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le bordel chaud

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Everything posted by le bordel chaud

  1. That Dani read is perfection. I'm actually starting to root for Nicole. That's how boring this season is.
  2. I'm not sure how true this is because he said he wouldn't do the show without Angela. And Angela isn't here, so...he apparently didn't have that much bargaining power.
  3. Were there 7 people on the jury that season? (I checked and indeed there were.) Eric did have to sway the jury towards voting for Dick per America IIRC. And if America had chosen Dani instead, then Eric could have at least gotten Amber + himself (no choice). Jen and Jameka already voted for her, so she would have won. But there was also one Veto that Eric won that Production wouldn't let him use, otherwise he would have gotten Dani out then. The less I try to scramble my brain thinking about the logistics of S8, the better. But if there was no Final Task for Eric to have to convince anyone and controlled his own vote, I think Dick still wins. He had a better social game.
  4. It is surprising that Dani would go back on Big Brother if she is so attached to her daughter. Maybe they needed the 40k IDK cause with her social skills, she will never win. If she couldn't beat Evel Dick, she can't beat anyone.
  5. Sorry I clarified my previous post if that makes it any clearer lol
  6. I mean, I wasn't at her obstetrics appointments or in the delivery room.. I'm not saying that their daughter's conception was timed to give birth around her birthday. But once they did conceive and it happened that her daughter was due in mid/late August, she had the birth scheduled on her birthday.
  7. @peachmangosteen and @Callaphera I don't know if y'all remember, but I hated Tyler on his season too! He's actually not bothering me as much as he did in S20, but SOLIDARITY FOREVER nonetheless!
  8. I was wondering about this. Dani seems the type to have had a planned or "emergency" C-section on her birthday so her precious spawn and her would forever share the same special day. The chances of having the same birthday as one of your parents naturally is statistically very low.
  9. Well, she was on the same season as Audrey. Maybe she picked up some pointers.
  10. Praise be, Memphis. Just keep the noms the same so I can have a few days of relief.
  11. Nicola did say in her tweet she wants to work with Jaysar, right? That was before she was on the block though. But who knows with her. Memphis refusing to make an alliance with them really has me worried one of them might get backdoored. He was pretty careful to not make any promises and never said he wouldn't renom them. They would still be pissed, though. Janelle really thought she and Kaysar were in an alliance with Nicola and Memphis? I hope she meant two separate alliances, and even that is a reach. But once someone you think you're in an alliance with does something against your interest this early in the game, clue #1 it's not a real alliance. C'mon Janelle. Get it together, girl. Less floater hate, more (any) perception please 😂😂.
  12. Not Christmas thinking she's running the House. Send help.
  13. OK it won't work on my TV so I'm gonna fire up my laptop and play it in the background while I cut my hair LOL
  14. Fired up the feeds. Nicola about to fall asleep with Kevin and Enzo talking. Turned off the feeds. I don't know how y'all do it 😭
  15. What I don't understand is everyone says that Dani and Janelle were friends, or at least friendly, outside the BB House. So either Dani was being fake then or she's being fake now. Probably the former. Janie could probably do things for her in the real world at one time, and she clearly can't do anything for her in this game. I knew Dani was that girl. I think she hated on Cassi for no reason during her last season (other than the fact that Dom liked her and at the time Dani said she didn't even like Dom like that!) and she honestly thinks Porsche was trying to come after her man (I believe Porsche on this one).
  16. Probably not, but it has to be mildly annoying to have all these people hate on you for bullshit and imaginary reasons brought on by their own issues and insecurities.
  17. I feel sorry for Janelle knowing she has had to probably go through shit like this most of her adult life. I hope her life nowadays is filled with fewer jealous bitches.
  18. I used to watch BBAD. Last year was my first year having the actual feeds, and for reasons that probably don't need to be mentioned, I didn't watch more than a few minutes. I realized that the CBS app will probably let me watch the feeds on my smart TV (?), so it's definitely on tonight after work lol.
  19. I keep wondering if he can play himself into being even maybe a Decent Player, but I fear even that is a bridge too far.
  20. I bet Memphis could convince whoever wins not to use it fairly easily. I just really hope he has no plans to BD Jaysar.
  21. Except he seems to be much more outgoing and have an iota of charisma.
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