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Everything posted by VartanFan

  1. Just got finished with My One and Only. I have to say, I loved Pascale’s lip color throughout and loved the half-up, ponytail from the hot air balloon scene. In the Founder’s Day scene, they put a little too much blush on Alex.
  2. I feel like Judes showed, yet again, how little she knows about normal folk in this case. It's not uncommon for people to be selling stuff way below 'market' or 'retail' value on Craigslist. My husband does it all the time with snowmobiles. Frankly he finds a lot of deals because people are divorcing (or financial morons want to go riding NOW and don't price shop or look for good financing). Then...he know a LOT mechanically, he spruces them up, and then sells them and makes a profit. ANother thing is if he buys a snowmobile and it comes with the trailer...he might immediately sell the trailer (he already has one) to defray the cost of the actual machine. It truly is not uncommon. That's similar to what this kid did. I mean - they were both idiots and I don't feel like either deserved anything but her dressing down was what I found her out of touch about.
  3. Oh and I thought that the mother of the children was someone else completely (not at the show at all) and that the D was basically saying that the P witness (and her ex wife) owes the money back TOGETHER with her because as a couple they requested it of the P. Otherwise, why would a both sides of a couple request a loan together if it was for a custody case? I might be missing some pertinent details, however. In the case of the AirBnB rental, I thought the point was that the D was either in the process of hooking up or unhooking the trailer from the garage when the other roommate came home and, without looking, closed the garage door. Either way, I frankly think that the P witness lady was at least 1/2 responsible.
  4. If Gil wins it all, do you think that means he would take 10-or-so seasons off? If so, I'll root for him.
  5. Are you kidding? Then he'd get a backstory, his whole run shown, and tears. TEARS! He'd be the guy who miraculously made it through an emotional thunderstorm! /snerk Yes, because he hasn't washed it since city qualifiers. I find it hard to believe that Maggi Thorne has a TBI, was learning to walk again, couldn't talke, etc. after her fall on the boards but yet she makes it to cheer on people at Stage 1. Quite a recovery.
  6. Do you have to have special insurance to get covered for termites? Sorta like special flood insurance? I have no idea about coverage for bugs and termites. Could it be possible that insurance wouldn’t cover her? If it wasn’t in escrow, it wouldn’t surprise me if she DIDN’T PAY it. Jess has always been the most annoying character to me. Bree whines but at least she does stuff on her own.
  7. All the men are STILL using way too much gel or oil. That’s my takeaway. I have been happy with no Gram for the last 2 episodes. Is this confirmed as the last season?
  8. I just love Travis Rosen. Daniel Gil - barf. Did they seriously see Maggi Thorpe totally lose her marbles on that balance obstacle and go ‘yup, this is the one we’ll make EVERYONE do’? Crazy. Also, with regard to Thorpe - I read about her and how she couldn’t remember anything and had tbi....then why the F is she at Vegas with her booty shorts and pink shit. Take care of yourself, women. Sheesh. Oh, Flex - - do a couple extra swings and you’d be nearly at the top!!!
  9. https://www.boston.com/culture/entertainment/2019/08/22/texas-county-cuts-ties-with-live-pd-police-tv-show Farewell, WIlliamson County. I think it’s odd that there IS an expectation that a TV company would save the video they don’t use for very long. It’s like thinking that a gas station would keep all of their video.
  10. I don't necessarily think this was a setup (regarding the success in this finals course), but as I said above, I think if one course is going to have a blind catch obstacle, they should ALL have one. Also, I think there should be the same amount of totally new versus 'known' obstacles. For example, the 9th obstacle in Cincinnati has been seen before....compare that to northwest passage...But it's still hard as hell but we know how these 'professional' ninjas immediately build and practice on new stuff.
  11. Please not Gil, please not Gil, please not Gil. And because I'm being petty - can this now mean we don't even have to hear about Kacy anymore? AND can Ethan Swanson now wash his hair? Also - if they're going to do a 'blind grab' obstacle or portion of an obstacle in one city, I think it needs to happen in ALL cities for that year.
  12. In short, yes, I think so. Many of them seem to love the limelight. HOw about the drunk little guy in Texas...blew a .24 and was able to park that truck into the TINY parking space. I was actually a little impressed by that part (while simultaneously being appalled by the DWI aspect). ETA - he seems like a nice guy but Callicoat obviously goes to Sticks' tailor for his shirts. Geez...tight enough?
  13. SHA NA NA! Crazy that Rahn is OUT - along with many other staples. Maybe these usuals will approach the courses differently next year. I think the guy who tried to skip through the blind grab had the right idea - just didn't execute. I though Najee would be able to do it because he usually does great at stopping the direction of his body. I also agree that that episode wasn't even fun. Beard was great, however!
  14. Re: Taste of Love - would kitchen staff really wear huge hoop earrings? I feel sort of like that would be a no-no. Gabby seemed bitchy the whole movie to me. The Sunshine dog movie - I spent a lot of the movie being annoyed that they painted the sister out to be so man-needy. Sheesh - let a single person be happy and fulfilled with their lives!
  15. This has driven me bonkers forever (seriously, look at past years and years). I get that you can be excited and stuff but just DO the course. Don't dance. Don't pose and show your muscles mid-warped wall. Don't buy your own hype. That gash to the head looked like it might need stitches....but I refuse to watch any non-course footage. I wouldn't have put him on the speed course after that. Damn...some real 'name' ninjas bit it early.
  16. I'm laughing at the stupidity in Richland County on tonight's Tuesday episode. The guy goes 'how did you get in the glove compartment? I told you you could search the CAR but I didn't say nothing about the glove compartment." Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh??????
  17. Whoa! Wishing the best to Thorne but I agree with this: It also sends the message that somehow the other women aren't feminine and strong. They totally are. I'm thrilled that at least Daniel Gil did not win the Tower. At the risk of beating and then starting fire to a dead horse...I can't stand him. I recognize him as a great athlete but he grates on me hard.
  18. Tonight's officer in Williamson County TX is 100x better to watch than Kennedy or Luera. He wasn't a 100% jerk. Side note - that haul from the attorney was bananas. Methinks he will lose his license after this. Not impressed with the Lafayette guys. Why is Muskitt in Salinas suddenly wearing jeans? That sees weird - did he get promoted?
  19. I did like the dress that Dancing with the Stars chose as her reception dress. I go back and forth on how I felt about the cosplay/Mick Foley bride. I tend to get annoyed at the brides who think they’re the most unique thing ever (and the eyelashes and contact were OtT for me...I’d like to see what she actually looks like), but the dress did seem to be a really good ‘fit’ for her, in multiple ways.
  20. Those renters were VILE. I’m always horrified by squatters who act like they should be proud of getting out of paying back rent and squatting for months. Unreal.
  21. Live PD - back again! On Friday - I was totally with the guy in TX who was telling Kennedy that he uses Miguel and Michael interchangeably. Kennedy was being a total dick about it, that he was trying to 'hide' his identity when he gave him his real SSN. On Saturday - I was so hoping for the dog to come to the traffic stop with Calicoat and the lady who didn't know she was coming out of a drug hotel. Her whole 'i'm a student!' and 'i'm a single mother!' made me loathe her. One has nothing to do with the other - - -then bring your license with you. She was a jerk.
  22. I'm beginning to think this is a qualification for work on that County...
  23. Me too but you knew they weren't going to leave this alone. I think they're the first show-based engagement and NBC probably paid for the ring! (I"m only being slightly facetious there.) Ian Dory is usually consistent and not an egocentric douchebag - - so, alas, he doesn't get much screen time. He was always the most tolerable of that group.
  24. He did get to finals - looks like 20th place. I was sad about Geoff Britten and the kidney guy. They both seem down to earth (see: Rosen, Travis).
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