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Everything posted by VartanFan

  1. Honest criminal on Saturday night. After he was captured after a chase, cops ask if he knows how many people he put in danger with his driving and running. He just says - the only thing he was thinking of was the weed in the car and that he didn’t want to go back to jail.
  2. I couldn’t (respectfully) disagree more. 🙂 I absolutely cannot stand them. It’s just the same call all the time, it seems like. People living in absolute filth and squalor. I ffw’d when they come on. Between that and the commercials, I can get through this in about 1:45. I’ll miss Salinas and Lafayette.
  3. Thoughts on Tom's show? I have to be honest, I ffwd the wanted segments on Live PD, so I know his show isn't for me. I hope he does well.
  4. Whiskey Cavalier AND Life are both shows that were gone too soon for me (add The Grinder on Fox and The Kids are All Right).
  5. I like Laureano and it was kind of adorable how dressed up he was for Friday’s show.
  6. I, too, love the mix tape. We're getting into suspension of disbelief for me because there have been some GREAT tunes on the mix tape...BUT, if you know about tapes and ever made one for your bff of your boyfriend, you know that we're running perilously close to capacity on that sucker. No way can they have enough music for a whole season!
  7. I think we'll get there - there was a hint last episode about a dead brother (?) or something. I'm just not keen on a multiple season arc on stories (like Beckett's mom on Castle....was SO over it by the time it all was resolved).
  8. Don’t watch Live Rescue. Sounds like another A&E Penis Party. Man, last nights (fri) Live PD was a bunch of merry idiots. The guy who was so desperate for a cigarette, the moron who tried running from cops in handcuffs, and the woman who executed quite the hit and run. Also, not excited that fame ho Lamb will be Tom’s cohost.
  9. RIP, Myrtle. Sad Also, maybe they'll do a storyline where Jeff wins tons of money in a whistleblower suit?
  10. Pom/Beagle defendant putting on the water works when she realizes she's losing the dog (and potential $$ from breeding)....I was enraged. I don't know that we've EVER seen a litigant who chose the dog over the money. To me it shows that her heart is in the right place...even if her skillset and bullshit detector are terrible.
  11. Sonofabiscuit - agree/love your whole post. I've been over Jess' 'cutesy' behavior forever. She's the WORST businesswoman and she's not a good girlfriend. Yet again, I want all the men on this show to wash the ridiculous amount of product out of their hair. I, too, liked Bri and David together initially (and like her hair up) and do NOT want her to get together with the agent/ AKA low rent Ed Holms. I will also add - that it was at least the hottest kiss we've ever seen on Hallmark. Not saying much but I could buy them together for the first time.
  12. Girl, I hope you read this whole thread (only 4 pages, not a heavy lift). We HEAR you! 🙂 I thought Gram was maybe going to keel over at the wedding luncheon, but that would have been too interesting. I have NO idea what brought Abby from super happy family times to morose and on the beach. And then the make out...huh? If there's a next season, I would like that to be the season of Connor. He gets shafted every which way he turns! ETA - makeup needs to go lighter on the blush with David.
  13. From what I've learned, if you marry the person you have babies with, you also can't be a 'single' mother and be eligible for lots of free stuff. Sad but true. I would have kicked her algae green-haired self out of the courtroom prior to the video. MM had WAY more patience with her than I would have had.
  14. So far, I like Montana. I feel like the guy who handled the woman on the side of the highway (fight with husband and he walked off down the side of the highway), did a good job. I hope the loss of camera signal won't be an ongoing problem.
  15. I agree with this 100% and wouldn't have given her anything. There was a serious vibe from the D that he rented her the apartment (and gave up his home) because he was into her. It was never outright stated (that I remember) but she was working both the system and his attraction to her. I feel similarly when we see divorced people...unless the person is NOT doing something they were ordered to do in the divorce, I don't see why you're here. Dismissed without prejudice and let your local court dismiss it. BYE! I'm seriously considering making myself a PC litigant. My brother borrowed 750$ in December of 2017 and promised to pay it back by APril of 2018. He still owes $170 after repeated, repeated requests from me. He makes good money but makes sure to go to Vegas, buy his adult children things, pays for some martial arts classes...and so on. Unlike some people. I've kept the old phone with all the text promises. So, even though it's 170, I get why people come onto the show for small amounts. It really is the principle of the thing.
  16. Ugh - agreed, but I had to laugh at the hallterview with him...how she so wanted him and he was clear that he NEVER wanted anything to do with her. But her stuff was in his house and he was willing to take all sorts of money and a credit card.
  17. Yet again - disagree with her ruling here. That smirky boy and his moron mother will be in court again because she’s another one who says ‘nope, not my precious baby’. There are 3 kids there and he ‘doesn’t know’ who threw the rock?
  18. I said this exact thing to my husband and I would have hoped MM said it to her (optimistic that it was edited out). I hate these people who throw all sorts of shit at the legal system, hoping something will stick and they'll get something for nothing (or something MORE for nothing). So, yes, MM is right but I hate these non custodial parents who freaking think that 'child support' covers everything. It doesn't. Period. It's a mathematical computation that is based off of (yes, among other things) what money you have...NOT what it takes to support a child. AND he agreed to pay toward it. The P's problem was she said she would have paid for it anyways. She should not have bad-mouthed the dad (bad-tshirted?) because, frankly, the kids figure it out themselves when they get older. ETA - I know dance is not what it takes to actually keep a kid alive and it's extra, but my feelings about child support still stand.
  19. Just wanted to add (at the risk of sounding like a broken record this season) - I hope there was also shampoo in that water last night. Maybe that means 'the swan' will have finally cleaned his hair.
  20. Well that was like picking between STDs...Just relieved it wasn't Gil that won it all. Not a huge Drew fan but would prefer him over Gil. I'm now officially a Rayl Roadie. SERIOUSLY? Unbelievable. Well, Gil didn't even finish in under 30 seconds. Britten did. [#StillBitter]. So I think it's even worse treatment of GB. You know they won't overlook this for Gil.
  21. I get why rent control exists but I"m not exactly sure of how it's calculated or whatever. It seems like this woman certainly has gotten more than her value's worth with the rent control than the few bucks in electricity may have cost her. I'd have given her 200$, let the landlords evict the DAUGHTER, separated the electric, and called it a day.
  22. Honestly, my jaw literally dropped and stayed there when we found out that the D did the photoshopping to make a man look like a pedophile. And while he acted contrite and looked about to cry in the courtroom when he got his (TOTALLY JUSTIFIED) reaming, his hallterview was like 'meh, dindu nothin'. Man - then the whole name drop of her husband. Crazy crazy crazy.
  23. From your lips to Akbar's ears....please, oh please! As some others have noted, I think if they shaved off some time on the course, it would have helped keep the numbers down and would have differentiated the guys. A few of them took noticeable breaks to get their breath back...don't allow that kind of pause and you'll really differentiate the wheat from the chaff.
  24. Snapback but in between each of the pieces of snapback, you have to land on the diving board, run to another diving board and jump back up to another snapback. Think of the wipeouts! Think of the blood! Think of the deep muscle trauma! As I watched the first 20 minutes of this course, I thought - too easy. I know Stage 3 is an upper body, brutal nightmare - so I'll be happier next week. 🙂 [please not daniel gil, please not daniel gil, please not daniel gil]
  25. Wait - this isn’t the last season? I thought that since the number of episodes dropped and they’re clearly unable to think up new stories, that this was the last season.
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