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le bordel chaud

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Everything posted by le bordel chaud

  1. Also, Tommy is slowly turning into Andy Herren. If he gets Kat out, it will be the same as when Andy won HoH and Veto and got out his target that week Jessie. Things that make you go hmmmm.
  2. Has there ever been gay sex on BB? I'd love to see some action between Nick and Tommy. (I can't believe I just wrote that and am now properly ashamed.)
  3. We can't lose Kat yet. I thought she could have been a contender. *sadface* Whereas, to me, Cliff has already been evicted once. So if he leaves, it's just the universe kinda righting that ship. Of course Christie going would have maybe saved the season. We can never have nice things!
  4. I'll be so pissed to finally get rid of Jack only to have him come back via some Bullshit Battle Back or the like. Urgh! Jackson amuses me. With this motley crew, he actually wound up in the upper half when I ranked the houseguests the other day. Sad but true.
  5. I don't feel that bad for Bella. Didn't Nick make it kind of obvious to her that she was his second choice? He's always been creepy towards Anallice.
  6. It's like they're all in a competition for who can be the worst. Normally there is at least *someone* to root for. This year, there's nobody. The underdogs are complete idiots to the point I want them put out of their misery. I thought Nick was the tooliest of tools in his Ika interview and now he is the one I like the most. Or hate the least, I should say. This isn't the Big Brother I know and love.
  7. Christie should save her power. LBR, Jack ain't worth it.
  8. Don't they usually let them practice comps? That was a dismal effort by everybody not named Cliff.
  9. Yes and he lasted all of 45 seconds the first time. (Sorry, I figure if I have to know this information, so should you 😂.)
  10. No, but you do look like Richard Hatch! 😂
  11. I can't wait to see the back side of Christie. She's beyond ridiculous.
  12. Lol I agree that Jessica is obese, but you think she's 200 lbs overweight? How tall is she? I don't think she weighs 300+ lbs?
  13. I don't know how Cliff could be so clueless as to think he can't be overheard, but I must thank him because that segment last night was comedy gold!
  14. Kat is absolutely my favorite houseguest. She's self-deprecating and funny, often unintentionally (which I always love). I'm also a shallow bitch and she is absolutely gorgeous. I think she could go far in the game and be a potential dark horse.
  15. I was so excited to tune in and watch the feeds for the very first time, and nada lol. I wanted to like Kemi, but it's kinda obvious she doesn't care enough to keep herself safe. Too bad. It will really suck if the two black people are the first two evictees.
  16. Hot take, but I think Trinity is just as talented as Manila. I wish she had won the crown alone. Her reaction upthread was great though.
  17. Fell on her lutz and axel. Unable to do any 3-3s. :/ Not a good skate and only 12th in the long.
  18. I'm a tad bit disappointed that my girl Alyona Kostornaia couldn't pull out the win. But sadly, she just doesn't have the technical content to compete when the quadsters hit. So unless she adds her triple axel in, Alyona is going to have to hope that time is on her side and her competitors' bodies won't hold up in the long run. Time will tell! But that being said, if Medvedeva or Kostornaia (my two favorites) couldn't win, I'm thrilled it was Anna Shcherbakova. I don't like her LP music (and her choreography is inadequate) but she is still delightful to watch and that quad lutz was mind-blowing! She has an artistic flair and is a satisfying champion. I was so disappointed after Zhenya blew the short, but she came back like a champion in the long! Too bad about the 2A3T<< fall, because a clean long would have been so redemptive and a cause for celebration. I hope this isn't the end of her season because I love her Tosca and I feel like her Libertango gets better every time. Zagitova's meltdown gave me a flashback to Worlds last season. It was just as shocking today as it was then. When things like that happen, you truly realize how much pressure these young women are under. Poor thing. I wanted to give her a hug. All in all, what an amazing and exciting competition! Year after year, Russian Nationals is my favorite Christmas present.
  19. I've been a huge fan of Zhenya since she won the Jr Grand Prix Final. It feels like the Twilight Zone to see her making multiple mistakes in programs. Hopefully it will all work out in the long run.
  20. Exactly. Kaycee kept saying she was doing what was best for her game in keeping Tyler over Angela when it reality it was the exact opposite of that.
  21. I honestly don't think she's that desperate or hard-up for money. I just think she legitimately fell for him (to my chagrin cause I think she can do better).
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