! That lady is nuts for thinking Devar is into her. And Mark is such a mess I'm not even going to bother typing about it right now!!!!

    • Love 6
  2. It's 100% creepy.  She is still a teenager and he is older than my parents (and I'm 37).  He is a dirty old man plain and simple.  The clip of the little wave he gives her in one of their skype calls.. which basically looks like a salutation you'd give to a child, makes my skin crawl.  A 58 yr old has no business taking advantage of a young woman who isn't even old enough to enjoy a glass of wine in this country.  It seems borderline criminal.

    Yeah the way that he speaks to her like she's a little girl - not like regular condescending, but treating her as if she's, literally, a child - at times totally creeps me out. Any man treating someone 40 years his junior like that while simultaneously trying to get in her pants gets some SERIOUS SERIOUS side eye from me, yah.

    • Love 16
  3. I think this is yet another case of designers taking Tim's advice when they shouldn't have.  If Swapnil had stayed with his original vision and tweaked it a bit, he could have made something beautiful that Sourpuss may not have liked, but the judges may have.  I don't think "lazy" should have anything to do with judging.  If the designer is able to put something on the runway that the judges like, why does it matter if that designer didn't have to work as hard as others to do so?  

    I agree! Remember last season when Kini kept being done real early and then just taking naps/lounging in the break room the rest of the time?? No one called him lazy! ...Swapnil was doing great in the beginning! It seems like he only tanked once Tim and the judges started slinging the "You're lazy and don't try! Ugh!" stuff at him. I think for whatever reason Tim didn't like him from the beginning and started a whole drama thing about "he's lazy" with the judges, even though Swapnil was still doing very well. I think that got in Swapnil's head and caused him to combo choke/give up. I completely think it was his time to go last night...but it's a shame if that's what happened. Whatever, he's got a career in India and he's talented and I don't think he needs haughty Nina Garcia to make/save his career!

    • Love 9
  4. If you had told me at the start of the season that I'd like Kelly and she'd make top 5, I'd have laughed.

    Ditto! From the Road to the Runway and very beginning of the season, I thought she would irritate me to no end...for like, 3 weeks tops... But she has grown on me a lot, she seems fun and I like that her clothes are relatively distinct to her, versus some of the other designers that make pretty forgettable stuff over and over. And her and Edmond are the only ones I think seem that pleasant to be around at this point!

    • Love 16
  5. Can we just take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of Zac Posen's expressions.


    Oh yes. Zac really shined in this episode, haha... I was glad he didn't let Swapnil keep rambling about his "confidence." I don't believe that either. I think Zac would have kicked him off weeks ago...

    I liked Kelly's! I'd never wear it myself, but I liked it and it looked well made. Her's was really the only one I liked. The top half of Merline's was okay, but I didn't like the skirt. Everyone else's was varying degrees of ugly.

    • Love 5
  6. There are a couple articles about him and his restaurant - when it was open.  The restaurant's Face Book page and twitter have all been locked but here's a link that lists his background.  Read the Web References. He sounds impressive on paper.  Wonder where he's employed now?  And why did the males strippers take over his restaurant's exact web domain?  And they're aussies, too.



    Thanks for the info!


    Did they request those things, or are those just the “impressive” things Leon happens to have recipes for and he was paralyzed until he had them in hand?  I think Kate’s point was that if he had provisioned in anything but fucking beef cheeks, he could have improvised with all sorts of things.  Pork loin meant for sandwiches at lunch the next day, or veggies meant for the next day’s chopped salad could have been repurposed for an early course in the tasting menu, and a CHEF would have done that on the fly. It’s almost the whole premise of most cooking competition shows – here are the ingredients on hand, now GO!  

    My understanding about why Leon didn't have that food was that the guests sent their preference sheet before they got there that had stuff they wanted, but it did not include the frog legs, rabbit, etc. But then when they arrived and the guy talked to Leon about what they wanted for their tasting menu, he requested that Leon make those things. But Leon hadn't bought them because they weren't on the initial preference sheet used to do the shopping. 


    I fully agree that Leon is lazy though. I'm tired of him griping every time he has to cook something that isn't beef cheeks...you're on a boat, obviously people on vacation are going to want some random food that you probably didn't feel like making. Ben did the same exact thing though!!! He did it all the time - bitching and moaning about doing anything he didn't feel like, or being expected to serve a meal sometime before midnight when he had all damn day to chop the beef cheeks or whatever. He just did it with a smile on his face! Ben and Leon aren't very different to me, Ben just has a better personality to mask how lazy and whiny he was. I would rather have Ben come back though, so I don't have to listen to any more pointless Kate-Leon arguments...

    • Love 2
  7. Apparently, "Wink ll" has been permanently closed.  (But if you follow the link for Wink ll that is posted on his resumes, it leads to a website for male strippers. WTH?)

    Hahaha, classic. Where did you find his resume? I'd like to see it!

    • Love 1
  8. They eat frog legs raw?  Really?  She was just trying to be funny.  How many frog legs have you eaten?  How many times have you actually touched frog legs in your lifetime?  Exactly, in high school biology class. 

    Wow. There was no offense meant to be taken by my comment. I simply have a different opinion about it. Just because meat I order in a restaurant is cooked doesn't mean I want the prep cook not bothering to wash his hands after he's done mopping the floor. Maybe she washed her hands first, great. It's an observation about a reality show, no big deal. 

    • Love 3
  9. Formaldehyde-ridden biology class frogs are not for consumption... so that's a completely different scenario than the cleaning lady waltzing in the kitchen and putting her hands all over the food people are about to eat. I was surprised Leon didn't say anything about it. She better have washed her hands before doing that, else I find that pretty gross!

    • Love 4
  10. I hated that Joe person.  What a pretentious douche.  He wanted the menus printed, really asshole?  What's he going to do with them when he gets home?  I bet he'll keep them for awhile and then throw them in the trash, unless he's a crazy hoarder and has a room for all his menus or something.    I thought I'd save my menus from the QM2 and within a few months they went right in the bin.


    Hahaha, well his wife might have a pantry full, because "she really loves tasting menus." I'm going to imagine that means she enjoys quietly sitting at a table sampling exotic varieties of card stock, because Joe-wife eating a small plate of frog legs paid for by Bravo on a boat paid for by Bravo while simultaneously sneering about the lack of wine paid for by Bravo isn't actually interesting at this point! 

    • Love 2
  11. I don't like Leon much, but I can't really see why it was so wretchedly horrible to everyone that he didn't just happen to have rabbit meat and frog legs lying around when no one asked for it. Like he just stocks up on rabbit on a boat? Move over the lobster nearly every guest will actually want to make room for some rabbit cheeks? I don't know, he's whiny and acts like a child, but Kate's a loser with a pretty intensely misplaced sense of superiority, so those two are a wash in my mind!


    Also, that main guest guy (Joe?) was so awful. I think I might have had an irrational level of dislike for him, but he really rubbed me the wrong way. Very pretentious, and smug. Like he wants to be a rich snob but isn't actually good at it. All these fake rich people that Bravo ropes into going on this show are a rough bunch.

    • Love 6
  12. Poor Emile - can we just fix him now?  


    I don't know if I like him, but on the other hand, I did feel badly for him.  He just can't seem to understand that after Rocky jumping into his bunk and spooning with him, and then, Rocky sending him all kinds of signals and overtly flirting with him, she just isn't interested.


    He doesn't see that she is a tease, and needs attention from all sides, and that she gets bored quickly.  


    He is looking pretty desperate there, and it's unflattering and embarrassing.  


    As Rocky said, he is young.  She should have known not to mess with someone young and impressionable.  IMO, she's a bitch who played him.

    I'm with you on Rocky. Sure, Emile just needs to accept that she doesn't want him anymore and move on. But I vividly remember Rocky sitting there practically drooling over him on national television, making comments about she wanted him to jump on her in her talking heads and to other people on the boat. Making comments about how he wouldn't just hurry up and put the moves on her. Then when he did, she was like "Yeah, no thanks, I don't want you anymore. You're a loser." Get it together, Rocky. Of course people can change their mind and we don't see all of their interactions and Emile has no game with his random blunt sexual comments, but her change of mind seemed so abrupt and extreme. It particularly annoys me that she then sits there playing the "Huh, I've never even been into him, why does he like me so much, gross" game, when she was actively drooling over him on camera 24 hours earlier. Classic girl who doesn't want something anymore once she gets it.


    So I did feel bad for Emile on that front. Also, I can't really stand anything about Rocky, so I'm prone to hating on her, ha.

    • Love 3
  13. did he lose all his businesses?


    It seems like he quit them entirely, at least his involvement with them... according to the article about his withdrawal from psychiatric meds. (http://cepuk.org/2015/07/18/rapid-withdrawal-misprescribing-benzodiazepine-leads-1-35m-settlement-luke-montagu-cep-co-founder/ - posted by PickleDeeDee above.) Excerpt from that article:


    [His business] needed him, but he couldn’t function. “I’ve always been very good at getting things done and knowing what to say, but now I’d sit in a meeting without knowing what to do next.” At a board meeting he burst into tears in front of his fellow directors. “I had to say, ‘I just can’t do this. I’m really not well.’”


    He realised he could no longer work. For the next three years, Montagu was stuck at home in agonising physical and mental pain.


    • Love 1
  14. Forgive me if this has been mentioned but is this Julie's husband uncle http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2732703/My-father-Earl-raped-boy-In-harrowing-interview-writer-reveals-hes-risked-wrath-aristocratic-brother-sisters-exposing-him.html or put more simply is the molestor Luke's grandfather?

    Oh my god, that is so awful. I also really hope he's able to heal from it. Luke's father is the 11th Earl of Sandwich, so that must be Luke's uncle, yes. And the 10th Earl is his grandfather.

  15. Gregor looked completely shattered on New Year's...like he seemed relatively out of it when Caroline was straddling him, but he seemed like he could barely speak or function when Juliet was trying to talk to him in their room later that night. Also, didn't their room look crappier than everyone else's? Everyone else's looked like a regular room, but I recall thinking that Juliet and Gregor's room had the type of tables and chairs you'd find in a drab office kitchen at the end of a row of a cubicles...

    • Love 4
  16. I just hope that Anna (and by extension the grandparents) are paying attention to the impact all of this is having on the kids.

    Unfortunately, I've got very little hope that any of the grandparents give a shit about the mental well-being of any of those kids =( All 4 of them have demonstrated in their life thus far that as long as everything is fine on the surface (though it's not clear to me how Priscilla posting on the internet about her marriage equating the road to crucifixion is "fine on the surface," but these people are so warped they think it is, so whatever) they couldn't care less what's going on in their head. 


    The M boys will just be taught the "Devil" made their Dad do it and he just couldn't help it because he's a man, and the M girls will be taught to accept the horrid "boys will be boys" attitude these people love so much. So sad...I'm hoping they'll realize it's all baloney and go hang out with Anna's brother more often!

    • Love 5
  17. Right?! They were standing right in front of diners sneering at the decor. How rude. And then making that loud ruckus about how smelly the basement was. That place looked small, so they could not have been very far from the customers while they were doing that. Especially with a camera crew in tow. Between that scene and her comment last week about how if you don't go to the right Christmas parties then she doesn't even know you - Ugh, what a snob. Get over yourself, M! 

    • Love 5
  18. I suppose that could be the case, but regardless, he seems like the worst husband. I don't understand why it's Julie's responsibility to "Save Mapperton!" Aren't there other people besides Julie who should be helping, like his own family? He needs to tell her to stop trying so hard. I mean, are they totally broke without Julie's yoga class money? Seriously? Why hasn't he stepped in to tell her he'd rather have her healthy and sane than breaking her back to try to fund his family's money pit?

    It appears Luke has been relatively preoccupied with his own health-related issues for the past couple decades: http://beyondmeds.com/2015/07/18/antidepressants-ruined-my-life/ (the story was initially in a Times Magazine article

    http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/magazine/article4497489.ece but it won't let me read all of it there without a membership.)

    But he appears to be doing better now, so that's good! He apparently co-founded this organization: http://cepuk.org His father is evidently involved with it as well - http://cepuk.org/members/

    • Love 3
  19. Yeah it was so obvious Chris saw Kerri as more of a sister/friend. I mean, he was getting with every one of those broads he could, yet he never tried to put the moves on her? With that giant appendage we all heard so much about? (Thank god that's over). Still though, I figured he'd follow the script and pick her. I was surprised at Kerri though...I feel like she spent all that time pining over Chris and trying to tell him how they should be together, just to pick that cheeseball toolbag Mason in the end. Okay.


    I loved the shots of Chris's terrified face when Fallon and Elissa were fighting. He always has a mildly frightened look on his face, but he looked downright scared sitting between those two. 


    I wanted Dan to punch Mason in the face so bad. Whoever above said Dan is an abuser waiting to happen is spot on, but Mason just grates on me with his stupid cheesy lyric-talking. What an absolute clown. 

    • Love 2
  20. It's a mystery to me too.  And if her husband is only home for the weekends, why not move to one of the cities he does business in?  I know, I know, they speak English in England, and that's appealing, but if no one is happy?  

    I think he's mostly in Stockholm during the week. Maybe Juliet can get real into being the Loud Obnoxious American trope on Swedish tv next?! Eek. 


    I think if she just tried to befriend some regular people, instead of the weird social climbing she's failing at, that would help. What about people around her neighborhood? We know from Caroline that the none of the "important" Londoners want to be seen there, so maybe she'd be safe from the super-snobs! But I guess us "regular" people won't get her on tv.


    I'm totally fascinated with how awful everyone's hair looks on this show.  I mean really terrible.  Is it the water or their diets that make everyone's hair look so horrible?  I was puzzled cuz it looked like there was considerable time spent styling Julie & her hair still looked like crap -- thin, limp & ick.  Juliet looks like she's lightening her hair some & her color looks like absolute shit.  Duckface Caroline has neon/canary yellow hair.  Ew.  Marissa's hair color?  Is there a name for whatever color her hair is?  Well, whatever it is, it's really frumpish & blech.


    And Annabelle?  Oh, Annabelle, that hairstyle you've clearly decided to hang onto till the grave is tragic.  Just tragic.  It's so draggy & always in her face.  But I give her that it does suit her dour, sour, depressing personality.  I look at her hair & it depresses me cuz it's so ugh.  Guess she's trying to be like Anna Wintour & hang onto a dated hairstyle for the rest of her life.  OK then.


    The real mystery is why everyone's hair color on here looks so bad.  Is it bad lighting, or do the colorists in London suck, or are they coloring themselves out of drugstore box color & it it just ain't working?  It's truly a mystery.

    I'm thinking it must be the lighting? Because everyone's is just so wretched. Of course, that can't fix the limp, ratty look they've all got going on, but the color at least I think is due in part to lighting. Because the particular yellow hue of Caroline's seems to change depending on the scene. 

    • Love 1
  21. All if these women are repugnant, but it's that what they want conflict for television. There are too many blondes to keep up with. The newly married into royalty that was excited about wearing an Alexander McQueen dress. Once the stylist finished with her hair I was like really that's the best you can do?! Girlfriends hair was tragic!

    She's making it sound like it's new in her talking heads, but it's not new - they've been married since 2004. So I didn't get why she was acting like the whole married-to-an-aristocrat was all so brand new and exciting. I mean, it'd of course still be exciting on a "Wow I never imagined being here!" level, but it's not like all these lifestyle changes are news to her in 2015. I generally like Julie and I like that she seems relatively down to earth, but I wish she'd cool it on the constant "I'm so normal for a LADY...Have you heard yet that I'm just a midwestern girl who's a LADY now?!" in her talking heads. Yeah, we've heard. 

    • Love 3
  22. Juliet is very needy and I think she's distressed at how she's coming off on the show. She seemed genuinely unhappy at dinner with her husband and with Marissa. Her plan to appear as the wacky-but-lovable American girl isn't working, and perhaps there's marriage or money troubles as well.

    I actually thought she seemed better around her husband - calmer, less frantic and crazy, more thoughtful about the words coming out her mouth. She did seem unhappy about the whole Marissa drama/her "social life" in general, but her hubby seemed to ground her a bit. And she seemed sad that he's not around much, but I don't think she didn't seem sad at him, if that makes sense. They seem like an odd match, but she appears (to me) to be far more sufferable when he's around, so that's a good thing!


    I agree she looked miserable when she was with Marissa though. Who wouldn't with her smirking at you, judging your every move, and then haughtily confirming you two are only "Fs" not "BFFs." 

    • Love 6
  23. Yeeesh Marissa is smug. Juliet is exhausting, but Marissa is just so...smug! I wanted to throw her stupid fresh mint tea in her face during that teatime chat they had.

    (No offense to fresh mint tea!)


    I thought Juliet's husband Gregor was British?  No?

    I think he's French Canadian?

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