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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. They also would have had a different cab driver who probably wouldn't have taken them to the wrong place.
  2. I'm surprised the train was slower. They didn't tell us how long the delay was for missing the connecting train. Those kids cup stacking is amazing. Logan's height is a disadvantage again. Amazing! Brooke pulls first! Karma catches the dudes with a bad cab ride. Kimchee creating. Dull to watch, tasty to eat. Instant Brooke meltdown. Nice they are providing entertainment to the other teams :) Those games would kill me. Last game I played was Ms. PacMan back in the Dark Ages. If it takes 10 rounds to handicap the kid, I would try and lose quickly while trying to figure the damned thing out. LOL Tara loses to the blindfolded kid! I thought Matt was going to kick this and leave Mom & Dad in the dust. I can't believe she never figured out the machine. Joey showing his ass was disgusting. The Ugly American. Bye Matt and Red. You weren't assholes tonight, because you had nobody to be assholish to. Thank you Mr. Korean cabdriver. "I'll give you discount" should have been the title. I know it's not fair, but, heh! AMAZING!! Brooke & Scott finish first. LoLo FTW!
  3. Not sure about this upcoming season, as usual, but I'll be here. On to Big Brother. Survivor in a box :)
  4. Challenge wins earn you nothing but three more days to play.
  5. Nice apology, Brad. Trying to save your ass. A possible final tie. The loser pick the winner. Interesting.
  6. Woo Hoo!! Suck on that Brad. Beaten bad by a GIRL!
  7. If I need a lawyer, I would not hire Brad. Good Sarah, in on every vote, constantly adapting. Troy concedes
  8. Nice question Zeke. Stop whining Andrea. Ozzy doing his dude thing. Cirie calls out Sierra. Screw you Debbie! Mikaela kicks butt.
  9. I"ve always had a soft spot for Troyzan, don't really understand why. I hope Sarah can pull this off. The cop vs. the cocky asshole lawyer.
  10. I hope the jury is really pissed at Brad and he loses. The prospect of him crashing and burning on live TV is very exciting.
  11. Go for the fire challenge Sarah! It's worth jury cred to stand up to Brad.
  12. And we're off on the sprint to the finale. I wish they wouldn't rush these later tribal council sequences like this. There's lots of strategy going on and we don't have time to see a lot of it. I also don't like a Final 3. I always enjoyed that Final Immunity winner having to decide which of the other two to boot. Many times they have chosen poorly and threw away $900,000. Are you out there Wu? A blizzard of idols and advantages to come. Oy! Any female winner would be the best outcome, but I don't have high hopes. Interesting post-tribal. Oh Cirie, nice try, shame Sarah is so dense. Tai bugs me more and more. So he runs to Brad. Weasel bastard. Then follows him through the maze... Damn you Brad. I think Cirie or Aubrey is toast. Brad trying to strongarm Tai. Hmmm Cirie doing her thing......Chaos..He's just easily confused. Now he flips and plays his idols, they all come pouring out and Cirie gets screwed. And goes out classy. Nice standing O for her. Nice of Jeff to give her the stage. ATTENTION PRODUCERS: Too many of these idols and gimmicks. Stop it! OK - Now that all the idols are out of the way, game on. Sarah, you can't trust Tai. He's a screwball. But BradZan are more dangerous. Brad strong arming Tai again....you lucked out when you pulled this yesterday. Troyzan tries to talk himself out of the game and Sarah and Tai are too stupid to take him up on it. Ughh. I really want to shut this off, but like watching a bad accident, I can't stop.... Nice exit Aubrey. Psychopaths indeed. Oh great. Now a gasoline truck plows into the wreckage.................
  13. Bungee jumping looks so cool. I wish I had the nerve to do it. Sorry Scott. Red shows his ass yet again. Brooke did 5 roadblocks? Doesn't seem like it. I'm glad he got it together! "I'm crazy too!" Love it. Off to Vietnam. I miss some airport drama...... I would love to visit there. Good eye catching that yellow stick clue, Floyd. They snagged a good taxi driver. Ladder drama! And Brooke has her 1st tantrum of the evening......and on it rolls. And on. And on.... Uh Oh. Are Tara and Joey are missing a mannequin? "It's all about the angles" Indeed. LoLo can't seem to figure it out. And on. And on.... Brooke really is a piece of work. Shut up about the damned ladder! Yay Team Fun!! I've been to The Galapagos. Awesome! #Read Your Clue!! Suspense! Did the cab driver screw The Bickersons? No. Sorry Tara, it's a RACE! (For the umpteenth time this season, collectively) Just like LoLo didn't owe Brooke a ladder. But of course it's NEL. I'm sick of them. If you read your bleeping clue, you would have been way ahead of them. Now we're all making phony nice. Enough of this alliance BS. Maybe because they are all strangers?? Scott is more optimistic? A man on the gallows with a noose around his neck is more optimistic than Brooke. Bus Station Drama? Not so much..... Awesome rock formations! I prefer my two wheelers with engines :) The Great Shrimp Trap Challenge! "I don't trust 'em one bit!" Me neither. Uh Oh! Floyd forgot some baskets! And more are dropping off. No help from the peanut gallery. I thought Floyd would be better on the bike. And now begins Brooke's 2nd tantrum. "OMG you're not giving birth" LOL Speed Bump! 6 dozed eggs.... hmmm... crap. That foot rowing looks really tough. The heat would have killed me long ago. Well done Scott! Good job London! Bummer Floyd! I'll hate to see you go. Did he think he was a good bike rider? Down for the count? They were good sports about it. Logan was too tall for that. Didn't they say they could switch rowers? Again with the steps!! Wow! They brought Ho-Chi-Minh back to life! And right on cue it's tantrum number 3....No, wait, they swapped out the real Brooke...for Little Miss Sunshine. Ah well. I liked the episode, the outcome, not so much. I knew Matt&Red would win. False hope I would be rid of Mom&Dad. Vietnam looks spectacular.
  14. As I digest all these wonderful comments, I get the sinking feeling that Culpepper or Tai is gong to win. Ugh.
  15. Whoa! Immunity up front, No feast today! No, Ladies!! Whack Troyzan or Pepper first! Tai is basically bulletproof if he's smart enough to play an idol. Well done Aubrey for immunity! Mik/Brad/fishing / that whole exchange was weird. I guess that was some foreshadowing..... Andrea is pissing me off. Sara can be played and she's too arrogant/bitchy to see it. Listen to Momma Cirie. It's too quiet. Uh-Oh Troyzan and his inane "Hey bottoms!, come be our bottom" pitch. Well, I think it's worked before. Brad whines. surprise, surprise. I hope you done got got, muscle boy crybaby. uh-oh. Editing at TC has the women sort of cat-fighting, imagine that. No Idols......Bye Andrea. Bad game play. The women are their worst enemies. Tai is always shady. Good nose Cirie Compass Point craziness!! "Why do I keep doing this?' IDK? Ego, money or both. That shading is tricky on this puzzle and of course Culpepper wins. This is not going to end well. Too many idols, advantages, legacies. Stop it! "where the deception is coming from" "Be happy for what you have" Whoops! Cirie! Read the clue! Pandemonium!! I love it!! No idols played.....and BOOM there goes Mikhala. The women self-destruct yet again.
  16. On further reflection, I agree. I let my love of Team Fun cloud my initial judgement. I still hope they win, followed by TJ, or LoLo.
  17. Off to Greece. Lengthy bunching period, Self-driving always fun. M&L off to oblivion......what a dumbass refusing to turn around. Scott rolling the eyes. I give the camera men credit for keeping it together. T&J first to arrive. I can handle them winning. I think Team Fun has the edge here, but you never know. They are a threat, but Scott is playing not to lose. Should have nailed Matt&Red. T&J two "old farts" LOL Brooke steps in poop. Good luck? Now London has it too. Stubborn Michael finally turns around. If you're running in a circle, why bring the back-packs? The others figure it out. I had forgotten about her pledge at the ladle making. We got some good blood boiling here. Goats are so cute! Whoa! You each need a goat! Team Fun may just survive. (crossing fingers) Tara kicks butt. Nice to see them take first place. "She needs encouragement" lol I smell a Brooke meltdown coming.....but she nails it. Wow Now that's what I call a speed bump! Whew! Adios Michael. You will not be missed. It's too bad for Liz.
  18. Pittsburgh. End of November :) I got on the last flight out (standby) that Weds. night.
  19. Mom dumped me at college before Labor Day and I didn't see any family again until Thanksgiving. No Big Deal. :)
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