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Everything posted by WickedTuna

  1. I caught the very end of the show last week and was glad to see Phil was all cleaned up. Forte is not a bad looking guy. I saw an article on MSNBC that said Forte and January Jones are dating. Not sure how true it is.
  2. Damn I wish T would dial it back a notch. She is on the other girls for the least little thing. I did laugh at her impression of Ramsay yelling It's RAW!! Thank the culinary gods Monique is gone. That grilled cheese was like something a 3 year old would come up with. As a platinum card holder in the GTHIAH club I get a kick out of Bret failing. I was glad when his calzones didn't come out. Then there was Brendan and his gnocchi. Did he really think Ramsay wouldn't notice or did he just want to put something up.
  3. I think I missed an announcement or something. Was this the end of the season? Did they put it on hiatus so they could run the awful Last Man on Earth? I checked IMDB and the next episode is listed for late April and there were quite a few after that.
  4. That's one of my faves. I really miss younger Luke.Another fave was just on our local station. It's the one where Cam and Mitchell are trying to decide on a guardian for Lily if they die. One of the other storylines is Claire taking Luke to a psychiatrist because she's afraid he's going to turn out like Phil. I love Phil's dialogue out in the doctor's parking lot. He's hurt and being snarky about what Claire said and one of the things he says is "where did everyone go? Oh wait, just a blink". ~lol~
  5. That was pretty gross. I thought it looked delicious until Ramsay started poking at it and showed the inside. Now I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat a hamburger again.I thought I detected an accent for Allison early on and then it seemed to disappear. I thought maybe I was hearing things until I noticed it again last night.
  6. Same here. I even thought to myself during the episode that it seemed odd she wasn't annoying me. I'm in the good not great camp. The good stuff was just sprinkled throughout and I prefer bigger blocks of funny. I felt silly but I really felt bad for Alex when she didn't get into Harvard and made her speech. I would be heartbroken if I had worked as hard as she did and didn't get in. Hopefully the writers have something better in store for her.
  7. No one watched? I wasn't going to but I was channel surfing and noticed it was on so I said what the hell. It got a little wild and of course Lila was right in the middle. Plus I think TPTB brought Elena out to stir the pot. She really did step over the line but I bet TPTB gave her a nudge. I couldn't believe the way Lila was coming on to Jordanna's boyfriend. It would have been more subtle if she'd plopped herself down on his face. I can't remember all the names but I liked the self-described fiery latina and the paralegal. They seem interesting without being crazy. They could lose the guy and I wouldn't mind. I thought he was annoying.
  8. I thought so too. It seemed serial killer-ish.I don't think Bret is going to last much longer. It could be an act but he seems mental. After the men lost the challenge he looked like some cartoon character who shakes and their heads spin right before they blow up. I dIdn't think any of the challenge dishes looked that good. Especially Alison's but she seems like a good cook so I thought she was going to pull it off. Oh well. Not everything is going to be a winner. I wish T would pull it back a notch. I think she's one of the better ones but I don't like how she acts so pushy.
  9. Interesting...Matt's explanation in the article about what happened with the charges has been "removed by request". Me thinks he's a sneaky snake! There's baby news about Terra but I'm not sure if it's a spoiler or not. I'll spoiler it just in case.
  10. I feel Briana did the smart thing. Matt was probably lying about there being no charges for the things he did. Even if he told the truth I think he had to do something to get arrested for domestic violence. The bankruptcy was a big red flag too. I don't know who said it but I agree that he could be looking for a place to live. It could be why he was moving so fast. So Terra's getting her own show...hmmm. i don't think I'll be tuning in. Not sure I'll be watching the NY show either. The previews looked boring. I really don't like Tonya. I hate to use the word but she seems like a bully. I'm surprised she went along with Tracy's shower idea because it seems like it's her way or no way.
  11. From your mouth to TPTB's ears. Or whoever the hell decides those things.I've started watching the beginning and a little of the dinner service and then just tuning back in for the booting. I have a feeling that soon I'll give up altogether. Last night's beginning was boooring.
  12. I thought it was a fantastic episode (except for Gina). By the time Jake was turtling I was howling. The actor playing Hoytsman deserves an Emmy. I don't know how the writers could do it but they need to bring him back a couple more times. I had another GTHIAH moment when Holt hurt Gina's feelings. I thought it was funny. I bet she dances worse than Elaine Benes.
  13. For me there's something fake about the Matt/Briana relationship. It seems like she's reading from a script (and not doing it very well). I know these shows are suppose to be scripted but it's more than that. Even their feelings for each other seem fake to me. So Christy and Tracy are best friends again? Jeesh. I'm getting whiplash from the BFF-go-round. I've known several alcoholics in my life and Christy reminds me of them. They all thought if someone had more than one beer they were alcoholics. Of course she's been around Matt and I haven't but it doesn't seem to me he has a problem.
  14. Yes ~lol~ I shouldn't laugh because she's gotten about a thousand more answers than I have but it was so damn funny. I think they do. Isn't she described as a stay at home mom? I like the husband too. He reminds me of the Grinch.
  15. This x about a million. Ruined the whole episode for me. It could have been a really sweet episode.I wonder how a highlight episode would have worked out. Maybe they could have done some with Susi's voice but did a few sweet ones with a fill-in. I know there had to be sweet moments in the relationship too. I can't remember which show it was but they talked about how nasty the divorce was and said at one time the love must have been just as great. I never thought I'd say this but I wish they would end the show after this season. Go out on a high (semi-high?) note guys. End it while I still have love for it.
  16. Wow. Has there ever been a FJ like that before?
  17. I decided to give it another go because I felt like the only person on Earth who didn't like it. I'm just going to have to feel like an outcast because I still don't like it. Carol did look beautiful in that dress. The ceremony she came up with was so sweet and I was hoping it would go off without any problems. But of course Phil has to be a dick. Carol I hope reading not this because sucks my grammar. You guys let me know when Phil cleans up and stops pooping in the pool will you and I might try again. Thanks.
  18. Yes, very sad news about Daniel von Bargen. I knew he'd shot himself a few years ago but couldn't find out how he was doing. I checked once in awhile about how he was but still nothing. I liked him in all his roles but loved him as Kruger. He did a great job. RIP Mr. Kraoooger.
  19. I was scratching my head over that too. I don't personally believe in psychics but I wouldn't have a hissy fit about it. Tonya was so obnoxious and rude when they got back. I'd love to hear the story behind this boss persona of hers.I'm so sick of Christy tossing around the word bully. If someone looks at her funny she thinks they're bullying her. I couldn't stop laughing at Terra's Where's Waldo outfit. To each their own but jeesh she dresses funny.
  20. That bugged me too. They should have been there for Howard. And when you lie you have more tics than a Lyme Disease Research Program it can make it hard to keep a secret.I loved that scene. Sheldon was so proud of coming up with the joke on his own.
  21. I was wondering how the hell the tomahto plants got so big with no water. But then I had given up paying close attention after about 15 minutes so I think I probably missed alot of explanations.Is Kate Mecucci from Raising Hope and The Big Bang? Oh God no. Her movements and expressions are so annoying. But that's just me.
  22. Hee hee. That's what I was thinking.I dIdn't realize T was a woman until she lined up on the red side with her signature dish. Oops. She sure is aggressive. I'm thinking she might get into something physical this season. I don't think I could eat anything made by the guy with the huge beard. I about lost my dinner when he stuck almost his whole face in a bowl of food. Blech. I was hoping Ramsey was going to send Monique home right at the beginning. Sauce from a jar?? Who does that. And the attitude .. wow. That wasn't Tori Spelling with Dean McDermott was it? Uh oh. I snickered when they said his table was VIP.
  23. For me that was so so bad. I had really been looking forward to it too because I love anything After the Apocalypse. I know there's a lack of water but couldn't he wash up once in awhile? He was so disgusting it was distracting to me. I did like the section about the "treasures" he'd gathered. I wish he'd taken better care of them but that wouldn't have been his style. I couldn't figure out what was on the diningroom table. Really hated Carol. Part of that I think is because I dislike the actress. But the character was super annoying. Sad when the better option is being all alone. I think I'm done watching but I'll come by here to see if I missed anything good.
  24. How is it Holt is so humorless but almost never fails to crack me up. I can't wait for his wedding. I hope he asks Jake to be his best man. I didn't enjoy much of the wedding stuff. I was hoping Lunn would back out and that would be the end of Sandra Bernhard. About the only good part was Boyle having to keep re-writing his speech. I loved the old lady getting handsy at the end.
  25. First, let me say..please don't judge me. I was bored and I love Johnny Knoxville so I was watching Jackass 3D last night. One of the sketches had Wee Man going into a bar with his "girlfriend", blah blah blah. The girlfriend was none other than Terra. And she was horrible. Her acting isn't any better than her singing. In the sketch a bunch of little people come in and there was a a big (no pun intended) brawl. The only thing funny about it was it reminded me of Little Women LA.
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