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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. With all the death on TV and in movies, that release of the bowels is never mentioned..... I don't understand why they are not building platforms off that cold, damp ground. The bait hanging fight was hilarious. Everybody knows you have to hang it. With those big tides, somebody should pile rocks into a dam across an area that's dry at low tide. It might take awhile, but could produce easy food indefinitely .
  2. I agree. It's her decision either way and I'm not going to judge. It's not my foot. There is no way I would get involved in a game like this. I've lived alone for a long time and could totally not handle people in my face 24/7, but it's fun to watch! After watching all 18 seasons, I can't get riled up about this show like I used to :)
  3. I feel bad for Christmas getting hurt so seriously and wish her a good recovery. I'm still on the fence with her staying or going. There are strong pros and cons to both. We'll just have to see how it plays out. Hopefully, CBS is covering the medical bills. It's probably over six figures already.
  4. Faulty old memory :) Ramses would have worked instead.
  5. Josh was so stupid getting into it with Cody and his little she-devil. Just snicker at him and walk away. So the Battle Back is a reality. I would bet money on Cody, but you never know what the comp will be. "Don't call me a mean girl trying to apologize." LOL Xmas was having none of it. And she gets a hospital bed vote! WOW! Crying Jessica is the best. I hope she wins this HOH, or vote her out so one of them stays gone. Cody throws Mark and Dom under the bus with a big fat lie. Looks like it got him a vote from Xmas. I hope it burns his toady butt when he comes back in. I missed Josh's talk show question. Cody responds by being a dick. Then he spreads his lie. Mark is a bigger baby than Josh. Steroids can make people more emotional. As much as I dislike him, Paul is playing well, seeing what's going on and working to maintain his position. Glad the hinky votes didn't mess things up. Be my girlfriend. Eww. Cody was pretty good with Julie. But the inner asshole shines through. He doesn't realize that he threw "loyalty" in the toilet when he went rogue after Paul, then Xmas who were supposedly in your alliance. He could have put up Josh and been rid of him. Then he and Jess could have curled up and watch Paul slowly aggravate everybody and then strike. And the classic "hang on to the crazy wall" competition. Even if Xmas didn't need the surgery, she wasn't competing in this anyway.
  6. The Magic of Television? Poetic license?
  7. I love the frog costumes and am so happy about their occupants. Ramses really tried to throw it after all that ridiculous angst? Really? It certainly didn't look like it it when he was going through it. Fanboy just keeps widening his target. Turns out it wasn't that close, but of course Paul will run with a new easy scapegoat. Of course it was the Paul show for the first Veto run. The eating in the middle seat delay was hilarious. Been there, done that. I feel a little bad for the kid, but he seems really over his head. He claims he's this "cosplayer", but can't seem to find a "character" to be that the house would like, as Kevin seems to have pulled off without even trying. That Veto was quite elaborate. I'm going to guess that the players were sequestered between turns so they didn't know who was ahead or behind them or how long others took until the reveal. Whoa Josh! Well done. Tell Cody to hop his ass on outta here. And Cody and Jessica go straight to the sexual insults. I hope Cody knocked her up. They deserve each other.
  8. Does our blow-up doll want a little air?
  9. LOL! That was a coffee spitting wake-me-up. Thanks!
  10. If the houseguests are thinking ahead about a possible buyback, they should bounce Jessica (ed. or WhistleNut) next so one of them stays gone.
  11. I'm hoping one of our feed watchers can fill us in!
  12. She gets to replace one player in the Veto competition, but only once for the season.
  13. As much as I dislike Paul; watching "helpless" Cody and crying Jessica made my day. It's impossible to tell how many tries were made and which one was really easiest. I would have also gone with the wide ramp curve. The straight one was too skinny. Lying and backstabbing are the way this game is played Jessica dear. Kevin just showed how it's done, throwing heat onto Ramses. Gee Cody for someone who doesn't like "victim noises" you certainly are making a lot of them. Good move Josh. That sympathy is worth gold. Cody shows what a scumbag he is and Jessica is a word I choose not to use. Then she ducks out of the HOH charade (ed. to whine in the DR). Cody glaring like a psychokiller. Nice edit, show. Bad idea Paul, this is playing with fire. Mark is right. Put up Cody's allies and backdoor him. That horror movie voice is just too cheesy. Voodoo dolls are cool! Elena's doll has matching boobs. LOL. What a crappy temptation! Just a one shot deal. If she refused it (like anybody would after Paul got safety) would she be eligible for future temptations.? Face it Jess, America doesn't like you. I hope we get to vote on a curse this season. Nice job Christmas picking the 3 loser amigos to wear the costume. I hope these people realize that Paul has to go once his safety runs out. He can't win HOH every time. Smart move Paul. Don't bully your allies. Alex has to go along. No Paul. You proved last season winning is not luck. You picked the wrong person for F2 and lost :) With Josh and Alex on board, this should work. I agree that this is a good spot for Ramses to free himself from his curse. Could Paul have changed the noms after he revealed it? Ramses still could throw a wrench into the plan.
  14. This would be a good strategery to make Cody think Ramses was the target, but only if Ramses was in on the deception and playing along. Paul is too much of an a**hole to do that. Seems like Ramses has excellent goat potential.
  15. Just checking. With Ramses as a third nominee, there are 10 votes this week with Paul as HOH tiebreaker?
  16. Josh seems way more fragile than Alex and it buys Paul some loyalty. He would be a basket case until Thursday otherwise. I could also see Cody intimidating him enough to DOR. Alex will campaign hard to stay and should cruise to an easy win. ETA: thanks for all the updates, feedsters :)
  17. OT Today, 7/7/17 is Ringo Starr's 77th birthday. This grand scheme of Paul's has too many parts. It will be fun to watch if Cody stays.
  18. Yes, but I think Rasputin was taller :)
  19. Dead spider, heh, Brooke building a better bed. Of course! That terrain is ferocious. The slug bros. More hiking boredom. Almost another injury tap out. Oy. The producers really underestimated the difficulty of this hiking "twist". 10 miles is just way too far in those conditions. We did not need the education on the uses of moss, thank you. Why was Sam dragging an ax through the cold jungle!?!? I'm not sure even a machete would work in that mess. I couldn't stand being cold and wet all the time. Then there's a cougar sizing you up for dinner. That boat frame looks way too small dude. Good score on the netting Brooke, and then Dave arrives. It doesn't matter where his voice is coming from, just keep yelling. Bang on your pot! They look good for the win. Glad Axeless Sam got to Dad. 9 days. Damn.
  20. Candy Crush promo challenge! Of course. I'll be off to "Alone" :)
  21. Jess - ugh Jason - scumbag moron Kevin - Yay! Matt - Take that backstabber Raven - ditto Paul - no surprise Ramses - dummy Dom - Nice Alex - Stupid, fight the real enemy Elena - no surprise Mark - Steroidboy sees the light! Josh - Ok then Bye bye Jillian! Cody has a controlled spasm. It's a Cootie Taw!
  22. I'm really hating on Jessica tonight. Cody could have been a bit more subtle throwing that competition. Wouldn't Kevin be a mer-man? That was funny as hell. Cody is super weird. This love/hate thing with Alex is strange. Doesn't look like she is falling for it. Just go with the flow and nail him when you can, Alex. He obviously has some oddball crush going on so use that to your advantage. Bummer for Ramses. I understand the fear of snakes, but c'mon people, it's plaster! I have a plaster rattlesnake ashtray with blue eyes. Being one of three nominees does dilute the vote. He needs to find a bigger target to sit next to. Jason should keep his stupid hat on. Or go with a baseball cap. I hope Cody's Grand Scheme goes seriously off the rails and he or Jess is gone next week. Ring of Replacement. Does the holder name a replacement nominee if the Veto is used? Calls Jess Alex. LOL Hyperactive Paul doing his annoying thing and...... BOOM! The pendant is automatic! Nice touch. Screw you Cody. Like you wouldn't have gone after Christmas next week if you got Paul out. I can't decide if I dislike Paul or Cody more. This should produce some fireworks. Going live!
  23. Glad to hear Christmas is back and probably not being evicted tomorrow. I hope the show clears up some of the Amulet/Curse details tonight. I wonder if they will turn her injury and return into a cliffhanger and milk it for ratings..
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