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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. Why is Cameran so snooty this season... When she met Craig at that diner place, she was doing a Kathryn-style catty attitude/terse stare/exaggerated rapid blinking combo thing... She's grating on me this season. 

    • Love 14
  2. 5 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    Their suits were all weirdly too small! I think it's a fashion thing, but to me it just looks silly. It used to be that dress slacks hit the top of the instep, but these guys are wearing pants where the hem barely hits the top of their boots. Plus they're ridiculously tight. Many of them are actual dress slacks, so it just looks sloppy. Then the jackets -- the short guy had his buttoned, and his chest was straining at the button -- is this to highlight how buff he is? To me, it just looks like he has a crappy tailor.


    Ugh, yes. Unfortunately there's a whole contingency of bro-type guys in these tiny, ill-fitting suits roaming around these days. I do not understand. Tight highwaters, with socks (often striped) sticking out, and tan shoes. And a jacket so tight it looks like they can't move their arms, and like the button will tear off at any moment. I guess it's supposed to show off how "buff" they are...though the distinctly not-buff dudes I see sporting this "fashion" on my elevator rides and walking by me on the sidewalk appear to have missed that memo, ha. 

    • Love 4
  3. 28 minutes ago, Llama said:

    Chad - the king of jackwagons - said something like 'the problem with Jordan is he isn't his brother'. 

    I think that was in the "coming up on this season!" montage though.

    It wouldn't surprise me if they already know though...Jordan seems like he might lead with the "I'm Aaron Rodgers little brother!" thing, while pretending to be bashful about it. He probably gets more attention from women for that then for his illustrious football career, in which it appears he never made it off the practice squad and/or got cut well before the season started.

    • Love 3
  4. Serious creepy, sleazy, cokehead vibes from Chad. Ugh. 

    As for Jordan...I don't see the appeal...I find his hair douchey and dumb. Face a little wonky. And he comes off kind of disingenuous to  me, like too practiced or something. Kicking  off that "media" career he claims to have, I guess.  Yep, from where I'm sitting, Aaron got most the genes in that family!  At least he's not alone in the inferior-to-Aaron-Rodgers category of mankind, ha ;-) 

    Man, that rose ceremony didn't end until like 6 or 7 in the morning, judging by how light it was outside when the rejected dudes left. Brutal.

    • Love 7
  5. Re: this weekly birth control debate that I have steered clear of until now...

    Sure on a practical level the woman will be the one pregnant, and of course taking precautions about your own health and well-being into your own hands is always the smart thing to do. But just saying "Well she's the woman so it's all on her!" is so extreme to me. If, upon speaking to Mr. Wovenloaf about birth control, he had just said "Eh, whatever, that's your problem." Well...he certainly wouldn't be Mr. Wovenloaf. 

    My point is that I feel entirely comfortable calling both Kathryn and Thomas irresponsible in the baby-making department, because it seems like they both were (for example, I'm thinking back to that time last season when she was riding in a car with I think Cameron and Danni and effectively admitted there was no protection involved...). Not just her because she's the woman. 

    • Love 6
  6. I mean, I love the Steelers...but damn I was tired of that 2 hour saga about finding the game. That dude was an idiot. If he's got so much free time to travel the world but can't miss a game, why is he scheduling a vacation into, literally, the middle of the sea on gameday. And why did it take 2 hours worth of show for someone to come up with an HDMI cable? Asking random bars and cafes to open in the middle of the night is a better plan? That sure was some boring manufactured drama. 

    • Love 2
  7. I don't know...that thing is especially drab. I realize perhaps a mansion would be out of place in that area, but it could have a little character to it. As it is now, it looks like a box painted beige. Plenty of houses in "less-nice" neighborhoods still have shutters or a painted door or something. Even just some kind of roof overhang at the top would help it look less like a drab box. 

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

    Christian explained that he was hit by a drunk driver and had to forego being a welder.  That's when he began tattooing.  He said he did the face tattoos as a way to say he's all in with the business and no turning back. 

    Ooh, okay, thanks for the explanation. I caught an injury and welding, but missed the connection between it all. Well I'm certainly sorry for him that he was injured and lost his career. But those cheek tattoos are still silly and he still has an obnoxious personality!

    33 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

    Yes, it does. Which has nothing to do with "hate". I don't where the hell they got that. 

    Yeah that was weird. I guess they just couldn't find a fifth "hate tattoo"-having canvas.

  9. 1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

    I love Dave.

    This is my main takeaway from every episode. <3

    And that I can't wait for Christian to go. That guy is the worst. Wtf does tribal tattoos on your cheeks have to do with being injured in a welding accident? Did I just not listen when he was explaining that (highly likely)... 

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

    Can anyone explain Shep's habit of putting on button down shirts like it was a pullover shirt?  That's just so weird to me.

    Because it's too annoying/time consuming to unbutton all the buttons. *eyeroll* Mr. Wovenloaf often does this too, and after years of watching him do it I find it no less weird and his reason no less silly, ha!

    • Love 5
  11. 23 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

    I always wonder at the thought process of someone on a reality show who decides to lie, on camera, and then even talk about the fact that they lied in their talking head. They know there are cameras there, right? And microphones? And that all the people they lied to will, eventually, see those lies in their full context? To me, an off-camera individual, the scariest part of lying is the chance you might get caught. For the on-camera individual, there is no chance of getting caught -- your exposure is built in to the forum in which you've chosen to broadcast your lie. So... what's up with that?

    I never get that either. Maybe she thought everyone would buy the "Oh but I texted her, she just had me blocked!" thing. My favorite is when people (the women on The Bachelor love this move) say something with a camera literally 3 feet from their face, and then lie about having said that thing. Um. 

    • Love 3
  12. 21 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    The key word is "husband."  Cameron is married, Kathryn is a baby mama, there's a difference. 

    I mean...sure, in many ways. But it's not like the lack of a ring means she's just some breeding mule who has no right to expect to be treated with basic decency from the dude that got her pregnant... Kathryn is a full-blown kook and she conducts herself terribly in public, but saying (unless I'm misunderstanding what you meant) she had no right to feel angry at Thomas for cheating on her while they were together makes no sense to me. 

    • Love 11
  13. 3 hours ago, beesknees said:

    Also, in one of Craig's TH's he said something in regards to working for JD / the whole Bourbon thing - "I majored in finance and have a law degree".  So, does that mean he actually passed the bar?  Maybe that's a hint.

    Nah, getting the degree and passing the bar are separate things. 

    I am glad that things are working out for Craig these days...he's more pleasant when he's not drunk and whining the whole time. But it seems like he is being a little over the top about running the bourbon thing after what seems like just a few weeks working for JD... And it seems by the preview like JD tells him that next week. Walk before you run, Craigy-Craig! But very convenient the girlfriend just has all these assorted homes laying around for him to live in though, ha... 

    • Love 2
  14. Yeah I don't really interpret his not appearing at random parties where filming is taking place (for the few months a year they film this show) as him picking and choosing when to be involved in her life. I assume he's just not a person who enjoys hamming it up for the camera at flamingo parties...which seems pretty normal to me. But I like to hope the whole "Oh no, Cam doesn't want kids but hubby does!" thing is just being blown up for purposes of the show...since it would be sad if they didn't honestly discuss that with each other before getting married. Unfortunately not uncommon, but sad nonetheless.

  15. He was vague about his inability to comply. He graduated from law school; speaking from my experience of being admitted to practice in two states, the bar exam is the least of the effort.

    It's possible that SC would want some CLE if he delayed taking the test. It's not clear from what he said.

    When I heard him say he "failed to comply with the requirements" I thought he might have meant he either 1) failed but didn't want to say so, so he dodgily worded it like that, or 2) just plain didn't fill out all the paperwork because he was too drunk to figure out his address from middle school or whatever, or 3) didn't pay the fees.

    • Love 3
  16. There sure was a lot of whining from people about "Oh poor me, look how poor I am" in this episode. Yeesh. We've got Landon talking about "leaving with nothing" from her divorce...Well that sure is a nice house she lives in for having "gotten nothing" and having a fake "magazine" job (or whatever it is). Then we've got Craig talking about being broke as hell...living in a $1.1 million house (I know it's not his, but still) and supposedly having $15K in the bank to hand over to JD for whatever weird "project manager" scam that was. God forbid he just get an actual job, like us plebians. And can't forget Kathryn talking about how she has "nothing," despite the fact that lives in her parent's house presumably rent-free, gets $30K a year from Thomas (I know he can afford more, but the point remains - $2,500 a month isn't "nothing"), is fully capable of getting her own job but doesn't, and apparently can afford the 3-bedroom house she plans on renting? She's like "see I'm not a gold digger!" No honey, that doesn't mean you're not a gold digger, it just means it didn't work. So sorry that your baby daddy hasn't bought you a mansion yet. 


    And speaking of Thomas - why does he keep whining about laws in South Carolina being so bad for him? Buddy, they have these things called court orders. Instead of pouting about how you need one, just go GET one. You can't be a rich, successful businessman and the former Treasurer of South Carolina and expect me to listen when you act like it's just so *hard* for you to navigate the court system. 


    Also - Whitney as "perfection" really was comical, ha! =D 


    And as snooty as Patricia can be, I thought her explanation of why Kathryn doesn't get invited to things was spot on... 

    • Love 2
  17.  Cameron was right about the price!!  And OMG the leopard print bedroom with a BAR in it????  The rest of the house looks so tasteful!! 

    Hahaha, yeah that is a ridiculous room. I like how the bedroom-bar also has a microwave... So you can heat up a hot pocket to eat on the glow-in-the-dark table, I guess? Didn't fit with the rest of the house, for sure... though I noticed the dining room chairs also had some leopard print going on! Regardless, it is a beautiful house! 


    And, an additional article from Charleston City Paper, from a writer who's never seen the show before.  This one is hilarious!



    Oh dear god this one really is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. The commentary on Shep's name killed me: 


    a man called Shep ­— which is a made-up name, right? No one is really named Shep. That’s the type of nickname you give an old circus performer who was kicked in the head by a donkey


    Don't let the name fool you — Shep is not a cartoon dog
    • Love 1
  19. It's funny: I read your comment and I was not sure I agreed... but then, I saw a woman running to meet Craig in the airport. I thought it was Landon and I was like... wait what? When did THAT happen? Then they showed that it was Naomie. So yeah. ;)

    Funny you should say that - I feel like I remember some random website at the end of last season saying Craig had moved into a house with Landon?? So maybe that was the same confusion, ha! 


    I thought it was Cameran at first. 


    So what was the story again about how he and new girlfriend (Naiomi?) got together? The were friends with the same groups of friends, he was a senior in college when she was a freshman but they never really met there, she texted him sometime after he returned to Delaware last fall, and then they started dating? Sounded like she very very much wanted to 1) date Craig Conover, and 2) join the cast of "Southern Charm". Not sure which was most important to her. It all seems like a big act, down to the conveniently empty nice house owned by her parents that the little couple will have to move out of "when it sells".

    The story really wasn't clear to me either...I didn't get why they got together while he was in Delaware? I remember him being a Shep-wannabe trying to get with a whole bunch of random babes at bars, but then he moves to Delaware and immediately jumps into a serious long-distance relationship? Okay, I guess. The whole thing seemed weird. 

    • Love 2
  20. Craig's shirt was really dumb. Why did the collar have flowery polka-dots on it? Ick.

    Shep needs a haircut real bad.

    A periwinkle-related conspiracy in which Landon wears certain sack dresses to secretly taunt Kathryn? Sure! Sounds plausible to me!

    I missed this show, ha.

    • Love 6
  21. Speaking of Liam, any bets on how long it'll be, before he joins his siblings in exiling Frank from his life?

    Well if the last 6 years are any indication, Liam will be in preschool until at least 2020 - so not too soon! =P

    • Love 2
  22. Since Reid Rosenthal was mentioned upthread - I thought people might be interested to see he's on this TLC special now http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bachelorettes-reid-rosenthal-surprises-on-say-yes-to-the-address-w200216

    He's showing those random people houses around Philly, because I guess he's a real estate agent here... I live in Philly and I'm in the market for a house, maybe I should call up Reid haha!

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