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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Thanks for the link! Whoa! Just full of good stuff. Chris is a bigger jerk than I thought. If I were Brody, I'd say "I'll stay on my side of the river; you stay on yours." He is ticked. "Brody: This is not something you want to experience with a family member as this was not a family vacation." Boom!
  2. Ugh! The disgusting little love birds. Jess, you don't have the votes to "run this house". They all still hate you and your little Cody too. Mr. and Mrs. Meatball LOL! I understand Christmas being happy to compete, but that whole "challenge beast" thing can backfire. Josh is so annoying. Using those punishments on the Codybot were useless. Cody is emotionally disconnected from reality. The Paul sparring was funny.Of course they are bot totally lying to each other. Cody looked almost convincing and almost human. Again with the "loyalty" BS. Nobody owed you anything! WTF with the Saran wrap? omg. Poor Ramses. He's probably toast. The house will keep Josh just to annoy Codica. They may try and backdoor Paul. Not sure he would go. Jess winning this HOH just postpones the inevitable, but this and the hex should get her to jury. I believe it expires after next week. Was she talking about keeping it for after getting through next week?
  3. My bad. He didn't get much airtime. I wonder how much Samantha whined to him and how he took it. I would be pretty ticked if one of my invited guests bailed like that.
  4. Finally just watched the episode: Sleeping on the ground in a rain forest may result in your getting wet. Geniuses. The Bonzo Brothers coming through. I can't help it. I laughed when the dude was puking. Then the tide turns and a bounty of fish show up. At least they are comic relief. "Good times are about to roll" Chop! Hmmmm Then the duck shows up for dessert. Oh my! I really hope they don't win. Hey Dad! It's the Pacific NW, dummy. It rains there A LOT. Storm after storm after storm blows in from the North Pacific OCEAN in the fall. I live in NJ. I am well aware of the difference in climate between the coasts. The tides seem to befuddle them. People from MD should know better. Chesapeake Bay and all. And little things like yearly Nor'easters that bring sheets of wind-driven rain for many hours as the storm grinds up the coast. The LA boys should also know all about buckets of rain and the importance of high ground and have failed to prepare as well. I agree with so many previous posters. That tap out was BS. Quit whining and trying to blame everybody else. May Chris host every tick in Louisiana for his disgusting behavior. "We need to get you home" Fuck off! Too chickenshit to admit you're a cry-baby loser. You're brother hiked through hell for 10 days for you. Credit to the editors showing the scowls on Brody's face. My dad was an international airline pilot way back when I was a kid. He could be gone for 2 or 3 weeks at a time. He missed birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, weekends, whatever. Pffft! It was part of life. He could bid for certain days off, but that was done monthly, a couple weeks in advance. We could only plan once the schedule came out and it's strictly on a seniority basis. He also had one month of standby a year, usually in the summer and a month vacation, usually in the winter, but never in December :) Meanwhile at Dave & Brook's Seaside Resort. They seem to be overbuilding this cabin. Unless they can get more food they might burn themselves out.
  5. If that is their plan, they should be making sure now that they have the votes. Don't just assume that since "The Knight in Shining Fatigues" has returned that enough people want him gone. The original alliance might have gone along if Cody had felt them out first instead of being Commander Cody [and his lost planet airmen :)] giving orders. They may be under the false impression that Paul still is protected and going for Josh because Josh, or Ramses who Cody believes is totally beneath him.
  6. Standard Cody. He is the only one playing this game correctly and the others are just too dim to appreciate his brilliance. They can play their "own game" as long as he approves.
  7. Stupid people seem to believe they possess some superior intelligence and are compelled to tell everybody how smart they are. The smart ones usually just shut up.
  8. Ugh. Why do I torture myself with this show? Cody wants to go after Paul, but he doesn't have the votes. He'll be gone again the first chance they get. Divine Intervention my ass.
  9. Especially Paul, whose game was saved by these shenanigans. I would like to see that. Use it or be evicted yourself!
  10. No HOH tonight. Brief eavesdrop. Paul knows Jess got the temptation. They need to build a fire and throw that fur collar in it.
  11. Cameron is kind of a goofball. Jillian wants to go after Raven or Elena. Cody will do what Jess tells him if he gets back in.
  12. Dom's speech is annoying. Jess sits on the power. Dom is gone. Unanimous vote.
  13. Final Den of Temptation. Jessica wins it. Can stop 1 eviction over next 4 weeks. The consequence will be revealed later. She doesn't know whether to use it now or not. Must be invoked before voting begins.
  14. Josh actually deserved the hot sauce treatment. He lost the game and refused to admit it. It's the rules. http://www.ccb-billiards.com/Rules.html
  15. A guaranteed way to increase posting negative comments at least 10 fold. Maybe it's part of the grift? No publicity is bad publicity? So if the "Halting Hex" gets used tonight, nobody is evicted. The Battle Back seems set in stone, so would they have to do it with just the 3 evicted houseguests.
  16. With the editing on this show, it's impossible to tell who really does what and how much they really do. I wanted Sandy to say: "Fine, let's go." head out and see how long it took for somebody to get seasick and turn back to port. Apologize profusely while letting everybody know Samantha insisted. It's chilly and a howling gale. Not exactly prime watersports conditions. Boat rides are no fun in rough weather. I have no use for Bugsy. When she found that tablet, she should have told no one, immediately given it to Hannah and reminded her to be more careful. Then Hannah would have owed her one. I just wonder how much production eggs this stuff on.
  17. Only God can save Dominique from eviction 24 hrs. from now and save her from the snake. Tune in tomorrow.....
  18. Of course she did. (sigh) It seems totally off the HGs radar even though the "curse" was unleashed. Thanks :)
  19. I can't remember. Does anybody know about Christmas' temptation? I'm guessing she told at least Paul.
  20. Excellent screen-shot!! Yeah, but they didn't kick Evil Dick out.....(sigh)
  21. It's a real dilemma for all the other house guests. I remember waaaay back to season 1, where the guy with one leg won. They could do a season where everybody has a medical something and they could endlessly argue over whose is worse.
  22. "It never gets better in this game" LOL Paul playing games with the hinky votes. I hope his posse wake up and boot his ass reasonably soon. I have my doubts. Josh and Mark down first. Big dudes usually are bad at this. And of course Ramses. Unless you have a killer rodeo grip. Fly away Raven. Fly away now. Zen Jessica, go figure. I wanted her to win to stir things up. I'm surprised Elena did so well. So Alex is struggling and takes the deal. Sounds pretty open ended. Jason should have held on. Jess, Cody stabbed everybody in the back first. She is right that she's alone and booting her would be a waste. The Battle Back hasn't been revealed to them yet. She might throw it to Cody if she went out. I doubt he would do it for her. Alex has a point about putting Jess up to keep peace with the larger group. However, depending on an ally winning Veto and taking her down is a risky strategy. Paul seems to be playing this well for the long term. we shall see. Deals are made to be broken Elena. You are asking for a lot. How on Earth is she a radio personality??? That voice could cut glass! Kevin turning Ramses into a hoodlum is hilarious. He really brings the bizarre! Oh no. Raven and her disease. She gotta go! Nobody will win sitting next to the "dying girl" Nice to see Christmas back. Wow, that's a lot of damage! I feel bad for her. Tough woman. How long are we going to have to endure the "dueling medical stories"? That talk with Alex and Dom was very strange. "Let me be honest" is always a red flag for me. Dom going would be just fine. She can go go motivate someplace else. If this Battle Back is at all physical, Cody will win easily. Will he get 3 weeks of safety? HA Trusting Paul is very foolish, Alex. I hope she's playing him.
  23. OK, I never watched that show, so it's very rare. Occasionally "the stench of death" is mentioned. I think the term I was looking for is a weir. Doesn't block the water, just the fish. There certainly is a surplus of rocks. They could also pound sticks in depending on the bottom composition
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