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Everything posted by lb60

  1. Please, please, please let this fake ass sham of a marriage blow up in all their smug faces.
  2. Awww, look at you two, being all logical and stuff. ;-) GH did the same thing with Wiley/Jonah. They just handed him over to Eeyore/Michael. We don't need no stinkin' laws or logic.
  3. Welp, that was the worst, least satisfying ending to the baby swap story. Good work, writers! Best of luck, Rachel. You're going to need all the help you can get. I was so hoping that little girl would scream bloody murder when Mommy Dearest got her mitts on her. Brady, you continue to be a complete moron. Both you and Lani should be thrown in jail for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Oh, Ben, you're so romantic. <eye roll>
  4. Kate, you're still a heinous witch. How many birthdays did Collin spend in a drugged out stupor in an institution? At least Jon is honest about not seeing some of his kids.
  5. I had never heard of Israel Keyes before last night. I'm now sad that I know anything about him. Pure evil! May his victims rest in peace, despite the fact that he had zero regard for them or their loved ones. Again, pure evil!
  6. I understand not wanting to look like an idiot on national tv, but Catherine O'Hara was driving me nuts last night. I much prefer the Jane Fonda approach.
  7. Those scenes between Sarah, Rex, and the apparently blind French woman were some of the dumbest shit I've ever had the misfortune of watching. Given this show, that's saying a LOT. Lani, just turn in your badge, fly away to find Kristen, and be done with it. You're not fit to make coffee at the station, let alone uphold the law. The scenes between Victor and Xander were very good. Every single time I see that same set, I want to scream. I scream a lot. The budget for this show is pitiful.
  8. I really enjoyed the 5 minutes of new content we got today. Geez! Can we get rid of Sonny and keep Cyrus? I'm kind of loving how he effortlessly gets under the skin of sooooo many people.
  9. The results show was not good. #Understatement
  10. All I could think was that she must be the prison busybody, buttinski, kind of like Julie is the town busybody, buttinski. Or that they are distant relatives. Lani should never be allowed to polish a police badge ever again, let alone wear one. She's a disgrace to her oath and dumb enough to believe that Kristen wouldn't turn around and throw her under the nearest bus if needed. These stupid writers will probably give her a promotion and a nice raise.
  11. So did I and that makes me sad because I never want Blake to win. lol I agree. I thought some of the setups tonight were hilariously awful. Looking at you, Cedrice. My favorite of the night was probably Micah. It seemed to be a similar arrangement to what was used in Moulin Rouge and I love that scene. No idea why Carson had to fly all the way to CA for this. They could have put him in a studio in NY, with the appropriate background, or had him at home, like the judges. Plus, he took at least one of his kids (Jackson) and that seems unnecessary during these times. Maybe he went by private jet, but still.....
  12. Due to interruptions, I only saw the last 25 minutes of the show, but I thought the hallucination scenes were really well done. I'm shocked, I tell ya, shocked!!
  13. Damn! 6abc almost made it through the whole show without an interruption. What is it with this show and its abuse of trees? First, it was Michael and Willow beating the crap out of that poor tree in the park. Now, Ava wants to "move" the trees on Spoon Island. #ProtecttheTrees I usually like Julian, but today I just wanted him to STFU. Am I the only one that thinks the letter from Spencer might be bogus? [/speculation] Or am I just cynical and distrusting?
  14. Katy looked better dressed as toilet paper. I'm watching my recording, so I'm only up to Arthur, but so far I'm not really impressed with anyone.
  15. Week 34: 4 for 5. I shall now be turning off my brain for the next two weeks of reruns. It did work hard this past week. It deserves a vacation ;-)
  16. The one true strawberry shortcake: I've only heard of it made with angel food cake, but I was raised in a cave, so..... ;-)
  17. For FJ, I focused on the Spanish article part of the clue, since I really couldn't figure out what they were looking for. El Salvador seemed too obvious, but I couldn't think of anything else. Win! I also got San Diego Chicken, Lilly Singh, Norman Lear, and blue.
  18. Ugh! The first time in I don't know how long the show isn't interrupted for some type of briefing it's a damn rerun. A Sonny/Carly heavy rerun to boot! Thanks for nothin' 6abc.
  19. Hey, Brady, I'll just finish off Victor, no prob! Good to see she's changed. Those two lunkheads deserve each other. Rachel, does not. I'm starting to think Rachel is the new Donna. [/GH reference] I was soooooo happy when Victor finally spit out Kristen's name. I'm sure it won't happen, but I want Kristen to burn in hell and never get her psychotic hands on Rachel. Lani, you're still a moron and a terrible cop. Eli, you aren't far behind her.
  20. Phone a friends really need to have Google up and ready to go. SOS in Morse Code. Boom!! ETA: Freakin' Buzzy! Why? Why? Why? Oh, well. Probably a good choice and at least it's not James. He still looks ridiculous.
  21. Kevin, stand still, you camera hog. You're lucky Jesse didn't shove you back to your spot. I guess it really is that cold in the studio, since Jesse appeared to be wearing at least three layers. Sarah, sleeves up or down. Not one of each. She annoyed me tonight. Before you ask, yes, I am perfect, have an excellent sense of fashion, and always stand still. ;-) I only managed to get Thumbelina and FJ.
  22. Really show? That poor tree that never did anything to anyone. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
  23. Gabi's "fainting" was hilariously awful. Ciara needs to climb off her high horse and STFU. Last time I checked, her boy toy isn't exactly an upstanding citizen. I know, I know, he's changed. <eye roll> Also, her outfit is horrendous. Preach, Nicole!! Looks like she and Eric got the Salem brain for the day. Now let's see how long it takes for the crack Salem PD to figure out the truth. Shut up, Kristen. I don't understand how the writers ever thought she would be rootable. A pack of wild dingos would make better mothers.
  24. If only I could like this post a thousand times. What an annoying duo they make.
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