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Everything posted by Grammaeryn

  1. Come on, I could not have been the only gutter-minded viewer who got a nice big laugh over "He choked on you"!
  2. Two points for me: 1) I absolutely loathed that a shofar was used to herald Armageddon. The shofar blows in the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hoshanah. It is, for me at least, very sacred and cool. Geez, pick Gabriel's trumpet if you had to go Biblical! 2) Was it just me or was there a definite hoyay vibe between Ichabod and Abraham? Or was the swordplay just a metaphor? ;-)
  3. In the recent Raina episodes, I don't get a family or lover vibe. It felt like she's subservient to Skye Doctor Daddy out of gratitude for being saved from the gutter. Speaking of, is Raina still alive? Since Whitehall got The Diviner, did he remember to turn off the exploding stuff in Raina?
  4. There were a couple moments last night that really showed me how far David has come as an actor. When Theresa says, "I understand why you don't want to be like me." and there's a reaction shot of Nick that was such a perfect combination of "The hell?", "How could you think that?" and "I want to be a Grimm damnit." They peppered in several of those types of reactions which was done well and really smart to build to Nick admitting he wants to be a Grimm. Yeah the MotW was basically filler but I was so confused. Rosalee is a fox, right? Monroe is a wolf. So wouldn't Rosalee be the best person to handle a fox Wesen? Adalind see reactions above and YAWN ff.
  5. Echoing everyone's love for this episode! A cool theory I read elsewhere is when Crazy Doc Kyle mentions being reunited with his family, that could have been a slip up. Since Whitehall questions him THEN he adds the whole in the afterlife part. If Skye's mom is alien (*cough* Inhuman *cough*), she could have regeneration abilities like recovering from being stabbed through the heart or vivisection. Mama could be waiting down in the city.
  6. A tiny bit of glee that Lyndie favorited a tweet of mine.! I wrote " @NikkiBeharie @LyndieGreenwood Bravo ladies! Darn allergy season..." I know, it's just a click on a screen to favorite but it made me smile.
  7. So are they going to start showing flashbacks to scenes right before the commercial break? Sweet Lord, that was like half flashbacks! I loved the Mills sisters stuff and resented any screen time Katrina stole from them. Will Irving and Ichabod become roommates in the cabin? I wouldn't mind an Odd Couple episode - Ichabod is totally Felix.
  8. I really adored this episode! "You can't shake hands with a ghost." from the Match'd sketch just killed me and was a clue that this could become good. I really like Leslie but I prefer her in sketches. Her monologues are hit or miss. But yeah your "uncle" saying how much you've grown was funny in a creepy accurate way.
  9. Really loved this episode! Imagine if we didn't have the Liv pilot, had Zed from the get go and this being episode two, that could have been amazing. Upon rewatch, do you think John's early speech about Gary's wasted life was basically John's way to rationalize what he would have to do? Dude, chills...
  10. I am officially sick of golems on TV. From the X-Files, Supernatural, Sleepy Hollow to Grimm now. I hope you guys can jog my memory. I know Renard's met Teresa but did he know that she is a Grimm? I would think he had time to figure it out on his own in the hospital. EDIT - Upon research, Brothers Grimm wrote about Golems so this is kinda legit to be included.
  11. Also why does Barry need to know how fast he needs to run? I understand the physics but it's not like he can turn a dial and set himself at 600mph. The answer is always as fast as possible.
  12. Can someone provide a link to the podcast please? Thanks!
  13. My favorite LOL moment was when they were testing Bette's blowing up ability and Caitlin turned to Cisco with a boomerang in hand saying, "Didn't really think this through didja?" Another good episode that left me with a smile. I'm really pleased with the one off casting - Clancy, there can only be one, Brown and Kelly Frye.
  14. Attilan! And Bobby Cobb lives! Man, between this and The Flash I am in comic nerd girl heaven. So could The Diviner be Terrigen Mist or just identify Inhumans? Also how dare Ward critique Mockingbird! But yeah amateur move with the book chica.
  15. Stephen Guarino was on the Halloween episode (Derrick on both HE and MM same character?) Drama!
  16. They are totally trying to Midichlorian Grimm powers and me no likey! This was a pretty decent episode but I am really missing Nick being a Grimm. Without them, he's kind of blah. This may be me but Monroe and Rosalee looping Hank in on their quest for the cure and Juliette's request really reminds me of my family. Dealing with helping the injured party without stressing him out and letting the kid pick up the slack. Yup functional family unit there! I liked Trubel befriending Clay which showed a warm side we haven't seen much from her. Solid B+ for me.
  17. Orlando Jones responded to the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter movement on Twitter. He basically says wait, it gets better. Also do you think the voting scene was there to say "See Abbie isn't Grace" since we have a birthing scene later? RAGE!
  18. I hated this episode so much, halfway through I tweeted "@SleepyHollowFOX Great sidelining of the characters of color. #saveAbbieMills" Maybe we can get the hashtag to catch on? Because this is grade A bullshite
  19. I wonder if she was reporting to Victor confirming Adalind's success? Speaking of, when Victor had the line about "Shagging a Grimm " I was waiting for the "Yeah baby." For some odd reason, I really need Mama Grimm to meet Trubel. They'd probably exchange 3 words and get to decapitating. Anyone else feel a little squeamish over Nick using Trubel's really horrible upbringing as his cover story? I know it makes sense story-wise but it felt like needlessly painting Trubel as a victim. He could have said she picked up self defense living on the streets.
  20. I actually have a different read on their situation. Fitz around Simmons is trying to be Before Fitz but he knows that he's different now. It's like a split focus. Do I put on the Before Fitz act or do I find the exact word I mean? I struggled with something similar the first couple of years after my brain injury. You so try to be normal and pretend everything is fine but your brain trips you up. It's not a lack of comprehension, it's part coping and part denial. I would spend so much energy being normal, I would have trouble walking or talking. Sometimes it's so much easier with people who only know the After you. Hence Mac.
  21. That was boring and awful. Didn't all of us guess the Snow Queen's connection to Emma after like episode two? I am not on the Regina Sympathy train and the heavy-handed flashback GET IT LILY IS REGINA storyline left me cold. It was nice to see Defiance's Christy in another role and kudos to makeup for making her look like a teen. Now I want a pop tart damnit...
  22. Well, I liked it and will stick around. Liv going away will definitely help - I didn't like her. I was distracted by her 80's hair. Yeah, Supernatural has really spoiled a lot of demon/possession rituals. I could have sworn Liv had a circle of salt outside her door. Of course the devil's trap is very familiar. I did like how in one of the incantations John banished the demon by invoking the cross and Star of David, the bit I could make out. Constantine is kind of a combination of Castiel and Crowley
  23. That was a very busy season opener. I can't believe Rosalee didn't change out of her wedding dress. I also think the gang are assholes for keeping Wu in the dark. I'm pretty sure that was Renard's mom which makes his relationship with Adalind kinda creepy...
  24. Thank you for saying this! I have been amazed that I am so invested in a character who I just "met". But sometimes there are actors who somehow vibrate on your own frequency so it's really easy for you to respond to them. Mark Ruffalo is one for me and now Grant Gustin apparently.
  25. Total lady boner for Bobbi. If Simmons turns out to be gay or bi, that could make the "rejection" of Fitz a bit more understandable/less horrible. I was okay with Skye being let into the alien writing secret but that plus her daddy drama made for waayyy too much Skye for me. I am still intrigued by the mystery of who he is. I am leaning towards a Kree scientist who made the Inhumans. They'll probably write him as an alien Mengele to cover the whole monster aspect. What did he call the obelisk? The purifier? Kinda reminds me of Ronan a bit...
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