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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. I do like Ben - but his dinner with Jubilee smacked of way too much producer machination and seemed more like interrogation than conversation. To me, she clearly didn't want to go into as much detail as he was urging her to do. The "Take your time" and "What kind of guilt?" as she was talking about losing her entire family seemed so very pushy. Then once the producers got their sound bite, Ben actually asks Jubilee: "Do you understand what you have done in life to bring you here?" Like, you've cheated death in Haiti and possibly, in war, to bring you to...The Bachelor?




    I hope all that was because Jubilee is seriously being considered for the next B'ette!


    Yeah I also noticed how awkward he was being in that scene too...I was hoping it was just bad editing. But it seems just as likely that Ben was being weird. It did have an awkward interrogation vibe the way we saw it. I always hate the way he stares at people with...I don't know, faux concern, or something, on his face. His face kind of annoys me in general, ha.


    I thought he seemed off on the whole Jubilee date though...like his eyes looked red and watery, and he looked super tired, and seemed generally spaced out. I was thinking that he was just too drunk the whole time. But then once he said the thing about his 2 family friends dying...I think that date might have been the same day he found out about that? So maybe he was just upset. The show was trying to make it seem like he found out the day after the date...but they are always fudging days for purposes of the show, so who knows. 

    • Love 1
  2. I really like Jubilee after last night. I like that she's a little bit awkward. I'm a lot a bit awkward and I've done pretty well for myself thus far (in that Mr. Wovenloaf is really great, and I like my life!), so Interchangeable Blond who thinks she "knows" what all men want can go away. I also did not get the impression that Jubilee was discussing the tragedy of her family dying for attention. The look on her face screamed "I'd rather be talking about anything else right now," to me anyway. I really felt for her in that moment. I also like that she actually made an attempt to help Ben feel better, while all the rest of them could only whine about how they needed their time to get their rose. I didn't get why so many of the others were so mad at her...All I can guess is that they were jealous and/or just shitty people!


    And yeah, what the hell was with Amber? I hadn't realized she was so catty. Ick. 

    • Love 10
  3. Why do they have to spend so much time of the episode on Sean and his problems? I don't care about him at all, or like him. I sure hope the kid is Gus's. And that she kicks Sean to the curb. Why was she not more angry that he was shooting up in her house with kids there??? Hello Fiona... In case you forgot all the other reasons that should bother you...remember that time Liam ate your coke?

    • Love 4
  4. Is there a rule that a Lead cannot refuse a contestant's request for one-on-one time during the cocktail parties or other group events?  


    Because while I understand Olivia not "owing it"**** to any of the women who didn't yet have roses to give them time with Ben, it seems like it would be somewhat gentlemanly of Ben to suggest to Olivia that his time would be better spent talking to some of the women whom he still had make decisions about.

    I wish he would tell some of the time-monopolizing ones to go away too! I can't imagine there would be a rule that they can't...but who knows. It's probably just them trying to seem polite and easygoing or something. In my opinion, it just makes Ben look like he gets led around like a little puppy dog.

    • Love 1
  5. That date with Caila sure was boring... Is she the one who dumped her real boyfriend when she saw Ben on TV? Whatever. Ben's a snooze and so is she. Should have grabbed the Hennessy, B - livened that completely unromantic looking pizza joint up a bit!

    I particularly liked when Ben gave that woman (I don't even remember her name... Maybe it was JoJo?) a rose because she "was so good at opening up about her feelings." After she basically just said "I'm excited!" three times in a row? Ha! Okay.

    Also liked Ben's "Ice Cube is really cool because he's done everything from acting, to rap." Acting...to rap. Yep, Ben. Acting to rap. In that order.

    I know I'm stating the obvious here... But Lace sure is a kook.

    • Love 6
  6. Dermot Mulroney's character just grates on me. I was hoping we'd be done with him, but I guess we're stuck. I can't put my finger on it... He just seems so bland and kind of pitiful. I don't think he makes sense as a person that Fiona would be into. I mean, he's got drama attached to him, so there's that. But he's not charismatic at all. Then again neither was the husband, but at least the husband was pleasant. Holding out for another return of Jimmy Steve!

    In whole though, I actually liked the premier. Much more than last season anyway! Carl's story line is hilarious, and perfect for him. He always cracks me up. Glad Kev and Vee are back together. Kev's character was a lost mess without Vee. Debbie is less annoying than she has been, and even though she's never been one of my fave characters, I did feel bad for her in the end.

    I dunno... I'm generally looking forward to the rest of the season!

    • Love 1
  7. We will never know, but Mark strikes me as the kind of man that has always had trouble dating and picked his wife because he thought she'd be a devoted, obedient wife, and then was surprised when she wanted some freedom. Something about how he described her leaving him (even though we know that it wasn't like she packed her bags in the night and left never to be seen again) and how she "changed," makes me think that he was always this person and his ex-wife got fed up. Instead of reflecting on himself, he convinced himself that she was the problem, not him.

    Oh yeah, I think he's been this same shitty human being for the last 30-odd years. I mean, he also goes out with 100 women (allegedly), all 100 dates are a "train wreck" (read: they had opinions of their own about ordering the salmon instead of the chicken, and didn't grovel at his feet and jump into the zebra sheets the minute he handed them "1, if not 2, dozen roses, at a 4, if not 5, star restaurant"), and it never occurs to him that maybe he's at least part of the problem? And then goes on national television and proclaims that everyone at home is just jealous? Give me a break dude. 


    He really made me uncomfortable during that reunion... Like beyond the obvious creepy factor I got from him all season. The way he was clutching Nikki, wouldn't let her talk, was staring daggers through Erica Hill (one of those blasted "independent" women, I guess), couldn't manage a sentence without saying something misogynistic, had that terse look on his face like he was about to explode the whole time, harped on the window fingerprints as "messing with his happiness," etc. Ugh. I, like others have said above, get a distinctly abusive vibe from this "relationship" and it makes me really sad for Nikki. Regardless of any reason she may have for being with him, no one anywhere at any time under any circumstances deserves that.

    • Love 15
  8. Alexei just seems like the life is sucked out of him. I mean, I guess we never really saw him be very lively. But he just seems so... drained of life. All the time. The way he was before the wedding made me feel sad. And he seemed miserable at the reunion. I get just not being an effusive person or not being comfortable on camera... But everything about his demeanor just screams "unhappy" to me. Blugh. Should have run away when you could have dude! He'll need witness protection to escape that train wreck.

    • Love 2
  9. I thought the way Loren spoke to her mom was rude and disrespectful.  

    Well we know exactly where she learned it at least...with the mom yelling "Go f*** yourself!" to her own daughter. Ick.

    • Love 13
  10. I wonder what past relationship he used as battering ram against wife #1. 

    Maybe the "beautiful woman from Hawaii" that he rode a wave (or whatever) with?


    Wtf was that story? And he started with something like "You remember the story I've told you...about the beautiful woman from Hawaii..." And Nikki immediately rolled her eyes. So I think she must get regaled with that one pretty often too, in between the "My ex-wife used to [insert whatever Nikki is doing at the moment, however mundane] also."

    • Love 3
  11. When Mark told Nikki she needed to smile more (paraphrasing, can't remember exactly how he put it) I wish she had hauled off and belted him across the mouth!  Where do men get off thinking they can tell women to smile, and expect them to acquiesce?


    I was about Nikki's age and working my first "grownup" job in a bank, and yes I was pretty serious about myself and trying to be professional at all times, and male customers were always telling me to smile.  Gah!!!!

    Oh dear god, this. I live in a large urban area and I can't even count at this point how many strange men passing me on the sidewalk have told me to "Smile!" or "It's a nice day, look happy!" Stfu asshat. I'll look happy when you stop speaking to me. *grumble grumble* =P

    Seriously though, is Mark so dense he thinks if she plasters a grin on her face, everything is suddenly fine? He probably does, yeah. Not like he actually cares about her at all. Mark and Loren should get together, and have a battle of self-absorption between themselves. Off my tv screen. 


    "That said, Nikki was really tit for tat the whole time."  Yes, because she's 19 and OVER IT.  If these 2 marry it will be a gigantic mistake. 

    Yeah I actually thought that for a 19 year old who doesn't speak English as her first language, she did a relatively good job of telling Mark how his stupid "past" chatter made her feel at that awkward ass lunch they were having. That guy is so useless at communicating, I don't see why she should be expected to act like some beacon of maturity... She's actually 19. He's a grown man that acts like a petty little child and can't make it through one sentence without making an ass of himself. He also does that thing where he purposefully needles people, and then acts shocked when they get grumpy about it. I hate that shit. 

    • Love 12
  12. So Nikki's not on the pill and Mark hasn't had a vasectomy? There's an accident waiting to happen. I had the same thought as a poster above - if he doesn't want any more children why doesn't he find someone more age-appropriate who doesn't want children either? And every time he mentions the "four kids in diapers" I hope that there's at least one set of twins in there - otherwise at least the oldest one should not be in diapers anymore.

    I think the two oldest kids are twins, yes. That "four kids in diapers" line is so tired though. I just imagine how many times he has uttered that in his life. How does anyone stand him? And I have zero doubt he says it around his kids too. I'm sure that makes them feel real great, Mark - hearing about what a burden they are to you every 15 minutes. 

    • Love 10
  13. I didn't actually think I could dislike Loren more, but ick. She is wretched. Every week it becomes more and more obvious the thing called "Alexei" she has fabricated in her head doesn't have a single thing to do with Alexei. I don't understand why he puts up with it. What does she even like about him other than his abs? His love for his family just pisses her off. She scoffs at and dismisses his career aspirations. He gets upset about something and she laughs. Wtf is wrong with this broad.

    On a similar note... Melanie is like "when I went to Jamaica, I told him all about my life." And um... Did you, you know, ask him anything about HIS? She just assumed he'd drop his entire life and devote every waking moment to her? She's so dim she can't wrap her head around the fact that family dynamics in a foreign country - particularly one with so much poverty - might not mirror that of her's and Bev's and the other crappy looking sister's? I don't have the impression she even realizes that Jamaica isn't just one big resort (with cabana boy souvenirs for all).

    Ugh. Yeah this season I'm just rooting for all the foreigners! Run away guys! Just run away!

    • Love 17
  14. Like it or not, there are many fat young women out there.  Let's give 'em something to wear.

    Of course! I just can't see how this http://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/scalefit_630_noupscale/563cbae92900002f004dc59c.jpegis the answer.


    I did like some of the stuff Ashley did this season - I loved the outfit she did in the first episode, with the gray shirt and yellow and black skirt - and I was rooting for her in the beginning, before the continual crying finally got to me. I just think the judges, particularly Zac and Nina, would have had very different comments about her final collection if it hadn't been a collection specifically geared for plus-size women. 

    • Love 2
  15. Ahhh my computer just flipped out and deleted everything I just typed. Ugh. My main point was....


    I cannot fathom how Zac could hold his tongue about the shiny purple glued-on flower monstrosity Ashley had up there with her at judging. Is it 1795 in here? Wtf was that? No way Zac didn't despise that "look" in his own head. I mean, sure this show has always been varying levels of contrived, pre-determined, etc., but this season was a particularly nonsensical one.

    • Love 2
  16. I feel like they must have been shot by TLC just for purposes of being like "See! Here she is dancing! In a CLUB!" Because there's also only her and like one or two other people dancing in those shots. And how would TLC even have that footage? They weren't filming Josh and Aleksandra while they were in Prague. 

    • Love 1
  17. His pirate shirts? No. His train whistle? Would be shoved so far up his ass if he dared tweet it my way. And he is so damn creepy about his wife that fled, I almost wonder if it's an act. But then I look at his OK Cupid profile again and realize he really is just that creepy. 

    Oh god is there a link to this somewhere that I missed?!


    Production, sure, but Josh too. He is getting off on how "bad" Aleksandra was. She's his prize convert! He jumped right in with "see through shirts?" when she was trying to describe what she wore in Prague, with a silly grin on his face.

    I know, right! Yep, "see through shirts" is obviously what she was trying to say, Josh!  And judgy cousin "Have you ever been on a mission?" all smug. Eek, get over yourself girl. You got married at 18 and appear to be entirely out of touch with anything more than 6 feet out your front door. How exactly does that make you special? I hope Aleksandra ditches those people soon. I hate that she seems so down on herself, saying she's "bad" and all that...when she seems like a lovely, normal girl. Why does TLC have that random footage of her dancing in clubs though? Like where the hell did that come from?

    • Love 4
  18. I feel terrible for Noon. She seems so nice and adorable, and that living situation must have been a terrible thing to come to when you just arrived in America. Even minus my feeling bad for Noon, I kind of can't stand Kyle anyway though... I don't really like looking at him. I do like that his friends are friendly and nice to Noon though.

    Like everyone else, I hope Colombia girl (I forgot her name...) dumps that cheating loser's ass quick. What a bag of dicks.

    And does Bev's husband ever talk?

    He's probably too scared to talk with that creature in the room. She is just plain nasty. I so wanted Devar to set her straight. She was completely out of line. And Melanie just sitting there? Yeeesh if you don't stick up for your man when you're sister calls him std-ridden (and uh, by extension, calls YOU std-ridden) at the dinner table, then when do you? I hope that was editing, but I got the vibe Mel is just as afraid of Bev as Mr. Bev is.

    • Love 6
  19. He had bottles of 5-HTP on his dresser -- which folks use to help replace their serotonin after taking Molly.

    Good eye! Yeah, I rewatched the beginning and even when he wasn't all nervous and teary, his eyes were still super glassy. I feel bad for Noon that she left her whole family to live in/with that mess. And not only does the roommate have to go through Kyle's room when he leaves, but Kyle (and now Noon!) have to go thru his room to get to the kitchen?! That is a completely unacceptable living situation for your girlfriend that has just moved to America. Noon can't even get a glass of water without having to uncomfortably traverse random naked roommate...and a million roaches! Ick. 

    • Love 3
  20. Was that Melanie's ex at the house when she came home with Devar? I was having some satellite issues, so I missed the introductions. He kind of looked like Melanie's son.


    I wondered who that guy was too. They never identified him, that I saw , so I was thinking the same thing ....

    Yeah I was wondering that too. When Melanie and Devar first got there, that guy was standing towards the back of the room with the son, so I thought that might be his dad. But then in the later scenes, they weren't really interacting... I feel like they would have mentioned it if he was the dad. And he seemed a little too casual about "father figure #2" waltzing in the door. 


    Melanie kills me with the "I can't wait for Devar to be a father figure"... to my child that ALREADY HAS A FATHER. That he lives 5 days a week!


    What on earth is up with these people expecting their foreigners to meet the family as soon as they get off the plane. Loren making Alexi meet his new roomies/parents after a 13 hour flight, and then Melanie with a whole house full of people trying to hug Devar as soon as they get back from the airport. Get a grip people. Let the man brush his teeth first or something. 

    • Love 7
  21. Why did Julie have to tell the Beaulieu Montagu who she was but was still acting like they were getting some sort of special insight about running it. It looked like a regular tour for visitors. I bet they paid for it. Or maybe I just wasn't paying that much attention to it...

    I really like the part in the beginning when we see what everyone is up to too!! And it's usually just them doing random happy stuff... Not shouting or staged drama.

    • Love 1
  22. I work with a guy who brought a wife over from the Phillipines and he said that things are really bad in terms of getting ahead, so many parents would be thrilled for their child to have the "opportunity" to come to the US, despite the age difference. But many Americans don't realize that part of the plan is bringing the family over eventually, either permanently or for for extended visits. My coworker said his in-laws have been visiting them for at least 3-6 months year for the last 30 years. 

    Eek! I would rip my hair out, grab my cat, and go live in a cardboard box if Mr. Wovenloaf's family "visited" for 6 months...and I actually like most of them. That seems so expensive - if they think marrying their daughter means volunteering to host the whole family for months at a time, I'm sure they expect him to buy all the dang groceries! Oh well, if it works for them, more power to them.


    As for Alexei and Loren though - I could not believe she expected him to go meet her parents right after his 13 hour flight. At first I was hoping she was just joking....but she was serious I guess. He is going to get so tired of her so fast. I think he sure is fine though (can she come up with some other things she likes about him though, yeesh) so he shouldn't have too hard a time finding someone who doesn't expect him to live with her parents, ha! 

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