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Everything posted by cereality

  1. I will say Evan hasn't been irresponsible about school as far as we've seen. There have been lots of trips including last year's ski trip where he flies in Thursday night/Fri morning [as he appears to take class Tues/Thurs and often isn't working Friday so maybe apprenticing is just four days a wk] and just stays the weekend. I feel like reality had been hitting E&C in recent months and then their world got rocked with the show being canceled; like I don't think Carlin's sudden weepiness is ONLY due to pregnancy. They've been flying high since they started courting in like 2016 and somewhere along the way convinced themselves they were celebrities and the whirlwind would never end. From having cameras follow their courtship to jetting off to Maine for the engagement to the first really nice wedding to sex and making a honeymoon baby that they carry around like a purse ,etc. -- and fill that in with freebies that made them feel RICH like ski vacations and 2-3 other vacations/yr, a few hundred extra $/wk in YT income etc., non stop gender reveals/showers/christmas/I love you day - I think they legit thought life would be easy. And now comes kid 2, the reality that you can't jet around with two kids like with one and then OH slap in the face - no place to jet to bc now you have to pay for it yourself, not UP. Their over-confidence has been ridiculous as Evan a few months ago crowed about we really want to BUILD our OWN house, not buy someone else's house -- and went to go look at McMansions being built. Lol. They legit put in one offer on one existing home, confidently thinking their 3% or 10% down was totally going to get them this house. Like did they consider that there are people who can/do pay 25k over asking, can buy in all cash etc??? Or does that not matter because hey we are STARS. I think the house thing + now the show + prospect that YT income will start to dry up unless they can stay relevant say six months from now when all the pregnancy/name/first Stewart grandson stuff is done -- is hitting them hard and Evan has always said he is the one who worries about money - bc Carlin can't worry her pretty little head with math. I mean just looking at Josie's posts this vacation is likely very different than prior ones and prob the last ever ski vacation as you can't do ski trips on the cheap. Looks like flights and the house were booked by UP and the Bates could still use those. But also looks like they are on their own for everything else - lift tix; ski rentals; food etc. Knowing G&K I'm sure they've said they'd only foot the bill for Addie/Ellie/Callie/Jeb/Jud; even though Warden/Isiah/Jackson live at home - I bet they are responsible for their own rentals. lift tix etc. and obv so are all the married/courting kids and thus far I've only see a pic of Warden so I wonder if some of the others skipped bc the $ wasn't worth it. I also wouldn't be surprised if all of those parties are also responsible for a few meals - like not just cooking one night which lots of families do - but footing the bill. Kelton grilled burgers for all on the first night and I wouldn't be shocked if that was K&J's grocery contribution. It is kind of strange to see them now taking packed lunches when they go out skiing - opening up tupperware containers of sandwiches you'd send in a school lunch and Trace crushing a mini snack bag of Cheetos. As we all know from Layla they'd just run to a convenient store and buy bags of Cheetos the size of the kid's head - but now it's those packs of minis you get for school lunches; and there used to be daily brunches and dinners out when they were on vacation and we haven't seen one yet. I have to imagine Evan looked at the money and said - lift tix + rentals for me even from Thurs-Sunday + we have to feed 18 other ppl at least a few times, uh we could save that few hundred for upcoming hospital copays. . . .
  2. Josie has kind of lost her mind over this vacation. The sheer amount of stuff they're taking as if they're going to live in Colorado and now their precious suitcase that they bought new and overstuff cracked. Driving to Nashville from midnight to 3 am, kids walking thru the airport at 3 am for a 5 am flight. Like WTF - what vacation is worth this?? G&K are there with all their kids who live with them and Trace/Law are featured at the rental house. This very much screams last hurrah bc it was already booked at UPTV rates so we are going to squeeze every last minute of fun out of this bc we likely aren't going to be able to afford a house that IRL rents for $1000/wk ever again. Wonder what other married couples are going - if any. So far none have been pictured. Interesting that Katie and Trav aren't going - no kid responsibilities and bored in their marriage/or awkward - but she has a friend in town all week. And I know the pandemic is fake/is over/blah blah but why does Kelton even bother with a mask? She's posted hundreds of clips of her honey thru the airport/on the flight - mask is below the nose in every single one; he's carrying Willow who is masked properly, he goes ahead and pulls the mask down below her nose. I guess he's keeping up the theater bc you're supposed to in airports/on a flight - whereas asshole Warden, Gil, etc. don't even bother - walking thru the terminal and baggage claim and don't even have one on their chins that they could pull up if needed. Remind us - how many times has your sister gotten covid and how much has it limited her ability to pop out more kids?? Maybe someone should let them know that it's now known that covid affects MALE fertility . . . they've all had covid before, do they want to risk a new variant too??
  3. I came here to say the same thing as @BitterApple - something isn't right with this family. Sure guys play fight etc. but actually hitting each other with belts to the point that it's hurting and then choking your grandson and dad and son wrestling to the point where son starts saying his neck and back hurts and dad still doesn't stop - and btw this was to wish son a happy birthday??? And meanwhile mom was standing by watching the wrestling laughing along - in most families even if guys are rough, a mom would tell the dad to stop when her damn 17 yr old had neck pain??? This family has a meanness to it. I will never be convinced otherwise. Before people jump all over me I am not saying Trav is doing or will do anything physically harmful to Katie, but he is not as nice as his sweet smile and perfect hair and northface indicate. Let's be real the allegations re Trav's dad being physical with his mom came from somewhere and he has seen all of this growing up not only from dad but grandpa. If Katie had an ounce of common sense she'd be watching Trav and his reactions VERY closely. He and his family are all passive aggressive polite but they 100% have decided - it's ok for her to be homesick for x months, let all her friends and family come; but I can see at month 3 or 6, Trav - either on his own or under daddy's direction - says nope your family doesn't need to be here, you're fine, get over it. And then she'll be even more lost. If she had any sense - or if Gil gave a $hit, he doesn't bc he married off another daughter and this one got rich inlaws - screw the sisters or the brothers who won't be around [nothing against Addie/Ellie/Nathan/Jackson but there's nothing they can do for her] -- and have Gil, Zach, and John come out to visit. I don't mean Kelly, Whit, or Alyssa. In a cult where men only respect men, show her freaking inlaws and husband that she has men in her corner who are keeping an eye out for her and her happiness. And I agree Trav right now is ok with visitors weekly - and on any night they don't have visitors they have dinner with his parents, cousins etc., they are hardly ever alone at home together - because he's trying to be sweet with her homesickness AND because this marriage is an awkward 8th grade bf-gf situation. She gives off newlywed Jill Duggar vibes - totally blown out of the water being home alone when he's at school a few hrs a week; but then he comes home and they legit have nothing to say to each other besides talking about the next house project, chores, or the dog. So yeah I think he feels some relief having Addie/Ellie/Nathan/the bridesmaid or whoever else around bc it's someone to occupy her a bit so he doesn't have to talk to her or if he wants to they can have a group conversation. Marriage doesn't magically get easier. If she has an ounce of common sense in her head she should also be trying to develop a marriage with Trav who she is stuck with for life. Bestie is visiting now and then she goes to Tenn in April for Carlin's baby -- why not take those 8-10 wks in between to NOT have visitors and NOT go to his parents' house 4 nights/wk but force yourself to be home alone with each other?? Some of the time will be sex. Some will be talking. Hell you can buy books which have dating conversation starters if it's such a struggle??
  4. Can anyone catch me up on J&D? I feel like leading up to the trial and even during trial she was posting IG videos a lot. Nothing significant but like daily life stuff and now it’s radio silent. Did the trial somehow traumatize her? Bc I expected that more from Joy who looked just broken during trial; I don’t follow Joy but the few times I’ve looked she at least posted Christmas, New Years etc stuff.
  5. So I go on and off following them - is there a sentencing date yet? Or has it happened? Sentencing is the fun part of trials - as a fed atty - bc you’re not debating computer forensics but rather your getting letters/testimony re what a great guy Joshie is or isn’t. Also any truth to the rumors on the Bates Reddit that Anna STILL doesn’t believe it was her dear husband and is accusing anyone who came into the dealership/communicated with the dealership as being the one who downloaded CP - including Carlin/Evan?! There were texts from Evan that went into evidence at Josh’s trial apparently - limited to car questions and nothing else. Reddit is speculating that this caused a blowup btwn Anna and Austin (as his wife and Carlin are besties), which would kind of explain why Austin sat by himself the entire trial as opposed to near Anna to “support” her like Derick.
  6. The Breckinridge trip next week was a family trip - bc Willow was talking about skiing with Jeb last wk and Josie mentioned they were going with her fam. UP did a similar trip to a ski location 1-2 yrs ago to film - so I assume this was the same. The entire trip could be off if it was booked thru UP. But if booked individually (and later comped by UP or using UP’s corporate discounts), IDK I could see G&K going with the kids that live w them just to put on a - nothing to see here, life is the same - show, even though it’d be a dumb use of $$. Then each married couple would decide whether to go or not - and usually when it’s just G&K and living at home siblings, the only couple that tags along is Carlin/Evan - which I could see them doing for new YT content and bc they haven’t yet accepted that the ride is over. Bet Z&W are wishing they hadn’t taken on a bigger home that’s an unliveable gut job at the moment + Z may privately be wishing he’d never left his cop/city job. G is going to reprise the tree biz definitely though not much can be done now given that we’re getting an unusual amount of snow this yr in the south. But come spring guaranteed there will be IG posts from Trace re how #blessed he is to work with the bros 🙄 Have these idiots thought about how they’re getting to Law’s wedding? Are John, Chad and Z really going to buy 5-6 tickets each to Ca?? And have they considered that they aren’t getting a fancy AirBnb via Up to make into their pig sty for a week?? It’ll likely be $99 rooms at a Hampton Inn an hr away or in a sketchy part of town. And yet it’s Law - any sib that opts not to go or goes alone or dumps the kids with inlaws and goes as a couple will be on his $hit list for life as they didn’t show up for HIS day when he showed up for all of them. The only one who could be excused may be Carlin as she will likely have birthed a baby 1-4 wks earlier yet no way her and her fame whore husband are missing out on new YT content.
  7. Guess none of these geniuses has realized yet that the first sibling that comes out and admits/says something/expresses some opinion on the show's cancelation will be the sibling that has some chance of holding onto their social media following [and thus their free goods] for a bit longer. Yet Tiff has been going on and on about the wedding website not working since last night [bc apparently ppl are waiting with baited breath to see a website for a wedding they aren't attending] AND now Law just did his first IG story post cancelation - talking about how he lost his voice but is at some convenient store right now and is totally shook by the fact that there are Reese's cups w/ potato chips in them . . . Uh Law I'm thinking your voice is hoarse bc you spent last night crying and/or on the phone fighting with your siblings/blaming them for the show cancelation right before YOUR wedding . . . .
  8. Ultimately the girls will be fine - they've mostly married actual skilled tradesmen; Kelton owns his co and it makes enough money that he'll continue to pay Bobby for his admin job; John likely owns a % of his family's co.; Evan is on his way to being a union electrician by May-June; Trav's family will create a job for him at his college/church. Chad - yeah - he basically is doing odd jobs to put food on the table. He has skills but isn't licensed but even he will be ok bc he hires the brothers WHEN he has big jobs - if/when jobs get tight, he keeps the work for himself AND he and Erin live closest to how they were raised - they can live by stretching a dollar. Don't get me wrong the girls are/will be aggrieved bc this very likely means they aren't getting Sbux every time they step out of the home; aren't getting fast food 4 nights/wk - and will be expected to budget/shop/cook to save money; aren't getting their nails done weekly; aren't flying to Florida every time they find a $99 ticket. as the show income goes away + the adjacent social media income may fall away as over time YT videos that may have gotten 50k views may eventually get 15k views. But the social media income won't go away in a day - it'll dwindle over time hopefully [sorry but there's no reason E&C whining every week should be that important to anyone and if C wants real income - stop hawking cheap clothes and start a business like Josie offering a skill - like doing hair]. ALL the sons OTOH are effed. Sure Trace/Jackson/Warden/Isiah can lay tile or rip up carpet but they all have champagne tastes on a beer budget. If they want a house like John's or to be able to travel all the time, they need to hit up a trade school and get licensed in something which can take several years + cost tuition money -- money which would've been easier to come up with the show. Same with Z - bet he wishes now he hadn't quit [or get kicked out of] the PD where he had a salary + benefits. Whit's clothes selling business may go the way of social media income - dwindling over time. Sure he has contractor skills and can do foundation work, as well as dry wall but excuse me if I have a crack in my foundation, am I really going to hire a hobbyist or a licensed contractor?? I still have the image of Trace from a ski trip - where he had his first gf with him - totally boasting about MY SKI HOUSE. It was in a pricey town like Aspen, ski in/ski out, and he'd return from skiing and chill in the hot tub daily with mountain views; it's the kind of house that goes for $700-1000/night. It was really big talk from a guy who let's be real when the show goes away [and we all knew it eventually would - just not yesterday] would be vacationing like Chad - driving to a random Fla. beach or TN mountain town off season w/ his 5 kids or a really big trip would be 3 days at Niagara Falls. I think that's going to be the biggest adjustment for all of them - the non stop jumping on flights down to Fla; over the top courtship asks or engagements where G&K get to jet off to Italy, Utah, Rhode Island, Key West; weddings that aren't fundie weddings with ice cream in the parking lot; constant hair/nails/Sbux/takeout; 2-3 big trips/yr staying in fancy AirBnbs paid for by UP; huge I Love You Day parties also in a rented AirBnb where they buy out the toy store for all the grandkids+ give all the kids/inlaws lavish presents too; the non stop photo shoots [I know they're done by "sweet friends" but you have to pay them something].
  9. Yeah I'm sure they were making money via YT moreso than the show earnings which are split through like 17 different households. Thing is these shows however lame they are give you the platform. People follow you and watch your YTs and buy your junk bc they liked you when they watched you on TV but with the TV show only being in season for a few months, they're curious what you're doing otherwise. Sure not all the watchers are going to fall off tomorrow but they're going to start dwindling away as 3 or 6 mos from now some people are going to be like - who are these people again, why do I follow them?? There is a LOT of content out there - LOTS of insta and YT influencers to follow and people hardcore follow certain ones for 3-12 mos and then move onto new people unless you can do something to keep them interested. The show was the one "interesting" thing they had. Because let's be honest otherwise Alyssa and Carlin's IG and YT's are -- getting coffee; getting fast food; whining about getting kids out the door to coop; dog issues for Carlin; pregnancy; selling clothes; dressing up their kids to look cute . . . . Guess what there are MILLONS of mommy accounts on IG and YT that have this exact content. With no hook - like a TV show; or doing these mundane things while you live in Paris or whatever - it isn't THAT lucrative. I mean these aren't major celebrities or reality stars on the Bachelor or whatever that people will forever remain interested in - these are a mommy bloggers complaining about daily life. Time will tell. A/o right now: Katie: 185k followers on IG; Alyssa: 346k; Carlin: 363k; Josie: 254k; Whit: 343k; BSB: 210k; Michael: 207k; Erin: 395k; Law: 271k; Tiff: 97k; Nathan: 61k; Esther: 59k. And Law must be LIVID - as this stepped on his wedding date thunder + their wedding website won't go up; newsflash Tiff - who keeps posting non stop tonight promising a website fix - no one cares THAT much?? While Tiff is keeping sweet from her videos she seems like she is FREAKING OUT -- the only "platform" her non talented husband has seems to be disappearing and they can't even drum up business tonight via wedding website.
  10. Damn the plug got pulled. We all knew it wouldn't be forever as much as Carlin, Whit, Law, Katie etc. started to believe they were SOOOOO important. This is definitely in response to something - whether George Floyd; Trace/Law at Jan 6 in DC; or the new documentary. It isn't a random - the station is going in a different direction - decision because they were already filming this season; Josie and Katie have posted videos of doing interviews for the season etc. NOW let's see how much anyone REALLY cares about Bates Sisters Boutique or Josie's barrette co [though I do think she has a good thing going w/ her wedding hair business since that is something for local brides not a product bought by fundie gawkers watching them on TV] or Carlin/Evan's weekly saga. Reality is most/all of the sales/views were coming from fundie/fundie adjacent types who bought a few pieces out of the novelty of having a piece of something from the Bates' family or watched to keep up with what is happening with C&E. I think sales/YouTube views have already been down - bc you buy a few things and then go on to spending money with the millions of other insta influences. Let's see how much people even remember them six mos from now. Bet C&E are now wishing they had been saving that extra ~$300/wk they were making from YouTube videos given that another kid is coming + they still need to buy a house; but nope it was all about the best electronics and all kinds of other online shopping. Also wonder if all the kids don't know yet?? They're posting IG videos like normal tonight of grabbing drive thru dinners or vacation next week or a wedding date for Law etc. Though maybe it's more like, we're already celebs, don't act panicked/depressed and ppl will keep following us.
  11. First time I've watched a C&E video since she posted that George Floyd IG - just haven't been interested in them making $. But teary video this week if anyone is interested. Turns out they were quiet around the holidays bc they were sick. Had booked themselves a 2 day babymoon at a Nashville hotel but ended up returning to Evan's family's house in one night bc they were sick and apparently the whole family was sick and laid around for 7 days. Cue LOTS of tears from Carlin about how hard it's been - she's been sick for Thanksgiving; Christmas; New Years; is back on heparin shots blah blah. Uh she's definitely going to be flirting with post partum depression with kid #2 given how miserable she is now, doesn't feel like getting out of bed, doesn't feel like herself etc. Maybe it's finally occurring to her that with 2 kids - slinging a kid on your hip or dropping them off with Michaela and jetting off to Fla or NJ or wherever ain't happening nearly as much; I mean sure she could have Whit's life where kids are are after thought but she doesn't have a stay home husband for that. Cue LOTS more tears about not getting the house, how it's God's will blah blah. If the housing situation is SUCH a big deal and they clearly are working with a tight budget - unsurprising given that he's just an apprentice - have they heard of renting?? Michael and Brandon live in a rental home so I'm sure C&E could find one too thru a sweet friend or perish the thought there are apartments - prob closer to Knox, as Kelton and Josie lived in a fairly new construction apartment for a while; I'm sure they'd look down on that but a 2 bed apartment gets you more than 600 sqft - I mean usually a 1 bed is more like 800-900 sqft. As for getting sick - uh you've had Covid in 2020; this could have been it again [bc it sounds like Evan's entire family got it and took over a wk to get better - which doesn't scream cold though colds/flus/RSV are going around too]. How many times do you want to catch this - given that you're pregnant, it can have long term effects on the body, and oh yeah your kid has a heart issue?? They didn't clarify if Layla had it - just that she didn't "really get sick." But you're anti vax + anti mask + won't stop going out including to big hotels with people traveling from all over/constant nails/spas/Sbux/indoor dining??
  12. Nice to see Alyssa has made the switch back from "we're DONE - no more kids, that's it" to "we haven't completely decided" in today's IG. LOL. Shocking. No way she isn't trying for a boy - even moreso now with Carlin and Whit both having boys. Plus Allie's sister mom skills are coming along nicely and given that she'd be closer to 8 before any kid showed up, she'd be plenty able to take care of her 2 to 6 year old sisters and cook and clean more so Alyssa can carry a new kid around like a Gucci bag. And Addie and Ellie are likely done "school" being 15 and 16 now. I mean isn't that what they said about Jackson around that age - oh he was doing school night and day a year ago so he'd finish early bc he just wanted to be done so he could start working for Chad; and for the boys it actually matters that they know how to measure and do basic math. So yeah for girls that age, they're done. Reality is G&K probably WANT Addie and Ellie spending more time with John and Travis' families to see if they can line up husbands for themselves. When they were starting to marry off their girls they were much more nervous about it and thus much more involved in fundie world -- they'd go to all sort of conventions and bigass fundie weddings where there are open invites and appear at other churches etc. to meet fundie families for their girls. That's how Chad, John, Brandon, and even Evan were found. Josie it just worked out that creepy Kelton had had an eye on her since she was in 8th grade and Tori while they don't admit it, I'm positive that was just Kelton introducing his best friend to an available sister. Katie and Trav I have no idea how they met. But now G&K don't do - and don't seem to want to do - those things and are over the fuddy duddy fundie families. They'd rather use their comps from the show for actual fun stuff like ski trips, last minute trips to Fla, Italy, and 1000s of parties. It's possible their kids don't want to do that stuff either now as they likely consider themselves a cut above the rest - and for every one Chad Paine like hottie you could meet at those events, you're taking to 100 others that probably more like single John David Duggars or like Anna Keller's family and these kids just don't have as much in common with anymore. Yet Addie and Ellie need to meet someone . . . . Sure they'll probably enroll in Crown which ups the chances that they make a "sweet friend" and marry her brother, but in case they don't why not have them go to John and Travis too. Sure they don't socialize a ton when they're with Alyssa and Katie but they do go to church there and could catch someone's eye; plus John has said he has 18ish yr old nephews . . . .
  13. I think they're both ridiculously fundie -much like Erin and Chad and Tori [IDK about Bobby being fundie but I do think he is very conservative/religious and traditional]. So yeah it's one thing for your wife to go to school for a helping profession like nursing or teaching but working outside the home in that profession - uh no; she can use her profession to help her family - when they eventually have a kid she can tend to scrape knees and colds; she could've helped Gil after his shoulder surgery or Kelly after her recent surgery had she been a nurse then etc.; and then of course "grandparents" - even though they live hundreds of miles away, sounds so sweet. Plus how would it work in nursing - I'm sure M had visions of holding cute babies and helping laboring moms but both labor/delivery and NICU are way more specialized - she'd need more education and experience. She'd start in general hospital nursing - uh she'd have to deal with men . . . in hospital gowns; often seeing all the junk. Uh pretty sure that ain't allowed. And given what we've learned of Michael's self esteem lately, you know she 100% thinks she's a bad wife bc she hasn't made Brandon a dad and considers herself soooo blessed that he's standing by her and still treating her well. Now if she's not even around to get a home cooked dinner on the table at 6 pm [not to mention lunch as well bc he's full time work from home - even before the pandemic]??? I mean in her head - her wife credentials would just be revoked at that point if poor Brandon had to microwave something she made earlier in the day and eat it alone and put the dish in the dishwasher after. Yet nurses just starting out work a lot of night shifts/have minimal schedule control so she couldn't be on just 9-5 bc . . . dinner. That being said they're being dumb financially. There's $$$ needed for who knows how many rounds of fertility treatment, maybe adoption, and unlike most of her siblings they also don't own a house and will eventually need to buy something. Why not bring in some money beyond whatever extra comes from the baby blanket business?? Sure she can't do hospital nursing but demand EVERYWHERE is thru the roof right now. Why not try to get in with a doctor's office?? Much more likely to be 9-5 and really patient care is blood pressure, giving shots, the occasional EKG. Sure maybe that's more medical assistant work but given the shortages of employees right now I'm willing to be she could get hired; hell even being a medical receptionist answering phones at one of those offices could be an option bc they're so short handed they likely won't even care that you're a nurse willing to answer phones.
  14. What a stunningly horrible father. Going on about how he would kick Gabe and Garrison to the curb bc he's gotten them to 21 and they have cars so go; but he can't kick them out since the house is leased in Janelle's name. Wow. And there's nothing about those two sons that seems particularly awful [I mean I lived in full covid lockdown for various reasons but they seem to be living like most Americans esp outside the east coast]. I mean Garrison is working + saving for a down payment and needs 3 more months. And Janelle says he doesn't even socialize really bc his friends have mostly moved away and dad of the year goes "oh THAT's why he wants to be here." Uh - yeah with his mother and brother and sister, it's called a family. Remember that thing you have with Robyn's kids?? And Gabe while more social seems like he'd be ok if he was asked not to go out partying or anything but he could have the girlfriend over to his house. And lest anyone think it's just being awful to his sons, nope, he didn't show up for Ysabel when she had freaking BACK SURGERY. What parent could stay away from their 18 yr old in that situation?? And say you made the wrong decision and decided nope you can't go bc of the pandemic and then you're getting calls from the hospital with her crying for daddy - how do you not jump on a flight, isolate for a day or two, rapid test and just get there?? She was in the NJ for 10 days so it's not like if you didn't fly out at the right time you couldn't at all. Thank goodness for Janelle and Christine - they are the reason that the kids are fine; and they seem to have real relationships between each other too - I mean dad doesn't show up for Ysabel but Hunter, who is only her half brother drives up. And if Janelle's kids want to go to Aspyn/Mitch and Mkyleti/Tony for Thanksgiving, I don't think even have to ask. And is Robyn a moron? Does she not understand that he only "loves" kids when they are little and say Daddy is their hero etc. and then by the time they are teens, clock is ticking - he wants them gone. He's put up with special needs Dayton a little bit longer bc he's still trying to suck up to Robyn but he's already 21 - does Robyn REALLY believe he's not going to be pushing for Dayton [21], Aurora [19], and Brianna [16] to be out of the picture in the next 3-5 yrs??
  15. Sorry but C&E are ridiculously shitty parents and no better than most of the Teen Moms who have babies bc SEX but really neither parent is prepared for a baby. Of course no one can ever say that about them bc they are white + Godly + God put them on earth to be mom and dad + they were married for 7 seconds when they made a baby. But keeping a 2 yr old child up until midnight on NYE when that child does not know what NYE is and just wants to sleep and then screaming happy new year in her ear and repeatedly kissing her back and shoulder while she sleeps and other adults make noise?? They basically want that child as a prop like a Gucci bag in their videos but not as an actual human being that will force them to inconvenience themselves in any way. And this is the way this kid sleeps often - bc they often talk about being at G&K's house or Whit's house until midnight- kid sleeping whenever. And this new thing of posting videos of her just in a diaper?? Uh they realize their cult has Josh Duggars in it [as does the rest of the internet], right?? I have no doubt that they ignore her medical needs - likely have never followed up with a cardiologist to see if her heart issue has resolved and would never do it for their own peace of mind, unless the pediatrician really forced their hand [bc if they did/the pediatrician asked them to we'd get a sobbing video re how "it hurts Carlin's mama heart that her baby has to see a cardiologist"]; any direction by the pediatrician re upping her calories is met with - sure more cake pops and adult sized bags of Cheetos. And more and more that child has the affect of a kid who is largely ignored. I have a feeling they interact with her for 30 min a day while cameras are rolling for IG or YT - asking her questions she'll say "yeah" too or getting her to repeat words [can you say "pretty tree"] to show how much they teach her. And then when the cameras go off I get the sense they park her in front of the TV and throw her some cookies or a bag of doritos to shut her up as she zones out; and at the store they hand her off to the babysitter of the day who likely hands her a lollipop as she zones out on an ipad or wanders aimlessly around the store. I mean her vs. Willow is a HUGE difference. I get that she's 6 months older but even 6 mos ago, that child spoke spontaneously - like had thoughts and expressed them in like two words. Josie posted videos this summer at age 2 just in daily life being like "beans hot" when the rice and beans on her plate were too hot or "ground got wet" when Josie was watering plants on the porch and the kid noticed the water was hitting the ground. And it wasn't Josie saying "say beans hot" - it was the kid's own thought. We have NEVER seen Layla do that or make any spontaneous comment/convo. Maybe bc they only interact with her when they need her to perform. And watch out the next child is coming w/ a dick - this kid is going to be ignored even more. In real non fundie world, you'd put this kid in daycare a few days a week simply bc they'd have teachers who'd read to them/talk to them/ask them questions.
  16. So Michael is being REALLY open regarding her fertility issues on her IG question/answer post. Turns out that she has multiple clotting disorders. They apparently have now gotten in with a fertility specialist who had an eight month waiting list and that dr has provided answers to things that were "unknown" before. Kind of wonder why they waited six years to go with that type of dr given their desperation for children - like why even waste years with Dr. Vick who was like "do what you need to do." She says they've never considered surrogacy/asking her sisters to carry a baby, and now they know it isn't medically an option either. Wonder if that is bc she told the dr that every sister has some clotting disorder or heart issues; or if it's bc her issue isn't carrying a child but the sperm meeting the egg. Though assuming it's a sperm/egg meeting issue, I'm surprised they haven't retrieved both and created the embryo and implanted it though I wonder if that's their religious belief to not have conception outside the body. She also says both she and Brandon are very open to adoption. IDK how much I believe her but kind of do. She says both fertility treatment and adoption are expensive so they aren't able to pursue both at the same time and last year focused on fertility treatments and the health issues discovered by that dr. So IDK if she means adoption is ok for real or if she means - we'll pursue fertility treatments for years more until drs say there's absolutely no chance and THEN we'll look to adopt. IDK though her tone seems "optimistic" that they WILL have a family - so maybe they are making strides w/ this dr. or if that must be by adoption it will be. I will say though this woman needs a focus that ISN'T babies. I get it - if you want kids and can't have them that's always going to be a void, but IDK normal people have that void while still holding down a job that occupies their mind 40 hrs/wk?? She gives me the vibe that unless she's actively cooking, cleaning, or talking to Brandon about his day - she is praying for babies?? She goes so far as to say that they've cried when their nieces/nephews go home after a visit - leading me to believe it's one of those - OF COURSE we must have the kids over bc we have to play aunt/uncle, I NEED to be around kids, and then when they leave she's broken for days about how they don't have THEIR OWN baby??! This is a woman who could use some regular adult interaction where she isn't holding a baby. But as she clarified yesterday, her nursing degree was just for "personal fulfillment" and to be prepared should her grandparents [and I assume Gil/Kelly] need medical help as they age but she doesn't intend to work . . . as she focuses on her fertility, full time apparently. Seems mentally unhealthy. She and Brandon are young w/ no kids right now and not tied down to a school schedule - why couldn't they travel and enjoy life?? Sure keep pursuing fertility treatments but why not save up and go rent an apartment on a beach for a month or go to London for a week, instead of sitting home praying for babies all day every day?
  17. While Alyssa was trying to be cute about it - "there's a sickness going around who knew," John pretty much said it directly - we had what everyone has. Assuming they made the video yesterday/today, it's day 6-7 and they still look ROUGH. I'm sorry they're sick as I am for everyone who has had to deal with this. Nearly two years into a pandemic, we have a variant that is going to be really hard to avoid even with vax and masks. Not to get political as I think views here vary too but we've never seen them in masks ever; they freely indoor dine all the time with Alyssa sitting in coffee shops or taking the girls to meet John for lunch a restaurants nearly daily lately bc they aren't doing school. And I'd be shocked if they were vaccinated given what we know of Congressman Dan's politics. I think they've probably been very lucky thus far to avoid it; seems like a ton of her family got it from June-Dec 2020 and they managed to avoid it then.
  18. Sorry but any impression that I may have had that G&K differ from any other fundie parents was 100% blown out of the water when Alyssa and John talked about her first surgery and detailed her parents' lack of involvement; check it out - filmed during their Orlando staycation probably in the summer of 2020. They are there for I Love You day and the Christmas party and to run off to Italy for Law's engagement only to fly straight back from there for Katie's bach trip to Orlando and to squeal at weddings and put on a show about how much they'll miss that daughter but make no mistake about it, like all fundies once a daughter is married, she is 100% her husband's problem and how she deals with her marriage, eh that's her problem. Sure they love their daughters enough that they likely pray that they'll all find good men like Chad, John and Bobby who'll not only treat them well but also let them rule the roost. But if one or a few end up with typical fundies who are mean, eh what can we do, she should pray more?? I mean if they love their daughters SOOOOOOOO much, why exactly couldn't they be there for more than 12 hrs for Alyssa's surgery when she very much was having complications? Did they have jobs that would fire them? Or did they simply not want to deal with cooking meals, cleaning up the kitchen and generally helping her until she could move on her own - so eh it's John's issue?? What parent who loves a child - whether that child is 24 or 44 or married or single could bear to be any place else in the face of HEART SURGERY?? And come to think of it Erin went thru a lot last year, telling that her MIL moved to them for weeks to help, no?? And these are easy things - cooking, cleaning, being there - they can't be bothered with that but they'll be there to tell off Trav and his daddy and to wrestle control of their daughter away from Trav and his daddy if needed? Lol keep dreaming.
  19. I mean nothing would happen - no one is suggesting that the Clarks would harm her or anything. But where would she go? Back to her parents who likely would NEVER agree that she was right to leave - absent like black eyes or something which no one is saying Travis would do. Simply being controlling or even a little verbally mean is not a reason to break up a marriage in this cult - it's a reason to pray harder to submit to your husband's will and maybe to pray to change your husband's heart. I mean no one supports Anna Duggar getting a divorce and look at what her husband did?? [No I am NOT saying anyone in the Clarks is like that.] Just saying that these ppl don't believe in any reason for divorce - just more prayer and getting thru your life. So her parents wouldn't want her/or if they took her would constantly look down on her for breaking up her marriage. She has zero ability to be like ok fine I'll just go back to Tenn and rent my own apt/pay my own way and be near my family but not in their face bc how would she pay the bills? They haven't raised daughters to be able to support themselves or to even have the desire to support themselves - even if they have skills like cosmetology. And all this will be complicated by the fact that she'll be pregnant in weeks - if not already - so now you're leaving with a child and need to support two people + you're breaking up a family + I do see the Clarks getting nasty re custody just to prove they're high powered.
  20. Physical abuse - yeah I don't see that absent something going really really wrong. Verbal abuse and general control - sorry but I can see that happening. He has an anger to him. I mean we don't see him on camera constantly yet how many times have we already seen him snap at Katie/acted offended by her over legit nothing?? Calling Remi little or saying she doesn't do guys' hair or interrupting him on a house tour or not shutting a door on a house tour are hardly a big deal esp for a guy who should be sooooo in love right now that he should be agreeing if the wife says the moon is made of cheese; yet to Trav - these were things worth snapping about?? On camera? Trav appears to have a very specific vision of how his life/his family will be -- and it'll be exactly what he sees from his dad -- and does not strike me as someone who'll compromise the way that Bobby, John, and Chad did to make their wives happy. If Katie were to try to go outside of that vision - be it wearing pants or spending more of his money than he likes or going home to Tenn more than he thinks she should or being more permissive with their kids than he wants - yes I do see it getting nasty quick. He has it in him. Sorry but I know guys like this - from the exact area he's from - they're entitled bc of their family and their money and are nasty and controlling to anyone they perceive as "below" them - which includes women esp for this cult. I think Michael Clark's involvement also makes this worse - even if Trav were willing to compromise, he'll have daddy in his ear telling him how they MUST live. I mean Kelton has red flags and very specific visions of how they must live, yet it's pretty clear none of that comes from Michael Balka. Sure Michael Balka would have a problem if Kelton decided not to take his kids to church but as long as they're raising them Godly and Josie allows him access to his granddaughters - which she always does - I just think he wants to be happy and see the family happy and doesn't particularly care if that means Josie in pants or owning a business or whatever. Michael Clark doesn't seem that way - WAY more image focused prob bc he has a church and school's worth of people looking at his fam. Plus this is the son who must have the PERFECT family bc the other one already "disappointed" by marrying a biracial woman; at least Katie appears to be making a friend in Deven who is prob just happy to have another outsider in the family. And LOL at Gil won't allow a daughter to be abused. And what do you think he'll do about it - if he even knew - in a cult where there is no divorce and where Katie will have a kid at this time next yr?? I guarantee in that cult abuse is only if you can see physical marks. Anything else that Katie were to complain about [which she wouldn't] would just be defended by HER PARENTS as Trav being a traditional religious man, a good headship who'll lead her to heaven, and she should just pray harder. G&K present a different package but are like all fundies - very quick to wash their hands of their daughters once they are married. Aren't these the same ppl who barely showed up for 24 yr old Alyssa's heart surgery?? Like Gil was outta there the moment she was out of the OR and Kelly a few hrs later despite the fact that she was being kept in the hospital, had complications, and could've used parental support. Nah it was John's problem, they got their IG pics praying over their daughter and showing they went to the hospital so back to going out to lunch and playing boutique owner.
  21. Agreed that A&E would not be coming if Trav wasn’t 100% on board bc let’s be real it’s HIS house. It’s been 3 wks married and it’s quite possible 20 yr old Trav -aside from the minute of daily sex- is like I have to be with her and talk to her 24-7?! They dated long distance and it wasn’t a Law/Tiff situation of weeks on end together; these two were together like 1x/mo for 2-5 days. Those days were just about going out, catching up, and taking 10,000 pictures and always with family in tow. Now they both may be like — hmm what am I supposed to talk to you about?! Though given the tea about the Clarks on Reddit — hope this goes ok for Katie. A former member of their church who knew them well but chose to leave fundie world is saying that the facades are very important to the Clarks — the Ralph Lauren uniform; fancy houses; new SUVs etc but the Clark men aren’t nice to the Clark women; she alleges verbal abuse on the regular and in some instances physical abuse. Apparently it’s known in their community that Ma and Pa Clark got into it in a store parking lot and it escalated to the point where passerbys called the cops and Ma Clark ended up lying and saying she tripped and fell. Here’s hoping the apple fell REALLY far from the tree but really he’s a 20 yr old still attached to daddy’s hip; has zero life experience or education; relies on daddy for all his income and thus he and Katie must live how daddy wants; and this is how he’s seen dad treat mom?! I had said a few weeks ago — practically holding Katie in a chokehold on their honeymoon screamed “MY woman” and while making fun of her for being in “full depression mode” leaving the honeymoon —did not scream nice guy. And you know if there were any warning signs during courting - Katie (nor any fundie girl) wouldn’t know bc they’re trained by age 3 that if it has a dick + wants to make babies with you, you should be thanking god. Nor would Gil have seen it — he’s just about getting daughters off his payroll and you know he was won over by Michael Clark’s house and car. As much as the Bates may do lip service to headships etc, that’s 100% not what Katie’s seen in her sisters marriages, as Erin, Alyssa, Tori, and Carlin all wear the pants. Brandon is a more traditional headship but I can’t see him being mean in any way. Kelton yeah I know ppl disagree but I think there are red flags there in his creepy obsession.
  22. Seriously - the family Christmas party was the 17th; they left Tenn that Sunday the 19th. It’s been 8 freaking days w/o her sisters?! Both K&T comment in the video how homesick she is. And she says Addie and Ellie just booked a flight last night to come. To me that very much sounds like - she’s been calling home complaining/crying, A&E get dispatched to visit; they can go the fastest since they don’t have to deal w their own husbands/kids’ schedules. How is she going to survive stretches of 2-4 mos w/o the family?? And thing is in the 8 days she and Trav have hardly been alone?? They went outlet mall shopping w the fam in NJ one day; one day was sister in law in their house unpacking; one night was going w sister in law to watch the guys play basketball; one night Trav’s dad was over installing shelves; one full day was a road trip to Del to visit Trav’s sister and outlet mall shop in Del; Christmas and Christmas Eve were both w the family; and today she said his parents had been there all day helping do house stuff?!? Do they not WANT to be alone?? You’d think they’d be relieved for the holidays to be over and to have ppl out of their house. I mean I have no doubt that sex takes 7 seconds for Trav right now and they’re having that nightly. But at 20 he can go many times a day + they had a no touch type of courtship; you’d think they’d want ppl out of their house so they can lay on the couch together getting turned on?!? I wonder if she’s overwhelmed/not yet getting along with his family so she’s like it’s time for MY family to be here. But A&E don’t exactly bring the Carlin vibe - they’ll just go along with the vibe of the house. And girlfriend you wanted to marry this guy and move and live 8 seconds from his family, you need to start learning to deal.
  23. So much for Katie dealing with life without her family for the 7-8 weeks from their post honeymoon trip to Tenn until I Love You Day. Nope Addie and Ellie are headed to them today to spend a week and they're headed to the airport to go get them. As for Trav's source of money - singing group (though that income is split many ways but more importantly - daddy. More specifically dad/grandpa own a college and an affiliated church. You know Trav has a made up job at the college. I mean maybe he actually does some job but he's clearly not making the $10-15/hr a student worker would be paid to answer some phones or do some data entry. Clearly they've put him on payroll earning a full 50-75k salary with some made up job title that sounds like a FT job. I mean the salary has to pay for his head to toe Polo Ralph Lauren wardrobe- which appears to be coming from outlet malls not thrift stores; a new/large/possibly luxury SUV; a house that he's gut renovated and only put in the best in terms of flooring, fixtures, appliances etc. Case and point - Addie and Ellie are headed over. Most young newly weds who just got married two seconds ago, just got off a honeymoon and moved into a new place - that'd mean sleeping bags or air mattresses or futons if you're lucky; I mean that's STILL what you get at Carlin and Evan's house 3+ years post marriage. But Trav and Katie - put together the guest bedroom in the basement ASAP - a full bedroom set, real wood furniture, and looks brand new - not mismatched old stuff they bought second hand or took from his parents. And Trav and his dad hung a large flat screen TV - not specifically for the guest room, more bc the basement looks like a hang out spot but still - it all costs money. Though I will say there is a lot of unflattering/concerning stuff about the Clarks on Reddit. IDK if others have seen it; may post later.
  24. Daddy's allowance may come with strings - as these things always do. So look for Katie and Trav to be living whatever type of life Trav's daddy wants them to live. And I imagine the allowance is not infinite - whatever allowance supported Trav's fancy life before now has to support Trav + Katie - she's gonna want her coffees and manicures and she ain't cooking nightly. And soon it'll have to support kids too. This may all be occurring to him now . . . . Gil's approval criteria for husbands is really quite selective - no?? Believes in God + gets my daughter off my payroll, check. Means of supporting my daughter - an upper middle class daddy who'll provide, ok good enough for me. I mean what happens if there is a dad and son rift (unlikely but who knows); or dad/granddad/uncle's college or church go under or get investigated by the authorities or whatever else such that daddy can't hand Trav a salary?? Like it makes no different that the 20 year old BOY your daughter married has no way of supporting himself and your daughter has no way of supporting herself bc she's just a girl and these 2 will have kids by next year most likely?? Like who wouldn't be terrified by this? I mean we can't expect Katie to think that deeply bc she just saw a cute guy wanting to make babies with her + being the center of attention for a year in her mega family with the perfect engagement, showers, bach trips, dress shopping, wedding, and honeymoon. But hello Gil aren't you the headship of these girls who you've raised to be too stupid to think for themselves - turning over headship to a little boy? @emmawoodhouse - always surprises me how crappy some of these girls eat given how vain they are. I mean Carlin with her non stop fast food + Katie with non stop pizza and ice cream. Sure at 21 and 23, whatever; but have they noticed their family genes? Do they not think it can catch up to them?
  25. OMG they look like they're playing house. Eating pizza after church yesterday. Showing up at Home Depot today and disappointed that there were no Christmas trees left and then at a local hardware store Trav was disappointed that it's only small trees left - not even one week prior to Christmas. Also super interesting that they're out searching for trees at 2 pm on a Monday because despite the brand new house, vacations etc. of course no one holds down a job. It's somewhat starting already but will be hard for Trav - on the way home from Tenn he was whining about how long his hair is and how he's giving himself a cut as soon as he gets home "which is called being newly married and saving every penny." And yet today he lets everyone know that he's headed to the barber bc he can't risk looking bad before Christmas. Lol. Yeah this guy grew up in a McMansion in a well to do life; he's going to find no job/minimal pay from dad's church or college or whatever + a house + a wife + I assume a kid before Christmas next year to be a challenge financially as he's not used to having to save money. Alas his stylist wife doesn't cut guys' hair because you can see every mistake (LOL hire her to do your wedding hair she sounds awesome at her job). Surprised they didn't ask DIY Chad to do a haircut for Trav as I think Chad does do that; though given that Katie falls in the Alyssa/Josie/Carlin clique which has problems with Erin so she may not have wanted to ask. And he has zero life experience himself + married a ditz or else he would have realized that he could have just gone and gotten a haircut in Tenn bc EVERY place there will be cheaper than any comparable place in NJ bc of lower cost of living; hell go to that Jonas kid that Trace is besties with - I'm sure he offers a Bates fam discount. Their lack of exposure to the world is astounding. On the way back from their honeymoon they had a layover someplace like Dallas or ATL, so they're sitting in an airport restaurant having ordered burgers and Trav goes on and on about how a bottle of ketchup is what he missed the most about 'Merica - he was so tired of those tiny ketchup packets at the resort in Mexico. And when they were posting pics of food in Mexico - it was ALL burgers, fries, pizza, pancakes and Katie posted a pic that pizza and ice cream in Mexico are fabulous - and the pizza was like Dominos?!! Like did you even eat local food, even once?? I'm not saying you should have ventured to street food - but did you even think to order tacos at the resort - wouldn't be the most authentic tacos ever but certainly moreso than Tenn or NJ?? They're kids who think they're grownups - because sex.
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