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Everything posted by loki310

  1. This was the most perfect description of that song. Thank you very much. I think the songs I found the most catch were Sissy That Walk and Bring Back My Girls (was that even one of them? Haha) Totally agree. It’s a shame because I love Rose and not just for the hotness factor (which is considerable). Drag Race likes to pluck some little queen out of obscurity and say, see what we found and did! Haha I have two of these for my 19 month old - one for outside and one for inside and I immediately thought of those when I saw Kandy’s outfit.
  2. The crazy thing is that Nat’s curls look pretty good in the talking heads... the whole unfortunate brushing episode must have been a direct result of her distress at marrying Mike. Like she wanted to make her curls hurt as bad as her self-respect and soul.
  3. Dying at how all of the curly haired people clocked this. I used it as a teachable moment with my husband who has straight hair about our toddler daughter who has curly hair - “See? That’s why you never brush her hair.”
  4. My theory is that they had IVF so they could get make embryos to freeze and genetically test to ensure that they were pregnant with a boy. On option of doing IVF is to get embryos tested to see if they were chromosomally normal, and as part of that process, they also tell you the sex of the embryos. It's not by accident that the two embryos left in the deep freezer were girls, considering how much of an importance Christine said her in-laws place on male heirs continuing the line. I also think that she has no interest in having a girl because she wants to be the queen bee in the family. That's what they do when the number of a race/ethnic group is too small. Dividing it up between Hmong, Cambodians, Chinese, etc. would possibly identify individual people... Oh it was even better than that. Christine then asked if it was "ready to wear" (as opposed to a custom piece that was "made to measure" [custom tailored] or "bespoke" [made with specifications with the client, completely customizable]) and then when Anna said it was, Christine was all, oh it fits so nice... the SHADE of it all!! hahaha I'm on episode 6 when Kevin and the DJ lady go look for her dad. Not super interested. Give me the over the top parties and richy people doing rich things. I was surprised at how touch I was by Kane and Cheri praying for her mom. It must have been really hard for Cheri to lose her mom to a devastating disease like pancreatic cancer, especially while pregnant. I think Kevin is a little dopey, but hot and I enjoy looking at him. Anna is so awesome and I would love to see more Christine over the top crazy. I live in Los Angeles as well and I keep wondering what preschool she's trying to get into so I can make sure that I stay far away from it. lol I always give reality shows based in LA an extra chance as it's nice to see restaurants and places I'm familiar with. I also felt a little wistful at looking at places like the Santa Monica Children's Museum which they shut down for Baby G's birthday - I went to the museum when my daughter was a 4 months in Dec 2019 and haven't been back since. I thought I'd be going on a monthly basis. Sigh.
  5. Just after the first two bars I was all in for the LaLa experience. She did that.
  6. Oh man. How annoying. I don’t even know how that happened! I kept thinking it was an extended flashback scene. Stupid Spectrum! Thanks for confirming... now I’ve got an extra 5 hours and 45 minutes of my life back. 🙄 Yay?
  7. I have a strange problem. My husband and I started watching this show on On Demand... episode 1. A couple of minutes goes by Hugh Grant is having sex with this short haired woman, takes his curly haired son on a high speed police chase, and Nicole Kidman yells at him on a bridge...he kills the short haired woman. super intense. Through it all, I’m like - is this the first episode? This feels like we were dropped in the middle of something - are you sure it’s the first episode. He shows me that it’s indeed the first episode according to On Demand. About 15 min in, it fades to black and the credits roll. Whaaaaa? Did On Demand screw me by showing me the ending of a 6 episode series in the 1st episode?? 😡 I don’t want to read through the thread and spoil myself haha if that’s even possible now.
  8. It was totally CGI. I hate hunting as well but it looked so obviously fake I wasn’t that bothered.
  9. Kameron is a beautiful man. I would totally be his boyfriend if I were a boy. I don’t know if it’s a showmance, but I think him and Vanji would make a good couple - he likes people who make him laugh and they both like romantic stuff. I agree with many of you about Naomi and Derrick. And Kameron imo had the line of the episode... paraphrasing Kameron: You brought it up in front of all the queens and the dancers! Derrick: It had to come out... where would you suggest? Kameron: How about the hallway?! 🤣🤣🤣 Guuuuuuurrrrrrl 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Loving all the comments in here and agreeing with all of them! Looking forward to discussing future episodes... my husband is not a fan of things Ru (eyeroll) so you can imagine my delight when I told him that after season 12 was over it was a season of all stars and after all stars there’s now Drag review and after that I will restart my drag race Canada viewing. Basically there will be year round Ru on my tv and I am hear for it!! Lol
  11. Yeah I literally said “Yes!” and did a fist pump and then realized I was lowkey celebrating imaginary people and then chuckled. But then I was back in! Lol
  12. Aw man, I enjoyed that. After the recent events it was just nice to see two beautiful black people flirt and laugh and connect with each other. I don’t care what happens next, it was just nice to see Issa stroll through View Park and Leimert on her way home and look out over the Baldwin Hills oil fields to the strains of Blood Orange. I love how this show reps my version of LA. Just beautiful.
  13. I am dying with the ET scarf. She even kind of has that waddle shuffle of ET too. 😂
  14. That went a lot better than I expected. Will miss this show when it wraps up. Loved AOC and Leslie Jones - good to see more footage of their time on the show.
  15. Co-signing all the Heidi love. Ru really did put her stamp of approval (@rozen) on Heidi and I totally agree with her. I also believe that she’s going to be the breakout star of the season. Has Ru ever been so effusive in her praise of someone going home before? I mean that “pack your bags and move to New York or Los Angeles” sounded like a directive as opposed to the general ra ra send off messages that she gives. Heidi gives the best (talking) head. Will miss her.
  16. Yes - I thought it was really powerful. To see a gay middle eastern man wearing a traditional outfit for women emblazoned with Stars and Stripes and perform with such exuberant joy kind of made me tear up. This is the America for me.
  17. Jaida’s Justify My Love was hella sexy. I think she nailed that. Just perfect. Was also impressed with how Gigi did as well. She’s pretty much unstoppable, I guess. Heidi continues to have a special place in my heart.
  18. Oh man. I had such high hopes for this show, but so much bugged me. Judges I love Tan and Alexa, but they were so stilted as judges. If I had to hear them as someone how they felt about something, I was going to scream. How do you feel being in the final 2? How do you feel about having your parents here? How do you feel about your daughter being in the final 2? How do you feel about what your parents said? There's got to be a better way of crafting a show narrative. This isn't a therapy session and I got so tired of them prodding contestants about their feelings. Let it happen organically. "Good night" is the send off? How lame. Not even trying to make an effort. Their "tips" were equally lame. The non-designer guest judges were suspect. Instagram judges? Stylists? That one black stylist with the Netflix show couldn't even pronounce porter correctly (he rhymed it with voter - major cringe). Contest They stayed into teams until there were just four teams left??? So insane, especially when you had talented designers leave because their teammate second guessed something they were doing or forced them to compromise on a fabric or design that they didn't want to do. So instead of innovative designers, you get a self-selected group of people who are agreeable. That one Italian guy couldn't even sew! He just bossed around his partner... How does *that* guy make it to the final 8? So crazy. Not to mention that some teams had a prior relationship which totally put them at an advantage over teams that just met for this show. I hated hated how so many challenges were team-based. And then when they finally abandoned the teams, they send two people home after each challenge. The fuck? Does this show have the most minimal budget on Netflix? Runway The stylized runway was so annoying. I want to see the clothes. I don't colored lights, fireballs, moving graphics, etc. Just show me the damn clothes. And you know what else you can get rid of? That stage director counting off "1... 2... 3... go". Fine - do that at the beginning. Do you have to intersperse that throughout the show??? Totally took me out of it. Contestants They give the designers 3 days to do 10 looks for the finale? Insanity. You don't have any time to mull things over - it's just go go go. I thought that was so unfair. Why so short? Does Tan have to get back to filming season 9 of Queer Eye? I thought overall the contestants were so strong. That's why so much of the show bugged me. Let them show their individual designs! Minju was my favorite from the beginning and I was happy that she won. Daniel's collection was better that I thought it would be. I thought any of the final 4 could have done a good show.
  19. Beekeeper lady keeps harping about communication. Um, you guys don’t speak the same language. If your iPhone runs out of battery, all you will be able to do is blink at each other. Witch doctor lady is just the worst. How are you going to leave for 30 days in the middle of the 90 days?? I guess she expects that guy to work on the shed while she’s in Costa Rica. I’ve watched every season of this show and she is by far the worst. SA guy should hop on a plane and go back home. The Russian couple is just sad. God, all of these couples are so horrid that I don’t have the energy to enumerate all the countless reasons why. This season has finally exhausted me. Well, that and my new four month old child.
  20. Yeah, I could have done with a bit more diversity, for it being NYC and all. Tell a story above 125th St or in queens. Tell a love story about the many people who work in minimum wage jobs. Also strange that all of the people of color were in interracial relationships (and I say this as a woman of color in one).
  21. I could have done without the montage. I thought the old love story was fine on its own. The first and last episode were the best by far for me.
  22. Huh. I’d think Denis Leary’s fans would skew younger than 50. He’s kinda hot. lol
  23. Yeah, especially with not being able to hold down a job. This one was meh for me. I knew she was bipolar from the beginning and thought it was messed up how she wasn’t disclosing it people.
  24. Yes, I loved that part too! And his line about how tomorrow is a day that has never been touched. I’ve been watching this show while pumping breastmilk in the middle of the night (dear lord, I’ve watched so much Netflix and A Prime during these past few months) and when the last shot lingered on the sonogram, I friggin lost it.
  25. Eh I found Brooke Lynn’s performance bland, basic, and stiff and her rap was cringey. I thought the right person went home though. Loved Vangie’s exit.
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