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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. On 10/23/2017 at 4:04 AM, zoemom said:

    IMO, Antonio hoped TLC would at least give him some "exposure" and cash if he went along with this charade.  After watching "Line in the Sand" episode tonight, I also started to feel some empathy for him.  He needs to tell TLC to leave, take their cameras and Cortney and check into a hotel and give him back his space.  Damn Cortney, even though his English isn't perfect, it's obvious he wasn't into her or wanting a serious relationship and towards the end of the episode I got the impression he was counting the days until it was over.  I'm hoping that storyline will be finally wrap up next week and we won't see those two on a future episode of 90 Day Fiance.  It's painful to watch.

    I think he actually said, "I need my space. Alone. Without you." at one point.  In response she moped more about "well if you don't want me here..."  Girl.  There is no "if" about it.   

    • Love 6
  2. 1 minute ago, Sprockets said:

    Why is anyone ever too young to tell the truth?  She seems extremely manipulative to me, beyond her years.  

    I didn't say anyone, young or old, shouldn't tell the truth.  Just that people at that age often have a hard time being upfront when they're not into someone who is into them.   And that a lot of people (not all, unfortunately...) get better at such situations as they get older. 

    • Love 3
  3. 56 minutes ago, EDTV said:

    agree, but I don't think she acted like she wasn't into him either. I think maybe he came on very strong, he has a very strong personality, and I think her not wanting him made him want her more. But still, she spent an entire week with him, which in it of itself was leading him on and I'm sure her BF would not have been happy about that, and I didn't flat out hear her tell him no either. but i think it was too risky for her to be with him... since he's from another country, religion, has a kid already and seems like he wants a lot of attention, where as she came across as much more laid back.

    I think she was having the problem a lot of people have when they are young where they have a hard time just saying "I'm not interested."  She's only 22.  I used to do that at her age - when "nice guys" wouldn't back off, but they were "nice" so I felt bad just telling them to beat it.  Also I think some people, when they are young, think that there is a kind of obligation (not a literal one, but a "social" one I guess) to be friendly with people.  There's not.    

    I don't necessarily think she led him on while he was there (she looked totally disgusted when he was grabbing her at the gym...), but she definitely should have nipped this whole thing in the bud way before he showed up in Paris.  And I don't think there actually is a boyfriend.   If there is, not a serious one - like if she was into Patrick when he showed up she would have gone with it, but she wasn't so she "has a boyfriend."

    In any event, I find Patrick so overbearing and obnoxious and full of shit, that I can't help but be on Myriam's side, in comparison, ha. 

    • Love 5
  4. 5 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    There is no question he's using Nicole to get his green card and get to America. And if that was even remotely disguised or hidden or not obvious to everyone in the world other than Nicole, despite her being told this by everyone, then I might hedge. But she seems perfectly happy in her role of being the sugar mommy. He's not cruel, he's not evil, he's not abusive (as far as we've seen) and he seems to genuinely like May. She could do a lot worse and I'm not sure she could do any better. 

    From what we've seen she's the one who has a penchant for shoving him around and body-slamming him against vans. 

    • Love 12
  5. 21 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

    Molly asked him why he was so against her relationship w/ Luis and he said "ppl need to stay where they come from."

    Yes, most of the American families are suspicious, but he's one of the few who has said anything like the above.

    If he wasn't racist, wouldn't Molly have disagreed w/ her mother for saying so?

    He may also be holding her daughters' fathers against her, too.

    Untrue! I've bought my mother 24k gold.

    For the first highlighted part, I don't think he actually said that.  When Molly's mom was trashing him, I think she said something along the lines of "he thinks people need to stay where they come from."  From what I recall, the dad only said something about how, if Luis arrives and ends up hurting Molly or her daughters, he'll do everything in his power to make sure Luis goes back to where he came from.  Which I don't really think is a racist comment, in context.  

    As for the mother, I got a real manipulative, mean-under-the-surface type vibe from that lady, and the distinct impression that Molly has spent a healthy portion of her life listening to her mother talk shit about her father.  Just my impression.   

    • Love 9
  6. 3 hours ago, Inga said:

    Yes to everything everyone has said about Evelyn. I about busted out laughing when she first started to sing! She looks older than 18 and definitely has some kind of eating issue. Her fiancé is a 26 year old virgin? Um, ok. And she’s so Devout Christian—but wait, here’s a picture of me In a bikini—God created this body, so I should be able to show it...

    I had the same response.  And I'm not even convinced he's only 26.  If he had said he was 36, I would've believed him. 

    • Love 1
  7. 9 hours ago, mojito said:

    And speaking of rentals, the two of them talked about those places as though they were going to purchase them. He talked about needing to do something about the windows because they were old, and she said that this large closet of wood would need to be painted white. Yet Another Annoying American (AAA) overseas. 

    Yeah, I kind of got the impression they were buying not renting also.  It's not the first time I've had that impression on this show, even though people were supposedly "renting."  I think sometimes on the HHI show the producers present it as renting because they think it will make it simpler for viewers if people are talking in terms of a monthly payment in American dollars?  I don't know why it would be so hard to just present the total budget as American dollars rather than Euros (or just say what it is in Euros, whatever), but maybe the producers think we're dumb. 

    I do prefer the episodes where people are actually looking at larger homes, as opposed to the ones with students looking at tiny apartments and muttering about how there's no oven over and over. 

    • Love 4
  8. 7 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

    I’m not convinced the whole mugging situation went down. It’s Too much like a cheesy romantic movie, The guy reveals a flaw to the girl,the girl begs that she loves him no matter what. The guy runs off ashamed,she chases after. He pushes away,she leaves alone & then surprise surprise,she’s robbed & he wasn’t there to “protect” her (no one with a machete would be afraid of Paul,hell even with out they wouldn’t)

    Mr. Wovenloaf and I both actually laughed out loud when Paul lamented that he wasn't there to "protect and defend" Karine.  I suspect the machete guy might have done the same (then chopped off his arm or something) if Paul tried.


    As for Larry, I thought he was outrageously rude.  And I felt bad for Jenny and her family that they were treated that way. 

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Chalby said:

    I was surprised when he started rattling off his criminal past as I was always under the impression that conviction and jail time pretty much closes any hopes of world travel. Did TLC pull some strings? And if so, WHY for him? He is so damaged, personality-wise, clothing/looks -wise, and intelligence-wise. He's such a sad-sack who cannot carry on a normal conversations because his phobias keep intruding, well… Karine can do way better. Hopefully this show will get her a higher profile. Heck, even jealous Sean would be better. Karine's too nice to this loser.

    It depends on the crime(s), as to how much of a problem the person would have getting a passport.  Felony drug convictions would be the biggest issue.  But conviction of other types of crimes won't necessarily prevent one from being able to travel abroad. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

    It seems odd to me that posters who like their cocktails...or want to have a glass of wine object (strongly?) to another person's want or need to completely avoid dealing with alcohol.  To each his/her own.  Jesse gave his  moeder...oops, his girlfriend his expectation, asked for a concession, and she agreed.  Now they have a contract.  Can't that just be the end of it and we can snark on everything else about them?

    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.  (Well, no, actually - I think I do get your implication, I just find it uncalled for and am hoping you meant something else.)  I haven't seen a single person here object to Jesse's decision to avoid alcohol/dealing with drunk people.  What I have seen (and agree with) is people objecting to the manner in which he seems to have failed to previously explain to Darcey that that was important to him, and went from "Enjoy some wine with my mom!" to "Never drink a single drop again or this relationship will immediately be over!" in a matter of hours.  And in context (of what we see on the show anyway), it seemed over the top and controlling. 

    • Love 13
  11. 1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

    Paul is beyond controlling.  Before they had their "talk" it was mentioned that his cell phone had already been stolen and they only had Karine's to use.  They were passing it between them during his confession to her.  When he got up to run away, he still had her phone.  Then, after she chased him and tried to get him to go back with her and he refused, she said she hated him and tried to take her phone back (it had been going back and forth between them during the scene) and he wouldn't let her have it, until she finally forced it out of his hands.  So, he wanted to control the whole conversation, have her chase after him and then keep her phone at the end of it all.  Some posters have commented that he's not bright enough to force the manipulation, but I think he is similar to Danielle in that they are much more manipulative than they let on-and they both have tried to blame the victim role (Paul kept saying he had been burned by his ex-girlfriends; not that he had committed various criminal acts that may have led those ex-girlfriends to try to get away or keep him away from them).


    No, I think they were just talking about how he shouldn't have it out because it might get stolen.  It was attached to one of those hip clips, and it seemed like Karine was telling him to put it away and/or cover it with his shirt.  Then he said something like "oh, because I'm a gringo."  They were passing one phone back and forth later because they were using the translator app.  But I think they both had their phones until Karine's got stolen by machete guy, and the one Paul ran off with was his. 

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, PityFree said:

    Plastic surgeons and dermatologists can have a salesman's personality, IME. Any specialty where there is a lot of opportunity for side business (spa services, facials, elective procedures, skin care products, makeup lines, etc.) for their practices can attract people with sales skills. I have no idea what kind of doctor Chris is though.

    I think he's an otolaryngologist.

    • Love 1
  13. 8 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Hawaii to Mosman The lack of surprise when there was literally a wild bird inside the first apartment made me know that they were going for that. Views be damned I would have gone for the the one that was four hundred underbudget.

    Yes, that was strange.  I certainly wouldn't consider wild birds flying in your open windows to be a "selling point," even if they are cockatoos.

    • Love 5
  14. 54 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    I get a gay vibe with Jesse.  I also believe this is a business arrangement between them; her clothing line for some publicity for his business/modeling.

    Does a 42 yo woman, even with some drinks in her, actually say 'you're not my boss you can't tell me what to do' like she's a bratty 16yo?  

    I can only hope that was some very bad acting.

    I took that as a snappy response to him talking down to her like she was a 16 yr old.  He was treating her like one, so she responded like one.  I could see him being annoyed, but I thought he kind of came off like a bit of a psycho last night.  I didn't think she was being that awful, and I didn't get the impression she is constantly showing up at the apartment drunk.  His righteous outrage that she was HIGHLY INTOXICATED! and being SASSY! to him seemed pretty over the top.  Of the bazillion reasons those two should split, a mild case of wine-soaked sass seems like an awfully silly one.

    • Love 7
  15. 2 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

    Ok, I admit that I don't have kids so I don't know of their propensity for hurting themselves, but what is with this show and it's participants constantly making some mention about the children being hurt by running through a room or stairs or a balcony?  Why is it these people are so concerned with these kids and what seems to be normal laying out of a house?  Is it impossible to tell your children to be careful? 

    I do not understand that either.  The house I grew up in had a balcony over the stairs, and I lived to tell about it.  My best friend had a long walkway-balcony type deal that was open on both sides, connecting the 2 sections of the upstairs.  She and her 5 siblings all successfully made it to adulthood.  As for the parents worried about falling down stairs... millions of other parents have successfully prevented such a catastrophe by purchasing a baby gate.  

    • Love 5
  16. 7 hours ago, Mileman said:

    On the payroll scam, there is a mention at the bar that folks are paid Monday instead of Friday, apparently they are afraid workers will get wrecked during the weekend and not show up on Monday.

    I understood the 5% is to get paid on Friday, and then the mob takes the whole payroll on Monday.

    What everybody else said makes sense, I just didn't find that detail in the explanations.

    I think it was that they don't get their checks until the end of the day Friday afternoon (the effect of which is that they the banks are closed and they can't cash the check until Monday), instead of getting paid Friday morning when they could potentially go to a bank on lunch break or whatever, because the company doesn't want them just disappearing and getting drunk during the workday Friday.  That's what I thought they said.  

    • Useful 1
    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, Kenz said:

    I'm with you there. Does the mob guy keep the withheld taxes for himself? I know he keeps 5% for a service fee to cash the checks, but would that be enough for him? Also, why would the construction company be ok with this? If anyone could explain this, I'd appreciate it!

    My impression was that it was set up like those "check cashing" stores are.  They take the check, "cash" it for you by giving you the check amount in cash, minus the 5% fee that they keep.  You leave with cash (less the 5%), they keep the check and deposit/cash it for themselves.  The construction company doesn't really care because they're not paying more or less either way.   

    • Love 5
  18. 1 hour ago, scenicbyway said:

    So, Carly and Evan's wedding was just for the show, right?  There's no way that was their real wedding.  Everyone there was from the show!  I'm assuming the show offered to pay but looking at the wedding montages from previous weddings, there's no way I believe this was real.  I would think they got married privately or perhaps just went to the courthouse since he's been married before and she's pregnant.

    Right?  You'd think they'd at least want a handful of family members there.  Although this is the same guy that declared proposing to Carly on a trashy tv show after knowing her for 3 weeks (2 of which she spent repulsed by him) was "the most important day of his life" - forget the 3 days his children were born, pssht!  

    • Love 2
  19. 11 minutes ago, Bellalisa said:

    She has THE most annoying vocally fried voice I have EVER heard on this show and believe me that is saying a lot! I can't even understand what she is saying her voice trails off so low into frogland I had to turn on the closed captioning.

    Her voice is annoying to listen to, but I'm not sure her's is necessarily just some vocal-fry affectation like the others.   At least not entirely.  My voice gets hoarse sometimes when I'm nervous.  Especially when I was younger, if I was doing public speaking or a job interview or was just nervous for whatever reason, I would be fine beforehand but then all of a sudden sound raspy and kind of lose my voice once I start talking.  To me she's always sounded like she may have the same problem.  And maybe tries to cover it up by talking in that wispy, higher-pitched voice.

    • Love 1
  20. 57 minutes ago, mojito said:

    Ugh, that Pittsburgh nurse. What a snoot! (Speaking of snoots, I suspect hers is a gut job.) 

    I'd like to come by their home in let's say 7 years, and comment on how dated it looks. 

    I noticed that the house still looked pretty empty after they moved in. 

    I particularly liked how they kept whining through the whole episode that they needed a larger dining room, then once they moved in they had one narrow, tiny table in it, with no chairs.  Okay then. 

    And yeah, her face looked pretty...worked on.  It barely moved when she spoke.  Wasn't the husband a plastic surgeon (or did I hear that wrong)?  

    • Love 9
  21. Ashley is seriously still hung up over stuff that happened at youth group?  Yeesh, grow up.  I spent a couple teenage years being grumpy about things happening at youth group.  I don't think I've even thought about that rubbish in a decade.  She just comes off so juvenile.  And if she came at me with that random dramatic tirade in my living room, I probably would have been much less gracious about it than whichever brunette that was. 

    • Love 3
  22. 19 minutes ago, In2You said:

    Asian Blake had to leave due to family issues

    When did they say that?  Hope everything's alright.  I wish he had stayed, he was hot and I liked him.

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