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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. Maybe it's because my future autobiography is going to be called "Fucking People, man!  Every God. Damned. One of Them!", that causes me to commiserate with Ashley's sister against my better judgment.


    I also thought it was just refreshing to have someone (no doubt unintentionally) play the Greek Chorus and acknowledge how fucking pathetic these people (who've now made the Bachelor franchise their full time jobs) really are.

    I kinda liked her when she was like "I just don't like the way his face looks" and started doing weird hand angles around her face about JJ. Because 1) I also do not find his pudgy annoying face attractive in the slightest, and 2) I've been known to utter the same sentiment about random people, and when I do Mr. Wovenloaf seems to be the only who gets what I mean!! ...So now I've admitted to having something in common with Lauren I. *hangs head in shame*


    Once the crying fit and the rant about the "old" people hit, I was over her though. 


    I have never seen the other bearded guy (is his name Don?") and he got zero introduction so they must have scraped the bottom of the barrel for him.

    I think that was Dan?? Yeah, when he came out I don't think they even said what his name was. And then when some dude was sprinting in to the ambulance, I was like "Dan? Who's Dan?" but then I realized it must have been mystery beardy guy. These people blend together. 

    • Love 3
  2. Jonathan seems like a guy in the closet trying to overcompensate

    He does! The constant "have I told you about all my sexual escapades, yet?!?!?" is so pathetic. I don't recall even seeing him much or hearing from him in the last half of the show last night (or maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention), so hopefully nobody cares about him and he'll be out quick. 

    • Love 3
  3. I thought I had read that the accommodations were supposed to be nicer this time than last season, but so far it doesn't look any better except maybe the beach area is bigger and nicer.  The buildings all seem to be open-air, and if crabs can get in that easily then so can bugs.  Also, they don't have A/C in the sleeping quarters?  NO THANKS.  Waking up sweaty like Ashley did is the exact opposite of what I consider paradise.  So was the date of riding around in dirt.  And swimming in a muddy looking river at night looked pretty much like a nope for me, too. 

    I thought the accommodations were the same as last season?? I was under the impression they would be different, but they look the same to me so far... The rocky stairs, the huts, the lame looking interiors...I think it's the same place? Or maybe a different set of huts at the same "resort" (summer camp)? We'll really know if we catch a glimpse of the freshman dorm-style communal bathroom. Ick. 

  4. Kudos to the editors for the shot of the crab right before JJ came out. When I saw that crab in the "who will be next" montage, I immediately thought "Well whoever it is, he's got crabs!!!" Ha!

    Jonathon's such a sleazeball. Was he the grumpy one at Kaitlyn's reunion that was rambling about Nick showing up?? Whatever. Go back to your beloved sister threesome, creep.

    Yeehaw Clare! I have faith the raccoon will be back too!!

    Weren't they kind of abrupt with the bird girl going to the hospital...? She went off in the ambulance, it went to commercial, and then she was forgotten about...

    • Love 1
  5. Katie sure is "confident" until someone prettier walks in the door. She sucks. And I don't think her face is pretty at all, so maybe she should shut up about herself for a couple minutes. And I like how her "I'll have to step up my game with Chris" = "I'm gonna sleep with Chris right now." Gee, that plan never backfires, right?

  6. David was surely a wastoid, but I do want a gif of him saying "kooks, barney's" on loop. That cracked me up. I think he was just looking for someone to pay his rent for him. And the "I used to be on unemployment, now I'm just living life" - yeah, I'd be shocked if "living life" doesn't mean selling weed.


    I actually think Nick might have a legit chance. The ratings this season went up when he showed up. He was also out on stage during most of the ATFR special and it had great ratings. Ratings are what TPTB care about. Controversy is what brings them. I'm sure Nick as the Bachelor would be ratings gold despite him being disliked by many. They would watch him in the hopes of girls turning him down, while people who like him would watch to see him finally find "true love". He's also been through the "process" twice, fell in love both times and managed to come out on top despite being rejected both times. TPTB can rest assured that he will fall for someone and that he can handle any public reaction coming his way.

    Ooh yeah! 2 years in a row of that "national controversy" Chris Harrison kept telling us about, and the fact that Nick *falls in love* completely irrespective of actual personality traits or compatibility! 


    I wish they would get totally new people every time. UNLESS...they just ditch the whole franchise and replace it with a show that consists entirely of us watching Juan Pablo tell women ees okay behind assorted concession stands! Then he kicks a soccer ball and it hits Shawn in the nose, because he's too busy watching Nick underhand toss a coconut. I'll watch that show. ...So I guess what I'm actually saying is that I'm glad BiP is about to start!!

  8. I'm thinking both Juan Pablo & Nicki and Ben & Courtney are running a pretty close tie for second.  Both couples had the same kind of "screw you" attitudes towards the show and the public after everything was aired.  

    But I don't think Nicki was that unlikeable was she? I don't recall disliking her. I think I liked her more than Claire at the time (thought I did get on Team Claire after BiP!). Though to be honest all my memories may be clouded by my Wrong Reasons-fueled love for Juan Pablo. 

    • Love 2
  9. In the recent Yahoo interview, Nick continues to seem like a good guy to me while Kaitlyn still sounds like a biatch and Shawn's the obnoxious, gloating "winner" just like I'd expect: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/nick-viall-talks-bachelorette-breakup-210500519.html

    Ugh. In the interview clip in the E link in that article - http://www.etonline.com/news/168868_bachelorette_kaitlyn_bristowe_laughs_at_her_last_awkward_moment_with_nick/- They are awful. I haven't even been feeling that bad for Nick (and I call into question whether his heart was really broken...though he sure is good at looking sad), but Kaitlyn and Shawn are such mean, shitty people. She's not even attempting to look sincere when she's like "I feel bad." And who can't manage to stifle their cackling for 30 seconds on camera? "Oh I hate bullying, I'm so brokenhearted about strangers bullying me blahblahblah. But isn't it so funny that I broke that lame underhand tosser's heart hahahaha. Look how good Shawn is at mocking him hahahaha." Yeah okay, K.  

    • Love 16
  10. Shawn you are 28 years old, "telling it like it is" no longer works as an excuse for rudeness. And that feeling you got from Nick, the one that you said made you not like him? That's jealousy. You didn't like him because you knew Kaitlyn DID like him. You didn't have a problem with any of the other men because you didn't see them as competition.

    Seriously. I have always hated when people proclaim their dedication to "honesty" as an excuse for their rudeness. 


    And what was Shawn saying about Nick said something "he [shawn] doesn't want to repeat" in the house or something? Did I just miss that storyline? I thought Shawn was the one saying gross things about eskimo bros, but now Nick is allegedly offending Shawn's sensibilities as well? Whatever. These people are clowns.

    • Love 3
  11. I just saw her on GMA and was actually a little shocked at how dumb she seemed.  She was practically inarticulate and didn't seem to understand the simplest questions from the interviewer.  It gives me an idea of just how hard the producers have had to work with her all season. 

    Also, was she wearing the same dress as she was on AFTR??

    • Love 2
  12. lol, both Bens are 26.

    Really?? I knew Ben H. was, but Ben Z. looks a little worn for 26... He looks good for the 33-ish I thought he was (the two Bens are really the only two I thought were attractive of this bunch), but he might want to start getting into sunscreen or something...

    • Love 1
  13. Well, it actually is okay for consenting adults to have sex with each other without a commitment being attached to it, and it's not automatically gross. Men have been doing this for eons and will continue to do this without the fear of being labeled and minimized as a human being. Why shouldn't women? Responsible adults having sex is not a bad thing and no one, man or woman, should be made to feel that it is.

    There is nothing wrong with sex meaning different things to different people. Expressing a personal distaste for something doesn't equate to a personal attack on anyone who disagrees.


    Taking it back to this show - I, personally, have always had a significant problem with the "Fantasy Suites" concept in general. Not because I find adults having sex disgusting, but because I find parading your sex life around on national television to be an extreme level of poor taste. Leaving your mic on while you're supposedly getting it on would also fall into this category, in my opinion. Nick's hollering out he and Andi's business last season, however mad he may have been, also is, in my opinion. I also have a problem with "Fantasy Suites" because I perceive there to be an air of giving everybody a "test ride" before you make a decision. Which I think people should do on their own time. Not on television. I have no qualms about being a Wrong Reasons viewer, but the Fantasy Suite business has always been a trashy-bridge too far for me. That doesn't mean I think everybody on this show is some sort of harlot, or that they would deserve to be called one even if they were. But I don't have to blindly applaud them all for it either. 

    • Love 11
  14. I was wondering what he could have meant by "ending unlike any we've seen before." I mean, it's Kaitlyn, so she'll be sobbing a lot and in a near-hyperventilation state. But we've seen that before. Like you said, we've had no one chosen before. Nick could freak out. But we've also seen that before (although I guess that was on AFTR...). Maybe Shawn goes into cardiac arrest? Eek. I don't want to see that one. 


    My conclusion is that we've probably seen the ending before.

    • Love 2
  15. Regarding how Kaitlyn knew one of the email was written by a mother (I can't get the quote function to work on tablet!):

    I believe the email said something along the lines of "I hope you die so that my daughter will know bad things happen when you act like a whore."

    Am I remembering that correctly? I really hope that lady's poor daughter never does anything wrong... =(

    • Love 3
  16. So much of that reunion was devoted to a bunch of dudes who are WAY too worried about what the other dudes are doing. Is this a way that some men are? I can't think of a single man I know that would care that much whether or not some other guy wanted to be his friend. That Corey-with-a-E guy seriously needs a hobby. What man gets so pouty that some guy (a guy he is yelling at on tv, no less!) won't be his pal?

    • Love 5
  17. I thought on the reunion it seemed like they weren't even trying to hide that she picked Shawn. Both Kaitlyn and Chris Harrison were just acting like it was a done deal. Maybe my perception was colored because I read spoilers...but it seemed so obvious. 

    • Love 3
  18. Ok, I hadnt rewatched to check it.

    Maybe he has another love child?!? ;-)

    That was my first thought when everybody started saying he said Cassidy (I didn't notice/remember that). Maybe there is a Cassidy out there, haha! I mean, my Dad used to accidentally (still does, actually) call my sister and I by the wrong name all the time. =) It seems so weird that Thomas would just randomly call her that out of the blue... 

    • Love 1
  19. I don't know. Papa Seewald has defended the Duggars, as has Dan Dillard. So I don't think it's unreasonable to think others from their belief system wouldn't feel similarly. Less conservative people are horrified, of course, but these are not the types who would probably enter into a courtship with anyone in this family anyway.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to think other people from their particular belief system (cult) would feel that way, no. Particularly since Jimbo allegedly told church members about it and they all could relate to the problem, or whatever *shudder* - However, I don't think it's reasonable to think that anyone identifying as "conservative" or "very conservative" is some sort of Duggar apologist who doesn't see sweeping sexual abuse under the rug as utterly mortifying as the general public does. 

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