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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. Kate not knowing the QEII baffled me. Really? She is queen of her own little world but doesn't seem to know much outside it. Still, I really enjoy watching her.

    Ha, yah! I forgot about that....that was so weird. How on earth would she not know that...? My boat experience consists of one cruise as a teenager, a handful of small fishing boats, a ferry or two, and a duck paddle boat in a pond as a child, but I always thought the QEII was kind of famous... Yet Ms. Boat Queen is confused? Okay.

    • Love 3
  2. I'm so glad Don is gone. What a toolbag. Every time he had a talking head, I felt rage. Even when he's not making sleazy comments about Rocky's butt cheeks (which really put me over the edge), there's just something about him I cannot take. 

    • Love 4
  3. If we hadn't already seen her graphic makeout sessions with Joe to compare it to, I would just think looking miserable was her kissing style, but I really think she was very into Joe on a physical level, and more into Nick on a ... monetary level? 

    Right, she was all over Joe... yet looks like she's gonna barf when her "knight in shining armor" Nick's face comes at her. I still don't understand why she dumped Joe...I mean, of course Joe is a creep who would deserve to dumped by any normal woman. But Samantha's kind of a robot, who can't keep her hands off him, who loves drama despite all her protestations to the contrary, and shares a significant penchant for manipulation with him. So, um, what's the problem? ...It sure did make for some good television watching Joe get dumped at his own birthday party though, so I guess that's my answer!

    • Love 3
  4.  Not sure if this has been commented on already, but Caroline said to Marissa - I may be blonder and skinnier.  Did anyone else catch that?  It was when Marissa and Juliet were arguing in her foyer.  


    Also, when Luke was doing her makeup prior to her cocktail party.  HOLY MOLY!  That was CAKED on.  My pores were crying.  


    I am torn on Julie.  I follow her on instagram and she seems so vastly different on the show.  I like that she does it all herself though.  Very refreshing especially compared to Caroline.  


    I heard that but thought Caroline said it to Juliet and not Marissa?  Either way it was rude as hell.

    I thought she was saying it to Marissa. Super rude. Also stupid because Marissa's hair looks a whole lot better than Caroline's sometimes-straw-colored (what was up with that wretched lighting?) mess with needlessly obvious roots. (Are they both dirty blond naturally? Looks that way to me.)


    That cocktail party looked so boring. Why were they are just standing around in a cluster in a room with no furniture? Need some more furniture to fill up that 12,000 sq. ft. house, I guess.  


    I really liked Caroline last season, but maybe I'm just tired of her schtick by now... I don't actually find it comical when someone outsources all parenting activities to the point of sending the nanny to her daughter's recital, or whatever it was. What does she even do all day at this point? Just orders others around, I assume. Oh well, I still find her more entertaining than the rest of them.

    • Love 3
  5. It was making me cringe when Cassandra kept talking about how she didn't want to mess up things with Justin by not doing the overnight date. Um. If he dumps you because you wouldn't flagrantly bone down with him 24 hours after meeting him, then, you know, good riddance. What a mess. BusyOctober, your Justin description is fantastic:


    - no more puffy faced, liver lipped, floppy mop top, 2nd degree burn victim, Justin. 

    • Love 12
  6. I don't feel bad for Carly at all... And it's not even because of my irrational level of dislike for her! It's because the whole thing is just so brutally stupid. You knew the man for not even three weeks, C. Give me a damn break. "You [Kirk] have had doubts FOR A WHOLE WEEK?!" *barf* Yeah, people who have known one another for 3 weeks DO have doubts about, you know, marrying and procreating together, yes. Ugh. And people in actual relationships spend a hell of lot more than one whole week thinking about dumping someone (in my experience, anyway), so shut up. I mean, I absolutely can understand being sad that someone you like doesn't want to spend time with you - of course. But if you have seriously declared to this person, after a couple weeks, that you envision bearing his children, I really can't muster sympathy for you when you scare said man away!

    I did get a good laugh out of how the most emotion-filled thing that came out of Kirk's mouth during the dumping was "Please don't throw up!!"

    • Love 11
  7. I really do not get the covenant marriage.  (Well, I totally understand it was a lobbying thing- but I don't understand why any religious person would think it was necessary.)


    I was married in the Catholic church.  My marriage was a sacrament. If we divorce (for non-biblical reasons) it is a sin. Who cares that the state says it is okay? God (well assuming you're into that thing) says it isn't.


    I don't need the state to set up guidelines to make it harder for us to divorce.  GOD already made those guidelines for us.

    Yeah I don't get that either. Like you said, it seems like the only people who would be interested in it would already have a different reason for opposing divorce that has nothing to do with the state. Weird. With respect to the Duggars, the fact that they can't see the irony in needing the government to enforce their own religion on them really underscores how clueless they are, in my mind.

    • Love 1
  8. Remember that scene from "Bridget Jones Diary" where Bridget has to go to dinner with all the smug, married folks?!  Well for me Carly and to an lesser extent Jade turned into those smug, married folks that Bridget lamented having to deal with.  

    Right?? Pretty ridiculous attitude just because some guy on a liquor-soaked vacation hasn't minded laying on the beach next to you for, what, 14 whole days in a row? Get over yourselves! 

    • Love 3
  9. I heard back from my e-mail inquiry to RU:


    Hi Joe, our facility in Rockford, Il. is the only one for long term residential treatment.

    Housing Assistant

    RU Recovery Ministries


    He did sign his name but I don't know if I should post it here.  

    Please tell me you told him that your name was Joe Smithson?

    • Love 10
  10. I like Ashley S. but I thought her anger at the fact that Nick dared talk to her "while she was washing her face" was pretty funny. Of all the horrible things people do to each other on this show... oh the nerve to talk to one of the girls before she's had a chance to put her make-up on!

    Haha! To be fair, I got the impression Ashley S. was *literally* in the middle of washing her face. She looked sort of bent over the sink (though I could be remembering that totally wrong?). So I wouldn't want some dude I met 4 days ago standing there while I had soap all over my face, and wet hands, and hair tied up some weird way, etc. But it also begs the question - why did he walk into the bathroom/weird-hut-with-a-sink on her?  

    • Love 5
  11. Since Josh is now and probably will be unemployed, child support would be hard to come by no?

    The court typically bases the owed amount on your earning potential - so, for example, a person cannot avoid a child support obligation by quitting their job, because the amount would be based on what they could make if employed. Not sure how they'd deal with the fact that despite his previous job Josh isn't actually very employable going forward... But, legally speaking, "I can't pay because I got fired" isn't going to do much for a person trying to avoid paying. 

    • Love 1
  12. I would like to think so. The divorce rate is 50%, I am sure in a mainstream church you have plenty of people who have divorced and even remarried. I think the only people who think she should stay with him are Duggars and her parents, LOL. And possibly Jill R. 


    , I would venture to guess even your regular old conservative christians would support her leaving his ass. Its the crazies from the cult who want her to stay

    They would! I grew up in a regular old conservative Christian family, and I can't think of a single family member who would tell me I had to stay with a guy who cheated on me. With anybody! Much less with hookers! It was briefly discussed upthread somewhere, but getting a divorce because your spouse committed adultery isn't lumped in the same boat with other divorces. Actual christians (which I sure don't consider the Duggars to be) "permit" divorce for that reason, even where they wouldn't otherwise. So I don't think anyone at a normal baptist church would be shunning Anna. 


    (edited to add that obviously I can't speak for all the christians ever, I'm just talking about my experience) =)

    • Love 6
  13. I'm really sad that I missed this! I am always multi-tasking. This was post-face washing?

    Yeah, it was post face-washing. It was easy to miss, to me anyway - because I too was multi-tasking. I heard Nick like "mumblemumble you drank a lot last night mumblemumblemumble." Mr. Wovenloaf had to fill me in - the second set of mumbles was the brewery comment. 


    I love when a guy that looks like he needs to drag his haggard face to AA really, really bad tries to talk shit to other people about their drinking habits! 

    • Love 1
  14. I just e-mailed RU and asked them for the locations of their treatment centers.  I had to answer a math question in order to send my e-mail.  The math problem given was 12+11.  I answered 23.  They told me my answer was wrong! So they gave me another problem.  12 + 7.  I answered 19.  I got it right!  I'll let you know if and when I hear back.

    LOL! Priceless. And so fitting. 

    • Love 2
  15. Perhaps we'll later learn Josh has a problem with alcohol too.

    Well that random strip club bouncer that was allegedly the recipient of the "Do you know who my father is?" comments from Josh also said that when Josh would first arrive, he would be acting pretty normal. But then after he got some drinks in him, the hassling of the women for sex started. So...if that's to be believed, Joshypoo sounds like a pretty awful drunk to me! Because of all the other men that drank a few Bud Lights in a row in Arkansas that night, I feel confident in saying that most of them did NOT proposition a stripper. 

    Does Josh carry Jim Bob and Michelle's sins?

    The famed bikini ride bites Michelle in the ass again. 

    • Love 5
  16. Ugh Tanner just gets worse and worse, he does not seem to have any good opinions about women. Maneaters and manipulators!

    Seriously. So surprising that he likes the boring, no personality, Playboy-trophy woman, right... He probably gets scared when she has opinion about what to make for dinner. 


    Dan's not much better, with his "I see some red flags in you. Because you have...emotions." What an asshole. 


    So, tanner says he'd be very happy if Jared "takes Ashley's V-card".  Tanner, don't you think you are over-invested in something that is none of your business?

    I have so *had it* with Tanner. Creep.  

    • Love 9
  17. I doubt they are even willing to supply a band-aid, a bottle of aspirin or Pepto Bismol to these hapless participants.

    Well why would they - each of those sounds like the perfect opportunity to role an ambulance on up to the hut!!! *eyeroll*

    • Love 4
  18. In other news, Tanner is more judgmental than I am and I'm getting tired of it. Sammantha is "manipative?" How about your demure lady friend who goes from naked wild child to tightly bunned schoolmarm from one week to the next?

    I'm losing it with Tanner and his cheesy analogies. I can't take that that dork telling me one more time that Samantha is some sort of "chessmaster." They played his crappy chess analogy multiple times during last week's episode, and then he made more references to it this week. There were also some other read-off-a-cue-card ones scattered throughout last week's and this week's episodes that I have thankfully blocked out of my mind. That guy is so boring. Imagine if you had to listen to all his damn similes at work every day - ugh, shoot me. It's one thing that they are so pointless and cheesy, but it's even worse that he actually thinks he's being clever when he does it! Dumb grin, like "Haha look at me, I'm really *illuminating* the situation for you." Shut the hell up, Tanner. 


    As for Ashley S., I think the crazy-or-just-an-act? question argument was settled last night. She asked Samantha a good question (how many guys was she texting before the show?) and then lost all coherence. You can't fake those vacant eyes.

    Yeah I'm not convinced she's actually crazy, but those vacant eyes really are something else. And she was so out of it last night, she seemed like she could barely make her hands work when she was trying to pin that rose on Nick. Hopefully it's just a combination of tequila and bad editing...


    The guy who went on the date with Amber - Justin?  He had the weirdest sunburn ever!  His face and neck looked tan, but then his upper body did but with some strange white patches.

    Half-assed sunscreen application, I'd assume?


    I think Justin is so brutally unattractive. Even without the sunburn. Amber being like "he's so attractive" or whatever she said a few times - I did not get it. The Joe's and Chris Bukowkski's of the world are unattractive in a "meh, whatever" type of way, but I find Justin unattractive in a "get that man's face off my screen immediately" type of way. (I know that's shallow...)

    • Love 8
  19. I missed the first 16 minutes of tonight's episode, so I was pretty confused for a while about why Joe and Sam were all hunky dory again. Turns out I could have just missed the whole 2 hours, and actually been less confused about their "relationship"? Okay.

    Oh, also, I am so so SO tired of listening to Dan talk about his feelings. He was annoying me so much tonight, I found myself disappointed that he was staying over Joe. OVER JOE. Now that is sad.

    • Love 9
  20. Yeah that leather dress was amazing! I so wish she had won that challenge. I agree, Pallida, that how much money she does or does not have is irrelevant to whether she deserves to win... I did think her house looked nice (from what we saw on the preview episode) though!

    She seems so nice! You'll have to report back to us if you get a chance to meet her, Blintzie! =)

  21. I begrudgingly admit that I sort of liked his dress last week, from afar. I thought it did look good on the runway. But then, up close, those ratty hems covered by the necklace, ugh - I could not believe that Zac, of all people, let him off the hook on that one. That's the specific thing that might lead me to believe the fix was in. (I think Candace should have won that challenge.)

    Regardless, I absolutely hate his personality.

    • Love 2
  22. divorce for adultery IS allowed in the New Testament, so it wouldn't be hypocritical, unless she has specifically said she believes it is even in such circumstances.  

    Yep, because the cheating party has essentially (literally, really) already left the marriage. But the Duggars/Gothardites don't appear to read the actual Bible very often, or hang out with people who do...so I guess they wouldn't know that!


    (edited b/c grammar!)

    • Love 8
  23. Total dud for the 1st episode this season.

    Will try again next week but I'm out if it is as dull as this week.

    Seriously. I could barely make myself pay attention. The new people don't interest me...Rocky seems like she's trying too hard to be "quirky" or something. Was she the one who was like "Working with Capt. Lee will be good because there won't be any sexual tension." Um. Okay, sure, that's the first I think of when I start a new job too *eyeroll*. And the girl who's like "Take me fishing and I'll take my pants off" can just go away. I liked the first season of this, but by round three they are just out of material. Kooky demanding guests! People arguing with the chef! Captain Lee disappointed in his crew! Snooze. There's nothing else for them to do, other than have weird partially-scripted drama. 

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