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Everything posted by Dr.Scully

  1. I re-watched the episode and I noticed this too. It was definitely Jessa who said wow. It made me so mad. Either she had no idea what Jana was actually doing, and to that I say how?! Or, she was just trying to add a lame acknowledgement of Jana's hard work because she knew how bad it sounded that Jana was doing this all by herself. Either way, it made her look really stupid IMO. They should be ashamed that no one lifted a finger to help CinderJana sew all that junk.
  2. I love that Joy Anna said that Jill had raised her since she was born. Jim Bob trying to explain the buddy system away with the idea that it was only for when they were out so kids didn't get lost was hysterical. If that's truly what the buddy system was, no one would have any problem with it. How did keep track of them while out morph into wake them, dress them, feed them, teach them? The bank-rupt-cy lesson never gets old. Homefooling at its finest! It's so obvious that these girls have been literally raising their siblings. MEchelle has some nerve accepting a mother of the year award. She's a joke. Does anyone know the other buddy teams? I was trying to figure out when they started it, who got out of buddy duty, etc. If Jill insisted that the new baby be her buddy does that mean they started with the previous baby (Joseph) and he went to Jana? Was Josiah never on a buddy team either?
  3. The Duggars think that anyone who isn't "like-minded" is beneath them. They'll preach on all day about loving the sinner but hating the sin, but it's very obvious from every interaction we've seen on the show that the Duggars absolutely consider themselves to be vastly superior to almost everybody and look down on them with condescending pity. I wonder what the view is like from up there on that horse.
  4. Oh dear god. I just checked the walmart and BBB registries. I had read about the greed; that they all totaled over $30,000, but I'd never actually looked closely. There's so much crap on the BBB one alone! Who registers for thousands of dollars of furniture?! A$700 self? Along with wall art, batteries, spices, and literally every item you could possibly need in a house. 2 wooden hamper sets, 1 for $60 and 1 for $80? How many welcome mats and luggage tags? A bunch of stuff has been bought from BBB (only a couple from Walmart.) Something from each category, and about half of the kitchen stuff including the strawberry huller lol. Also about 16 cereal bowls - 6 red, but 4 in two other colors. To go with the 4 plates I guess. For someone who can't cook Jessa sure asked for a lot of kitchen supplies. I expect to see some gourmet meals in upcoming seasons.
  5. They visited one of Michelle's sisters in Ohio very recently. I saw it on instgram. It wasn't the gay sister though.
  6. You took the words right out of my mouth! I literally think "everything" every time I read this thread's title, too!
  7. I love how Bin had obviously never considered the kind of first house he envisioned himself in. How is this teenager who's never considered where he would live when married actually getting married? Going to live with Boob-in-law forever? You could see them both thinking, "hey Jim bob, we don't really need too much. Just a small house." Oh, and a job too. I think the writers get drunk and come up with the most ridiculous captions ever as sort of an inside joke. They're so stupid it hurts my brain to read them. How nice of Jill to hand her wedding off to Jana to plan so she could just "show up." Everyone treats Jana like shit. Cinderjana indeed.
  8. While I appreciate the attempt at updating the costumes, I agree with several others that the shorts/skirt are hideous and unflattering. But then, I really hate the high waisted look in general. I think they look like cheap Vegas show girl costumes, or those imitation flapper costumes you buy at the Halloween store. I'm glad they dropped the Candyman song. It was just gross.
  9. I don't think there were any new moves in the pregame dance. It looked exactly the same to me. And they're the same moves from Loud, just rearranged a bit to fit the music.
  10. The other day I was reading some of MEchelle's blogs and there was one about raising twins. She rambled on and on about John David and Jana. Apparently, J-D has always had the personality of a rock while Jana was high-spirited and feisty (until they blanket trained it out of her of course). But, she did actually have things to say about them and their personalities. Anecdotes even! When she tried to write about Jeremiah and Jedediah she had nothing. It was literally a sentence or two of some generic Gothard-speak phrases. It couldn't have been more obvious that she didn't have anything to say because she doesn't know anything about them. Jana and John? Since she actually had to raise them she could talk about what they were like growing up. She couldn't talk about Jeremiah and Jedediah that way because she didn't raise them. I thought it was a perfect illustration of how she knows nothing about the younger kids. Mother of the year. What a sham.
  11. From the halting way she read it, I wouldn't be surprised if MEchelle had never seen that paper before in her life. *edited to move the rest to the Jim Bob and Michelle thread
  12. I don't know if CMT is not allowed to show full routines but there are plenty of full-length routines on youtube for people to watch. I always wonder why girls don't show up at tryouts with full routines memorized for that reason. Someone like Vivian, who was also in training camp, has zero excuse for not knowing dances (unless it was the one brand-new one that year). I've never been on a dance team so I don't know how often teams usually change up the choreography. However, I do know that the DCC have been recycling routines from at least 2005. Hell, I know a bunch of their steps simply from watching MTT. Thunderstruck used to be the Loud routine. Jessica posted a clip of them dancing at the game and Jordan Chanley commented that she recognized Breaking Dishes. (So obviously it was the same routine when she danced, only to the song Breaking Dishes, which you can find them dancing to on a morning talk show on youtube.) I also think they recycle an 8 count or two and put them together differently to make a "new" dance. The show group routines have also remained virtually the same for years now. You've got Thunderstruck, the Candyman routine, the soldier routine, the drumline routine, the rock n roll routine, the 12 days of Christmas, the lyrical trio, and the USA tribute medley. I know they must add in one or two. I remember a routine from youtube with Ashton, Britney Evans, and Whitney dancing to a song about taking off your hat. I thought it was amazing but never saw it again. That brief clip we saw on MTT with the girls in a line in a green costume with black bottoms looked new to me. Maybe it's how they stay precise. It's easier to learn 1 new routing than 20. I really don't know if it's common or not for dance teams but that's what I've observed over the last few years.
  13. Trisha Trevino?! Most beautiful?! Sorry, but I always thought she resembled skeletor. I think Ashley Pro is gorgeous and I agree that I never got the rude, stuck up vibe from her either. Others I think are gorgeous - Breelan, Kinzie, Holly, Katy, Emma, Caila, Danielle, Samantha, Erica, Britney (most of the time) and Brunette Ashley. Honestly, so many of them are gorgeous it's hard to list them all. Ashton and Abigail were my favorite beauties back in the day. I agree with the poster up thread: the "game day footage" was anything but. I think the first cut might have been the real one. It looked like the hole in the triangle was forming and then they cut quickly to the pre-taped footage.
  14. I think it's weird that the squad photo has a giant hole in it; Kelsey is standing so far away from everyone else. After seeing the camp out scene, maybe that was intentional. (I've never really liked Kelsey so she just came off as annoying to me). Loved the meet the team segment. More dancing, blocking, veterans (love Jennifer k or whatever her initial is now), show group - the stuff we want to see. Between this and the first game segment, this has been my favorite episode for the sheer amount of actual dance. I didn't like the weird camera shots during thunderstruck, but I did like the interviews with the girls. They even managed to show all the rookies at the end.
  15. I don't know if anyone's checked out Jessablessa's Instagram lately but she's doing a really good job of outing the Duggars as the judgmental, cult-followers we know they are. She's posted pictures of the creationism museum and another one that straight-up insults Atheists. She's gotten a lot of comments from people who are very disappointed (and seemingly surprised) by her bigotry. People who identify as Christians are asking Jessa why she's so comfortable insulting others' beliefs. Lots of chastising from fans who are saddened to see how close-minded and uneducated she is. Giving Jessa a public Instagram account may be the best thing that ever happened to those of us who wish others could see the truth about the Duggars and their beliefs. We don't have to expose them; they're slowly exposing themselves.
  16. I used to wish for Jay's segments to be gone and now I might be regretting it. Not the stupidity with flipping a tire, excuses to show the girls in bikinis, or body pod nonsense, but actual nutritional advice. I think it would be worth it to show how exactly a 115 lb female gets down to 108 in a 2 week period in a healthy matter. What are some exercises to help with flexibility? How do the girls eat on game days to maintain their energy? That stuff would be interesting and way better than some stupid flag football game or "mentoring" segment where everyone sits around discussing the "pressure."
  17. I felt really bad for Alexandra and Chandler too. Chandler's face when she found out was heart-breaking. If you read this Chandler, I don't think you look like a grandma; you are a very cute girl. I hope they both come back and make it next year. (Although, I'm always shocked to see how far a girl makes it when she can't do a full split. That seems like a no-brainer to me.) Cutting girls on the last day is just so mean to me. And then to casually throw out that they may suddenly take only 32 and vets could go too? Is it really necessary? Why can't they give them a month in training camp and a month on the team before the season starts? Is it true that it used to be more like that but because of CMT and the show they take more girls just so they can cut them for drama? Or, was the DCC always so catty and horrible (which might be worse). And the whole new, "If I were cutting girls right now, here's who I'd cut." Well, isn't it going to be a cut night already? Good luck dancing after being told you're probably getting cut in 3 hours. I thought Kelli and Judy only show up every once in awhile. I don't see how everyone isn't as terrified as Breelan when they're there. I've watched this show forever but I feel even more uncomfortable this season. I think I might hate Kelli and Judy for what they do to these girls - over a freaking dance team. I know they sign up for it but I guess it just seems more unsavory year after year. I'm over Melissa R. and anything else that takes away from the actual dancing. Maybe one year they'll listen to our pleas. Yeah, right.
  18. Add me to the list of those disgusted at the registry. I agree that if they were really as godly and selfless as they like to pretend they are they would ask all their fans to donate to charity in lieu of a gift. I have no problem with a small, reasonable registry for family members that is sent out with the shower invitations. They should be coming out and saying that while they appreciate the thoughtfulness of their fans, those gifts would be donated to people who actually need them. But to accept gifts from perfect strangers when you are a decidedly wealthy family is just gauche. How many families are struggling to put food on the table because of this stupid cult? They have the audacity to register for baby gifts in their first trimester just so you can be sure all the sheeple have enough time to throw their hard-earned money at millionaires who look down on them. And for soda and gift cards?! Sickening. I, like many of you, have lost any respect I may have had for the Dillards. They are just as bad as the rest of them. The fact that their "fans" can't see through them and what they rally stand for (making themselves rich) makes me sick. There is little to nothing left of the original family we saw on 14 Kids. This is a family consumed by the riches brought by being famous on reality TV; exactly like every other reality family they consider so beneath them. Maybe some people will start to see the truth about this greedy, materialistic, fake-pious family. They get worse and worse every year and are so disingenuous about everything. I hope Jana runs away with Frank Sun and finally blows the lid off this farce for good. I used to love the Duggars, in a zoo exhibit kind of way. Now their constant hypocrisy and over-bearing self-righteousness makes me sick.
  19. Ugh, I can't believe I'm going to admit this but Josh and Anna annoy me a lot less than they used to. I still hate the hate group he works for, but if he wasn't trying to legislate his beliefs onto me I wouldn't have a problem with them at all. Anna is clearly a great mom. Her scenes are natural, unlike Michelle's fake-bonding ones. I hope they don't pop them out assembly line style. I think they both realize the fantasy of "as many as god wants" may not the best thing for their existing family. I also think moving to DC was the best thing they could have done. Good for Josh to not just tow the family line, live in his grandma's house, work his father's business. I have no illusions that they are some beacon of liberalism, but maybe, just maybe, they're not quite as insane as Boob and Mullet.
  20. Ooo, that was harsh calling Chandler a grandma. Props to the poster who said she reminded her of Sydney in 30 years. Hated the parent intervention. It was a total waste and really weird. Why do I need to see parents (do they have any knowledge of dance or the DCC at all?) telling their kids how great they are and how they know they can do it? Duh. I would hope parents encourage their kids. I don't need to see it. I really like DJ Guthrie a lot. Wish we could have seen more of his dance and critiques. I can't believe Alexandra is still around. She's very pretty but her kicks were terrible. Really don't get how she's still here. I think I love Loren. "Do you want to change your hair back?" "I just want to do whatever YOU want me to do." I love how short she was with Kelli. I thought Kelli would be annoyed but she probably loved hearing that part so it was OK. I also noticed she commented on how long she sat out there and she said, "lets go home and go to sleep." I wonder how long she had to wait and how late it was. I'll never understand how someone could be a teacher and a DCC. She must be exhausted (hence being emotional.) I'm mean. I laughed at the dressing-down of Vivian. How stupid did she make herself look at the media meeting. LOL at Kelli making fun of her for get fans. I liked her last year but not this year. Get over yourself and quit with the lame excuses.
  21. Please, like anyone believed they were considering a country club. What a farce. I was glad to see the middle kids though. They've grown so much! I like Anna ans Smugger more than I used to. She does seem like a great mom - and you can tell its real unlike with Michelle. I hope they slow down the baby-making for their family's sake.
  22. I'm so sick of these asinine, self-righteous courting rules. Having a 12 year old boy accompany 2 20-somethings on a date as a chaperone is as ridiculous as it is inappropriate. An actual adult chaperone? Still ridiculous but not inappropriate. Why does a 12 year old boy need to be in the presence of 2 horny adults, forced to sit and watch them have hand sex while gazing at each other lovingly? I'm far more liberal than conservative and I found that gross and inappropriate. So much for modesty. Hey Michelle, can you give up the lie that your children get to choose their own courting rules? No one believes you. You can tell your BF you love him but can't hold his hand?! Give me a break. I can't stand how they think it makes them better than everyone else. I've watched this show since the very first 14 kids special and at first I just thought hey, I don't agree with them but they're not hurting anything, so live and let live. Now I just think they are laughably ridiculous. Their made-up courtship rules are so ridiculous it makes me want to puke more then Ethiopian dancing.
  23. I agree with so many thing already posted. The fashion show was only an advertisement and a huge waste of time. Same with the fit foods thing. How awful to heave Kelli breathing down your neck as you are shamed into admitting that singular glass of wine. DCC 's allow alcohol to pass their lips?! I'm surprised Kelli didn't get the vapors. We should send clips of the leave Britney alone guy to Kelli and Judy. Although Veronica certainly owes the salon lady an apology for horrifying her with her bloated, whale body. I paused it while she being ridiculed by Kelli yet again; she looked fine and slim. She has more of a square shape anyway and she is gorgeous. The weight obsession is out of control. Maybe a good side effect will be that it discourages girls from trying out because they don't want to deal with the insanity.
  24. I feel so bad for Jana. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for her growing up. Having your spirit blanket-trained out of you, forced to give your only prized possession to your bully, dragged to weight watchers as a fit teen, forced into slave labor raising a dozen children for your lazy-ass mom. I wonder what she really thinks of all this. I have to imagine she's questioned this or had some crisis of faith at some point. She's probably too afraid to even let herself have these thoughts for fear she'll wind up at some pervert's journey to the heart program. She's so pretty; I love her straight hair. Maybe she finally started wearing it how she wants after learning the truth about Gothard the perv. Free Jana! You deserve so so much better girl!
  25. I'm going to play armchair psychology for a minute. I couldn't help but notice the phrasing Jana used while cleaning out the tub and talking about the births Jill might have in there. She used the phrase, "her little kids," not babies. I thought that was a very odd phrase for someone who supposedly trained as a Doula and raised by a woman who talks about babies constantly. She would know Jill wouldn't be having any "little kids" in a bathtub. I wondered if it was a kind of Freudian slip: Jana thinks of them as little kids because that's what she's always been responsible for raising for Michelle- her little kids. Michelle has the babies and then Jana has always been responsible for a half dozen little kids. That's her whole life - little kids. I don't know if I'm expressing this well at all. It just seemed like a very, I don't know, disconnected phrase to use? I know it jumped out at me so much I rewound and listened again.
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