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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. On 12/28/2022 at 4:11 PM, Bunnyette said:

    Why doesn’t Emily take Alfie somewhere else to eat?  Always Gabriel’s place.

    I know right?!  I kinda feel the same with Alfie now working for the perfume/investor guy... Like there's only 3 people and 1 restaurant in all of Paris 😅

    • LOL 1
  2. 18 hours ago, blixie said:

    I don't think the math really works for DJ to be Kevin's if everything is as was stated and Erin wasn't lying about DJ being a year old. If he is, he was conceived 22 months ago and Kevin was dead a month earlier. I've mostly been trying to suss out based on the extremely red hair on the baby they cast  if anyone else we know has red hair and in town full of seeming Irish/Italian Catholics it's weird no one else is a redhead. That said, his hair color is probably not actually a clue to anything. 

    Mare is a redhead.  So I guess that could lend credence to the theory of Kevin being the father.  I agree the math doesn't seem to work for that theory though.

  3. I don’t think they are really supposed to be in a “rural” area like a lot of the comments are saying (and like some parts of the show are making it seem).  “Small town” type of community, yes.  But they are supposed to be in Delaware County, much of which is just Philly suburbs.  DelCo ranges from bordering Philly on the eastern end to being more spread out and having farms to the west – with a variety of towns, some similar to the one in the show, in between.  But they are not remote or out in the boondocks where it’d be surprising to have a college nearby.

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  4. I found this episode a bit boring.  I actually am tired of the constant plot lines where Claire has to drop everything to "heal" some random person they come across.  We get it...she's a doctor.  And the whole "this person is repugnant but Claire still has to provide care!" thing has been done multiple times throughout the series already.  I find the penicillin plot line kind of goofy, but at least it's different. 

    I wish they'd focus on the Regulators stuff more.  It's more interesting and compelling, actually involves characters I know and care about, and moves the story forward. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    That's great.  I guess I just kind of find it niche.  There are about a million different styles and techniques out there, but I don't know if I find tie-dye really broad enough that the designers should need this technique for the future.

    Perhaps, but they don't need to know how to make clothes out of garbage bags, traffic cones, Twizzlers, or the other weird crap in unconventional materials challenges either.  I think adding the element of them having to dye their own fabric made the challenge a little different, and at least fabric dying is relevant to fashion (versus when Lifetime would try to shoehorn in random sponsors as "inspiration" for every challenge).

    • Love 21
  6. 6 minutes ago, Colfrmb2 said:

    Same goes for Jazzmin.  Her parents see their 2 daughters in LA as a step to getting there themselves.  I’m really surprised that the sister wasn’t there for the family lunch.  I wanted to see them all blink Finnish Morse code at each other mocking and raking Blake and his mother over the coals.  

    She was, I thought?  I think she arrived with the parents and was sitting across from Jasmin at the table, but didn't say much.  She must have been so boring she blended right in with the decor, ha!

    • LOL 2
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  7. 2 hours ago, hookedontv said:

    Yes! I have mentioned this before. No one else is in the same clothes for their talking heads, so either for some crazy reason Anna's are all filmed at the same time (doubt it) or she thinks that the yellow shirt looks great and is the bee's knees!

    I've noticed it with Wine Michael too.  He is often wearing that same blue button down shirt that is way too small and has the buttons straining.  I think I've noticed Angela wearing the same thing (a light blue shirt with billowy sleeves comes to mind?) in talking heads across multiple episodes too.  I wonder if they film all that before knowing how the episodes will be split up, or if they do it later to fill in the particular episodes?  Or a combo of both. 

    • Love 3
  8. I like how Happy had an easy-to-find Manila folder about the various murders he'd been hired to commit, complete with photos and notes (which didn't even look to be in code!).  Then he said the other guy would know more because he "keeps meticulous records" or something.  What??  Like he's got a careful filing system for hits, organized by year and client?  Is it in a cabinet labeled "Murders"?     

    • LOL 8
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  9. A fair portion of my work involves suing directors and officers for breach of fiduciary duty.  This is glaringly (like, neon-flashing-light level) disloyal conduct.  The Chairman (who is a director, yes) secretly starts a competing company, and the "in competition" isn't just hypothetical - the new company already swiped one big deal out from under Millennial and got caught trying to woo another client to leave Millennial.  And the Chairman discloses none of what he's up to, is fully aware of and participating in the client-stealing, and is apparently using his inside knowledge of Millennial's biz to do it.  I wish the show would have him get sued.  But that would distract from his boring, overwrought relationship with Liza, so it won't happen...

    • Love 9
  10. Was the thing about Bonnie having experience with abuse previously in her life ever an actual thing the show told us in a concrete way?  I don't remember that.  I do remember that a lot of people here hypothesized that was the case from the way she was looking at Perry and Celeste in the last episode of least season.  But I don't recall that being confirmed in the show, so I don't see the inconsistency about her background in that regard. 

    (I haven't read the book though, so only going off what I remember from last season.)

    • Love 5
  11. Yes that Joshua Tree episode was bizarre.  I thought it must have been a rerun since I didn't see anyone commenting on it here.  That property they bought was just.....what??  They kept talking about "fixing up the house" but there was no house!  It seemed like it was just a rundown warehouse/industrial building with haphazard partitions in it, and then a bunch of outbuildings.  And at the end they were focusing their renovation efforts on the silly looking towers? What? 

    Based on the 3 properties they looked at, I thought they would have been better off just buying a plot of land and building what they wanted

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

    Well, then sit next to me, Drogo.

    I told Mini Persnickety several episodes back that I'd love to hear mom's version of events.  

    Interesting that Caitlin apparently isn't even raising her own kid but wants to cry foul about what a poor/absent parent her mother was.

    I cannot stand Matt, but I'm not taking anything Caitlin says at face value.

    I thought she was a nasty nagging shrew in the funeral home.  I didn't blame Matt for walking out.  

    She's dealing with an emotionally stunted man-boy who has very limited coping skills.  She should have been prepared for the challenges of that when she first decided to make contact with him.  I think she's quickly figuring out controlling Matt while he was inside was a lot easier than trying to control him on the outside.  

    I still think they deserve each other.  I think they're both nasty pieces of work.

    Yes!!  Reading the comments here last week I thought I must have been the one lone person who thought that about the scene at the funeral home.  

    • Love 6
  13. 19 minutes ago, Bronx Babe said:

    Thanks, @Pickles.  She was pretty was certainly did not know how to style herself, that's for sure.

    The guy said he never lived with a woman before.

    Trying to remember his name -- Cosimo something....

    I got the impression he had never even lived on his own before.  I think at one point he said he'd always been living with his parents?  Even though he's a manager of some health clinic people travel from far and wide to come to?  Huh?  I agree the whole story made no sense. 

    • Love 4
  14. Biddell's should have won.  They seem determined to never give him critiques...seems like he is always just safe.  And I'll always root for Dmitry, but I hated his... 

    As for the two in the bottom - Django's dramatics in the workroom were getting annoying and there was no real point in him continuing on the show, but I think this week Sean's was much worse.  That thing was a cheap looking wreck.  And the pointless fringe, ugh.  Stop already Sean.  At least last week the fringe actually was the skirt (though I remain confused why that outfit won), this week he just tied on random cords to the bottom of his skirt. 

    • Love 4
  15. I thought Sean's was awful.  I agreed with whatever designer described it as slutty pajamas.  And with the shiny, cheap-looking fabric and the buns on the model's head, I thought she looked like she belonged in a space-themed Spice Girls music video or something.  But as horrible as it was, I still thought Julie's weird patches randomly sewn to the side of the dress deserved to go... at least Sean seemed like he had an idea, however horribly it was executed.  Julie's...the monkey has fuzzy cheeks so here are some fuzzy thigh patches awkwardly tacked on to a basic black dress?  Huh?  Her personality was lovely though, so she will be missed. 

    I agree with the sadness expressed above about Dmitry's once-beautiful face ='(  Bad nose job, too many fillers, combo of both...I don't know, but whatever has happened it's a great loss to humanity. 

    • Love 5
  16. 3 hours ago, grawlix said:

    That was an odd piece of filming/editing.  It looked like the vigilantes were close enough to identify that the man running was Woodard, but there was no indication that they recognized who he was.  It could be that they filmed the sequences and the editor did what he could to preserve the story line.

    I think what happened was the one guy saw him out the window talking to the little girl, then went to round up his buddies.  A little later, after rounding up the buddies, they were all headed to Woodard's house.  At the time, Woodard was walking back to his house and, when he saw the posse coming, sprinted across the field to make it back to the house before they did.  I got the impression the posse knew that's where he was going (which is why they just went there, instead of trying to chase him through the field).

    • Love 10
  17. 1 hour ago, edie3 said:

    but the Dayton couple covered up the orginial hardwood floors!!!  Maybe they were not able to be refinished and not because of his noise issues.

    That was terrible.  They didn't look in bad shape, at least from the tv.  And that laminate they put down was drab colored and cheap looking (not all laminate is, but the one they picked was).  She had been commenting earlier in the episode about how could anybody possibly prefer carpet over hardwoods.  So then she gets hardwoods but immediately covers them up with bad laminate?!  Ugh. 

    I think in that second house (the newer one), she was trying to play up the dramatics on purpose or something.  Because she was doing the classic House Hunters act about the house being near-uninhabitable unless the entire kitchen is torn out.  But she wasn't nearly as haughty about the other houses. 

    • Love 3
  18. 17 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    Richmond episode:  I know it's a nitpick but I got tired of them calling houses "ranchers."  Never heard that description before and I wonder if that's just in the Richmond area.

    I grew up in Richmond and refer to ranch houses as "ranchers."  So don't know if it's exclusive to Richmond or not, but it sounds normal to me.  Probably a Southern thing. 

    • Love 4
  19. 2 hours ago, Captanne said:

    I still haven't heard an answer to this question.  I didn't see another antichrist.  But, now that I'm seeing that photo of Michael in the tub, I think maybe I missed whole parts of this episode.  I didn't see anything that would use that scene.  (Closest I can think of was the battle scene in which Mallory? fought him by the stairs and Cordelia killed herself.  Was that this one?  Ugh.  This series is starting to really suck.)

    There wasn't a scene of him actually in the bathtub.  That wasn't a still from an actual scene, just a photo somebody took on set I think.  His clothes were ripped up for the scenes when Madison was trying to kill him I think.  The "new Antichrist" was supposed to be the baby born at the end.  The episode ended with him having killed the babysitter the same way Michael had when he was a tot. 

    • Love 1
  20. 4 hours ago, mojito said:

    I thought to work in Australia, you had to be young and come over with some skills and/or degrees in something useful. Not getting how the women were able to make the move unless they were very wealthy. I wonder if Miguel's income comes from prize money? He's a little long in the tooth, it seems, for that to work out much longer. Strange episode.

    They could have gotten a working holiday visa, which would let them have temporary jobs while they are there. 

  21. I liked the Sitges episode.  The two guys (Gil and Kim, I think their names were?) seemed so nice.  And were nice to each other.  They disagreed about stuff without being snotty or dramatic about it, like so many house hunters we see are.  Their demands were reasonable, and they reached a good compromise.  Plus they just seemed like pleasant, interesting people. 

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