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Everything posted by Grammaeryn

  1. I thought the audience had a weird energy (or lack thereof). So much silence and awkward pauses. It was one of the worst episodes I've seen but I can't tell if it's bad writing or half asleep audience. I love Jebidiah though.
  2. I thought the guy in the mirror was Gary. The addict friend who died in the hunger demon episode. The effects in Richie's built universe were godawful.
  3. I don't really get the love for this movie. But I usually dislike movies about Hollywood show biz. I thought Keaton and Norton were given really meaty roles to work with. The female roles were horrendous but Stone had the most lines so she wins? Yay...
  4. I figured something out about Weekend Update (it's news to me and futurechemist noticed). Michael and Colin never interact, it just switches from one shot to one shot with no wide shot that shows them together. I would have really loved to see Colin's face when the Saudi Arabian woman driver joke bombed. We would have seen Tina and Jimmy or even Amy glance at each other and shrug or do something. Instead we just had Michael's face to look at as a turd died.
  5. Isn't Renard a product of a mixed mating? Human+ hexenbeist. I would think any cult campaigning for blood purity, would be pretty personal for him. Also, I cannot wait until Wu sees him woge!
  6. It wasn't just you! I was grimacing and feeling queasy remembering the Rhode Island nightclub fire. Old shmold - that was 2003.
  7. In the world of Artificial Intelligence research/development, there is a Turing test aka The Imitation Game (yes, named after Alan). In the movie it was kind of explained in his scene with the cop. Basically, a computer can't be alive or sentient like a human being but it can imitate a human. Two people are isolated and can only communicate to a third by notes. It is the third person's job to determine if person 1 or person 2 is a machine. In 2014, a program got really close to fooling judges.
  8. I am really surprised how much I loved this! It felt like they took out the Gilliam quirkiness of the movie and swapped it with the Ron Moore style grittiness. I liked Aaron Stanford since X-Men 2. I'm pretty sure the actress who plays Cassie was on Grimm. Kirk Acevedo is a sci-fi treasure. I watched episode 2 online - BIG thumbs up!
  9. Sweet Zombie Jesus, laughing, gasping and clutching my head - wow what a return! Wu in the loop is GOLD. I generally can tell pregnancies pretty early from extra full lips so I'm thinking Bree is pregnant. Which could mean A) Her death next week or B) A little Blutbau in the future. Bitsie was so blank on her reaction shots, it started getting funny.
  10. Eh, I don't really care. I'd rather see her accomplishments at the SSR and the beginnings of SHIELD. Or is the show just a placeholder before she meets Mr. Right? I dunno, maybe I have my pinchy Feminist pumps on, the whole purpose of the show is not Agent Carter: Sex in the City. Speculating on her future spouse feels like it takes away from the show. Plus Enver is my future husband!
  11. My father lived in Budapest during that time. Most people knew what was coming. Horthy was a big fan of Germany. By 1935 Hungary had started passing laws restricting Jews. If Anna's family was anything like mine, they would have been happy for any opportunity for her to escape Hungary alive. My family didn't have Howard Stark but we did have forgers and the Black Market!
  12. I think the writers are trying to make Cassandra the Manic Pixie Dream Girl which explains her clothing and dialogue. I would love for Amy to become a kind of Librarian apprentice or recurring at least. If Jenkins is Galahad, I really hope the theory that Dulac is Lancelot is wrong. That would make Jenkins his son! But if Dulac is Mordred, he's Morgan's son. I simultaneously can't wait for next Sunday but am sad the show is over so soon... Oh yeah, I'd kill to be as "out of shape" as Rebecca Romijn!
  13. Van Ert was played by Dr. Venture himself, James Urbaniak. Also radio Peggy is played by Erin Torpey, Jessica Buchanan from One Life to Live.
  14. No, that is not what I or anyone is saying. Earlier in the topic, someone mentioned that the Ultimate universe's Jarvis is gay. I know the difference between European and homosexual thanks.
  15. I guess I am in the minority here. I thought it was okay but was bored in parts. The whole THIS IS THE FORTIES push in every scene got a bit grating. But I am a former history major so the impact is probably lost on me. I like the Agent Carter character and Hayley so I'll stick around. I think I somehow sold my firstborn to MCU so they own me. The problem with the shiny party dress in the first episode was it was too long. Hayley had to hike it up every time she walked. Jarvis is awesome and like everyone else, I hope he isn't evil. Maybe what the 40's considered evil - homosexual? (This is a historical statement, not my opinion. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness and people could be arrested if caught FYI).
  16. In my head Nina's friend Pen or Penny is obviously Happy Endings Penny. I know it was a phony friend but can Benched, Marry Me, and New Girl all exist in the same Happy a Endings universe?
  17. I saw this tonight with my brother. I had more fun ripping it to shreds driving home. My least favorite of all 6 movies. BUT the opening with Smaug was seriously kick ass. They should have ended The Desolation of Smaug with that. There was also a lot of Unintentional Comedy Gold. Like Thranduil's face after Gandalf warned him of the Orc army. Or Legolas turning into Super Mario. The CGI was pretty shoddy too. I swear there is a scene where through a doorway you see ranks of Elven soldiers marching by but through the next doorway, there's nothing. Also, Bard's kids? STFU and let your dad fight undistracted. BTW Half in the Bag's review is up.
  18. Darn it! Was going to post this. David looks like a baby in those promos. It's probably the haircut...
  19. On the interwebs they are saying Mr. No Eyes could be the Inhuman, Reader.
  20. The shot of Skye (while yes cheesy as all get out) was showing Daisy's seismic powers. Sorry having trouble editing HTML but here: http://marvel.wikia.com/Daisy_Johnson_%28Earth-616%29.
  21. I really liked it but they put too much Arrow in my Flash. Get your minds out of the gutter! The moody darkness just needs to stay in Starling City while Barry can be exuberant and happy with his powers in Central City. I don't buy Oliver's BS about never getting the girl. Dude don't project your issues on this young guy!
  22. Guys, I am giddy! Absolutely stunned with this show. If you told me a year ago that I would be watching Agents of Shield live gasping and/or clapping like a seal, I would have told you that you are crazy. Such an awesome episode. Did anyone else get a little choked up by the way May looked at Skye when she explained that she had to leave with Ward? Any comic book readers know what got into Mack? I think it was like The Diviner but not lethal - just berserker. Hmm is there any Kree/Asgard connections? Also Bobbi and Mack have some kind of secret side deal and the naive optimist in me hopes they are just spying for Fury. Man, it is a bad genre TV week for brothers, huh? First Irving and now Mack. Should I be worried about Hank on Grimm now?
  23. Well, I'm glad Jenny didn't die but having Irving bite it is the last straw for me. Rage quitting this pile of pooda before Katrina gets pregnant for reals and Henry delivers his baby brother, named Frank.
  24. Throughout this episode, I kept thinking of that Angel exorcist episode. Just thinking about that episode, gave me CHILLS! This episode? Not so much. Weird thought though - after Marvel runs through Alist actors for Doctor Strange, Niall should be considered.
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