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Everything posted by WickedTuna

  1. Alex probably would have accepted Fleur de Lis. Yes and it was hilarious but I love almost anything with Will Farrell and Danny McBride.
  2. I wonder why Gregory thought he needed to put his 2 cents in at JT? Your team won...did you really need to kick dirt on their shoes? I really, really dislike Katsuji. WTF was with him telling Katie not to whoop for their teammate. So glad Aaron is gone. It was so sweet to see him eliminated but sweeter still to see Katie beat his ass after all his trash talking. And almost as sweet was Katie mentioning what he said and the judges giving him a smackdown.
  3. Damn. I was hoping Julia would win the whole thing. I can't remember if there's a wild card but I doubt if her total is high enough.
  4. ~lmao~ that is hilarious! I'm going to have to borrow it.I agree with the poster that Josh probably thought since he was all that they wouldn't eliminate him. I can just imagine what he he was thinking...Moi? How dare you. Do you know who I am? He should have asked his doctor for some Valium before he left home.
  5. Damn. I would never have guessed that in a million years. What an idiot. Did he really think he wouldn't get caught smoking pot?? Usually when they're sitting around ragging on other artists I tune them out so I missed how he got busted. Did he just confess? I was really surprised Erik won the FC. I couldn't even figure out what the hell it was. I hate to admit it but Cleen did do a good job in the FC but what the hell was his canvas thinking? I wish he would have explained what the hell it all meant. I didn't like any of the EC tattoos. I hate being so shallow but Don's canvas grossed me out. It did look disease-y.
  6. i didn't word my post correctly. I didn't like how Debbie bothered Stuart during the prom and wanted him to go rushing home. I suppose if I was in Stuart's position I'd rush off too. I usually don't analyze Shamy too much because it would take years but some of the posts got me thinking. I remembered when Amy and Penny were talking after Sheldon had failed to go with her to her aunt's birthday party. She said not only was he her first boyfriend but he was also the best boyfriend. I suppose she could still think that even with all his faults. Personally I prefer the Sheldon and Amy from the beginning of the relationship.
  7. She is isn't she. I think I might have a little girl crush. When the show first started it didn't feel like she fit in but now she seems like the perfect fit, dorkiness and all. i didn't get much chemistry between her and Jake. I like her better in the commercials with her cat. Sandra Bernhardt....ugh ugh ugh. Please make her go away. I like her even less than the actress that plays Gina and that's saying something.
  8. I feel so alone. I seem to be the only one who didn't like the episode that much. It had some good moments, like the I love you too from Sheldon and I thought the limo ride was funny. I still don't see Penny and Leonard being a couple so there were no Awww moments there for me. I stopped liking Emily when she said she was turned on by movies like House of 1,000 Corpses. That's just super creepy to me. I don't see Stubbie as anything sexual so I've been ok with it. Especially since Stuart doesn't seem like such a loser anymore. But I didn't like how Stuart went running when Debbie called.
  9. I wasn't 100% positive it was her so I googled it and found an article that said she was one of the judges. It also said the other two were Thomas Powers who is a member of the AKC Board of Directors and Clay Coady who is an AKC judge. I'm surprised one of those two would have to ask boy or girl.http://www.woofipedia.com/articles/akc-teams-with-gordon-ramsay-for-hells-kitchen-episode
  10. After a story like that you gotta tell us the name!I love peas but Katsuji's gluten-free dish almost ruined them for me. Looked like someone found Alex's pea puree after all these years. I was glad to see Rebecca go. She never seemed to be able to back up all her bragging. Plus, she seemed to be another one with PBF.
  11. I thought he was too but I have such a bad case of CRS i couldn't remember the wording of the clue so I thought maybe i was wrong. They gave her way too much leeway in answering.
  12. I'm not seeing what the conspiracy is. That disclaimer has been there a long time.
  13. I missed that part so I don't know which judge asked that. The female judge had/has her own show along the lines of The Dog Whisperer. She's pretty no nonsense and had the dogs and owners toeing the line.
  14. i don't know which is worse...being dumb enough to be tricked into it or being dumb enough on your own to do it.Frank really should have been sent home for mucking up the salads. There must be something up where they needed to keep the extra bodies. It's hard to imagine Ramsay rewarding them for being mediocre just out of the goodness of his heart. I hope Sterling is the next to go. His goofy act is starting to annoy me. And it is an act right? No one is that big of a doofus
  15. Hallelujah! I thought they were going to let that freak show go on and on. Those legs were totally FUBAR. i know there are some tattoo artists that post here...is there anyway something like that can be fixed? I took a look at some of the artitsts' portfolios. Yikes. Some of them were so bad. Ty'esha's especially. I doubt if she could even do a good job with a paint-by-number pic.
  16. I don't see any between the characters. A few episodes back I was thinking I'd never seen alot of lust between them. There's affection with pecks, etc. but nothing too exciting.It took me a little bit to get the Yard of Whores/Horrors joke. I blame the way the actors were saying it Ha Ha.
  17. When I saw her in that outfit the movie Flash Gordon popped into my head. It looked to me like a cartoonish sci fi from the future kind of thing.I was reading through some of the bios and Rebecca worked at Craft after graduating from culinary school. I wonder if Tom remembers her. Speaking of Tom..he doesn't seem very interested in what's going on. Just a vibe I got. He was like a little kid at the dinner table who couldn't wait to get outside and play.
  18. I'm with you on this. I don't like the characters at all. Even Steve Zahn can't save it. He did have my favorite line of the night though - "I'll just give her a box of Capn Crunch and set her down in front of the fish tank. It seems to calm her down".Lily's acting still needs help but I have to admit it doesn't annoy me like it use to. She's the one who had me laughing the most the past couple of episodes. On the other hand, Mitchell's affectations are getting on my nerves. I wish he'd keep his hands away from his face. Is Temple Grandin a big hugger?
  19. Billy Bob Thornton sure isn't looking well. I read somewhere that he's anorexic..bless his heart. But thankfully he's still a great actor. I've loved him in almost everything since Sling Blade. I thought he had great chemistry with the guys. Maybe they could write him a reoccurring role without the stalkerish qualities.
  20. I'm not a psychiatrist so i don't know for sure but I don't think Aaron's total asshattery is a result of his upbringing. I can understand he might have trouble letting people get close but I don't see it accounting for how vile he is. I thought his sudden death dish looked and sounded awful. Katie's dish had me drooling a little and I was really hoping she'd win and Aaron would be out the door. I didn't like the EC. For me challenges like that just set them up for failure. There seemed to be alot more misses than hits. Nothing sounded good to me. I feel silly about this but I think it's annoying when the chefs ask each other "what's going on over there". I'd rather have Tom doing his sniff-n-sneer.
  21. TV Guide described him as a foodie instead of a chef so it does sound like his rep is slipping.I'm worried about Aaron slipping by. He reminds me of the winner from last season. I wish I could get on the Katsuji bandwagon. I think I have some prejudice because he was on Chopped. I hate when people recycle through the different reality shows.
  22. Jason seemed really stressed out. Did he happen to mention it? It was like he was on a continual loop. Jeesh it was annoying. I felt kind of dumb because I couldn't figure out how the tattoos some of the canvases were describing could possibly work. It sounded to me like there would just be random images "floating" around on their arms. The judges seemed really enthusiastic about the flash challenge tattoos. I didn't see it. Aaron's rose looked like something our dog could do with his tail and a splash of paint. I stared and stared at Emily's skull and it looked like it was missing the lower jaw. Didn't the judges give an artist crap one season because he used his own time of birth on his canvas? So why was it ok for Cleen to use his teeth as an example for his canvas?
  23. I was thinking the same thing. I was wondering when they voted and made her head chef.I didn't enjoy the episode very much. Too much fighting. Especially between Kerrianne and Aaron. I wish they still showed the contestants at the beginning of the show along with their names. It really helped me learn who was who.
  24. I know my inner 12 year old giggled a couple of times. BTW, I'm guessing you're a Top Chef fan? I thought Angel' s penis looked the best. And he did best at the challenge too. Ha ha...I couldn't resist.What else made me laugh was Navvaro' s hat. It looked like he fell off the pier and they'd just pulled him out of the water. I thought Julia really was OTT but I don't know that she should have gone home for it. The artists do need to work with the canvas but it isn't the normal environment as someone upthread pointed out. I did enjoy when she told Peck not to talk to her that way. I always seem to be opposite of the judges. I liked Don' s and Angel' s but didn't like Cleen's.
  25. I debated whether or not I was going to watch this; mostly because I was so disgusted with who won last season. I remember when I really looked forward to Wednesday nights and Top Chef. Oh the good old days. Didn't someone from last season almost go home because of a broccoli salad but she had immunity? Which season was it where they were cussing all the time? It seems like they're doing it this season too. I don't mind the swearing; I just hate all the bleeping. I love when they have the mis en place challenge. I was surprised Tom wasn't there for it because he's always seemed to love blowing that whistle.
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