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le bordel chaud

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Everything posted by le bordel chaud

  1. My favorite part of the reunion was Asia being as nice as possible about it but standing firm on the fact that she doesn't think Cracker is a star. I LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And I'm with Miss O'Hara on that one..) Still Team Aquaria, but Asia has done enough to be an acceptable winner. The only problem it seems to be another lip sync showdown and IMO she is the weakest one in that dept... Kameron being read for filth was such a delight to these sore eyes, and I thought I was indifferent on the bitch. She's also not as masculine as the world seems to think. Muscles ≠ masculine. Eureka started off so weak but then has been pretty Steady Eddy with some nice highs sprinkled in. She can be incredibly annoying, and for that alone I don't want her to win, but she has talent and is certainly loved by some of her sisters. So she can't be an absolute asshole. Vixen really doesn't get how this works, does she? About halfway through her interrogation you could see the light bulb go off in her head and she realized this was not about her redemption. Poor thing.
  2. I'm currently doing a rewatch of the entire series and just finished Season 2. It was a lot better than I remembered but also much sadder. I had completely forgotten what happened to Ziggy and it was all just so tragic and senseless. And then poor Frank. :(
  3. I love Aquaria but she really doesn't hold a candle to Violet as a look queen. (Of course Violet kinda sucked when it came to acting and the like so Aquaria DOES have that all over her.) I might be one of the few who has Season 7 amongst his fave seasons. All the hate that Violet got then (especially when she was unfairly IMO lumped in with Pearl) made me batty. I did get a bit of comfort when Violet showed up to pass on the crown to Bob and everyone GAGGED over her look (deservedly so, obviously). I won't miss Cracker. I find it interesting that I think he sees himself as being this big ol' open book but he really comported himself quite differently on the show at least. And I'm about 20 minutes or so into that Slate podcast he did last year that some were raving about. I don't find it so amazing. At least yet anyway. I still think it's Asia's to lose. I'm pretty much ABE (Anyone But UKnoWho) at this point tho. (Obvs I don't think Kam has a snowball's chance in hell.) But I will say that Kameron's lip synching is turning out to be kind of legendary.. Probably one of the most surprising things this season to me.
  4. I have to stan for Aquaria. Bitch turns out a fierce look and I adore her whole aesthetic. I honestly didn't think she was noticeably worse in this challenge than Monet or Kameron. Her partner's make-up looked gorgeous and it was bad luck (read that bitch Eureka) that she got one of the most uncomfortable ones. And in the event of a tie, like Ru I would make Aquaria safe based on her doing the best of the three in the overall competition. I try my best to respect everyone's opinions but since I didn't see any yet really defending Aquaria, I figured I should write my take. ? Monet's drag is incredibly unpolished but her personality is stellar. I think she would have done better in an early season. I honestly under-estimated Kameron before that lip sync, but she killed it! I was very impressed he was able to perform and interpret that song as well as he did! Huge props to him and a most deserving LSFYL victor! I do think like Molly, he is in danger next week though. I don't mind his reserved personality and I have adored some of his looks. But of the five remaining queens, he hasn't really had any notable highs to me. Cracker did AMAZING work this week and I'm curious exactly how responsible he was for Cookie's gag-worthy transformation (not physically but just in how Cookie acted and carried himself in drag). I love analyzing edgic on these shows and while I don't really think Cracker has been portrayed as a contender for the crown, part of that could be his personality and him keeping things close to his chest. Eureka is too much and I would say this shit is rigged for her way more than it is for Aquaria. I guess we shall see. And Asia is just the total package, really. I'd say it might be hers to lose at this point.
  5. Just had to chime in that I thought Eureka's performance during that lip sync was EVERYTHING and one of my favorite ones ever in the herstory of the show!! I'm surprised to read so many people feel otherwise so maybe I need to re-watch ASAP lol. I absolutely love Aquaria to the point that if she doesn't win I will be pretty disappointed. If I were judging, I would have given her her third win here. She just has an it factor, a certain je ne sais quoi that I find really appealing and enjoy tremendously. Asia felt really held up here in relation to her actual performance in the challenge. Things that make you go hmmmmm. Each week I expect the quality to suffer, but it continues to deliver episode after episode! I've said it before and I'll continue to shout it from the rooftops--It feels like this season was delivered personally from Jesus himself to wash away the horrible stink Ben de la Creme left from shitting all over AS3. I'm not sure it's entirely serendipitous, but it really could have gone the other way and this could have just been another middling season like S9 was. Instead it has really infused so much fresh air and excitement into the franchise. I also love absolutely everything about Ru this season. His interactions with the queens have been seamless and helpful. And his judging and bon mots are as entertaining as always! He seriously deserves all the Emmys. He is just such a national treasure!
  6. I really disliked The Vixen at first but she's actually grown on me like some kind of leeching fungus. I mean, Eureka is really annoying and I'm sure it is difficult having to be in a competition with her. That being said, Vixen is really out of her depth and her drag is very cheap so hopefully she'll be the next to go. And I do realize I'm a shallow bitch and the fact that Vixen is a cute boy is probably why she doesn't bother me that much. I am so disappointed in Monique. She was repping for my hometown! But I had really grown to love her wit and talking heads. Such a funny bitch. Too bad she couldn't translate it to her Maxine Waters. And then that lip synch was truly unprofessional. There's no excuse for snatching off her wig and not learning her words!! I haven't watched Untucked yet, but from her final words it really seemed like she was into this for the exposure, which is too bad. She has the talent to have aimed higher. I am now living for Aquaria. She has become my absolute favorite and her Melania was such an unexpected treat! Her runway look was killer, but that was not at all surprising. She is my favorite look queen since my beloved Violet Chachki. This season has been so good and it was desperately needed after the disaster All Stars 3 turned into. The competition is also wide open, which will hopefully make for an exciting and compelling finish.
  7. The Vixen's lip synch was unintentionally hilarious. I started busting up laughing when she just randomly started doing somersaults! Too much LMAO!! I'm also a cynical bitch because I couldn't help but think Blair sensed he was in danger and hoped telling that story would give him a reprieve. I was sort of surprised Ru made him lip synch anyway. I never was as fond of him as most seem to be and felt it was really his time to go.
  8. I preferred Aquaria's lurks to The Cracker's (TM Avaryl from Movie Bitches). I love how the editors are having fun with Aquaria but she is still doing well in the competition. Oftentimes they'll make girls out to be delusional, singing their own praises only to actually bomb in the challenge. That's why I thought Aquaria might be in danger when she was talking herself up. But no, she actually turned it out! Monet's fake out during the LSFYL was incredible! I actually thought Dusty was pretty bad on the lip synch, but that song really didn't suit him. And I don't feel too bad for him leaving, not with that cute fiance he gets to go home to. Miss Asia really tugged on my heartstrings this episode. You can tell she is just so nurturing and a truly good person. I really want her to succeed in this competition.
  9. My bad. I just assumed (erroneously I guess) that all the Pit Crew members were gay.
  10. They have gays on AYTO? (I've never watched it and I don't know why that would be surprising to me LOL.)
  11. First, it's really nice that Ben was able to take some time and get down off his beloved cross to write that response. What an incredibly generous gesture on his part! However, what I take from it is: "I couldn't pass up an opportunity for everyone to tell me how awesome and amazing I am even though I knew that the show, its format and entire production is a complete anathema and completely against who I am as a person and my amazing light and process. Therefore I will stay for a couple weeks to chew the scenery and humbly share my gifts, but I have absolutely no intention of persevering and fighting through the entire competition. My truth is my truth. You have no idea how hard it was to try to write legible letters in White-Out! You have never walked in my shoes or been on a reality TV show so your opinion is uneducated, uninformed, and really not worth the time of day. Toodles! And please get tickets now for my next one-man show coming to a city near you! *jazz hands*" (OK I may have embellished a *bit* haha.) And she is more than entitled to her light, truth, agenda, and all that jazz. I just don't think you should enter something knowing you don't like it and have no intention of seeing it all the way through. Just my two cents. Plus I'm bitter af that he paved the way for a middling Trixie to win.
  12. I have a theory that Michelle is even *more* bitchy than what's normally shown and very well may have clocked some of those queens but they just didn't show it. There's only so many hours in the day to show the incredibly highbrow and enlightened opinions she has, after all. So I'm sure a lot has made the cutting room floor. I roll my eyes at a lot of what Michelle says. If I want to hear interesting, intelligent, and insightful comments about queens and their drags, Michelle Visage is pretty far down the pecking order, no offense to the lovely Ms. Visage. I do think she does offer *something* to the show. Just not that lol. I like it when she directs and stuff. I just can't get over what a likeable bunch this is!! And I know it's early but there is literally only ONE girl I am not really fond of and just one other one I am feeling indifferent about. Everyone else I love, like, or potentially see myself ending up liking. For the sake of comparison, last season I really only liked Farrah, Valentina, and Trinity... So yeah. I totally feel like Super fun times are on the way!!!
  13. Dusty Ray Bottoms isn't my favorite in drag, but for some reason I find him pretty attractive as a boy. So I'm kind of rooting for him because I'm shallow and stuff. Same with Kameron. Damn that boy had me lustin'! Haven't seen a guy that hot on Drag Race since Pearl's ol' sleepy ass. I really don't care for the aesthetic of all those tats though. Potentially unpopular opinion--not really feeling Marie Claire, Claire Danes, or whatever her name is.. The Broadway Baby. She's one of a couple of queens who seriously resemble biological women (in her case, a butch lesbian) to me out of drag. I hope Cracker vs Aquaria is actually interesting or just gets dropped. Something about Aquaria is really intriguing to me and it might be because I think she's pretty cute as a boy. She reminds me of like a combination between Adore and Violet. But yeah, I can't take another tired contrived storyline rivalry a la Coco and Alyssa. Speaking of which, I am LIVING for Miss Edwards' return next week!!! OMG I just love her sooo fucking much!!! I've decided the #1 Reason AS2 was so much better than AS3 was because the former had a healthy dose of Alyssa. That bitch saves!!!!
  14. This was such an amazing premiere! It really washed away the bad taste of AS3 and I'm seriously looking forward to the competition! I loved Monique Heart's look (and it's great to see her repping for my hometown KC!), so I was disappointed to see her just safe. I am loving Miz Cracker, Monet X-Change, and the Chinese queen (can't quite remember her name yet which is ironic considering she couldn't tell the black queens apart lol). I find Aquaria oddly intriguing. I actually really liked most of the queens. And I must be in a really good mood because even Eureka was likable and didn't get on my nerves! I thought it was a great first lip synch and Kalorie surprised me with how well she turned it out!! And I was devastated to lose Vanessa. What her looked lacked she more than made up in personality and I wanted to see her stick around for a little while at least. I'm a huge X-tina fan and have boycotted The Voice since her dismissal. loved her guest judging gig here. Typically Drag Race premieres are always strong, but I am optimistic that Season 10 is gonna deliver!!
  15. No comments yet? Odd. Morgan just won the Darwin Award for Drag Queens. Gurl? It's not a bad strategy to eliminate the stronger girls if you're a weaker queen like Morgan (it's obviously the only way she would have any kind of path to the crown). We can also put aside the fact that she would actually have to do great at a challenge and then win the lip sync to implement her plan. But it goes without saying that you keep that strategy to yourself. The minute she started blabbing about that out loud, I knew she was done for. She's set herself up as a huge liability for any of the stronger queens who Morgan might take out. And tragic for Morgan, they can actually win lip syncs like Ben did and therefore have the ability to eliminate someone. So it was a no-brainer for Ben to knock out Morgan who has told him to his face she is gunning for queens of her caliber. Note that Aja doesn't appear to have the same consensus strategy of following the judges' critique but like a smart bitch she kept that shit to herself. And I will be curious to see if she did in fact eliminate ChiChi, who let's face it, is much stronger competition than Morgan. So yeah, I loved it! So happy to have my show back!! Bebe is just flawless and I'm tickled pink over her inclusion! Also Kennedy always brings the shady talking heads so I am loving her as well! Hopefully this will be a great season after Season 9 left a somewhat lukewarm taste in my mouth.
  16. Yes @nkotb. I believe she read the votes backwards last year as well!
  17. I haven't seen such poor jury management since Russell Hantz. Paul's loss is ten times more glorious. The delusion of so many of these players was off the chart. At least the finale made up for the drecktitude of this season. That's what I call a satisfying result!
  18. I wanted to make a Mark avatar, but I figure Cody goes way better with my screen name LOL :)
  19. I really wish Cody didn't have safety this week. :( I would much rather have solo Jessica in the house than him.
  20. Everyone is having a laugh about the silly rhyme Jessica has to repeat to use the Halting Hex. Should be a riot!
  21. Really?? Tell more. First cousins, or? Steffi was my childhood idol and I love her to this day! I was already starting to like Jessica more, but now I am full-on rooting for her.
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