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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. Wow.  There's an entire master's thesis, at least, just BEGGING to be written in analyzing the differences between the rules for men and women in that list.  SO MANY QUESTIONS.  But the one that puzzles me the most is why the women are allowed to sleep in 30 minutes longer than the men?  Things are adjusted so eventually their schedules dovetail back together, so I don't understand the point?  Probably someone read an article somewhere back by "science" that said women need more sleep than men or something. *eyeroll*

    Nobody is going to want 19 little miracles with someone that has dark circles under their eyes, now will they?? They are doing god's work by getting these broads back into babymaking shape!! *barf*

    • Love 3

    I am confused about how much time passes in these episodes. It looks like just one day to introduce the new people, and then the elimination on Day 2 or 3. But they keep talking about "this week" and "having a good week." Is that a TV contrivance, or do they really get a few days with their "keeper" before the next new people arrive?

    Nah I think they just say that for purposes of the show. The producers have them call it a "week," when its actually only been 2 or 3 days. They probably filmed the whole thing in a few weeks. They do it on Bachelor shows too. Bachelor in Paradise people are all like "this week blahblahh," but they actually filmed the whole season in 3 weeks, for I think 7 or 8 weeks of shows.

    • Love 2
  3. Here's my damage with the above: If Josh Duggar is old enough to have sex, he's old enough to get his ass to a doctor's office, investigate methods of birth control, and USE THEM. He's too damn lazy to do any of the above. After all, he wouldn't want to actually have to make an appointment, get himself there, bla bla bla. We won't even discuss the argument with Anna when he told her that they would be using birth control for the time being, because (again) he didn't have the guts to be honest with anyone in his life!


    Seriously -- how many more excuses are we all going to make for this brain-dead oaf? Again: If he's old enough to have sex (and does not want the consequences of another baby), he should have taken himself to the doctor or at the very least, learned to pull out! No matter how embarrassing it was to admit that he didn't actually KNOW about something, the doctor's office would have provided him with condoms, instruction on how to use them, or asked for Anna to visit with him so that SHE could use an undetectable-to-their-parents method like Depo-Provera. If Anna insisted on not using birth control, he had other options as well. Like jerking off in the shower. I'm sorry to be so gross, but Jesus H. Christ, how old is he? He bears SOME responsibility for his behavior, does he not?


    He's already shown he doesn't believe in his parents' religion by his actions, but he is too much of a coward to actually DO SOMETHING about the perma-pregnancies. According to the porn star he allegedly slept with, he didn't use protection there, either. Does he think it's less sinful to NOT use a condom? What the hell is wrong with him, besides the fact he's an immature child? And I don't give him one bit of slack for his upbringing. MOST people didn't have a great childhood. By the time you're 27 and have impregnated your wife for the fourth time -- let alone whoever it is he was screwing on the side -- it might be a good idea to grow up. Just a bit.

    AMEN! To all this!

    • Love 2
  4. The InTouch stripper/porn actress claimed he brought a fucked up screen capture pic from one of her most extreme hard core films to sign. The pic was of her with her makeup all smeared and running down her face with her crying. She was like, 'Seriously? THIS is what you want me to sign?'

    Whoa, that's so creepy. I hadn't seen that in the articles I looked at. I mean...it seems like one thing to have kinda liked the hardcore scene, and another to actually want the makeup-smeared/crying still shot to be the special one that you frame on the wall (figuratively). Ugh. 

    • Love 4
  5. The "what to pack" list for Reformat YourInnerNannyWithUs is pure SNL material. I can't stop laughing at the only-for-women plan re handling "excess amounts of clothing ... [which will] be stored in an inaccessible location." First of all, what is an "excess amount of clothing?" Enough hosiery so you don't have to hand-wash your stockings every other day? And does the secret location the seized clothes go to really need to be proclaimed "inaccessible?" Couldn't the forbidden stuff just be "taken away?" Plus, why no comparable rule for men? Aren't "excess" blazers criminally equal to "excess" prairie dresses?

    Re: "inaccessibility" - maybe they think the pervy men will go sniffing the panties...? But aren't worried about women sniffing some guy's 50 pairs of boxers? (Also, remember - toes aren't sexy. So no need to bring every pair of socks you own.). I don't know...everything JimBob-cronies do has a heavy undercurrent (or just a blatant in your face current!) of control over women. So maybe telling them what number of garments they can bring and stashing them in a secret hiding spot is one more way to make sure the harlots don't unwittingly wear a white cotton shirt when they're on dish duty (like a harlot - oops, I mean, "a woman" - would, amiright?!).


    I love how us womenfolk are such trampy, trashy, man-leading-astray defrauders, while we simultaneously have absolutely no sex drive whatsoever! How DO we do it?!

    • Love 14
  6. My fear is they will insist that Anna remain under someone's headship while Josh is gone.  Can't have a grown woman and four kids leading their own lives now, can we?  

    Out of the question! Because clearly ANNA is the one who has proven she can't conduct herself in a responsible manner! Better have Jim Bob tell her what to do, until the guy who blows grocery money on prostitutes can come back and start barking orders again! Yep, recipe for a successful family right here! I'm glad I have the Duggars to teach me these things. Better go let Mr. Wovenloaf know I'll just be perpetually eating for two, while he thinks for two, or five, or nineteen! Oh, wait. He won't be into that because he views me as an actual human being. Shucks. 


    That's odd. Wouldn't it be pretty important to discuss what problems led them to treatment in the first place? Mind, I'm not a doctor, but I've had to be in therapy...different reasons, though. I HAD to discuss things I'd done that were maladaptive and understand WHY.

    It's just sad...

    I think it's just poorly worded. I assume they mean Josh can't go brag to his bunkmate about all his "conquests" (while leaving out the fact that he paid for them, of course). But then again, no need to talk about addiction out loud because god already knows the whole scene, right! Just read some prayer cards a few times, and *voila*! Healed of that pesky addiction! 



    • Love 15
  7. One thing that bugs me is that Joe seemed to feel entitled to Sam's affection. Why did she owe him anything? They shared some text messages and a date. Just like Juelia seemed to feel entitled to Joe's affection after a single date. Do people really move this fast, that they believe one date means they are in love forever and ever? I suppose in the BiP universe, it just might. Joe was an ass. Juelia was a stage 5 clinger. Sam seems to, at the very least, be intimating to one or more men that she's all-in for them if they show up in Paradise. People are so stupid.

    For Joe I think it's because he is a creep who does think he is entitled to the affection of the woman of his choice. Notice how she was suddenly a "bitch" once she didn't want to give him hand jobs in the pool anymore? Notice how he thinks she deserves to "crash and burn" if she refuses to give him hugs/kisses/said hand jobs? Dude's a total scuz. 

    • Love 7
  8. Gah! Gold Club in Philadelphia! That place is a teeny little dump!  Like it's literally the size of a one bedroom apartment. (I think there might be a second location though? Maybe that one's the size of a 2-bedroom!) Which some people find charming, I guess (charming strip club? Okay.). But it doesn't seem like a logical place to go if you have a somewhat recognizable face...although there's probably not too many people at the strip club watching the Duggars, ha! 

    This morning Good Morning America reminded me that Anna is just trying to "be understanding" because in her world it is "ungodly for a woman to show anger." My head exploded. I mean, I knew they thought that, but being reminded of it first thing in the morning was a bit too much for my pre-coffee self. I can't wrap my head around not being able to show some anger at your husband banging prostitutes while you waddle around 8 months pregnant, taking care of all the other kids and still getting his stupid (giant, I assume) plate of dinner on the table on time. How could she keep all that in? I'm desperately hoping it's all an act and she's shredding him to pieces when no one else is around. 


    I was also thinking to myself how utterly alone I would feel if my father's response to that situation was "Well, you should just try to make it work." :'( Poor Anna. At times I don't feel too bad for her because she's an adult and she can leave. But then I think how horrible it would feel to have the people that are supposed to love you tell you have no right to stick up for yourself, no right to have feelings, no right to have an opinion about your own health and well-being (or your children's, for that matter), and, also, your own dad (Or whoever else. I'm very lucky to have a really really great dad, that's why the dad thing sticks out to me) doesn't give a flying fuck that you're roped to a cheating sack of shit that exposes you and your children to the risk of all sorts of diseases. I'm really glad her brother is sticking up for her - I don't love the way he went about it, but I think it's highly likely he's the only person in her life that actually has her back. 

    • Love 18
  9. Justin looked like he was sweating through his shirt the second he got there. 

    Who doesn't change their soaking wet shirt before they go give hello hugs to a bunch of women they don't know, but allegedly want to date? Ugh. I do not find him attractive in the slightest. And the shorts hiked up around his belly button and soaked shirt unbuttoned down 1/3 of his torso did not help at all. 


    Yeah, I'm not seeing how Samantha is so attractive. There's something so blank about her face--too much Botox? I could understand why so many guys found Gia (RIP) attractive, or Jade, but Samantha looks 40 years old. *

    I think she is very very pretty, but I also agree she looks blank. Kind of like dark-haired Barbie - with the same exact expression on her face at all times, and the lack of emotion. 


    Was Joe trying to "charm" Ashley I. (during their second sit down wherein he asked for her advice - not the one where she was crying and he basically told her he didn't care) so that she would give him her rose, thereby allowing him to stay long enough to win Samantha back?  Read the room, dude...Samantha wants a fresh start with a new guy, not a fresh start with you.  

    When she said, "I want a clean slate," and he said, "Okay cool, let's do it," I was just thinking to myself "You doofus, by 'clean slate' she *obviously* means she wants to pretend she never even knew you." I did find it comical when he essentially told Ashley I. he didn't give a shit about her sobfest. I think "I'm not very emotional" coming from Joe just means "I don't actually have the capacity to feel emotions."


    Joe CREEEEEEPED me out though when he said all the garbage about how Samantha can either "be all lovey dovey with him" or she can "crash and burn." WOooowzer. Okay. *shudder* He makes me laugh when he's just barging around being an asshole (like example above with Ashley I.), but then he comes out with super creepy bullshit like "LOVE ME OR I'LL HURT YOU" and I just feel really skeeved out and want him off my screen forever. 

    • Love 5
  10. Juelia is almost coming off like a person with short-term memory loss.  She can't actually remember what happened a day or 2 ago, so she creates a new "reality" for her story, on the fly.

    Right! I mean, plenty of people selectively remember in real life, but...she's on camera. Hey, Joolz, when that one thing happened 24 hours ago, there was a guy holding a large black camera approximately 4 feet from your face. He might have been the same guy you're trying to sell your revised version to right now. I think she's just nuts. And desperate. Dear god, so desperate. That speech about how she is such a catch? Come on, everybody knows that some things you say to yourself in the mirror/mutter to yourself while you're making dinner SHOULD NOT be stated out loud to another person. Or another million people. 

    • Love 7
  11. Tanner & Jade bore me. She seems a lot like Ashley I in her ability to conversate. "Like, yeah, like me too." Do grown ass men honestly ask women to officially be their girlfriend? I thought you just discussed becoming exclusive. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong!

    Maybe on this corny ass show. I've evidently been doing it wrong too. Mr. Wovenloaf and I just kind of acknowledged one day that we were already exclusive anyway and neither us planned on changing course, so yeehaw here we go!


    Re: Tanner though - I just can't get on board with the Tanner love like others have...he bothers me, though I can't really identify why. And for some reason, when I imagine Tanner in my mind, it's Marcus's face that I come up with...Then I realize, no, that's Marcus. Tanner's that other boring sap who's face I can barely remember. And why won't he just say "Hey Samantha, I saw your dang text message. Shut up."?!?! 

    • Love 2
  12. I DO NOT understand all this Juelia drama. Are there not men in her hometown? 

    She is from San Diego!!!! If you can't find a man to forgive that shoddy blonde dye job in SAN DIEGO, then just give up now. (I'm half kidding, San Diego is a lovely place.) Jade's all like "This is her last chance at love!" Um, nah. It's not. It's actually her worst chance at this point. 


    I've really had it with Juelia. What a hypocrite. We've all spent approximately 4-5 hours of our lives hearing about how Joe UUUUUUUSED HER FOR A ROSE, but then when she realizes she's going home, she's like "Hmm I better come up with a plan." And promptly grovels to Chris Harrison about how she missed out on a connection with Mikey that she apparently just now realized she had?? No. Wrong, Juelia. I vividly remember you recoiling in some combination of confusion and disgust when he tried to kiss you! Shut up and go home already. 

    • Love 18
  13. Anna was trailing behind with a stroller, wearing a kid and trying to juggle it all while her lazy dumbass of a husband sauntered along.

    GAAH! When I think of things that piss me off about Duggars, the scene (I think in one of the episodes right after they moved to DC?) where this exact thing is happening is always one of the first things that pops into my head. Schlepping along like a pack horse, while he strolled ahead without a damn care in the world. Except, you know, the *heavy burden* of being waited on hand and foot by your wife while you cruise the internet for sex partners. 

    • Love 14
  14. I give it 2 years before he is on the Christian circuit talking about how Jesus cured him of his problems and helped him become a godly man again.. The healing power of Jesus blah blah blah

    I think he's already blown it. If he was some guy who started the preaching/speaking about his "reformation" after he was already reformed, then I think people would care what he has to say. But he would be saying the same exact things as he was saying while he was actually in the reform-needing-behavior, so I don't think people (save a couple cronies who do the same lurky, nasty stuff) will care/want to push what he has to say. And he already pulled the "I got reformed when I was 16!!!" card, then it came out he obviously wasn't "reformed." 

    • Love 2
  15. AND I suspect that Joe was coached as to how he needed to play the game to be there long enough to meet Samantha.  He's not very smart, he was coached and encouraged to play the asshole.  And he was selected for the role because they knew he IS an asshole. 

    I agree that Joe is totally an asshole, but I don't really think he's stupid...He's not just bumbling around offending people by accident. He hyper-aware of how to successfully manipulate people...in pretty creepy ways (e.g., Jonathan begins randomly sobbing after speaking to him). He says dumb shit because he's a weirdo, and because, like you said, he's playing a role. I don't think he's actually an idiot though. I would venture he's probably smarter than the rest of them...though that's not saying much, I know.


    I can't believe these Trashelor people have me so tired of their "Joe confrontations" that I'm sitting here defending his intelligence...! What twilight zone are we in?! =P

    • Love 1
  16. She probably figures random viewers from elsewhere won't know the difference. And San Francisco and Silicon Valley sound a lot more glamorous to those random viewers than Oakland, especially since the only thing a lot of people know about Oakland is that it's famously beleaguered. She ought to just call it a day and tell everybody she's from the Bay Area. 

    • Love 1
  17. Who the heck is Amber?  And how uptight did Dan look while on his date with her?  I love Ashley S and she is way better of without that uptight loser.

    She was so boring. She had potential to be cute, but she sure would have looked better if she had put 3 minutes of effort into her hair and 30 seconds of effort into picking out some flattering clothes. I forgot about her as soon as she left my screen. And Dan looked so uncomfortable. Spending the date talking about Ashley S., who he just told - to her face - that he sees too many "red flags" in her. (She should have sicced one of the untrained Mexican raccoons on him as soon as he said that.) I felt like he was trying to get out of Amber getting the idea he's into her, like "Hey, are you sure there's no riff between you two?! Because if so, I'll just jet right now! Yeah? RIGHT NOW? I SHOULD LEAVE?! No? Oh. Okay. Um, yeah, I'm having fun too." What other bizarre point would have all that wishy-washy rambling served...? From the guy who goes leaping into ambulances after random women he doesn't know!

    • Love 5
  18.   I'm over hearing the housemates  confront Joe about using Juellia. They need to realize that expecting a mentally distorted person to have a rational conversation and take someone else's point of view is a lost cause. 

    Right?! How ridiculous. The one thing I did enjoy about Joe was how he kept telling them how stupid it all was! When Joe is the only one offering accurate commentary on an event, times are REAL tough.

    I knew they were hiding the ratty summer camp rooms somewhere! That looked awful.

    And still no rose ceremony?? What the hell.

    • Love 12
  19. The court can assign a wage to you based on your education and/or past earnings history.  The amount of child support and/or alimony will be calculated off of that.  At least that is true in CA.  They don't make it that easy to ditch your custodial support.  My ex tried that (I was the one paying spousal support and with primary care of the kids) and it really did not sit well with the judge. 

    Ditto in PA. He'd be an idiot if he quit his investment banker job to avoid paying child support. He'd only end up on the hook for an investment banker-level obligation out of an unemployed-in-Mom's-attic amount of $. When did he ever say that was his reason? I was under the impression the reason he gave was just to spend more time with the kid. Not sure how being unemployed for 3 years helps your daughter, but at least they can have a lot of quality time!

  20. Joe has a sort of "smushed in"  face at certain angles.  In a few of  the photos in the PEOPLE shot, when he's smiling, and his face is like a 3/4 shot - not full forward, not profile, and his dimples show, there is a cuteness there.  But only for a moment.  

    I think you're right - when he's at a certain angle and he's smiling, he could be construed as attractive. Straight on though, he has a pretty dead-eyed, derpy look to him. But before I realized how terrible he is, I wasn't "ICK" every time his face was on the screen. Like I am, for instance, when JJ's face is on the screen. 


    Also, whoever upthread was calling Joe "Uglier Beavis" - ha! Love it. 

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