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Everything posted by kav

  1. I believe this was the winter right before I moved to Georgia. I remember last year in the Atlanta area in late January we received about an inch of snow and I was so excited to shovel my car out. By any chance was this in New England? I was in MA, and we had so much snow on the field of the school I worked at that the giant pile did not go away until like late April.
  2. It sounds like it could possibly be Vertigo, but just a thought. I might have the name wrong, but I know there is something that causes ringing in the ear and selective hearing loss.
  3. I watched the replay episode last night and it was an episode from last February with a Survivor category which I got 4/5 right. However, Alex looked really really bad. One thing he said that gutted me was, "I hope there will be a long break soon"
  4. The first book title that popped into my head was Holes, but that was from way later and was a chapter book, so did not have holes, but then I said the Very Hungry Caterpillar. I learned something new about it being first printed in Japan. I was surprised the Champion did not get it considering her career, but maybe having known a lot more titles might have made it harder to choose one. Bastet, it is about a caterpillar who eats too much (1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries, 5 oranges, cake, cheese, pickle, cupcake etc) that gets a stomachache, goes into its cocoon, and turns into a butterfly. Eric Carole wrote it.
  5. My final Jepardy pre questions answers were Koko, Ivan, and the 2 monkeys that went into space.
  6. I was just coming on here to let you know it is on at 3:30 Am ish tonight. I thought Rent too, I also said Sound of Music and Greece......I had no idea. I would have been in BIG trouble is I got the Aly Raisman question wrong, she is from my state.
  7. Have you heard about if NBC down here will be showing it later or anything? Where would we even look?
  8. On Saturday morning I watched the fire episode. I had seen part 2 of it a bunch of times, but it had been a while since I saw the first part, I did not remember the parts with the dead bodies.
  9. A few days ago I watched the end of the wild dog one, which was pretty scary. Also random question, in the episode they leave to go to Wanoka (I know I spelled this wrong), in the church, there is a man sitting near the back who looked like the actor who lived in the boarding house in the last season?
  10. I just saw that the finale is in New Orleans. Makes me wonder if the football team gets there, if them playing in New Orleans once every year would help them at all with geography/navigation?
  11. Happy Halloween everyone. I was just thinking how many books have them celebrating Halloween in it? I know the Halloween Hop happens a few different times.
  12. "I didn’t see Viper, but liked seeing Michelle’s childhood friend auditioning for officiant." I did not make the connection until he started singing Yankee Doodle. "I should have seen the move out fake out coming. Duh. Twelve people (Steph's baby #2 included) in one house...I'll pass." This house would seem really full during Quarantine. What was the date of the wedding? Also I noticed that Matt seems to be close with the Tommy Twins. I hope the older actors stay in their lives. How old were they when this was taped?
  13. They should do some Special about the Survivors who have passed away or even some section to honor them on their website.
  14. I thought she talked about the convention, so how could it be pre taped?
  15. I actually do not know if it was discussed on the show. The place that I remember it from was from "The Caroline Years" book series.
  16. If I am remembering correctly Holbrook is the last name of her stepfather and Quiner is the last name of her father who got lost at sea. In the olden days there were a lot more remarries. Did women change their names as much back then after remarriages?
  17. This is not picture proof, but they say Anna and the kids were at the wedding here. https://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2020/07/a-keller-family-wedding.html?fbclid=IwAR0gotDlnlgQINmDOAoQMW4y5q0jKxuIvIeCnWo0jew0D9bbjiOqB4Iy3Uo
  18. I was wondering what any of the 5 players we have seen are up to these days and if any younger relatives of them watched the last two days. I did say, "What about Patch?" when the question about the dalmatians and dwarfs came up. (102 dalmatian reference)
  19. Did anyone wonder how they could ask a question that mentions 1986 in 1984? I had to ask someone who was actually alive then, and apparently the president passed the law making it a holiday on the 3rd Monday in 1986 in 1983, so it had not even been a holiday yet at time of taping.
  20. I only watched like the first 15 minutes of Tough as Nails, and Phil kept trying to be Jeff with his talking during the challenge. I know he does not have much practice, he has only been at like 2 or 3 challenges in TAR.
  21. I just watched this episode last week, and the first thing I thought of when Joey mentioned he was throwing an engagement party for them was, "Please please please don't cook for them." and "What would Anne say?" This would only make sense to people who watched this past celebrity Worst Cooks in America series which he was on.
  22. Basically it is splitting the number into place value, so on the top 34 is 30+4 and the side is 8. So one box would be 30X8 and the other box would be 8X4 and you then add the two numbers together.
  23. I am imagining a lot of very excited classmates and kids and teachers getting to talk about this experience in Zoom chats today. How did they keep the little ones from mentioning they went to Fiji over the summer until December?
  24. He found 1 out of the 4 tokens last week. Does anyone know if Rob and Natalie have tokens right now?
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