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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I thought she got it before she was on the block with Dom and could have hexed that eviction, but knew Dom was toast, so that would be week 1. Week 2 was Josh and Ramses so this is Week 3. It expires at next week's vote. Heh!
  2. PaperTree

    S04.E07: Hooked

    Does anybody know how many episodes this is supposed to run? 13 seems to be the usual number, so we would be just over halfway. Just thought! No appearance of Brooke's wolf this week (or I missed it).
  3. Jason may have taken many blows to the head in his rodeo career. Elena does have a way with imagery.........
  4. Seriously. When you tell somebody to get out of your face like that, you slam the door behind them. Victory! I'm guessing they still have the HoH spy cam, so you can even just sit back and watch him fume some more. It won't hurt him though, nothing will for now and he's doing a great job of keeping the targets elsewhere.
  5. They must not be happy being up this early :)
  6. PaperTree

    S04.E07: Hooked

    The B Brothers: I guess I'm mean, but I wanted their boat to sink. They could use a better shelter. That thing is pathetic. No fire to dry out the socks. Dumb. This trotline deployment is hilarious. There will be a fight eventually. Don't they have a first aid kit and some neosporin or something? Brooke and Dave: The cabin is amazing. I guess we will see if the gamble pays off. That fireplace is insanely huge! "Nuts in danger!" LOL Now they can turn their full attention to finding some food. It's in the bag if they can do that. Pete and Sam: I don't think that sea lion is going to attack them. Dude has a degree in fisheries? He seems pretty clueless. Yet another lost fish..... I'm glad dad is enjoying his son and they are getting along so well. Cool, then he scores a nice fish. Not sure they have a lot of staying power. Pete is getting weak. Shelter looks flimsy. eta: Where are the gill nets people?
  7. "Do what you do Josh. Be emotional." He did a great job selling it, but he's still so damn annoying. Paul is on to Mark and Elena sucking up to Codica. Mark is an idiot. Dumping all that info to Paul. So is Codybot, he needs all the allies he can get. Mark wants to be his puppy. His Josh fantasies seem just a tad psychotic. I can't stand Paul, but he is really playing this well. He needs Matt and Raven's vote, and makes other targets. Bad move Kevin! You just jumped onto a sinking ship! They all pick on "poor Jessica" because they hate her and her little Cody too. That threat to Jason was intense! Codybot demands respect and loyalty while never earning it and having zero respect for anyone else. Jessica's dress is very hot. The fuse is lit...... Sorry Ramses, you didn't do anything. Julie was kind to him. The superfan curse. Kevin's goodbye message kicks it, of course. Blabbing the plan to Jess might not hurt him too bad. He's smooth. Lava lamp! I have a dozen of them :) I had no clue to any of the answers. Oh joy. Paul wins. I suppose that's a hair better than Matt or Raven owning the HoH room. They would do what he wanted anyway. Jess or Cody will end up on the block and she will whip out the hex so this week is a waste of time. Sorry Paul. So the curse is an immunity challenge with the loser going on the block. Meh.
  8. Cody winning HOH would provide lots of drama. If he or Jess end up on the block next Thursday, she just whips out her hex and it's all for naught.
  9. Bugs seems to really think she is very important and everyone should follow her profound words of wisdom. She's in for a surprise :)
  10. LOL Like that ever works. Stop begging, Marine!
  11. I heard it as "Gatling". As in Gatling Gun, the world's first machine gun.
  12. The fact that she was a member of a NASCAR pit crew was totally dismissed as if it were a nothing compared to his great he-man Marine exploits. If one of the manly men had that background, I could see Cody giving lots of respect to that accomplishment. I have no use for the whole NASCAR thing, but I respect how hard the people work doing something they love.
  13. Being a lab rat for 30 years, this Veto is always my favorite competition. Codybot trying to do bot likefullness. The new module appears to be an improvement, but it doesn't seem to have fully downloaded. He truly seems to believe he is somehow ingratiating himself back into the flow of the house, while Paul has been working steadily to undermine the lovebirds. I despise Paul as a person, (well Cody too) but his game is smart - so far. The stratergy worked to perfection. Josh is so damned annoying, but did a nice bullshit job on Jess. Dying Raven then leads her to figure out the plot and Codybot talks her out of it. LOL Ramses could go home! "I would just hate myself if that happened" The isolation. It makes them deny what's right in front of them. Josh brings it home at the Veto meeting. Can he keep it up? And the Codybot pecks (wtf is wrong with you girl) Jess as if they scored some huge win. Idiots. Should have pulled Ramses down, have him swear loyalty, put up almost anybody else and Josh goes home. Oops! We will find out tomorrow night if this well orchestrated blindside goes down.
  14. She aims high. Cut out the middleman :)
  15. Alcohol. Drunk brainstorms usually aren't the best strategies :)
  16. Not at all. But Hannah would have owed her had she given Hannah the iPad and reminded her to be more careful and shut up. Instead, she wanted to be the Queen Bee and gossip with the rest of the crew about how slutty her boss was. She didn't have the guts to go straight to the Captain and demand the promotion she so craves. I've covered for good bosses and bad. It's always worked for me. The exception: One almost blew up the lab. I ratted him out.
  17. This, but he did turn the hat forward, so that's something I suppose.
  18. With the lips tightly clenched. Like kissing your Uncle Albert. It seemed part of the stupid "let's make Malia jealous ,cuz we're drunk" plan.
  19. Big time! Bugs believes she is just the best stew ever and no one can match her greatness. I would never hire her for anything.
  20. Adam, you are a joke. I hope Hannah sobers up and stops with him. She has very poor judgement whe she drinks. Good for Wes. Just shun the idiot. Professionally, that's the only thing you can do, as much as you want to kick his ass. That non-apology "apology" was lame. Sorry Malia, you are not blameless in this. You can't pull this shit in close quarters like that. Hannah negotiated that very well. She still needs a chef. Rise and shine kids! Shut up Bugs. Rank has it's privileges. I was rooting for her to hook up with Mr. Orange Shorts and get busted. She is a class A complainer. I've never seen them unpack the guests things before. That seems odd. Nice going Malia! You get your big promotion and promptly screw up and piss off the captain! She'll be back with Adam before the season is over. I like aggressive Sandy. Then she feels she's "being challenged" and "it's not FAIR". Suck it up sweetie and do your job. That in no way takes away from the fact that Bobby is still an asshole. Lauren makes another U-turn and turns on Hannah. Booking flights for strangers can't be easy, especially with "someplace warm" for a destination. Dubrovnik is not exactly a major hub. Interesting gaggle of guests. I don't get why serving lunch at the table was a problem. The woman with the short dark hair was hilarious! Swingers! That was hysterical. Adam's food looked much better tonight. $1360 for one day's work is damn good. Then the bar scene degenerates into high school pettiness. Mean girls and dickheads all around. Priceless!
  21. It seems there is a Facebook war between Mamma Walton and those calling Raven out. "One of the Facebook users gave the Waltons a piece of good advice, but they refused to listen. The user explained that Big Brother fans could be relentless and to go to war with them would not be a good idea." Heh. http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2017/big-brother-19-spoilers-social-media-calls-out-raven-waltons-mom-stacy-griffin-sawyer-for-cyberbullying-bb19-fans/
  22. In the late 70's you had to wait until 11PM to get the best rates. Lots of phones ringing in the dorm at 11 every night. I talked to home about once a week and only went home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were on trimesters and had no Spring Break, but were finished in April.
  23. Recipe for the best blindsides :)
  24. I wonder how much the isolation factor plays into this group behavior. We see it almost every season with all sorts of different people. The no music and no reading would get to me. TV not so much. With no incoming information, they always go way off on tangents of paranoia and blow things way out of proportion, since there really isn't a good way of confirming things and everybody is lying some of the time. This herd mentality may be a defense mechanism. Most people don't have any experience with isolation like that before the game starts. You are now surrounded by strangers who you need for your safety, but can't really trust any of them. It must be quite disconcerting eta: They all become legends in their own minds.
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