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Everything posted by KnotsLanding

  1. I think she's already acting again. She filmed the Heathers reboot while she was going through chemo. It's so weird that yall are mentioning her because the entire time I watched season one I kept thinking of how well she'd fit into the vibe of this show. It's a shame she doesn't play Hermoine.
  2. I'm not too crazy about the Fallon actress either, but I'm hoping she'll settle into the role. TV Line did a review of the pilot and said it felt like the clothes were wearing her and not the other way around. She still has work to do. Also, Monica Colby from The Colbys and season 9 will be appearing on the new show. She'll now be called Monique Colby and she's Jeff's sister. I can't wait to watch the first couple episodes to see how they've laid out the Colby family. We don't have as much info on them as we do the Carrington's.
  3. What do yall think of the new reboot: http://tvline.com/2017/05/05/scream-season-3-new-characters-spoilers-mtv-reboot/ Your new main characters:
  4. I'm wondering if the actual Discovery will line up more with TOS in terms of uniforms and ship design? I notice they left that out of the trailer. Overall though I found it entertaining and it looks beautiful, but it clearly is a Kelvin show not Prime. I'd be fine with that so they can do crossovers with the movies, but don't lie and act like it's Prime when it clearly isn't. I also hate how the Klingons look. TNG, VOY, etc. look is what I would've stuck with forever for the Klingons. People will complain about fans nitpicking the difference between this show and TOS, but thats what happens when you do a prequel to a dated show from the 60s. They should've done a regular sequel series so they could do whatever they wanted or set it in Kelvin.
  5. I think this looks really promising. I like that they decided to simplify things and start from the underrated first season of the original series. I personally feel however iconic, the show went downhill with Alexis. Her first season was excellent, but after that it was just terrible and trying to top the previous stunt storyline. They have a good setup here and it looks like they've infused some fun into it. I look forward to seeing the first couple episodes so I can get a better look at The Colbys and how they're presented. I'm also curious about Claudia and Matthew Blaisdel, especially Matthew who I found to be a snooze during the original. It'll also be interesting to see how they use Alexis when she inevitably shows up.
  6. Okay that was terrible. If anything I'd say it reminded me more of a sequel to Ressurection or the Alien vs Predator movies just considering how B-movie it felt. I know many disliked Prometheus but I enjoyed it which is another reason I struggled with this. I know that movie had its faults but you're making a sequel to it so you kinda have a go through with it. I don't think what hey came up sigh was so bad you just completely give up which is what they did. I always felt they made a mistake keeping Killing off Charlize Theron's character. She was a bitch but also the only smart one in Prometheus. I would've preferred seeing her and Elizabeth in the sequel to David who was tiresome the first go round. Even without Theron, you still had a good heroine in Elizabeth Shaw and I can't begin to understand killing her off between films. What a waste. Overall I found it had a couple nice jump moments but that's it. I didn't like ANYTHING once they landed on the planet. Too many characters I didn't know so their deaths didn't matter. They somehow made the alien not scary as well, including the face hugger. I did enjoy Daniels outside of the ship fighting the Queen and then the space fight but it was hardly worth sitting through for those two things. When it comes to the next sequel they've got to let go of David and figure out what they want. A sequel to Prometheus or Alien, or a prequel to Alien. This failed on all accounts.
  7. I'm not saying there has to be a mole, but the pacing was so bad that I'd take it just to give me SOMETHING. This show had no momentum and felt more like 24 done as a procedural show. At CTU I just don't feel we got to know the characters and didn't have any good dynamics between them. I don't even remember the boring CTU directors name. Same with the political storyline. Everybody was pretty much just there and used only when needed to push the plot along. Simms, for example, came out of nowhere so why would we care about his suicide or anything that happened with him? He should've been in the earlier episodes to help develop that story thread.
  8. This was officially the worst season of 24. I don't want it blamed on Jack not being around because even Keifer couldn't save this. Now that it's over we know for a fact that they had no long term planning for ANYTHING. Not the character arcs, the terroist plot, the political storyline. They only had to come up with 12 episodes and yet things were still all over the place and made no sense. It was so plot driven that you didn't care about anybody. The only characters that worked were Nicole, Isaac and Rebecca, but the first two weren't given roles that are sustainable long term and Rebecca was foolishly killed off. What is it with 24 always killing off the strong females? Rebecca was more entertaining than Eric and they waste her on that anti-climatic death? Bye with that BS. She would've been a very useful asset to a potential season two. Another thing that isn't very 24 are the lack of deaths overall. It wouldn't matter since they didn't let us get to know the characters, but everybody pretty much survived. You have CTU invaded and didn't think to kill off anyone? No mole? I don't know it just felt tired. If the show is renewed I need major changes to support this.
  9. Ashley has precedent though, since Jack has already cost the Abbott's Jabot before. If he played that card against Ashley I feel it would be kinda unforgivable and very dark, but I'd be down if they played it right. They'd just have to go for it and sell the hell out of it. That would be a bigger feud than Jack vs Billy. To me he's been such a bad son, brother and family member throughout the years so I will always support Ashley or Traci over him when it comes to Jabot.
  10. I agree but I also understand that if not for the money saved from this production model the show would be off the air. As it is, they've cut every budget they could on camera. The sets, lighting, hair, makeup and wardrobe is all hideous so they can't cut that. I also enjoy that they have so many vets around and all the returns they sprinkle in. I'd say where I AM upset with Ken Corday is that is allows the show to get so bad so we're in a situation like we are now. You can't afford to be lazy and hire Dena Higley. He knew exactly what he was getting. And then when it gets this bad you have to act fast so there isn't a six month gap before the show improves. So I don't blame him for not trashing episodes and reshooting, but I DO absolutely blame him for not working harder to prevent this from happening.
  11. Starting with your last part, Tony is in the preview for next week and it looks like he's working WITH CTU and not as a pure villain which surprised me. On your other note, I agree. I just don't see Carter as a lead. Unless this is a mini series, they didn't do a good job of framing him for future seasons. The fact that he doesn't work at CTU or the FBI hinders him. I also feel by not putting anyone close to him in danger until now, it's limited our ability to really care about him. The stakes just aren't high enough. Maybe in future weeks it'll improve, but as of now I'm not sold on him as a lead. Ideally I wish Nicole was the lead. Maybe they could've had him with the same back story, but have Nicole work at CTU so they have a reason to have her there.
  12. I don't want Ashley's paternity brought up at all and I don't think Sussman would be stupid enough to do that. John is dead and she's almost 60....what does it matter? I have no clue why she's returning but I hope it's more interesting than that. Also, Traci is returning as well. She filmed today with Eileen. I LOVED Dina's return for Katherine's fake funeral so I look forward to this. I'd much rather someone like Dina around than Gloria. I'd also like to see Mamie return. I understand John is gone, but you have elements of the Abbott family that can be utilized still.
  13. But if Eric is your lead, why are the Carter's such low priority? He doesn't even work at CTU so his heavy involvement now doesn't make much sense. It doesn't seem very well thought out. It's very by the numbers. I just don't see the emotional pull the way you did with Jack. In season one kidnapping his wife and daughter was vital to the main day events. In season two even though Kim wasn't directly involved, just the fact that what was happening could affect her propelled Jack to want to stop it even more. You need some sort of emotional connection to keep us invested. With this being 24 I expect at least a couple major characters to drop any episode now, but I don't care enough about them for that to matter.
  14. This episode was terrible in my opinion. If this was the original 24 it would've been perfectly fine. One or two filler episodes when you have to stretch it to 24 episodes is to be expected. If you only have 12 episodes though, I expect the momentum to be there and the story to be tight enough you don't HAVE filler episodes. If they already were feeling stretched I would've done the bridge collapse they're teasing next week and perhaps a time jump there. Something that I feel is hurting Eric as a lead is that there feels like nothing for him to lose. Yeah Nicole has some stuff going on, but she's been completely disconnected from the main plot. I feel like she can handle herself so you don't have the added hurdle of him trying to save her. He used his own car to drop her off, yet none of the terrorists have attempted to locate her? It's just weird. I don't blame any of the actors because I do feel they have a strong cast, but the writing is feeling very procedural and by the numbers. The only storyline that feels tense is the Nicole/Isaac storyline and it's clearly just meant to be filler. I need all the stories to have that tension and those high stakes. It's hard to care if they eventually attack CTU because CTU's cast is very blah. THey haven't done anything to make me care for those characters, or any to be completely honest. At this point if the terroist attack happens it's more like "oh well."
  15. I agree with all of this. I'm confused about why they didn't include Kate as well. I understand it's a reboot, but I wish there were real connections to the original series. A political aide from the original, Kate, a former CTU employee, etc. Honestly, I would've had Kim working at CTU as a connection, but I know that is an unpopular idea. Replacing Jack was never going to be easy which is why Kate with Eric would've been a stronger combination. Similar to when Chase was used as a sort of co-lead with Kiefer, or Kate in LAD. I'm curious what, if any, changes they'd make for a season two.
  16. This is one of the most bizarre stories I've read. What would possess them to do that? I understand using generic stock footage, but of an actual terrorist attack? Who greenlit this?
  17. I'm glad someone agrees with me on the political side of things. David Palmer and his supporting staff of Mike, Sherry, etc was instantly memorable and same goes for Heller and the female president, not to mention Logan. There have been times when I've been more interested in that side of things than Jack at CTU. This season they just put me to sleep. I don't know any of their names and I don't care to know them. I also think they're hurt by being such a small unit. I need a few more people in the inner circle. His aide who is being framed lacks any type of personality, his dad is probably the best of the lot, but still leaves a lot to be desired and Jimmy Smits is just dull as dishwater. This is by far his least memorable role. If this show makes it to a second season I need them to severely step it up here. Without a doubt Nicole and Isaac have more chemistry, star power and are better actors than the guy playing Eric. It makes me sad that since we know he's the "Jack" we're for sure stuck with him, but they're more likely to be killed off even though they're more interesting. With Nicole there will never be a solid place for her on this type of show so she's destined for death or the type of time-filler stories that they gave Kim and that's sad. At least with Kim you could find a reasonable explanation to put her at CTU by her third season but I'm not sure where they'd place Nicole. I'm getting lots of Michelle tea's from her. She seems very smart in a sea of people making stupid and outrageous decisions which is how Michelle always was and most importantly she has shown she can kick ass.
  18. The twist with killing the kid was silly because it as so improbable. They should've created more tension and left him alive for a while. Things are happening too easily on the show which isn't realistic. Also, Nicole is the star for me. Nicole and Ingram (and Andy) are my favorites. I wish Nicole was the new Jack instead of her husband who is fine, but not as amazing as she is. I don't give a damn about the terrorist attack or the political story (unpopular opinion: most dull political cast since the show began), I literally only wanna see Nicole kicking ass and what Ingram is up to. They're the only ones who seem very smart and sharp. I hope neither dies.
  19. I absolutely loved it! My only complaint is that the female lead from Live Another Day wasn't brought over. I really enjoyed her and had hoped then she would get her own series. I have no idea who Miranda Otto is, but I loved her in this episode. She along with Corey Hawkins and the actress playing his wife were big stand outs for me. I actually enjoyed that the plot wasn't overly complicated as the show was in the later years. I felt very much like I was watching season one in that regard where the stakes got increasingly larger as the episodes went on. I'm going to wait until tonights episode to truly make a judgement, but so far I would say the weak links are the supporting cast. There was no one at CTU that I really fell in love with thus far and the Presidential candidates assistant isn't doing anything for me either, but again it's episode one so we will see how it develops. I do have to roll my eyes at the one call back being a cousin of Edgar. Who cares about Edgar at this point? Why not a sibling of Michelle or someone who we actually cares about? Lastly, call me crazy but if I had to bring somebody back to connect this series to the old one, it would've been Kim. I know, I know, but I always liked her. I feel like they totally redeemed her in season 3 and subsequent appearances and I would've loved to have seen her in a major role at CTU and doing field work.
  20. Promethus kinda fell apart, but was visually stunning and had good concepts. Instead of trying so hard to recreate Ripley I wish they'd made Charlize's character the final girl. She was such a bitch, but the only truly smart one in the film. It would've been interesting to have her survive. Only time will tell with this new one though. I'm not too crazy on the trailer. I need to see how they map it all out.
  21. I enjoy the show and cast but damn this is stupid. For one, they need to get over the two timelines which only makes things more confusing. They should've taken on season 2 more like 24 and just come up with a strong plot (which they initially had) and go from there. At this point I have no clue who is good or bad and what is going on. It's ridiculous. The writer was interviewed and said the rest of the season is mostly in present day. We will see if that makes things more coherent.
  22. The thing is, nobody wants The Megyn Kelly Show. Bigger, more mainstream names than her have tried and it is incredibly hard to launch your own talk show coming off news. If Jane Pauley and Katie Couric couldn't do it (and they actually have followings) then she can't do it. Their only option is to place her on Today, but they're going about it the wrong way. For one, the name needs to stay Today and she needs to be part of a TEAM. They can retool the co-hosts if they want, but it should never be just Megyn alone. I'd say pair her with at least two co-hosts that are familiar with the audience (Tamron and Willie perhaps?), let her do her sunday primetime news show and appear on MSNBC as needed. I feel like if they try to push out Al and Tamron and just have her hosting her own hour of Today they're setting her up for failure. They need to make it slow and gradual.
  23. Sara Bibel is from the old Jack Smith/Kay Alden team. She's a younger writer who worked her way up and eventually won an Emmy with them at some point. Of course when Lynn Latham came on she was fired and went to AMC briefly but didn't last. She's really good and I'm happy Sussman is finally working on the script writers and found somebody within the family to bring back. I felt like writers like her Janice Esser and Natalie Minardi (who Kay Alden was grooming as her successor) were the future of Y&R had they not fired everyone.
  24. Im perfectly fine with a new cast. Time has passed and even had the original continued the cast would be drastically different. With that said, I would've filled CTU with at least one or two past character you could use for familiarity. Perhaps someone who worked there but didn't have a huge role and has been promoted. The only negative I have is that the one returning character we know is someone who was ruined and made so cartoonish. I'd rather no old characters to Tony of all people returning.
  25. BBC has just done an excellent job with Doctor Who in general, but that 50th anniversary was something special. CBS/Paramount just view Star Trek as a cash cow that pretty much can do the work for itself. I feel like they weren't paying close enough attention and Fuller was simply moving like a snail as I've heard he often does and got behind schedule. The fact that they only had three scripts ready was the major problem. No scripts and you can't start filming and he can't focus on casting if they don't have enough scripts completed. I just need something to make me excited again and I'm back on board. So far not pleased with yet another prequel and the snail pace they're working at, but a good casting announcement or series description could tide me over.
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