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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I hate* you Paul; vile little troll. I hate you Josh... I hate them all. The only one with any marginally redeeming qualities is Kevin. The haunted house was way cool. Production did a lot of work setting that up. Ha! Cody is safe, but Jess is on the block. That complicates things. Best laid plans and all.... Josh wants Elena out bad, but Paul will never let him get his way. Cody has to win HoH next week and send one of the Paulettes home. It bums me out that one of these morons is going to win. Kevin and Mark lead my "lesser of evils" list and neither one stands a chance. That last HoH conversation was like turds swirling around the toilet and refusing to go down. Yuck. I hope Jessica manages to stay this week. She and Cody are the only ones with the stones to go after King Paul. *TV hate. These idiots don't merit the energy for the real thing :)
  2. The rest of these sheep should be thinking about putting Paul on the jury. A big red flag they are too blind to see.
  3. Why does Kevin need a secret stash of water bottles? It would be hilarious if Jess manages to stay this week and she or Cody get HoH next week. Josh seems to want Elena out, bad.
  4. Thanks! Pop culture gets further away in my rear view mirror every year. I think I couldn't care less; and then I do :)
  5. HoH Cody put her on the block because "I don't like you", opening the bully door for the HoH ass kissers.
  6. Did Cody forget what he said? Own up to it! You wanted her out early because you saw her as a great competitor before you knew what a great girl and honey she was. Enough of "The Bold & The Beautiful" Fuck you Alex. Paul brags about my biggest move ever. Gag me with a fork. "I have no speech" Excellent Cody! Paul blew his chance not taking Jess off the block. Disrespecting you Paul!? Really? Go try and suck your tiny dick. Cockroaches deserve more respect than you. Jessica was stupid engaging with bird-brain dying Raven. She has repeatedly lied to you, just ignore her. Then of course she runs to Paul making bigtime victim noises. I may despise the most, but so many others are soooooo close. "I thought we had a deal" that you had no intention of keeping. Fuck you Paul! Then he unleashes his flying monkeys into a giant shitstorm. Too bad a bucket of water wouldn't melt his entitled troll ass. This gang is disgusting. Cody is no prize and totally miscast for this game, but that is no excuse. Where did Jess get those stupid kitty ears? Is that a thing with the kids these days :) ? That Hex invocation was cool. I'm glad Jess didn't have to make that silly recitation. I raced home from 5th grade to watch the original daily Dark Shadows. And now we're all like phony chatty and friendly and nicey nicey and oooh how that worked bla, bla, bla for America. Kevin, Mark, Elena and Jess are the only ones I can sort of root for. Cody is a lost cause. Ugh. Man-baby Josh wins HoH will nom Codica. This really sucks. Veto always rules. The studio audience appears to love this outcome, but that can never really be trusted. Thanks to @Callaphera for this lovely unedited shot of Miss "At Death's Door" Congeniality.
  7. He's a devoted Paulette and annoying as hell. Paul is safe if he wins Veto so any of the other Paulettes going next week would be just fine. I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
  8. Josh would be a good choice for a replacement if Paul saved one of them. eta: The vodka is in the freezer. I'm ready.
  9. Which made him totally untrustworthy to all of them. Not really knowing the game, he had no idea what a bad strategy that was, especially in Week 1. Unwritten rule #1 is: Trust No One. Trying to pull a "test" like this rarely works like the tester planned.
  10. That move set the entire course of the game. Had he quietly gone to his "platoon" to see if maybe they thought that would be a good idea. Instead he just "took command" and screwed himself. He and Paul would have gone at it eventually, but he might have had more allies.
  11. I suppose production could avoid that by having the players come outside one at a time, hit the shot and go back inside to another room. The ball is in their court, so to speak, on what is aired, live. Thanks for all the updates. Wow!
  12. Am I correct that none of this horror show will air Weds night, since this episode usually ends at the close of the Veto ceremony? With Jess most likely using her hex, they should have time on Thurs.
  13. At Death's door. And damn it, he won't let her in.......
  14. Don't despair. Loretta Lynn was a mother at 14 and a grandmother at 28.
  15. I own no green clothing so I'm safe. Green belongs on grass and trees.
  16. I feel bad for you coffee addicts out there. That withdrawl sounds awful. The stuff doesn't really affect me. When I was working, I would drink it with everybody else when "coffee time" rolled around and all work ceased. My first couple months out of school, I foolishly kept on working, then realized how dumb that was. I can really take it or leave it. These days I sometimes have a Dunkin Donuts double shot espresso with four sugars on Saturdays when I'm out looking at other people's crap at yard sales. It tastes really good, and I notice a little lift effect, but not much. I've actually exchanged Coke for beer at lunch and have juice in the AM. I have an espresso machine I use once in a while for a bad hangover. It seems to help. Messing with peoples' drugs is a very bad thing and production should really put a stop to this bullshit.
  17. I thought I heard her say a "couple" weeks which is accurate.
  18. Josh is still so damned annoying! It's fun watching Paul scramble. Put Codica on the block and flush out the mystery power. I give Jess credit trying to leverage more out of if, but Paul is not buying it. Cody going to Paul about Mark was dumb. The Alex secret alliance is very clever. I hope Alex plans to cut him later, but I have my doubts. Mark is just like a big dumb puppy. Good for Elena trying to look out for herself. I like this Temptation competition - so far. It has potential to shake things up. I like how it's a secret vote to compete or not. Jess is right. Not competing looks better. Alex needs to lose those stupid kitty ears. At least that stupid fur collar went away' Matt is just Paul's little bitch, wow. Nasty tasting potions. And tutus! LOL Whistle Nut I think he's been kicked in the head a few too many times. Alex kicks it. I wonder if you could spin in both directions and alternate with each turn. That might help. Mark looks hilarious in that outfit. He's lucky too. Useless Matt is, well, useless. ha Mark's win throws a wrench into Paul's careful plan. Paul seems to think that Jess' power will work like his and when he nominates them something will happen. Aaaaaaand. Nothing happens. The look on Paul's face was priceless. I keep trying to figure out what that horrible mess of tattoos on Paul's chest is besides the giant eagle. As usual, the Veto will settle the noms.
  19. I thought she got it before she was on the block with Dom and could have hexed that eviction, but knew Dom was toast, so that would be week 1. Week 2 was Josh and Ramses so this is Week 3. It expires at next week's vote. Heh!
  20. PaperTree

    S04.E07: Hooked

    Does anybody know how many episodes this is supposed to run? 13 seems to be the usual number, so we would be just over halfway. Just thought! No appearance of Brooke's wolf this week (or I missed it).
  21. Jason may have taken many blows to the head in his rodeo career. Elena does have a way with imagery.........
  22. Seriously. When you tell somebody to get out of your face like that, you slam the door behind them. Victory! I'm guessing they still have the HoH spy cam, so you can even just sit back and watch him fume some more. It won't hurt him though, nothing will for now and he's doing a great job of keeping the targets elsewhere.
  23. They must not be happy being up this early :)
  24. PaperTree

    S04.E07: Hooked

    The B Brothers: I guess I'm mean, but I wanted their boat to sink. They could use a better shelter. That thing is pathetic. No fire to dry out the socks. Dumb. This trotline deployment is hilarious. There will be a fight eventually. Don't they have a first aid kit and some neosporin or something? Brooke and Dave: The cabin is amazing. I guess we will see if the gamble pays off. That fireplace is insanely huge! "Nuts in danger!" LOL Now they can turn their full attention to finding some food. It's in the bag if they can do that. Pete and Sam: I don't think that sea lion is going to attack them. Dude has a degree in fisheries? He seems pretty clueless. Yet another lost fish..... I'm glad dad is enjoying his son and they are getting along so well. Cool, then he scores a nice fish. Not sure they have a lot of staying power. Pete is getting weak. Shelter looks flimsy. eta: Where are the gill nets people?
  25. "Do what you do Josh. Be emotional." He did a great job selling it, but he's still so damn annoying. Paul is on to Mark and Elena sucking up to Codica. Mark is an idiot. Dumping all that info to Paul. So is Codybot, he needs all the allies he can get. Mark wants to be his puppy. His Josh fantasies seem just a tad psychotic. I can't stand Paul, but he is really playing this well. He needs Matt and Raven's vote, and makes other targets. Bad move Kevin! You just jumped onto a sinking ship! They all pick on "poor Jessica" because they hate her and her little Cody too. That threat to Jason was intense! Codybot demands respect and loyalty while never earning it and having zero respect for anyone else. Jessica's dress is very hot. The fuse is lit...... Sorry Ramses, you didn't do anything. Julie was kind to him. The superfan curse. Kevin's goodbye message kicks it, of course. Blabbing the plan to Jess might not hurt him too bad. He's smooth. Lava lamp! I have a dozen of them :) I had no clue to any of the answers. Oh joy. Paul wins. I suppose that's a hair better than Matt or Raven owning the HoH room. They would do what he wanted anyway. Jess or Cody will end up on the block and she will whip out the hex so this week is a waste of time. Sorry Paul. So the curse is an immunity challenge with the loser going on the block. Meh.
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