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Everything posted by cereality

  1. John looked TERRIBLE at the end of the drive home just 5 days ago and said he had driven 28 hrs in a week and a half. He drove back Sunday and back to work Monday. Does Alyssa not get (or care) that he doesn't get to nap during the day when Maci naps (as she was doing today)?? Like you really have to push him for a date night THIS WEEK? This marriage does look more like Erin and Chad now, and John at 32 has aged A LOT; only the Bates women can make 30 yr old men look OLD. Alyssa posted honeymoon pics today and the light he had in his eyes at 25-26 then is GONE. Funny that Chad is looking better recently. I mean you can't reverse his aged look at 34 but I think there is some sense of relief for him as the baby train is closing; sure they may pull off 1-2 more miracle babies but he's looking at supporting 5-7 kids not 10+ and that's a big difference AND as Erin has separated from her family a bit the pressure on him is gone. There was a time when it was work a full day and then go re-shingle Gil's roof bc she volunteered him and then go back and do whatever re-do she wanted in her own cottage. At least that's over, I think she has zero interest in him wasting his time on her family anymore + there's nothing more they can do to that cottage. Alyssa OTOH seems to have ZERO regard for John. He's the paycheck + the dick to give her babies + the arm candy to hold onto while she shows off another dress and that's it. She needs to spend all her time and effort on being an influencer. If she stops/falls off on posting, she'll be forgotten in 2 seconds (which is true for all influencers that aren't true Hollywood celebrities) and there goes the free bedding etc. So I feel like her focus is non stop perfect attire, pics, filters etc. whether the kids and John are feeling it or not. But reality is if you watch their video re dating/engagement, she has always been kind of a bitch to him even back then - like he's SO LUCKY to have HER, he should WANT to deal with her BS. And he always justified it as - I knew you had to work hard to get a good girl, I never expected a girl to fall all over me. I guess he still justifies it like that - husband and dad life is SUPPOSED to suck, a real man sucks it up, that's what I'm doing, I'm a good man. And yeah she had nothing in her life besides wedding + baby making and she's 100% setting up her daughters the same way by putting it in their heads that being pretty is all that matters for girls; weddings are SOOO magical + look at mommy's pregnancy book, this is ALL you have to aspire to in life. Kid #2 should get it out of her head that being a dentist would be cool . . . even if dining room school could get her into a state flagship university for biology (ha!), ain't happening when Alyssa is pushing her to start dating at 16 and marry at 18 like she did.
  2. I mean right now it's all fun and games. This Italian adventure - as well as some of the smaller trips that he and Tiff take - are paid for by UPTv since the cameras are following them now. Hope she realizes when the TV show goes away - and eventually all shows do - the adventure goes away. But reality is adventure likely goes away before that unless he's googling birth control right now. He's 29. Will be 30 in July. There's going to be 1 kid by the end of 2022 - assuming it's a spring 2022 wedding at the latest. She's 21-22 - she'll get pregnant in like 2 seconds likely on the honeymoon if they don't use any BC. Yet they seem to love endless travel, selfie taking, and navel gazing - not so easy with a baby on your hip; I know Carlin does it but reality is Carlin is all talk - their travel is mostly to the inlaws in Nashville with a $50 flight here and there to fly down to Alyssa 2x/yr and drive to some crappy Stewart vacation in the midwest. And Tiff wasn't raised a Bates girl with 87 siblings; she grew up what looks like upper middle class with 1 brother - she isn't used to just having a baby hanging off her boob and going about her life, nor has she seen anyone do that. Plus it's not like the stuff she wants for is driving trips to stay with inlaws 2 hrs away. I assume she's is going to want to go back to different spots in Europe, NYC etc. She - and they - are going to realize real quick that packing up and flying off to wherever just isn't in thing when you have multiple little kids AND no money!? And yeah I don't buy it that this family is soooo well to do. I know their defenders here always say that but come on, let's call a spade a spade. Law puts out a crappy song every year or two and "tours" to like 2-3 church shows or low level county fairs a year. This isn't the kind of thing that brings in tens of thousands - even though he may get some ppl buying a song here and there on iTunes. A huge social media following doesn't necessarily = money - esp if you aren't influencing, selling things etc. which he isn't unlike his sisters; lots of people just follow you to see what's going on but never spend $1 on you. I have a feeling he's given Tiff the impression that his music career is bigger and more on the cusp of success than it really is. And really he lives at home and earns income here and there - going to some disaster for a week or two; a few shifts at the sheriff's office; mowing siblings' lawns as if he's an 11 year old. That type of earning is fine and good when it's just fun money -- if you're just saving up for trips (w/o UPTv) or rings, it's not the same obligation as a monthly mortgage payment or health insurance. And no congrats from bestie Trace? He's been posting all day so it's not like he hasn't been on social media yet - yet he's posting pics of himself as a self styled "cowboy on Rehobhot Beach (Del.)" I mean Nathan is busy getting it on but what's Trace so occupied with??
  3. I'm sure they're engaged by now. Tiff's pics posted this morning were labeled Day 4. No way these girls can wait 4 days for an engagement that they know is coming. They start freaking out by day 2. 🙄 Plus they did a whole photo shoot yesterday w/ professional photographers - pretty sure that would be done after the ring was in place so that the ring would be in pics. I'm sure they arrived day 1 and Law decided what he wanted for an engagement. Day 2 Kelly + Tiff's mom ran around store to store buying crappy decor (that's unneeded given that you're in a place that's already beautiful) to be made more "dramatic" as they run into stores speaking English UTTERLY SHOCKED that English isn't the primary language. End of day 2/day 3 - Law proposed and then photoshoots followed. Day 4 was in Florence. Nice to see these two idiots are really making an effort to appreciate Italy as they did an IG video and maybe they got a question bc they were like what building is that behind us - I dunno oh well, the gelato is good though.
  4. No you're 100% right - I didn't think of that. But for Italy you don't actually NEED to be vaccinated, it's pretty easy to get in without w/ a negative test + proof of prior illness and you're not even having to quarantine or anything. And IDK that there is anything special about Italy for them. Like if Italy had vax requirements (which some of the EU does - and you can't test out), they'd be headed to London or Ireland or wherever. But I 100% agree, he's a STAR, of course his adoring fans NEED to see his engagement. If the entire EU had vax requirements but they were hellbent on a European engagement, yep he'd quietly vaccinate. And I mean his fans been waiting with baited breath - after all he had said he'd get engaged after he "got Nathan to the finish line" (i.e. married) and now that that's happened 17 seconds ago, it's go time. What does a rube like this even need to go to Italy for? He can't even pronounce the name of the town he's in - San Gimignano in Tuscany. The closest these people ever get to Tuscan anything when UPTv goes away will be Olive Garden's Tuscan soup. And why oh why is Tiff soooo desperate?? She's an attractive girl and freaking 22!? Yes I know she's a conservative Christian but even still she has much better options and actually San Diego has a conservative community - many of whom aren't losers bc you know they go to college, have jobs, many are military etc. Is she REALLY ready to deal with Kelly and loudass Carlin and Whit for life (because financially I don't see how they don't end up in Tenn. at least for a while if not forever)?? I mean even today Kelly is going on about how they're in Italy for her bday tomorrow as Tiff laughingly plays along. What's cute now is gonna get old in 2 seconds being married to this doofus and his family. Maybe she looks at Erin/Michael/Tori and sees you can make your family life be what it wants and not have it revolve around "Mama B" (why do her own kids call her that now BTW - Carlin says it almost exclusively now) -- BUT she's not marrying a low key guy who'll be happy with a quiet life like Bobby or Brandon, she's marrying an attention whore raised in this family and separating him will be hard/impossible. Though I guess it is possible they end up in Nashville not Knox if she convinces him his stardom requires him in Nashville BUT then he also has to earn some consistent money bc it is more expensive than Rocky Top. And yes Bringing Up Bates is coming back w/ Nathan's wedding being the feature of this season + Katie's wedding prep + likely Law's engagement; and then likely a following season for Katie and Law's weddings.
  5. Ultimately Italy's covid entry requirements aren't as strong as say France; for France if you enter unvaccinated you quarantine (at an airport hotel) for 5-7 days so there goes your trip. For Italy - all you need is a negative test + proof of vaccine OR having had covid w/i 6 months. How many times have these idiots had covid? We KNOW they aren't vaccinated - at least Law isn't - he's vocally anti vaccine. But 6 months means they had it again at some point between April through Oct 2021? Because many/most of them had it in 2020 - as they made a big thing about how covid ripped thru the family - Erin's problems began in fall 2020; Josie miscarried in summer 2020 due to covid/after having had covid; it's why no one attended Kade's birthday in Nov. 2020; and then Bobby/Tori skipped Christmas in 2020 bc they had it. Have Law, Tiff, G&K really had it again in 2021?? Maybe some of them are secretly vaccinated but not Law. Edited to add - though maybe that's not shocking, Delta ripped thru the south in recent months and Tenn. was pretty badly affected and these people have been living life with no masks + no vaccines + no one works for any kind of employer so it's not like they even had to get vaccinated to hold onto a job. In any event why do these rubes even need to go to Italy for an engagement? Like they can really appreciate the art, architecture, and history?? It'll just be - get me some more of that spaghetti w/ tomato sauce that's good, much better than spaghettios we eat at home. It's another example of champagne taste on a beer budget. Enjoy it Tiff. Law can only provide you with this bc UPTv is paying and needs story lines. 5 years from now when the show is gone, you're going to be vacationing in Toledo. And enjoy life with a guy who is a loser who makes no money YET STILL thinks he's perfect. How exactly is he going to provide? He holds no steady job - little bit of flying here and medicorps volunteering there isn't going to pay the mortgage. And is she prepped to live in Tenn. It's one thing to suck up to Kelly and the sisters for a few weeks and then go home to Cali, it's another to live there fulltime. But I don't see how he affords anything in San Diego - even a rental apartment.
  6. It's Warden, Addie, and Whit on the flight - Carlin tagged Warden + Whit's IGs; the row behind them is empty so there weren't more family members. Kelly is the only one MIA but during the shower yesterday Trace was posting from Rehobot Beach (Del.) - it's possible he went down there with Jackson etc./whoever didn't go back on the RV with Z and now they'll all drive back with Kelly. WTH was this falling out even about - the store? Like is it that offensive is one person steps out of a business - it happens all the time. And has it now broken down into Carlin/Whit/Alyssa/Katie/possibly Josie vs. Erin/Tori/Michaela? It's possible that Tori is just sitting this out - she seems super settled and happy with her own family + it's possible that she and Bobby have decided to stay out of anything that could put them opposite of Kelton and Josie, given that Kelton is Bobby's BFF and also boss. But it also seems like Tori just doesn't hang with the family all that much; Carlin had posted an IG some weeks ago where Tori's oldest son was at Carlin's house and Carlin was all - do you know who I am, I'm aunt Carlin, I'm so happy you got to come over; that's the type of thing you say to a nephew you don't see often - highly doubt she says that to Whit's kids. Michaela/Brandon may just be staying above the fray; Michaela's been babysitting Josie's kids a fair amount lately and Josie has thanked her for bringing over dinner multiple times; yet she also kept Chad/Erin's kids on a weekend; plus they are who all the siblings reach out to in an urgent situation. Though I do think Michaela/Brandon have a special relationship with Tori and Erin's kids; when M&B are around, Tori's oldest son + one of Erin's middle daughters are like their shadow - including at the wedding, there are multiple pics of them carrying around Kade and Erin's daughter. And even recently when one of Erin's daughters had a birthday - Uncle Brandon/Aunt Michaela were the only ones there to celebrate with her - which I very much think was that child's wish that they come over for cake.
  7. Exactly. Maybe SHE is the one who needed Z to quit working to "invest in the kids" -- i.e. be a nanny -- so she could live HER best life. I'm not disagreeing with the person here who said showers etc. don't need to have kids. Totally fine - Katie could have had an adult only shower. But given that she didn't and Layla, Willow, and all 4 of Alyssa's girls, there's no reason she couldn't have brought her 2 girls!? But then she'd have to deal with them which is what she doesn't want. It's also the reason that when they are at the store or out to dinner or hanging out wherever, Carlin has her kid in tow and Whit never does - not even the infant - bc she doesn't want to be bothered when Zach in combination with Addie/Ellie/Callie can deal. I mean even at Katie's party, there was a video of Alyssa getting food for all her girls and apologizing for holding up the line - bc each kid would only eat a certain thing; one had a plate of plain pasta with just a pad of butter; one had pasta with sauce on top and garlic bread; one had plain pasta with sauce on the side. This is the stuff you have to do with little kids or else they won't eat bc the sauce touched their penne and will then meltdown. Looks like Whit ended up sending the kids home with Z - and Ellie/Callie - bc Carlin posted a video this morning of being on a flight home w/ Evan/kid, Warden, Addie, and Whit!? I have to imagine this is a BIG reason Erin doesn't run w/ Whit anymore. I feel like Whit wants to live the college girl who has no kids life and while Carlin can keep up right now w/ just 1 kid, Erin likely doesn't feel welcome to bring her 4 kids and also doesn't want to ditch them. I mean Chad is just as whipped as Z, she could easily turn him into a nanny yet she doesn't seem to want to. As they all make their way home, damn their driving habits are still uncomfortable. Alyssa and John did the 15 hr drive home overnight. Alyssa drove the last 4 hrs and J looked AWFUL. Are they really not worried about being SOOO tired and sharing the road with huge trucks overnight - I mean it takes 1 second to nod off!? Josie and Kelton basically said the overnight drive to the wedding was awful, so this time they drove 5.5 hrs until 2 am (though why wait until 9 pm to leave NJ?), stayed in a hotel and are driving 4 hrs today - though they have money to throw at this problem. Chad and Erin (Bobby/Tori, Michaela/Brandon) may have had the right idea - leave the morning after the wedding and just do a daytime 9 hr drive.
  8. They’re in Rome. Hope he intends to propose bc why else is he wasting money on this trip? Is he really into art and architecture? Though it’s Italy so they could just spend 99% of their time in churches. He could get away w proposing without Kelly there squealing and rushing 45 min beforehand to set up crappy hobby lobby candles and lanterns since he’s w a non fundie who isn’t courting, prob thinks engagements don’t involve mommy and daddy etc. I too don’t get why Law has waited so long. It’s not like he’s 22. Isn’t he dying for some action like most fundie males?? While I do think they kiss and spend lots of alone time, I don’t really think they’re having sex - she’s not fundie but a Liberty University type of Christian.
  9. The wedding shower - Carlin; Alyssa (though she left immediately after bc she posted a pic driving over the Delaware Memorial bridge this afternoon back down to Fla); Addie (though not Ellie/Callie - maybe the headed back w/ Warden/Isiah/Jackson/Gil); Josie; Whit - of course she has to be seen to remain relevant and as usual no kids so she either sent them home or they were at the hotel w Zach. Seems like Carlin and Josie stuck around even after the shower bc they're touring Katie and Travis's home. Shocking that Tiff wasn't there as much as she is trying to act like Whit and be part of the family but seems like her and Law used their proximity to a major east coast international airport (Philadelphia) to take off on an international trip. IDK how much she desperately WANTS to be part of the family vs. just playing nice to be accepted; she may have felt that being in Nathan's wedding and cheerleading for that 24-7 was enough and now time for a vacation. In her video this morning Erin said they were on their way back and had stopped at a playground in Virginia to let the kids burn off some energy - so they drove back all day today. I mean I think it's super clear that Michaela, Erin, and Tori have decided their OWN marriage/family life comes first NOT the Bates zoo. I think they've drawn that line no matter what they will consider their own needs as a family (or couple) first - no matter what Kelly or the loud ass sisters like Carlin or Whit say about it. It is possible that it was about money - another night in a hotel if they had gone to NJ; it's also possible that Erin now thinks these wedding events are too much/too fancy - when she just had 1 local shower that no one attended + typical fundie wedding where she didn't get to do things like a sit down dinner or first dance, so she's checked out as she's like - whatever a 3 hr wedding is all anyone needs, why am I obligated to go to 50 wedding related events when I didn't even have those. But generally speaking I think she's just over her family and was happy to go to her brother's wedding - as people tend to family obligations - w/o the whole OMG we're sooooo happy; this is sooooo amazing; we love you both sooooo much BS that you see from the rest of the fam; and I think it's the same for Michaela and Tori.
  10. The parachuting was wedding day bc Law posted an IG live where they are all dressed and with flight suits on top - and you can see the rust colored bow ties, and after the wedding Law posted a video saying they dropped into the wedding and it was thankfully a "gentle landing" - though maybe it wasn't for the groom? They also went flying/sky diving the day before too, but I imagine that was to practice to make sure they landed in the right spot and not a few fields over. How awkard though. Alyssa or Josie posted a video of everyone standing up at their seats as they saw the groom descending. So then he descends - pretty far from the altar - bc you can't risk landing on top of your guests, and then I guess everyone stands there awkwardly as he takes his parachute off including harnesses that are at your crotch and then steps out of the flight suit and then hauls his ass quickly to the altar so the music can begin and the bride can start walking!? Seems like they gave thought and $$ to the venue, dinner (decent meal of roast chicken, mashed potatoes and other sides), cake, bridesmaids dresses, and flowers. They gave WAY TOO MUCH thought and $$ to all the gimmicks - parachuting in (Jer Duggar had to pay to runway fees to take off and land - and I imagine you cover that if he's doing it for your wedding); helicoptering out; practicing singing for the first dance (though shocked the chose a modern song - Shania Twain's From this Moment). So then where did they cut the budget - her dress and his suit and his groomsmen's suits/shirts. Do the not realize the #1 thing anyone looks at at the wedding is the bride?? Cut out one of the gimmicks and use that $$ to up the dress budget?? And no he isn't going to lose a single pound for Esther or do anything for her benefit. I'm sure he WASN'T embarrassed to be naked in front of her for the first time bc in his mind he looks GOOD and SHE is the lucky one bc his dick will be impregnating her. Yeah if you're overweight, don't try the throw the groom in the air thing and certainly not where others can film it - you can hear Carlin cracking up. 6 guys together couldn't lift him and ended up dropping him - and some of the guys doing the lifting were sturdy guys themselves - like it wasn't just Trace and Law but also guys like John David and Gil. Evan did it at his wedding but come on Evan is stick thin in comparison to Nathan. Interesting that Erin, Michaela, and Tori all headed back right after the wedding rather than driving another 2 hrs from Lancaster to NJ and adding another day to the trip and then driving back to Tenn. either overnight Saturday or all day Sunday. It's interesting how clearly the family is broken down amongst the sisters who want their own marriage/family life vs. those that are still so invested in being in the big chaotic loud family gatherings. Like I feel like those 3 went to the wedding bc it was their brother's wedding but none were waxing lyrical about omg we are sooooo excited, we love you sooooo much, this is soooo amazing blah blah. They went to a family obligation like normal adults do and then went back to resume their own lives.
  11. I mean of course she was going to wear her hair down. He made a huge deal re Carlin and/or Tori’s hair being down for the wedding and he wasn’t looking to get turned on by those people. With his own wife who he must sleep with after they wrap up the reception in 90 minutes, there’s no option but hair down. Yeah I don’t get what’s happening with that train. Her entire outfit looks like a costume you’d wear in the 8th grade play if you were playing a bride. He’s a husky man - his standing up/vertically taken pics make it more obvious. He’s got Kelly’s body - a cylinder. At least he found a gal who can cook - that cream cheese chicken will do him no favors but at least he won’t be scrounging for food like his brothers in law.
  12. Wow they look very mediocre - like this was a VERY budget wedding, which isn't the vibe you get from the venue and the look of the rehearsal. I mean a shiny polyester looking dress with a fake tiara that you'd find in the costume stash of a high school drama department?? Not to mention it doesn't seem to match her style at all. She never struck me as THAT modest that she needs a completely long sleeved dress with solid sleeves so you can't even see an inch of skin, as opposed to say light lace sleeves. I mean she wears jeans (though haven't seen pants on when she's w/ him so maybe this is a Whit situation - she's changing for them) + has taken pics practically hip thrusting Nathan - she isn't THAT modest. You can get better dresses than this at David's Bridal; looks like an extreme budget choice - like I HAD to choose the one on the deepest discount. His suit looks like cheap polyester too - which isn't shocking; the Bates men consider nothing besides price. A black suit/tux is a black suit/tux, what do you mean quality that's just them fancy talk to get ppl to waste more $$$ but we're no suckers; I mean you can see it by the bargain basement shirts Law and Trace are wearing that are practically see thru and Law’s also appears to be too small - he looks like the buttons will burst at any second but I bet he just got the closest size they had left on the bargain rack. And it's only 1 still pic but I expected them esp him to look MUCH happier. And btw yes they DID skydive in per Lawson. 🙄 What a tool. Have a nice life Esther and enjoy the minute of action tonight.
  13. So Law is posting an IG video w/ him and Nathan and some friend (Andrew? IDK who that is) all in flight suits but with tuxes/suits underneath and Nathan holding a helmet. Uh is he skydiving into a venue or something? Or is this just the Top Gun look that they're going to walk in with?? I mean they just went flying yesterday and Lawson did the skydiving thing. Is it Nathan's turn today on his wedding day? Bc all I have in mind is that image from Full House - the groom jumped and landed in a tree and got stuck. And generally speaking I know these boys all fancy themselves military pilots and army airborne skydivers but they're really a bunch of idiots flying around in cheap old jalopy planes, looking up online how to even do flight checks on these planes before taking off. Is it a good idea to go flying around on your wedding day/day before?? And they were all posting videos an hour or 2 ago as they started gathering at the venue. It's a petty point but why don't the Bates boys ever wear undershirts? They obviously buy the cheapest clothing possible - like a white shirt is a white shirt why would I buy a more expensive one. So they buy clothing made of the cheapest fabrics and Trace and Law yeah they could both use undershirts under those flimsy looking white shirts!? Maybe it's dated and guys don't wear those anymore but this is a formal event. And my god Alyssa is IN LOVE with herself as she filmed herself walking up to the venue fake smile in place - uh sweetie you're not THAT pretty nor are you a real celebrity but you go ahead and enjoy feeling like paparazzi is following you. And I think it's weird how much Alyssa, Josie and to a lesser extent Carlin are gushing over this wedding. They - and most of the family - never gave Nathan the time of day; granted he does seem like a jerk but no one seems to have an especially close bond with him except Law and maybe Trace. My impression was always that Alyssa, Josie, Carlin etc. saw him at big family events but never had much in common with him so basically avoided him except Christmas etc. But now that he got a girl to say yes OMG everyone is SOOOO excited for MY brother's wedding. Comes across so fake. Maybe they're just relieved that he isn't gay/someone wanted him so they don't have to explain a weirdo bachelor uncle to their kids (not that I think unmarried = weirdo but they do).
  14. I actually wouldn't be surprised. If someone on her side dropped out and she decided to put in someone on Nathan's side, it's interesting that that person is Tiffany rather than one of the 37 sisters. Though I assume Nathan "recommended" someone from his side and I don't think he has a close relationship with any sister and then if he randomly chose one - the loudmouths like Carlin, Katie, SIL Whit - would have something to say about it if it wasn't them; like I don't think he is like Trace who is close with Alyssa and could just choose her and everyone would 100% expect that. I mean Law and Tiff aren't even engaged, what if Tiff runs away - do you want her in your wedding pics forever? But if it's bc Law is gonna propose right there it'll be like aawww remember how they started their lives at our wedding and we were able to give them sage marriage advice because we had been newlyweds for 45 min then.
  15. I liked the low key gender reveal with just their kids opening a box without Kelly or Carlin there squealing or taking away the attention. E&C didn't seem disappointed BUT seems like they have had WEEKS to become resigned to the idea of another girl as E&C she tested and it said girl (can you test for that yourself? I thought they dr does it) and then 5-6 weeks later tested again bc she didn't believe it; so they've clearly been hoping against hope for a month and a half for a boy but at the same time resigning themselves that it probably is a girl. As for the name - eh but when the options are Harbor, Ireland, Scotland (WTF?), Avonlea, and Brighton - eh you get what you get kid. I do like Brighton but it's a boys name in the UK AND honestly these country hicks don't need a name that fancy. I too agree this is NOT the last kid that they'll try to have. She's due in Jan. Guaranteed there's another pregnancy announcement by June 2022 (assuming she has some more eggs left in there OR they froze whatever was left). Did they really need to discuss "a brother for Carson" in that video?? But they are still hype-focused on a brother for Carson, as is Carson because these morons have put it in his head that every boy NEEDS a brother and made him pray for it. I know in the video they say they told him God knows what we need. Uh idiots why didn't you tell him that in the first place -- whether you get brothers or sisters or any more siblings at all is God's will and not something a child needs to worry about, now go play!? But in reality I 100% bet they're telling him -- God isn't saying NO he's saying NOT NOW, you have to KEEP PRAYING/PRAY HARDER . . . . And we'll keep putting mommy in dangerous situations just to see if we can make God change his will to BOY soon. At this point why not just do gender selection (again if there's a few eggs left) and just keep it your little secret?? And damn she has REALLY detached from her family and is all about her little family now. I'm not saying I blame her for wanting to separate from that zoo, but the entire family is in Pa. now hanging out, attending the rehearsal/post rehearsal meal and it doesn't seem like Erin and Chad have arrived yet (they're not in anyone else's pics) and instead she's choosing this time to drop her gender reveal? Though maybe she wants it to drop now bc it'll be less attention on ANOTHER GIRL?
  16. I get that all the siblings are young so it's NBD but damn I always get uncomfortable when all the siblings undertake these overnight drives. I get it's easier with young kids because they sleep. But Josie just hit the road at 8 pm saying it'll be a 9-10 hr drive and likely longer with stops. A&J drove yesterday leaving SC at like 2 pm and arriving at 1 am. Carlin is riding w/ Z&W's family in an RV on what can only be explained as one of those 80s vacation movies that were disastrous and though they are "only" 2-3 hrs away but of course must stop at Walmart and buy more crap for the wedding. (What exactly are they always shopping for at WMT, Hobby Lobby, Target etc.?? Like Esther's family handles the decor etc here.) Like only Brandon and Michael appeared to have done a drive beginning at noon ending at 9 pm but of course they did it without kids and likely weren't stopping hourly either. Like Kelton worked a full day and started driving at 8 pm and they're already stopping to feed Hazel and let the older kid run around some gas station. How do they not get nervous pulling all nighters at a time when big trucks are moving on the highways + stopping at gas stations and fast food places that'll be mostly deserted at midnight or 3 am or 5 am - though I guess there can be truckers around. IDK if a quiet drive with sleeping kids allowing me to bond with my spouse (and do IG question posts) would be that worth it to me. I'd rather leave first thing in the morning and hope the kids take a nap by 10 am and that buys a few hours of silence and the rest of the time entertain them.
  17. So much of this seems to be driven by the show. Alyssa tends to visit when they're filming - probably because she has to visit some when they're filming in order to get $$ and also bc she's trying to become a YouTube and IG star and that's not going to happen if she's the forgotten sister who never appears on TV. But of course when they're filming UP wants/needs events; it's not exciting TV for Alyssa to drive up for 4 days and she's making popcorn with Gil and watching football with him while John naps in the recliner and then they sit around a bon fire at night - which is what she did with Papa Bill and Mama Jane this weekend. Instead it's better TV for Up when the whole family gathers - Alyssa comes to town; Law and Nathan bring their gfs - and there's a big family event. Cue the 50 thousandth - baby shower; pregnancy announcement; gender reveal; courtship announcement; engagement; wedding shower; wedding; I Love You Day; or Christmas. Cue Kelly hollering about OMG we have soooo much to do, we should have started 2 weeks ago, as they stay up until midnight decorating the same damn church hall for the 50 thousandth time or run off to Target and Hobby Lobby for last minute crappy decor or ponder how much chicken salad is needed to feed 100 people and rush to prep said chicken salad. I mean I guess this could be avoided and she could get 1-2 quiet weekends with her family just catching up if she visited when nothing was going on. But reality is it's a 10 hr drive or fairly expensive flight for her + 3 kids/1 lap kid. She's expected to be in town for Christmas; I Love You Day; and probably like 2-3 other events/year; plus her family seems to come down to Fla in various combinations of people like 6 times/year at least. Given that she's already seeing them 10 times/yr, she's not adding another 1-2 visits involving a 10 hr drive/$$$ flights when nothing is going on just to catch up. And frankly there's no guarantee - she could go with the intention of catching up and OMG Carlin just got news from the high risk dr; Bradley and Carson are at the house being so adorable; OMG here's Whit at the house again . . . . Like there's no guarantee Kelly will ever ignore the daily chaos and give her the time of day. So I think she's prob like, I'm good - when I want that quiet family bonding time, I'm going to Papa Bill and Mama Jane. In their IGs tonight, Josie was talking about driving thru the night Wed night to get to Pa; and Carlin and Whit also mentioned leaving in 2 days. Makes sense as it's probably a Thursday rehearsal dinner with a Friday wedding. Bet Mama Jane and Papa Bill are driving up with A&J - makes sense why they rented a car to go to South Carolina as I don't think they normally do that - but they probably rented an 8-10 person van.
  18. As much as I snark on them Alyssa's relationship with her grandparents is so sweet. She seems to love being at their house and seems so relaxed and at home there. John does too way more comfortable than he seems at G&K's house. Maybe it's just the fact that there's time to sit and talk with the grandparents and the grandparents seem like regular wise old people who probably have interesting stories and life advice, rather than say Kelly who spends her time screaming and squealing. And Mama Jane runs a tight ship - rather than the chaos and noise of G&K's house, where you visit and your kids get to enjoy the chaos of running with 50,000 cousins, but no one is really making time to sit and catch up just with you - bc here comes Law bursting thru the door w/ his latest story; omg here's Whit who I see daily but she's here; omg Carlin is pregnant; now Bradley or Carson want attention etc. I think they drove up this weekend. I wonder if they're staying this week and then driving her grandparents with them up to Nathan's wedding in Pa. and then driving them back down next Sunday on the way back to Florida. I assume the wedding is this weekend bc they said Oct wedding and Esther posted pics of getting their marriage license - and they're running out of weekends in Oct. That'd be 2 weeks off of work for John which is a long time for him - normally Alyssa just visits the grandparents alone and then sometimes John joins here just for the weekend; but he's said before that he can take no time off in the summer due to Fla HVAC season so it's likely he gets to compensate for that lack of time off in the fall/winter.
  19. Man these 2 are DESPERATE for a boy. They're not even staying sweet and saying "whatever the Lord gives us." Evan straight up said in today's YouTube, I'm feeling a boy, I want a boy, I already have a little girl. And Carlin goes - if this one is a girl, then I'm going to want child #3 to be a boy. The only way they make it sound "better" is both of them go - but I won't be mad about it if it's a girl (uh you can be mad or not, the kid is yours to deal with); and it'd be cute to see 2 little girls close in age. OMG I hope this isn't a John situation where he just can't make a boy. I mean I'm sure they'll have enough kids that they'll get some boys, but you never know - Evan's own dad took like 4 tries to make a boy . . . . And also interesting that as dumb as they are, they are going to an actual high risk dr this time and that high risk dr in consultation with another high risk dr. says that heparin has risks and she doesn't want to just pass it out freely with Carlin's combo of disorders; so Carlin isn't taking heparin during this pregnancy but faces clotting risk to HER for 6 weeks after delivery - so as soon as she delivers she'll have to be on clotting shots for herself for 2 months. Interesting to contrast that to Erin - who under the guidance of Vick who was wrapped around their fingers - basically just decided it was fine to take heparin yearly bc they had to have a kid yearly . . . until other issues cropped up; I mean maybe it was ok bc Erin has a different set of disorders but IDK Vick just doesn't seem as sophisticated as these specialists. Seems like he hears clotting, my sisters have it, and off you go w/ heparin; Carlin was on heparin w/ kid #1 like the second she peed on the stick. While these specialists seem to be taking a more detailed approach w/ genetic testing to find out exactly what the disorders are, how they interact w/ each other, and what the risks vs. benefit of heparin are in this exact situation. These girls just aren't built to birth that many kids much to their shock I'm sure - btwn Carlin/Josie/Erin/Tori all have clotting issues; Michaela (and/or Brandon) having unexplained fertility issues; and Alyssa's heart problems. You'd think the girls w/ the clotting issues would pop out 2 babies, thank their lucky stars for healthy moms/babies and close down the shop. And yet you have Carlin already taking about baby 3 - despite the significant post delivery risks to her??! You've got Josie talking about #3 already and Kelton has said 5 (recently - not like he said it pre wedding before he knew all this, he's said it after they've already had 2); and Erin doing whatever the hell she's doing to make babies!? And if the girls are too stupid to figure out that their taking real risks here, you'd think their headships would make the decision for them -- but nope -- most of the headships (except Bobby) are too focused on getting at least 2 sons and they don't have that yet.
  20. I actually DO think there is a control issue with Kelton -- just by how they interact; how she never dares rib him even jokingly like most people do with a spouse; how she'd never dares snap at him or talk back like Alyssa and Erin do even on camera. I definitely think he wears the pants in that marriage and she 100% knows that. How he wants to live is how they will live. He has said he wants 5 kids - and I think they will have 5 come hell or high water, Josie's blood disorder or PPA - well she'll just have to figure that out. But to give him the benefit of the doubt, I think he's an extremely planned out person - which is what allowed him to get his plumbing license at 16, then go to college, then run his uncle's business, and then start his own and expand it really quickly all by age 26. And I think that same planning extends to his family too -- like he came into marriage 100% having a vision of how his home life will be and the wife WILL MAKE IT SO and once he realized he married someone with no home skills - he took to "teaching her" how he wants to live. I think he has gotten her "buy in" along the lines of -- oh babe you don't know these things, here let me teach you about business, life, raising a family, and running a household and together we'll be this fundie power couple with the perfect family, home, and life. And she goes with it - bc she knows he's going to get what he wants anyway + she doesn't like her own family/how she was raised + likely she sees how he was raised versus her and she wants what he had (I think he grew up with some $ as his dad owned his own IT business for years though sold it). I think Kelton was very clear in his own head - he'd have a nice home; it would be kept well by the wife - not a pig sty like Carlin's; his kids would be clean and well dressed and well fed - not being raised on lunchables and frozen PBJ sandwiches; there would be dinner on the table for him at 5 pm nightly. And if his wife didn't know how to do these things, he'd "train her." I mean Josie was also one of the ones who came into marriage with the - oh IDK how to cook; guess what - she cooks. It isn't the most elaborate stuff like Erin but she's routinely posting pics of making roasts; chicken and rice; tacos; etc. and they aren't running to get fast food 4 days/wk. His approach to life is much different than his brothers in law. Bestie Bobby fell into plumbing bc he didn't know what else to do but wanted to work w/ Kelton; Chad - started at the metals co bc that's the only job he could find in Knox; Evan - medical office receptionist who decided ok I need to make $ eventually, fine electrician it is. And John and Chad - yeah they know life will be how their wives want it and they dare say nothing about it.
  21. How old do you think Alyssa, Katie, and Josie were when they met their husbands? And how old do you think they were when they started pestering for a ring? We’ll wait. I think you have an overly rosy view of who these girls are. Just bc they dress nicer than the Duggars doesn’t mean they’re different.
  22. Give me a break, I don't think anyone gives Addie or Ellie a choice re babysitting. Now I'm not saying it's "against their will" bc how can any of us know what they are actually thinking. Maybe they ARE ok with these trips to Florida because it's simply a choice of watching Z&W's brats all the time at home or going down to Fla to watch A&J's brats, and with Fla. they at least get a change of scenery, pool time, nice weather etc. But let's not act like the sisters don't 100% use Addie and Ellie to dump their kids on so they can live as if they're child free or as if they're rich people with FT nannies. Addie and Ellie both came down for this trip and then Ellie left - presumably to "help" Carlin on the flight etc. and Addie stayed with FOUR kids including a baby so Alyssa could rush off to Miami to play IG influencer. Don't tell me Addie didn't have to do a lot for the kids -- EVEN IF John took the day off or the mother in law helped, YOU KNOW Addie had be to cooking, feeding and diapering too, not just chilling by the pool while the adults watched the kids. This isn't like when Jackson/Warden/Isiah visit and legit get to chill and if they give the kids 5 minutes of attention they are SUCH great uncles -- no one would dare expect them to feed or diaper a child or deal with their tantrums. Addie and Ellie had to be down at A&J's when they moved and in EVERY video they were either packing boxes or dealing with the kids. There have been other Fla. trips for Katie's weddings that were day trips - where they literally took Addie/Ellie from the airport to Alyssa's house - and off the rest of the sisters went to coffee and then dress shopping, lunch etc. and then went back home to pick up Addie/Ellie and returned to the airport. There have def been times where I have said - damn I at least hope one of the sisters or Kelly was nice enough to get a lunch packed at the restaurant for Addie/Ellie bc as "the help" all they've done all day is get up at 6 am to get to the airport and then dealt with diapers and tantrums!? It'd be one thing if they were paying these girls market rate but let's be real they 100% aren't. They're either acting like -- ooooh sister time let's all go down to Fla for wedding project #30000 of course A&E should come they're not little kids anymore -- but then upon landing, oh but someone needs to watch the kids, sorry A&E. Or they are acting like these 14-15 year old sisters "owe" them. OR it's -- so what's the big deal, when I was their age I had to watch 10 younger kids and cook for a family of 20+ people, they barely have to cook for 10 people and watch 2 little siblings and Whit's 4 kids, they have it so easy, why shouldn't they HAVE TO do this for me so I can live a little and pretend to be young and childfree?? I do wonder what'll become of Addie and Ellie. When G&K had a slew of girls to marry off, they used to spend a LOT of time "fellowshipping with sweet friends" and going to ATI and homeschool conferences and fundie weddings all over the place. That's how Brandon, John, and Evan all came onto the scene. AND the girls had ERIN who was REALLY aggressive -- calling John and basically "accusing" him of liking one of them and demanding to know who thus tying him to Alyssa; shoving Evan and Carlin together once she figured out he noticed her. Now Erin is just generally less interested/out of the family scene and Kelly doesn't seem like she and Gil really are into "fellowshipping" anymore as Kelly just seems to be loving the jet off to Florida or vacation or pedicures with her older daughters - type of life. Hope Addie and Ellie both enroll in Crown and make some christian conservative friends and hope to meet their brothers/cousins bc otherwise I don't see G&K nor the sisters really ensuring they meet a guy to marry in 2 years.
  23. Alyssa is such an idiot and Kelly def did not raise her daughters to be good housewives. Does she not realize her husband is wanting to pack lunch to save money? He mentioned money more than 1x in a segment that was not even 5 min long - that a salad at a fast food place costs like $12; and at the end he was like - 5 days of lunches for $14 total otherwise I'm spending at least $10/day. And Alyssa really couldn't think of any better ideas rather than pouring bottled sauce on huge chicken breasts and what looked like unseasoned hunks of broccoli? He's going to eat that for 5 days - same thing daily - and tire of it and have to go back to buying; those huge chicken breasts are going to be totally bland on the inside as they were so thick and not marinated in any way so the outside will have some taste and the inside won't. She was just hinting he should buy lunch bc she doesn't want to be bothered, as she lamented that all day life gets in the way and kids and then at night they have to do chores like this. Uh yeah sweetie - you wanted a husband and 4 children under age 6 at 26, did you not think this would involve work and real life chores like cooking to save $$; did you think you'd just take IG videos all day and brag how #blessed you are?? I doubt he's said no sandwiches ever bc they're soggy, as he even said I ate the sandwiches but a sandwich daily ugh. She can't do a few different menu items for him? Say sandwiches 2x/wk on a roll/italian bread that'll stay harder than regular bread and packed separately so he's putting the meat and veggies on the bread himself before eating? And 2 days a week some type of meal like chicken/vegetable or pasta? And he can eat out 1x/wk? And stay home wife really can't come up with any solutions so he's not eating cold chicken? She really thinks he can go into a house on an AC job and be like - yeah can I use your microwave - or go looking for a Panera and use a microwave there? Sure there are microwaves at places like Wawa and certain nicer gas stations where workers do warm up food - but otherwise has she not heard of thermoses, hot packs, making food that is edible lukewarm - which Teriyaki chicken is not?? But yeah must jet off to Miami to prove what an influencer I am and go eating out at relatively nice places - not over the top but sit down Italian that wasn't Olive Garden; Smith & Wollensky isn't cheap either. Sure their Miami shopping was NBD and looked like a big box store like Childrens Place and IDK if they stayed in a hotel - but tix and 1 hotel night (if not w Tikki) does cost SOMETHING. Yet when her husband tries to save money - ugh so annoying to have another chore of making lunch. Uh sweetie I know you're dumb but $10/day = $50/wk which for 50 weeks = $2500. I don't think you are sooo rich than $2500 doesn't matter - think about how much Sbux, overnight trips, and junk clothing it'll buy for you and the girls?!
  24. They were on vacation in Destin which a 6 hr+ drive from Orlando, so they couldn't easily stop by. But I do think if it was important to Josie to be there, there is no reason they couldn't have vacationed at the beaches near Tampa which are 90 min away- and Josie could have driven there by herself or with the youngest kid for 1 day out of their weeklong vacation; or they could have planned their Destin vacation vs. the trip with Katie at different times. Something about Josie and Kelton just seems off to me. He comes off controlling in that "such a nice successful guy" in front of others but at home it's "his way or the highway" demeanor. It's always weird that if she ever does any kind of "spontaneous" IG live like taking questions etc. with him there, she HAS to sit around complimenting him about how smart he is, how fabulous of a business man he is, how successful he is, what a blessing he is, how he's teaching her or helping her with X blah blah as he sits there soaking it in; she just did this tonight gushing about how he's helped her so much in balancing motherhood vs. working by having her come up with "systems" for getting tasks done. You don't see Alyssa, Carlin etc. forcibly gushing about how much they learn from their men and how they'd be bumbling fools without them (I mean they are fools but in any event their men don't seem to EXPECT gushing, it just happens spontaneously sometimes not every time). I think he's drawn some hard lines with the Bates family vs. his family and those lines INCLUDE Josie; like if he doesn't want to hang out with the Bates, fine, but I feel like he "stops her" or "disapproves" enough that she doesn't go even though she otherwise would have. Yet on the flip side when it's his family, she MUST go - she's always there at his dad's house, on lame weeklong camping trips etc. They're young as long as she can manage the kids (bc let's be real Kelton ain't doing much esp with girl children), IDK why they can't ever be apart? Why can't he go camping with his family for a few days and she goes down to Fla. with Katie and co. for a day or two for wedding things as long as she can bring the kids? Carlin def goes on trips with her family even if Evan can't - this Fla. trip; prior Fla. trips; ski trips or South Carolina trips where Evan doesn't come or shows up at the end for a weekend. I realize he has his business so he can't just close up shop for every random last minute Bates trip, but her business is selling barrettes by mail - it's not that big of a deal for orders to wait 3 days. I wonder if the sisters are pissed at her/don't understand because yeah the 25 posts for Katie's birthday were a bit over the top, like she was compensating/apologizing for not coming with Katie on this trip, nor on the girls trip they did recently to the beach before her wedding etc. I feel like Josie is the only one with a husband of the controlling personality. Evan and John are pretty laid back and their wives kind of wear the pants anyway; Chad is whipped by Erin if she wanted to go, he'd be watching all 4 kids but I think they're on the same page re mom's place at home; Tori seems like SHE doesn't like the hassle of traveling and dealing with the kids for yet another sister thing but I don't get the sense at all that it's Bobby - if anything I think Bobby may love a few days apart; same with Brandon/Michaela - I don't see Brandon stopping her from going as much as Michaela may think eh this is for the younger girls, I'll feel out of place etc.
  25. Why is it sooo offensive to observe that certain siblings are living large yet it's ok to say - stop risking your health to having more babies; stop making your existing kids have the burden of praying for new babies? After all they're not doing anything wrong having kid after kid even if it's one high risk pregnancy after the next or burdening Carson with praying for a brother, it's a personal choice. You can accept it or not but certain siblings are living large. I'm not saying it's wrong - a huge % of America lives beyond its means. But they don't seem to get that they're living large on income that is temporary - their fame comes from the show, which gives them followers for IG and YT and buyers from their boutique. Guess what the show isn't going to last 20 more years; if it goes away in 1 yr or 5, all those other revenue sources go away too as it takes people one second to forget their favorite reality tv people and jump onto the next batch of reality stars. Think about how many has beens there are from American Idol, the Bachelor, the Voice etc. -- and those are shows with tens of millions of viewers on network, not 100k views on a low ranked cable channel; when they post videos at the height of their fame, they aren't getting 60k views, they are getting millions -- I wouldn't be doing backflips over a few hundred dollars a week from 60k views. Just like I don't think John or Evan make SUCH great $$ -- I mean YMMV but those types of tradesmen tend to make 60k-110k -- a respectable living but this isn't 1990, 100k isn't what it used to be and these people are setting up lives with 8-10 mouths to feed, not families of 4. And no none of us have seen their paychecks or bank accounts but it's JOHN that has said "we're really bad with money" in more than 1 video; it's EVAN that has said "I'm a young father, I'm worried about money" and also talks about 2 for 1 fast food deals and budgeting apps. I mean if money is no object, why are they saying those things?
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