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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. The name of the school he goes to in the show is the fictional "Chicago Polytechnic." I also remember the MIT recruiter and him getting into MIT...but I think they just had him to school in Chicago so it'd be easier to have him randomly show up at the Gallagher's house when the show wants him to. They kind of glossed over that decision. But in various shots of him on campus, you can see Chicago Polytechnic banners. Here's an example:




    P.S. I think the actual campus they use for the outdoor shots is the Univ of Illinois at Chicago.

    • Love 1
  2. Mr. EB was one of those rare undergrad TAs and he was paid, but he didn't get the grad student rate. It was decent money (more than minimum wage) but not an exorbitant amount of money. He graded all of the papers and exams, so basically what Lip was hired to do. Luckily Mr. EB's professor showed up sober and on time so Mr. EB never got stuck teaching the class.

    Yeah, when I was in undergrad, I wasn't even a "TA" to a particular professor, I was just a "Department Aide" in a department that wasn't even my major. But several professors would have me grade exams for them during my office hours. Not for upper level classes, but for the intro courses, me grading the exams was common. So Lip grading papers isn't necessarily that weird to me. Teaching the class, on the other hand, that did seem weird. But I saw that as a function of the professor being drunk and not showing up, not as actually being part of Lip's job description. 

    • Love 1
  3. Did anyone think of "Family Matters" when Carl's girlfriend's dad said he was Sgt. Winslow? (And the dad in "Family Matters" had the first name Carl, so there are connections everywhere!)

    Yes!! Glad I'm not the only one, haha!

    • Love 1
  4. As a mostly straight lady, I can attest that Jojo is smoking hot. I want to be her and do her :P

    You know, at the beginning of the season, I didn't quite get it. But I've now come around to realize/acknowledge that Jojo is, indeed, smoking hot. I think it took a little time because I don't actually find her face to be very "pretty" (still don't. not ugly, but not pretty either. I find it sort of harsh.). But from the neck down - yeah, she's put together REAL well. I don't even mind if Mr. Wovenloaf says so anymore. Hell, when she came out on stage in the black dress with the slit in the top, it was ME who hollered "Tit Slit!" 


    Regardless, I think she will be way more entertaining as Bachelorette than Caila ...personality wise.  

    • Love 5
  5. I hope someone warns Gus's new girlfriend what a dick this guy is. I went from feeling bad for him to hoping Fiona's lawyer took him for everything he's worth. I guess by making him so awful it's supposed to somehow negate what Fiona did to him? And it kind of does, weirdly. 

    I actually audibly cheered in my living room alone when she gave her lawyer the go-ahead during that meeting. Seriously, Gus is ridiculous. When he was on the phone like "You're doing this after I told my girlfriend you weren't going to cause any trouble?!" Pssht. Dude, bye. Go scold a pet rock somewhere and stay away from the humans, who you obviously don't know how to interact with. 


    On a different note... Watching Lip was really sad. The part where he was mad at Brina for calling the ambulance struck a bit of a chord with me... I used to have a friend with a drinking problem who angrily refused to speak to me anymore after I called her an ambulance when she had alcohol poisoning. Blugh. 

    • Love 4
  6. I don't know about that, Caila showed a few flashes of temper that I think could be interesting, like telling Ben that he was feeding her lines when letting her go. Granted, she does it passive-aggressively with a smile on her face, but she does say things that aren't complete people pleasing words. 

    I did like when she did that! I typically find her kind of bland and robot-ish, but I did like that short scene. He tried to say he'd miss her presence or some mess, and she just said, "That sounds like a line." Then he said some other bland thing, and she just kind of curtly said, "You don't have to say that." I am a fan of any small glimpse of someone NOT eating up Ben's dumb fake nice-guy routine that we can get!

    • Love 6
  7. I'm so over Ben and his "nice guy" schtick. Wtf was even the point of doing all the "I love yous" with JoJo. I can't muster great amounts of sympathy for anyone on this show, but I've grown real weary of Ben and think it's pretty shitty of him to (as I see it) emotionally manipulate her that way (for no reason - she didn't think he was even allowed to say it!). Cut the dramatics dude, you know you're gonna pick Lauren. Declaring your "love" to whoever strokes your ego the best (har har no pun intended) is not a good look.

    And what's with him being like "Caila smiles too much," then immediately whining when she stops?

    He just seems like a whiny baby.

    But that commercial comparing him to Manwich?! Bachelor as sloppy Joe meat?! Lol, what on earth

    • Love 10
  8. Has Leo always talked out out the right side of his mouth? Never noticed.

    I'm 99% sure he had dip in. He was vaping at the SAG awards, but it wasn't allowed at the Oscars. I mean, I would have just stocked up on the Nicorette...but I guess he went for the dip, ha. I just hope he kept his nasty spit cup away from whoever was sitting next to him.


    I was so happy he won!! And wholeheartedly agree with the people who have said he should have won for his role as Arnie Grape <3

    • Love 1
  9. I am positive that Jojo's apartment was a fake. Yes, there was furniture in it but if you look the surroundings there wasn't a single personal item. 

    I thought it looked fake too. I didn't even think it looked like a real apartment...it looked more like a sitting area outside the men's locker room at the country club or something. It was weird. 


    I thought Caila's family's house was kind of fake looking too though... What were those weird orange (or green? I dunno. I might have the color conflated with her dad's pants.) drape-things behind Ben and Caila's mom when they were talking? It didn't seem like there were windows there...so it was just curtains draped down the wall? Okay. 

  10. A past Bachelorette contestant (I can't remember who) tweeted last night that once you're accepted to be a contestant, you have to give production the phone numbers of all ex-significant others. 

    Ahh! Seriously? If I was an ex I'd be mad about that. Handing out my number to a tv show? Hell no. Is the justification that they have to make sure you didn't stab your ex-boyfriend with a kitchen knife or something? I mean, I get the producers' actual reason (see, e.g., Chad-related *drama*!) - but I would imagine at least some of the people that have been on this show in all these seasons must have objected to this requirement...

    • Love 1
  11. "I totally cracked up at the captioning on the screen when Carl was talking to his homies at school."

    I felt like the writers had just gone ahead and cannabilized several movies. Carls subtitles felt right out of 'Airplane'. (Oh, Stewardess, I speak jive.)

    A porno movies for Lip. House boy? Really?

    And then Lip had his 'Streetcar' moment, yelling Helenes name outside the house.

    And we also had our American History X moment with Chuckie getting in trouble for writing a report on Mein Kampf.

  12. Be respectful of a person and a relationship that meant an awful lot to you? Some things are just never going to seem funny with any amount of retrospect, and I would imagine that watching the boy you love get raped at gunpoint is one of them. That just will never sit right with me, with any justification.

    It's not uncommon at all for traumatized people to outwardly demonstrate a sense of "laughing off," or minimizing or whatever you want to call it, a traumatizing event. It doesn't mean that Ian, in his own head, actually thinks the situation was funny and gets a big kick out of it. 


    What annoys me more about Ian and Caleb is that the two actors have NO chemistry. It's not believable at all. Whatever. 


    And yeah..."There's no rule that says you have to be there every night." Um actually there are several, and they aren't just rules, they are laws. Because you're the legal guardian, Fiona. The inconsistency is so ridiculous, in addition to season to season, it's from episode to episode. One episode she's all "I have to get the house back to keep the family together blahblah!" Then this episode she's never there to the point that the family actually thinks she moved out? Come on. I mostly just find it comical at this point, it's so ridiculous.

    • Love 3
  13. Even if a couple gets engaged, I assume just watching the show on TV would make a woman break the engagement.  

    "What?  you told HER she was the most amazing woman??   and why is your hand on her thigh, when 30 minutes before, you were making out with me?"  

    And this is one of many reasons why I'm in the minority that misses Juan Pablo... He didn't even wait 30 minutes! Oh, you're done making out with that girl behind the hot dog stand? Sweet! Grab that one and go behind the bleachers! Done with that too? Awesome! Grab another one and head around the back of those hedges! I don't even remember what busted sports-picnic group date that was, but it was perfect. (I'm clearly an unabashed Wrong Reasons Viewer over here.)


    Alright, back on topic... 


    The thing that bugs me about the Bachelor tv show is, why assume that the girl has to be wife material?  I mean really, Emily was young and immature in some ways, but she seemed to have a good heart and she will eventually grow up. 

    I agree the whole premise of this show is completely ridiculous. And I thought it was weird the way he dumped her by saying "I just can't see you as my wife." Like why not just say "We don't have a *connection*" or something else innocuous. The whole "you're not wife material" was a strange/sort of unnecessarily rude way to put it, to me anyway.

    • Love 4
  14. When Emily told Ben's mom her life goal was to be an NFL cheerleader I almost choked. What a moron. Does she have an actual career goal or does she think that's a career? Don't those cheerleaders all have actual jobs? I didn't think that gig actually paid well. What mother wants to hear that about a woman her son might marry? So dim.

    It doesn't at all. Like sometimes not-even-minimum-wage level bad. There was a lawsuit against the Oakland Raiders about it a couple years ago. IIRC, the outcome was that now the Raiderettes actually get paid minimum wage... Yeehaw, can't wait to get into that career!

    • Love 5
  15. Ick, it took all of two (maybe three?) episodes for me to go from hoping that baby was Gus's to just being totally done with him. Like grow the hell up dude. You married a stranger. It crumbled fast. (Shocker.) Buck up and move on. And she TRIED to give him his ring (that so *super* special one he gave away to a person he didn't know...) back, but he chose to publicly humiliate her in a crowded bar instead.

    And it's not like she keeps calling him to help her bring in the groceries. She needs him to sign a sheet of paper so her and some minor children in her care can have somewhere to live. Like get a grip, Gus.

    • Love 1
  16. Alyssa was really trying to convince us this season is chock full of talent, hmm... First with the comment that was something like "This will be our toughest season of all stars yet!" during her speech before the runway. Then after the runway with "I can see this season will be really competitive!" Yeah, okay. It will be "tough"...for the viewers. I was generally fine with most of the clothes they sent down the runway in the first episode, but there are some seriously obnoxious people here, yeesh. I didn't watch all the original seasons and I didn't watch UTG, so I didn't know all of them already...


    I wish they would re-vamp Project Runway so now it's just a camera following Dmitry around... I'd watch that! *sigh* <3

    • Love 13
  17. I kind of had the impression last night that Ben may just be too hungover at this point to be able to handle this mess anymore. He just seemed confused and tired the whole time. 


    Re: Leah - I love when people on this show blatantly lie about saying something that they just said with a camera three feet from their face. Ha! Yeah, okay. 


    I liked the women getting attacked by pigs, ha. Terrible, wretched date. But great for my viewing enjoyment. That whole Bahamas trip was terrible/great actually. The pigs, the hurricane, everyone being irritated at Ben. Love it. 


    But man leaving Olivia on the beach in the storm while Ben and Emily rode off in the boat...that was COLD. I did feel bad for her when that happened.

    • Love 8
  18. I think Ben himself is the most egregious overuser of "like"! Maybe I just notice it more since we hear him talking more...or maybe I've just become desensitized to women doing it... But particularly when "feelings" are being discussed...he is so, like, deep...like, you know. 

    • Love 7
  19. That's my (apparently unpopular) opinion of JoJo.

    I agree with you. In an effort to find out if my opinion was completely at odds with the male members of society, I asked Mr. Wovenloaf what he thought of her. He was originally like "Meh, she's alright. I can't really get a good look at her." Then a shot of her in a flimsy tank top happened and he was like "Ooooh. She's got big boobs!" Alright then.... *eyeroll* 

    • Love 1
  20. Also, the timeline of her first pregnancy, subsequent marriage, then getting pregnant again, and divorced shortly thereafter seem to raise a lot of red flags about her decision-making and character-discernment.

    I don't know that the timeline necessarily said anything horrible about her to me... I had the impression she was just married to the dude. Had a kid with him. Then got pregnant again. Then found out he was cheating on her, so they split. Was it more dramatic than that (already admittedly-dramatic) scenario? I mean...it was all in a short period of time...and leaving an infant to be on The Bachelor is surely ridiculous. But I'm not going to call her sketchy because some dude cheated on her. 


    I'm more likely to call her sketchy merely for the reason that she's seeking a new husband on reality television! =)

    • Love 1
  21. Well, McDonald's : food as The Bachelor :: love

    Not too long ago McDonald's (I'm pretty sure it was McDonald's) had a commercial out that compared burgers to wedding bands! Because they are both...round? I think the gist was that eating at McDonald's was supposed to make you feel loved...or that the viewer's love for burgers is really intense...or something. I don't know. 


    As for her sullen pouty routine it did look like she was upset throughout the show which I found annoying but this ep confirmed for me thats how the producers wanted to portray her, was I the only one confused/surprised when JoJo mentioned something about Jubilee being fun? Did they forget to edit out that part considering they spent the last five episodes making sure we never saw that side at all.

    You were not, no. I was also confused. Because in addition to the editing making her look un-fun, I also remember the other women sitting around in a big group talking about how she was just *draaaagging* the whole house down. So Jojo's comment was weird to me too. 

    • Love 1
  22. Oh don't get me started on Lauren H. She is a case of not having much beauty or likeability. To me she's another one who seems older than Ben.

    Her accent is what kills me. She is annoying and her soccer mom comments last week were stupid, but I don't find her totally wretched personality-wise. And I wouldn't necessarily call her beautiful, but I think she's attractive enough. That accent though. >_< I've never noticed being bothered by Michigan accents in my life before...but her particular accent/voice combo just grates on me. 

    • Love 1
  23. I find it so annoying. I don't know what would be wrong with him saying something like "I'm in the middle of a conversation right now, but as soon as I'm done I'll come get you."

    Seriously! When Olivia interrupted him the second time, and he was all grumbly to the person he was talking to (I don't remember who it was...maybe one of the twins?) like "I don't know what she's doing, I'm sorry *grumble grumble*" I was just thinking why doesn't he tell Olivia to go away then! I think the Bachelor's do it to seem "nice" or something...but I don't see where being "nice" requires dropping everything you are doing every time a teary and/or pushy woman gets near you. Especially when that woman volunteered to "date" you at the same time as 25 other women. He could very politely tell them he'll speak with them later. It's very annoying. 

    • Love 3
  24. The only time he seems "real" to me is when he's horny (or drunk? Or both?). Which is the only time I find him interesting. 

    I'm with you! He is usually good at putting on an "I'm concerned" face when the women tell him about their assorted problems, but it usually seems so fake to me and sort of makes me cringe. Maybe I'm just jaded and he really is concerned, but I think he seems like a bit of a robot and comes off kind of dumb in those situations... He's much better the times when he turns that schtick off...I think you're right it's when he's horny and/or drunk, ha!

    • Love 2
  25. Becca needs to find a man who is in her same church who believes as she does about no sex before marriage.  I just don't see a happy ending for her otherwise.  I have never met or heard of a man who holds this belief.  There must be some but not many and you don't find them on The Bachelor or any reality dating show. 

    Oh they exist... You just don't hear about them much because, in my experience, they got married real young. Like 19. Likely to some girl they'd known since they were a toddler. (Again, this is only in my experience. This was a continuing pattern in the church I grew up in.) 


    I agree that Becca trying to find men on the Bachelor is pretty ridiculous if that is what she wants. If she wants to wait, then whatever, more power to her. But it seems like more of an attention grab to me. I mean, who would go on television and discuss their virginity in front of a camera, repeatedly, for anything other than attention. 

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