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One Tough Cookie

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Everything posted by One Tough Cookie

  1. With parents like that he should have four function brain cell.
  2. Or develop "wet brain". So I'm think maybe, just maybe Jack has been taking a few pills every now and then. That maybe he has dealer on speed dial? ETA Jack's talking about all his responsibilities between the company, Ashley and Harrison's kidnapping and other stressors in his life made me think he's slipped or thought about it and the responsibility Nikki threw on him just overwhelmed him and he relapsed. Just my 2cents.
  3. I don't remember the whole premise, but Estelle was telling a story, About Mamma Celeste, and it was painful to see her struggling for her lines. Not funny at all--it was painful to watch. It almost looked like her lines were on the rains.
  4. I read that she had the beginnings of dementia and her lines were all over the set. It was particularly true when she had awful raisin scene.
  5. Several times I noticed what appeared as white cards on his black lap. Cue Cards?
  6. omg, a friends mother was incapable of saying anything nasty about anyone and when she saw someone who had visibly aged she would say "oh, she/he hasn't been moisturizing"!
  7. As obnoxious as she is, she's still better than chirpy Chloe After this bender TGVN will put a micro chip in her while she's passed out.
  8. Thanks! I just got the firestick and will spend an unproductive day tomorrow catching up rather than going to the gym.
  9. I read some upcoming show teasers and will not be watching it this week. -or should I say weak
  10. At 72 I decided I no longer gave a shite about most things and sometimes have ice cream for breakfast.. just because I can. You have NO IDEA how depressed I was when I realized I was older than the oldest Golden Girl!
  11. Yes twice a day, I abused my body when I was bulimic and it takes roto rooter to get me going! eta: I'm 72
  12. WHOOOSH !!! Isn't that going to trigger a cool breeze You've triggered my craving for tutti frutti ice cream,
  13. Well, if his parents forgot him, my shouldn't we? I use 4 capsules of it every day! I got mine from Amazon. Is there any other place to shop, ha ah
  14. I've said it before and I'll say it again--she has an agenda and it ISN'T being welcomed into the inner cicle.
  15. I believe she's been there about a year and supposedly had a miscarriage with Noah.
  16. Ya know, you have to have a license to DRIVE, yet any moron without two connecting brain cells and a dearth of common sense reproduces.
  17. I want to know what the requirements for getting an Emmy are, because I absolutely do NOT believe MS acts; unless the award is "and the award for the brightest teeth goes to...." And this viewer doesn't give a shite.
  18. PLEASE let this happen! /absolutely, positively DEAD i TELL YA, DEAD./.
  19. Welcome back Ninja, I was getting worried you had abandoned us!
  20. Thank you for the synopsis. Now I don't have to bother watching it. As could Lauren
  21. So much second hand embarrassment for ED. I hope she was camping it up and not being serious. Glad the Connor story has ended. I was uncomfortable with it, even tho it's just a soap. OK--is Danny the new Bouffant--it surely looked like it to me.
  22. Could everyone lighten up and remember we're. talking about a SOAP? Maimie's hair looks bad and so does Bluethfang's I didn't watch yesterday, but it sounds like I should watch today's Now, I have a burning question: When did Chelsea become Breathless Mahoney? and why?
  23. It also goes in two directions these days...just sayin.....
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