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One Tough Cookie

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  1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. absolutely me too. it's in his contract. OK--HOW LONG are the producers going to torture us with Nikki's St. Pepper blouse and bangs she could see from?
  2. But hasn't hypnosis been ruled out in trials? I {am a true crime reader} and read time and time again that it has been ruled as an inexact since; just has a lie detector? And did Chansome think about taking the bottle as evidence?
  3. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
  4. I don't think she's dead; Clair dumped a bottle of sleeping pills in her tea--just enuff to make her pass out. She's too crazy a character to JG to dump. Amazing how nice Saron's eye makeup stayed on when she was chained to a drainpipe. And she get to the ER promptly--her blood should be drawn while the drugs are still in her for any possible actions in case Jordan wakes up from being dead.
  5. I think it is also ridiculous that they never explained how Auntie Jordan is supporting herself.
  6. Seems more like a month. I STILL think she's playing both of them. 1 What does Sharon use for a toilet? Chamsome, you good looking numbskull...don't you realize anything Nick finds will NOT be able to use in court?
  7. It reminded me of one of Blanche Deveraux's "girls, I'm devastated!" look.
  8. btw: What the actual fuck is going on with Nikki's hair?
  9. How can you tell? She always has that vocal fry.
  10. I think she is setting Jordan up deliver her to the Newmans. Not buying the sudden turn of events. Raise your hand if you are bored with Connor's storyline. And Chelsea? just shut up. I know Marhia has beautiful red hair, but I noticed yesterday it seems to be redder--like Sally's brass. Producers, leave Marhia's hair ALONE
  11. She could/should keep Byrd for that. Not liking Kevin. If she is trying to make a personality out of her granddaughter--epic fail.
  12. I think they big mistake letting MW let go as I think she is a good actress and runs rings around those on GH, I also thing she has a fabulous style.
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