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le bordel chaud

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Everything posted by le bordel chaud

  1. Scheana is such a bitch to Shay--right to his face, even. I can't see that marriage lasting.
  2. I adore Bentley so much. Does anyone else think he may end up being gay, and that's why his parents are already trying to lock him down with a girlfriend? It's like they're already suspicious. It reminds me too much of how my dad (when he was rarely around) acted towards me. Rhine definitely seems uncomfortable around his son like mine did.
  3. This show is so frustrating to me. I don't think making everything as murky as possible is good storytelling. It is incredibly annoying. And I think they're doing it on purpose. The story is good and the acting is fantastic. But I wish someone else was telling it. I'm too close to hate-watching at this point.
  4. I can never quit this show, but this season is ridiculously good IMO. There are so many elements with the bloodlines,etc that have made it so compelling to watch. Nothing seems forced in terms of drama, it is legitimately there and fascinating! For example, the fight between Brenna and her cousin was so silly but hilarious! Anyway, I can't stand Tom's ass from his RW season, and nothing since has done anything to change my mind. He's the worst. He had his own girlfriend while this was filming but it seems like that's been pushed under the rug. His twin brother seems much more likeable and it kind of sucks he had to suffer the fall-out for his brother's stupidity. I have never liked Cara and her little soliloquy at the end was especially annoying because she's not being held at gunpoint to stay with Abe (or at least I hope not). It's like she is trying really hard to play the victim and have people feel sorry for her. Well, I don't. Her cousin rubs me the wrong way as well. I don't realy like John as a person, but I do think he brings a lot of value to these seasons as a strategic threat. His soundbites are also generally entertaining as hell. I do really like Mike and was glad to see him shine in the pit. He seems like a genuinely good guy, and that is rare these days. I am terrified of heights, and these challenges always scare the shit out of me. I legit had to look away for a lot of it. Kelley Anne impressed me again by completing it. I really like Kelley Anne. Aneesa not giving any fucks about quitting was funny too. And why is CT being brought back, exactly? If he gets to compete for the money over halfway in, that really doesn't seem fair. And I love CT.
  5. I have never liked Cara because I don't think she has a lot of strength or self-respect. Her relationship with Abram is beyond toxic, but it's hard to feel sorry for her because she made her own bed. How she treated him is pretty despicable, but I obviously get the sense that he doesn't treat her well either. It's like a sad vicious cycle that needs to end for both of their sanity. The host was beyond incompetent and just dumb IMO. She made a horrible situation 100 times worse.
  6. Ugh. Was wanting to hear follow-up about Rocky/Eddie but they're obvi saving that for next week. I wish Leon had shown up. The collective Eros vs. Rocky wasn't so interesting to me. I love Kate, but her tweets calling Rocky a slut/whore were kind of mean and yes, evil. But no fucks are given about Rocky so no one said anything. Meh. Hope Part 2 is more entertaining.
  7. Just curious. Does anyone else's gaydar ping for the black son and the other son who sits next to his father with his brother and mother? I love this show so much but don't really love Julie (especially) and Brandy hosting the Vanderpump Rules after show. She comes across as trying way too hard on there IMO.
  8. Now I feel bad for accusing Kate of lying about her age. All that sun has clearly done her no good. She's still my favorite though. I'm watching the Season 2 marathon and I feel it was mean to say she never wanted to work with Amy again. Amy did like to play the victim a bit, but she was clearly a hard worker and had an excellent rapport with the guests. I also think Kat had a lot to do with the overall toxicity of the situation. I'm glad they mended fences this season.
  9. I don't think Rocky is that bad at all considering she was clearly cast for this show. And I'd say the producers clearly did a great job as she has managed to drive much of the narrative for what IMO was a pretty damn good season.
  10. I was never enamored with Eddie. He seems to have anger issues. I do love Kate, except for the whole lying about her age thing. That's just not a good look, especially when you look nowhere near the age you're stating. It's not cute to make yourself look haggard for your age. SMH. I do not like Leon. He seems unfriendly and takes himself way too seriously. He also seriously lacks spontaneity, which seems crucial for the job he signed up for. I had only seen bits and pieces of this show before, and this is my first season watching. It's quickly become appointment TV. I remain Bravo's bitch.
  11. I actually really like Kass a lot this time around. Her interview following Savage's story was really interesting and I think it shows she is prepared to go about things differently. I also like her sense of humor. I hope she goes far.
  12. Of the many things I find odd about Steve, the fact that he didn't want to drink champagne is not one of them. OTOH him saying, "They're talking in there" and then fleeing like he was being chased by an axe-wielding murderer? That was weird.
  13. YES YES YES. When Vanessa leaves, the remaining entertainment value of the season leaves with her. Sorry but James' pranks do nothing for me. Nor does John pretending to be flippant in the DR. Snore.
  14. Vanessa winning is the best case scenario to me now. I don't care what anyone says--it would take some amazing gameplay mixed with some luck for her to make it there. That's what I want to see. Not a cakewalk for the Austwins.
  15. You know this season has taken a turn for the worse when I would rather see basic-ass Becky win than the majority of these fools. Ugh! I wish I liked Liz because there's like a 90% chance she will be in the Final 2 and she has played a decent game.. But I just can't.
  16. Ugh Steve is surprisingly good looking. This really annoys me. What a waste.
  17. I am so bitter Jackie left in the DE. I wish Steve had self-evicted instead. What happened to Becky being your target, you worthless weasel douchecanoe?? He can't do anything right. And if he seriously told John not to use the veto thinking Meg would go then he is as stupid as he looks. Ugh. Not that Jackie was playing an award-winning game or anything. Still pissed of her letting Vanessa off the hook so easily. But the girl had moxie! I'm pissed that I lost my two favorite houseguests in the DE. And while I like Vanessa, it is unfathomable that she is still in such a good position considering how badly she overplays. I am finally warming up to John but it seems like he can't buy a clue. And worst of all, Worthless Meg is probably going to wind up in the Final 2. It's enough to make my blood boil!!
  18. Actually Vanessa winning and taking Shelli off is my ideal situation. Would love to see Austin up and out.
  19. Would John use the Veto? Didn't Vanessa go off on him yesterday? It's so hard to remember everything when I don't have the feeds and just read about them.
  20. Ugh. I hate that Shelli will probably go this week. She just can't catch a break. I know Liz isn't that popular, but does anyone think she's a dark-horse contender to win? She's very smart and playing a low-key, shrewd game. And of course she has 2 jury votes on lock.
  21. Ikr? I loved her on her first episode then when I saw her on BBAD for the first time I was like WTF? LOL. At this point I find her both entertaining and smart. She got the house to keep Shelli which I'm not sure was in all of their best interests. I actually agreed with Liz when she said why not take out the better player. But I'm happy Clay won't coast til the end.
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