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Everything posted by WickedTuna

  1. I think Tonya's secret with men is they aren't exactly catches. Sorry to be mean but they look like homeless people. I couldn't believe her baby daddy asked for sex! IMO Tonya's not exactly a catch either. I think she looks and acts rough. I don't remember saying this about any reality show cast member but I think they need to get rid of Tonya. I'm so tired of listening to her call everyone bitches and heifers. I think she's a bully and needs to be gone.
  2. I really can't stand Chris and it's not just because of the Farmer Bob outfit. When they were talking about playing honorably I couldn't believe he was saying he was. I swear he's talked about gunning for people at least a couple of times. I thought Katie got robbed on the post card challenge. The ones the judges picked were good but I thought the postmark on Katie's put it over the top. I didn't notice the ball look on the face at first but it really did look like testicles. I hope the canvas missed the comment because otherwise that's probably all she's going to see. Is it possible to use white and lighten the shading on a tattoo? Looks like we were on the same wavelength grumpy.
  3. I think they're joking about the picture they showed of Eddie and his dad. I know right? I don't think I would have watched any of them but now I know I won't watch Eddie for sure since it's a traveling show. I guess he couldn't keep his spicy POV because there wasn't any football terminology they could think of to go with it?I guess I should just be happy it wasn't Dom. I don't think he should have been in the top 3 let alone win. His on camera presence was horrible. And I'm bad with accents so he sounds to me like the waaa waaa sound from the Charlie Brown cartoons.
  4. Amen to that. He was such an ass. Except for him leaving I didn't like the episode at all. Those tattoos were really odd. The one on the butt looked like she sat in something. Craig was my favorite but he's turned out to be a jerk. I can't believe some of the things he's been saying.
  5. I'm not a fan of RR but I did like when she worked with the contestants at her show. I didn't like her at all tonight though. Hugh from the BBQ place looked familiar. I'm thinking I saw him on Chopped. I'm another one who wished Rue had come back. I thought she did a good job and her food looked and sounded tasty. And it would have been something NEW.
  6. It sounded like Eddie was going to be doing the same thing but going to BBQ places. Which sounds like what Michael Simon is doing. Did anyone mention that before that they would be traveling?Who was the woman using a wash cloth as a LBD? She must have raided Giada's closet. I had turned the channel to FN and stepped away for a minute and missed alot. Guess I'm watching the rerun. Not sure I want to see Giada's reaction when Dom comes back. What can I say about Matthew except blurg. How does he get through life with that attitude? I was hoping his sauce would suck.
  7. These women are crazzzzzzy. Especially Briana. It's hard to know exactly what everyone is saying with all the yelling but it sounded like she knew about Matt's sexting. Why is she putting up with all this stuff. I worry about her daughter if it's all true. That party was pretty OTT with the husband being unemployed. I guess Jasmine used this week's paycheck from Lifetime. Christy must be using hers for the IVF. I can't remember if they ever mentioned why her and Todd can't get pregnant.
  8. I had to come here to rant about Julianne Moore. I've been watching some reruns and her Boston accent is so annoying. It just sounds so bad. I'm glad I missed her when the show originally aired.
  9. I thought his tattoo was really hard to read. I didn't even see the fish until they went in close.I must have been looking at different dogus because I didn't think any of them were that good and the judges were raving over them
  10. Katie Lee had to of sold her soul to keep getting on these cooking shows. For me she's like a Stepford Host. Her voice never seems to fluctuate and she only seems to have one facial expression. I'm glad Alex is finally gone. I didn't want to see another week of that hairdo. Seriously though, he just doesn't seem to be comfortable on camera. They say he's a really good cook so maybe he should try Top Chef. I'm still not a fan of Eddie. It feels like he wants his own show as a way to meet women.
  11. He must have gotten a nap or a better grade of drugs?I didn't like Andy at all. I've always disliked the groaner, obvious type of jokes and hers I thought were really bad. But then I didn't really like anyone this time around. I was really looking forward to the guy with 2 sons after seeing his preview but I thought his jokes sucked.
  12. I really hate physical comedy too but the guy at the end had me LOLing for real. I'm not sure why - maybe it was the suit and tie. I guess I'll see if it's a fluke after the next episode. This season doesn't seem the funniest but it's not too bad. I like DC and the church comic. I don't remember their names but I was disappointed the rough, working man types made it through. I'm glad JB Smoove is gone. I'm like the poster who was annoyed with all the attention seeking. I'm not sure how I feel about the new host. I've seen him on other things and he was pretty raunchy but I liked him. I really like dry senses of humor but he seems like a corpse here.
  13. Finally. If he hadn't been cut I was going to have to stop watching. Giada orgasming over him during the first challenge was the last straw for me. It seemed like Bobby cut Dom off at the very end. I wonder if he had been making a long speech. IMO Dom just isn't cut out for tv. It's painful to watch. I never thought I'd say this but I liked Arnold and his brand tonight. His party kit sounded like something I'd buy. I don't think it could be worked into a show but maybe he could sell it off the FN website. I really hate when they refer to Susie and Tuschman as The Network. It just seems weird. Poor Eddie is floundering badly. It's a shame because he was doing so well. I thought he'd be the winner but I'm not so sure now. For Halloween he could maybe have done the pumpkin dish Tiffany did on Top Chef.
  14. Funny stuff! I've been on and off in catching the show so this was my first time seeing him. I thought it was very annoying. And it seemed to me the lady next to him was being a bit "flamboyant" with her buzzer too. I'm hoping she was doing it to mock the champ. Does anyone remember what he was doing with the buzzer his first day since he would had someone to his right?
  15. Looks like there's 2 threads going. I wasn't sure which one to use. I just wanted to come here to ask if MacDonald is drunk. Or maybe drugged? It's creeping me out.
  16. Surely she went home to her family. I doubt if they can force anyone to stay. That would be something like kidnapping. She couldn't be stupid enough to quit only to go stay at the sequester house could she?In the first challenge I thought Giada said there couldn't be any changes whosoever to their dishes. I thought Arnold left out his poached egg and Dom added an egg.
  17. That's what I was thinking. She probably thinks everyone will think she's the bestest mommy ever to give it up for her family. Sorry, I think you suck. Unless a family member is sick I've always thought it was a lame excuse to quit. I'm glad they asked Eddie about his sauce. In my book that's a big no no. I'm beginning to hope he wins because I don't really want any of the others to. Why does Bobby put on glaases for the vagina table of death?
  18. I wish I knew names better so I knew who y'all are rooting for. I like the black guy with the huge ear things...I think his name is Craig. Except for the winners I thought the sarcophagus' were too busy and so bright they hurt my eyes. I know the real ones have faded over time but were they really that bright to start with? I'm glad St. Marq got a little bit of YSDS this week. He seemed to still think it smells great though.
  19. I enjoy the show but can't stand Craig. I can barely understand him because he sounds like he's got a mouthful of marbles. Plus I just don't think he's funny.It's a little funny how frustrated people can get. Sometimes it's warranted but not always. I can't remember the specifics now but the clue giver was getting really mad the other person wasn't guessing right. They were giving clues like "he's an actor, he's tall, etc". I don't know how in the hell they expected the person to get it.
  20. Why the heck was David Alan Grier there? He did next to nothing. I'm glad Emelia got sent home. I suppose she could have thought she was being funny but I got the feeling she was trying to stick the knife in as deep as possible. And then saying the rest of them were afraid of her. I rolled my eyes so hard my headache went away. Did she ever end up on top? Hopefully Dom will go next week. I think he would have left this week if Emelia hadn't tried to do her impression of Lisa Lampanelli. I don't think I can hear him say he hates being in front of the camera one more time before I throw something through the television. He must have an ulterior motive for being there. Does he think Bobby and Giada are going to be so wowed by his cooking they just hand him a restaurant? I wish I liked Eddie as much as everyone else. I want someone to root for. For me he's the used car salesman not Jay. Does anyone know how far he got on MasterChef?
  21. I don't know if the rules would allow it but as soon as Alex said he didn't know what was in his favorite ingredient he would have been gone right there. That was just sad. I came here before I saw the episode and thought there's no way Giada's outfit could be that bad but yup..it was. When I saw her I looked like one of those cartoons where their eyes bug out. I just needed the funny car horn sound. I kept staring and I thought her thumbs must have been sewn into the fabric. I was really sad to see Rue go. I do understand the reasoning but felt she deserved another chance compared to the others. Her deconstructed pot roast had me salivating. I swear I thought I could smell it. Once again Emelia gave me the creeps. With that bun and huge smile she made me think of a psychopathic killer in the movies. Any good will I had for Arnold disappeared when he said Michelle was a home cook and then turned up his nose. Little prick.
  22. I´d forgotten about that..funny stuff. i would have liked to see Arnold try it just because of the theatrics Ive seen from him.I wanted to watch the rerun last night but forgot all about. I don't know if that says more about my attention span or how forgettable the episode was.
  23. I thought I was watching Top Chef the way they were going on about the cars. I guess they need the product placement fee. I wonder if any of the others were as whiny as Dom about the switch. I thought he was acting like a 2 year old but then stepped into jerk territory. I know it must have been disappointing but he was acting like they were magical rib-eyes that could fix world hunger. Emelia was creeping me out during judging. She seemed really pale and had on that red lipstick and was smiling like the Joker. The food sounded really good but dIdn't look so great to me. That's what happens when you have a dumb challenge. I don't need a host that can think on their feet...it's not going to be a live show.
  24. If that's what trending in food right now I'm glad we're usually the last to embrace the trends. Robo Chef is known for her fiery personality? Where at…the coma ward at her local hospital? She says she's a blogger but I couldnt find one for her. But then I suck at googling. Shallow note: Rue is beautiful with her hair down.
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