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Posts posted by wovenloaf

  1. I just can't get over how whenever Michelle and Jim Bob are talking about how sad they are about this it is only in relation to Josh. Never the girls. "We are devastated by what Josh did." "We have so much grief in our hearts for what Josh did." "We feel like we failed because of what Josh did." 


    What ever happened to - "We are so devastated that our daughters have been violated." "We have so much grief in our hearts over what our daughters have gone through." "We feel like we failed by not sufficiently protecting our daughters." NOTHING. Barely a mention. In that interview it seemed like the only mention we even got of the girls was "Yeah, 4 of the victims were his sisters." Then immediate switch right back to talking about Josh. =(

    • Love 12
  2. I agree! I can't understand the Cooper love - I just find him annoying. And I thought his clothing line was too gimmicky. 


    Has Landon been in any of the recent cast sightings?? I hope they get rid of her. Except then they might replace her with Jennifer. I don't really care if Jennifer is just on there every so often - I only find her mildly annoying and can mostly just tune her out. But I really don't want to have hear all about her life every episode...No way. 

    • Love 3
  3. I agree with whoever upthread commented that we have all this sympathy for the girls, and yet they, like their parents, are blaming everyone else for what they're experiencing instead of blaming their disgusting brother and parents.  They are all delusional and judgmental and can take their moral superiority and put it where it will do the most good.  I'm sick of the whole lot of them.  Go away, Duggars!      

    The difference to me is that the blame from the girls seemed misplaced as a result of not getting therapy, having been taught their whole life that it is their responsibility to not get molested, etc. Versus the parents and Josh it's just coming from a place of terrible people being terrible. 

    • Love 5
  4. A court is never going to recognize their agreement because it would be against public policy. You cannot contract for sex in exchange for anything. And that is essentially what they did.

    Yes, this. That would never happen. 


    There's also the issue that the person's reliance has to be reasonable. Most people wouldn't say (and a court definitely wouldn't for many reasons, including the one above) that relying on the promises of a man you just met that is trying to get in your pants is reasonable. 

  5. But Thomas is over Kathryn, he doesn't give a shit.  I'm not from this school where just because a woman had a baby with someone, he's supposed to defend her from insults.  Kathryn isn't his daughter, she's a grown woman.

    If the father of my children sat there staring at the ground while his "good friend" called me a whore/gold digger/etc., I'd certainly feel justified in considering him a cad!


    He has no financial obligation to her whatsoever legally. 

    That is not true. Just because they are not married does not mean she cannot go to court and get an order of child support. It just means that she will have to establish paternity first (because paternity won't be assumed, due to them not being married). It is not true at all that he can just knock her up and leave without her having any legal recourse. It just makes it a bit more complicated. I guess if you are referring to alimony or something, then you are correct. But she can absolutely get support for Kensie.

    • Love 4
  6. Even if Kathryn is able to secure employment - which I think she needs to do for her own edification and maturation, not to mention her general emotional state - the premise that she should be contributing "equally" to the finances of Kensie is just downright insane to me. It's apparent she boasts no assets of her own. Thomas, on the other hand, spent all spring compulsively citing the nine hundred thou that everyone from Kathryn to Andy Cohen cost him. So he can devote a mill to a quixotic vanity campaign that even he admits he had no chance of winning, but he can only scrape together 2500 every now and then for his own daughter? Not to mention, if Kathryn has primary custody - which it sounds like she presently does - then the distribution of practical/physical responsibility is already inequitable. And even though I feel that some sort of occupation would benefit Kathryn, Thomas specifically stated on national television multiple times that Kathryn's place - and the place of mothers in general - is at home, cooking, cleaning, etc. Coolness, then that should still apply even if Kathryn is no longer his partner; she's still Kensie's mom and has to make mayonnaise-slathered salmon. And someone -namely Thomas- has got to pay for it! . . . By definition, Kathryn didn't "ensnare" anyone into a relationship. In season one, Thomas could not stop alluding to her fertility; expressing his immediate desire fore children; and continued having sex with Kathryn after she told him she was late and they took their drunken gander to CVS. It blows my mind that the narrative that she tricked a man three decades her senior somehow gained traction, all broadcast evidence to the contrary . . . As for how Patricia (and the rest of the women) and Kathryn are alike: an angle is still an angle irrespective of the trappings, in my opinion. Old Pat certainly went about her mountaineering more intelligently than young Kathryn, in my opinion, but, by the time she wed Howard Altschul (how is a twenty-one year age difference significantly more "appropriate" than a twenty-nine-year one?), she had ample practice: she'd previously been married to two other wealthy men. And good for her. She's set for life and is definitely more erudite and cultured than Kathryn; but she was one of the chief proponents of the premise that Kathryn was somehow pulling the wool over Thomas's eyes with her wiles (what wiles?), and that is baldly hypocritical, in my opinion. Pat's just got better game. And, likewise, Cameran criticizing Kathryn for factoring in "security" into her desire for Thomas is the pot calling the kettle black. Cam is smoother and not more finessed than Kathryn, but wasn't she working a makeup counter until she leveraged her wealthy social connections and subsequently married up?

    AMEN to this entire post, lunastartron.

    • Love 5
  7. Yeah what was Shep's deal? When they were talking about his impression of Craig and Cameran (I think it was Cameran?) says, "That really hurt Craig's feelings," Shep's response is to immediately launch into said feeling-hurting impression?! Seriously? That is some 7th-grade level business right there. Hopefully it was just editing and it didn't really happen in that order... Regardless, it's awfully childish and mean-spirited to openly mock someone to their face (and on television, no less).

    • Love 10
  8. Could it be most voters in SC, or his district, DON'T KNOW about his -- uh -- personal behavior? Most voters aren't in his social circle, so how would they if they don't watch the show. I know he's a scion of SC with a famous name there...but most middle and lower income people who go to work every day aren't following him and his antics. When you think about it, if they don't what the show.....they may not know.

    I think that a lot average South Carolinians would know about it. I think the cocaine/prison time would be something that would definitely be on the news, not only because he was a public official going to prison but also because of his father/his Ravenal name/etc. 


    (I'm referring specifically to the prison time fiasco. I can see how they may not know about the Kathryn drama, yes.)

  9. Well I usually can't stand Andy Cohen, but I thought he seemed much better tonight. His straight-faced "Did you feel like you were being a degenerate?" to Craig cracked me up.

    Overall though that was a real boring reunion. And awkward. How about when we are on television, we just NOT ask other people when the last time they had sex with someone was, mmk? And dear god, don't actually answer, Kathryn!

    Thomas's mean side sure came out when he was talking about destroying her in court =( Poor Kensie.

    • Love 7
  10. If I recall correctly, Patricia was trying to talk to Craig about how to she used to vacation at the Delaware beaches or something, and Craig just blew her off (or at least editing wanted us to see it that way) and turned to Shep and said something like "We're gonna have a fucking blast."

  11. I'm glad Craig went back to Delaware. I think it'll be better for him. I don't like him, but I've felt kind of bad for him the past couple episodes. Craig, these slobs (looking at you Shep) don't care about you, go back to to Delaware with some people who actually care about you while you figure your life out!


    Yes, and I'm an unapologetic Shep-lover, but I do think it would have helped had he put on another outfit.  Last night's look wasn't his best. 

    Yeah, that jacket sort of did look like something George Bush would wear... And he couldn't even bother to shave? 


    I did hear Thomas say something like "No, get away from me!" when they had a far-away shot of them on the dock and she was grabbing for him.

    He did! Mr. Wovenloaf is usually just in a state of resigned disgust when I watch this, but he actually laughed out loud when Thomas said that. 

    • Love 2
  12. My first thought is that the reference to work with children was probably through some sort of pro bono program he worked with during law school. I believe the Charleston School of Law has a certain number of pro bono hours that have to be completed to graduate.


    The mom needs to let go and make him need someone so he can appreciate a woman his own age.

    Like others, I don't get this? When has this ever seemed to be the case? A mother helping her son pick out furniture hardly seems over the top to me. 



    They both need tons of attention and sympathy, and really want to be taken care of. Daddy issues.

    I don't get this either. While needing attention and sympathy and wanting to be taken care of may be accurate descriptors of Kathryn and Landon, I don't see what basis there is for blaming it on their fathers. From what we've seen on the show, both of them appear to have have loving, supportive fathers. 

    • Love 2
  14. I'm just  curious about the 4% that actually voted for T-Rav. They should be tracked down so we can revoke their voting rights.

    Yeah I think Shep said that was around 16,000 people. I can't really imagine more than the approximately 15 people at his party voting for him, out of pity and/or willingness to play along with Bravo's storyline. Maybe people were voting for him just to try to to get votes away from Graham or something.


    Whitney really is pitiful. He's so unbelievably petty. When's he sitting in Thomas' office listening to Thomas talk about the election, assault charges, and his relationship with his child's mother, Whitney just HAS to slip in a snarky comment about Kathryn's hairstyles? "Well [hairstylist] obviously isn't a very good one *har har*" STFU Whitney. 

    • Love 1
  15. I actually like the way Whitless handles himself when confronted by Kathryn. He really knows how to push her buttons. He just sits calmly while she loses her drunken shit, casually making a funny but accurate remark when he can get a word in. Then she's the one left looking like a humorless lunatic. 

    I know right! She was so painful to watch, but he was cracking me up!.


    I thought that place looked great! I would have been so pumped if somebody took me there for a weekend!

    • Love 4
  16. I did think it was funny that the blonde(sorry can't remember her name) was telling Katherine to act happy lol. I can't recall exactly what she said, something like "if you act happy, people will see you as happy." She new Katherine was going to be a downer on vacation.

    I think it was something like "If we act happy, people will treat us happy." I was like, yes, please take that advice right now Kathryn. 


    As much as I hate Whitney, his calm "Are you going to hit me?" made me laugh. Maybe it wasn't even that calm, but in response to Kathryn's antics, it seemed that way. 

    • Love 5
  17. Maybe he has a Delaware license, but no SC driver's license (??).

    Yeah this doesn't matter at all. A valid license in one state is valid in any state. I still have a VA license even though I haven't lived there in ~5 years. 


    I think he just doesn't have a car in SC. 

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