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Everything posted by cereality

  1. Why would there be a rotation schedule to attend court? Guys this is federal court in America. It's open to all because due process etc. Sure JB likely doesn't want the rest of the family to attend. He wants to be the filter that'll just tell everyone to pray for Joshie and the lawyers and if this goes the other way - that this is just a test from God blah blah. Without ever saying exactly what it is Josh was doing. And sure in their own home/via their defense attorneys they can say - nah you all can't attend or maybe we'll get everyone in for a half day each. And his kids will go with it because they live in his house and are 100% dependent on him financially (and TBH they probably don't even know court is wide open in America and you don't need an invite). But in reality they are allowed to show up whether JB wants it or not. Someone like Austin or Derick who take nothing from JB don't need JB's permission - either legally nor emotionally - to attend. If EVERYONE were to show up all at once, well that happens in court. Courts deal with it. If there isn't room for all (due to a lack of chairs or needing to social distance), it's NBD for a court to put people into an overflow room with a closed connection so you watch from there. As for Austin ignoring Derick and Anna - he probably wants ZERO to do with Anna at all. But it seems like he arrived in the afternoon, if they were already seated, he was probably relieved to not have to get to them and get to sit alone and not have to chat. TBH he doesn't care about this family at all - he's there for his wife/for himself to confirm that HIS kids are not to be around Uncle Josh or even JB/Michelle alone; I don't think chit chat matters to him. Given that Derick is there for the same reason though it'd be nice if they at least exchange hellos at some point or even a bro nod acknowledging each other.
  2. And Josh and Daddy better think REALLY hard about making fools of the feds/acting like they don't understand tech or encryption or whatever. I mean in case you all don't know federal lawyers, the egos are MASSIVE; I've worked at 2 big fed agencies in my career and if someone sought to make a fool of you/pull one over on you, yeah you don't take that lightly AT ALL as you throw every resource your agency has into getting a win.
  3. Right!? Do him and Jed run the same car lot or different ones? Jed better think hard if he's a defense witness - is it worth having the feds on his tail now and after his business bc he decides to fall in line with daddy and defend Joshie and say yep you need the dark web in the used car business!? And then the feds pursue the Duggars businesses and find shady things there (bc I'm convinced they are doing things like tax fraud etc. though I have no proof - just a lifestyle that doesn't match their businesses or educations). I mean there is ZERO use for the dark web if you're running a business on the up and and up and the only thing you'd need encryption tech for is to safeguard your customers' info - like if they are paying with credit card or bank acct/routing #s - yet businesses have software for that stuff (think along the lines of Paypal but commercially used), they don't just hop onto the dark web and take a gander at some CP while your card goes thru!?
  4. I actually laughed out loud. I haven't followed every detail here - more the court/trial procedure stuff as that's what I do professionally. Who are the Holts? Friends? Church elders?Josh was confessing to them when he did stuff to his sisters? Like was that his parents' punishment - you did something bad, you told us now you have to tell the Holts? But seriously who lets strangers or even friends into their master bedroom and then that friend goes into your bedroom, makes himself comfy, takes off his shoes, lies down on your bed and sleeps?? I'm so confused . . . . Like WTH I don't even like others sitting on my bed!?
  5. There will be a transcript that'll be on Pacer (paid service for fed court lawyers); often news orgs like CNN buy them and post them. As for - she can't know what's happening in court or her testimony is thrown out. Come on. I'm a litigator too and she can totally know from Derick whether her parents come to court, where they sit, what the set up of the courtroom is, where Derick will sit, which counsel is at counsel table and which sits in the first row, where Anna sits and whether she stays all day etc. I mean obviously she can't discuss her testimony with others in advance etc. and if it's found that she did that, it would be excluded. I mean she could even read the transcript of today's testimony if she wanted IF her defense counsel allowed it (though IDK that she has the education to be able to read a transcript like that and get it so they may say no bc why risk it). This isn't like her being like oh maybe I'll call Joy and ask - hey do you think I should say x?
  6. I don't see any sister testifying except possibly Jill. It's not like the sisters can just wander in now and say ok I want to testify now that the judge has said he'll allow it. It doesn't work like that - there are witness lists submitted in advance; only Jill is on it. Sure they can be amended but there will be all sorts of objections if they suddenly amend it to add 3 other Duggar sisters; nor does the gov't want to say oh judge we didn't think we'd win that motion in limine but now that we have, here they are. The gov't has likely reached out to the other sisters many times over months to get them to think about whether they'd testify - clearly they've said no. I mean without naming names one of the sisters and her husband are 100% financially dependent on JB given that they live in one of his homes so that ain't happening. The other 2 that I think it is seem traumatized and/or have repressed the memory in such a way that they aren't going to come forward and discuss in front of people. And yeah Derick was in court today to see what's going on + see what the feeling is overall so he can prep Jill "mentally" for what to expect. The gov't will prep her testimony but he can prep her on - this is where Anna usually sits; if you look over there you'll see the jury and these ladies on the jury seem really sympathetic to victims so look at them when you speak; this is how the judge seems etc. And it's total BS that JB and Michelle aren't there today AND Anna leaves whenever CP is shown. WTF morons. Get your heads out of the sand. This isn't - oh he's a godly man who just got curious teehee who hasn't done that, I don't need to see the Playboy to see what he looked at. No morons you NEED to see what he looked at to understand the enormity of this, how gross it is, and how you are choosing to stay with and keep procreating with and ponder whether a guy like that who has done stuff to his sisters + continues to look at little kids could do the same to YOUR kids!? A As for the poster who says they don't know how judges/lawyers do this - yeah CP cases suck across the board bc you do have to look at the files . . . . Anna likely isn't breastfeeding in the courthouse but you know that's the excuse to step out any time she needs to not know what's going on for real - she just gave birth and is still "weak" and needs a rest; or needing to pump or whatever.
  7. LOL. This is where a family witness like Jill would really be helpful later on - to paint a picture of how this family really is. Sure he has no education and only a GED. Yet wasn't this kid the golden child who always got what he wanted from JB & Michelle - he always had top of the line laptops, cameras etc. He had plenty of access to self teach himself how to get to the dark web etc. and you don't need a formal education for that.
  8. Damn Derick is there today - per the Sun live blog; sitting in the family section - which is mildly weird if you are opposed to the defendant, you'd sit someplace else. Though I haven't been in court recently, could still have covid rules re who sits where/empty seats etc.
  9. It was a pre-trial hearing, there is no crowd. It's a hearing that goes through a laundry list of administrative type motions re the conduct of the trial including what will/won't be admissible. There's the defendant + his wife; lawyers for both sides; whatever reporters are in the audience; and the judge/law clerk/court reporter. This isn't a court room drama with a gallery of 1000s watching and even if there is - you are concerned with doing what YOUR counsel wants to convince the 1 audience member that matters in pre trial = the judge who decides the motion.
  10. Exactly. I don't think Josiah and JD are independent of JB at all. What does Josiah even do for a living - I think it involves used cars and/or rental houses - i.e. things owned by JB. And IDK where he and his wife live now but they started out in a huge property owned by JB that JB wasn't able to rent out/sell at that time; it's possible they don't live in that house anymore but likely still do live someplace else owned by JB. As for JD sure he SEEMS more independent with his towing business and some real contractor type skills - yet pretty sure the capital for the business came from daddy so if daddy turned on him, he could drive it under + he provides most of his contracting work to daddy's rental properties. And even if he is working in the real world with his contracting skills, pretty sure that doesn't pay for airplanes - pretty sure that's JB's investment, which JD needs as he makes money from that giving lessons. He turns on JB, JB could sell the planes in a second. Justin and Jing yeah they could side with Jill. Jing lives off her husband's income, not daddy - and honestly how could she NOT side with Jill given that the prior acts involved that line of sisters!? Justin - he lives off his inlaws so he could side with Jill too but he's a LOT younger and my guess is the younger kids were never told what was going on for real when they lived at home except - Josh sinned, it's ok we all do, he's repented; and little girls don't play with/sit with the boys. Like he likely never understood it when he lived there - so he certainly wouldn't have felt it the way an older sister did or even JD/Joe who seemed like they got it and were pissed.
  11. Thanks - busy work day so I only skimmed this but hahahahaha JB trying to act as his own lawyer making objections from the witness stand: "I'm not gonna allow it. Are you gonna allow for that?" Jim Bob asked the judge with his hands raised as the judge reminded him, "If there is [an] objection to be made, someone will make it but it won't be you." Still, Jim Bob said, "For you guys to use a tabloid to bring it back up is very unprofessional." The judge offered some sympathy: "Mr. Duggar, I recognize this is perhaps a very unfair position that you're placed in and I appreciate that." But the judge told him, "This is not a debate."
  12. This refers to what exactly? That prior act info will be admissible? Or something else? Is JB supposed to testify in court? Have we seen him speak yet? He's the type of witness that is a DISASTER to prep because they know it all and are smug assholes but then when they get on the stand they mess up either bc of their smugness or bc they are so scared $hitless they can't get words out.
  13. At this point the judge will just rule from the bench at the beginning of the trial - or in the pre trial conference that takes place 1-2 hrs before court begins - as part of other housekeeping matters. Or maybe he'll rule when the gov't tries to call a witness that will discuss the molestations though they don't normally wait to rule 2 seconds before someone is to testify and often you don't want the jury seated for that kind of ruling because who knows what they're thinking. Like they could cook it up in their heads - hmm that Josh molested others really matters here but the judge doesn't want us to consider it, I'm considering it; better to rule on these things without the jury there. I'm a litigator but haven't followed this in months and the trial snuck up on me. So is the defense really - other people had access to the computer, so they must have downloaded CP? Because IIRC wasn't it A LOT of CP? This wouldn't have been downloaded by 1 person clicking on your computer once for 5 min - they would've had to access the dark web etc. Forensics are great these days. They know the exact day/time the download happens and even if the car lot office doesn't have cameras, you can place people in the office by showing the gps of their phone was located at the office (or not) at the time the downloads happened. Like if this is the only defense, that's weak. Why the heck did these people not take a plea?? Do we assume Joshy and Daddy still think they're invincible?? As for Jill being forced to testify - she'd be a prosecution witness that would testify to prior molestations and/or how her family handled those molestations and/or anything else they knew about Josh and CP. The government wouldn't FORCE her to testify - whereas if she was defense side, certainly JB and Michelle would be all over her re her "duty" to defend her brother/her family blah blah. Plus gov't prosecutors who deal with molestation etc. are pretty decent at dealing with victims. If she was a crying, hysterical mess who couldn't talk about this - they wouldn't ask her to testify at all -- lest they have a jury thinking they bullied a young woman into being re-traumatized here. My guess is that she's a relatively cogent, "together" witness who can tell her story and she WANTS to testify and thinks it'll be freeing for her in some way - like she now gets it wasn't her fault AND her family is effed up AND her parents didn't protect her and she wants everyone to know that; if that makes her further estranged from her family, I bet she has considered that and is ok with it.
  14. Alyssa seems intent on torturing her husband and her husband seems intent on going with it because as long as the girls are being raised how I want, as a good man I have to do what Alyssa says. She posted that the usual ~9 hr trip from Orlando to Knox took them all day Saturday and into Saturday night!? I mean obviously because of the post holiday rush. But given that this man did like ~35 hrs of driving like a month ago for Nathan's wedding and Katie's baby shower and had Alyssa drive the last 4 hrs of the 15+ hr overnight trip from NJ to Orlando and physically looked ill in the last stretch of that drive, they REALLY couldn't chill at home Sat/Sunday and drive to Tenn on Monday?? I know it'd mean one less day of sitting in the salons with her mom and sisters for the 1000th time tossing her hair, but damn is her husband no where in her priority order?? I mean they had friends visit from Thanksgiving from Wed-Friday, those friends leave Fri and they hit the road Sat morning? Why not chill Sat/Sunday, pack, John can watch football etc. and THEN drive? I mean is 6 days of wedding "fun" not enough for you, do you really need 7? Though she doesn't care she's chilling now without her kids as she and the bridesmaids and Mama B are at the salon again and the kids are likely being watched by whoever at G&K's house.
  15. What is this family's obsession with camping IN THE COLD?? Last week it was J&K - all bundled up sitting out there in the freezing cold, though I think his family at least sprang for cabins or rented RVs so they weren't outside. This weekend (or at least last night), it was Evan and Carlin. Uh night time temps in Knox are down to the 40s, some nights even the 30s. And then of course there was the video of Evan complaining at 230 am bc it was cold and starting to rain and all they had to keep out of the elements was their tent - which looks set up on the side of a pond that you'd drive by off a road someplace -- i.e. not even a camping spot where there was some set up or other families; like just the 2 idiots + a baby alone on the side of a road. Hope Evan packs heat like his brother does - you never know who could be out there. I assume J&K went camping because Kelton told Josie she wasn't saying no to his family's vacation, and E&C - I guess they need YT material for next week? But I mean if both of these families couldn't get around to camping while the weather was still at least 50-60 degrees+, the ship has sailed, save it for spring.
  16. Yes Josie is 22 so she has the stamina to go on 3 back to back trips and then straight from an airport to camping in the freezing cold and then go from the campground to work a wedding for a few hours and back to the freezing cold campground. And I do think Josie and several of the girls feel "important" running from one commitment to another. But let's be real Kelton is 100% controlling and you KNOW this was about - hey we've had to do shit with your family for like 2+ weeks and then I LET YOU go to Florida for FOUR days and I (or likely his family) deal with the kids, NO WAY are you allowed to back out with MY FAMILY. I don't care if we go straight from the airport to the campground, we're doing this. IDK what him being a successful businessman who is put together/responsible has anything to with their relationship? Sure he's a responsible provider. But he 100% comes across as the controlling fundie headship who is the BOSS of his wife and kids, just like he's the boss at work. He has a VERY specific vision of how he wants his life to be - his business but also his home life. He 100% expects his home to be a certain way, his kids to be raised a certain way, certain types of dinner on the table etc. Josie pretty much says this when she says "Kelton is TRAINING ME." I.E. bc my own mother -- whom Kelton looks down on anyway -- gave me no wife training, Kelton is training me on how he expects HIS home to be run bc he's not just going to compromise or live how I want to live for the next 60 yrs. And @Peanut6711 is so right - when you're raised in these mega fundie families, all you want is attention from anyone. AND let's be honest with the Bates (Duggars etc.) when a man walks into your life you suddenly start getting attention from said man AND from your parents too bc suddenly they’re SO proud bc now with a man by your side you’re worth something and it's -- omg she's gonna be married in 3 mos, omg she's gonna be gone, let's celebrate her 90 different times from man entering to wedding, when we otherwise used to just give her 1 birthday praise a year. So yeah these girls were all seeking attention from ANY man and did not have the ability to discern if the guy was a good guy or not; controlling or not; creepy or not etc. -- I mean unless the guy flat out yelled at them or something, but controlling narcissists usually have enough charisma to not do that. Plus fundie families would never train their girls on - not every man is a good man, be careful - bc the girls were put on this earth to marry and produce babies, so they need not be turning down anyone with a dick who goes to church and looks at them. PLUS there's no need for them to worry their pretty little heads over these issues bc their headships (daddies) are tasked with weeding out the men. But let's be honest there aren't lines of suitors out the door here and these daddies need these girls married and producing babies, nor are the dads sophisticated enough to suss out a bad guy; as long as the guy goes to church and does some god speak about how god has laid it on his heart that Josie is the one, he's getting the green light. I mean look at Josh Duggar; look at Chad Paine's sister marrying a rapist etc.!? At least with Kelton, Gil thought to hold him off so he wouldn't get with his 14 year old daughter - but the dude never questioned why an 18 yr old heading off to college was even pursuing a 14 yr old 8th grader!?
  17. Definitely 🙄 re OMG I miss Layla SOOOO much I've cried every night. Give me a break girlfriend. If you could dump your kid 24-7 like Whit, you would too. And let's not forget that they REGULARLY dump her on the inlaws 3 HOURS away. They haven't done it in the last 3+ months bc Katie's ongoing wedding planning extravaganza means constant events in Knox. But before that they would regularly go to Nashville 3 out of 4 weekends every month, arrive, dump her on MIL/sisters in law and take off for date night, nights out with Evan's friends etc. And lest anyone forget, when E&C got covid they were lamenting that they already hadn't seen Layla for a week bc she was "away" and now they'd have to wait longer. Uh away -- your SEVEN month old with a HOLE IN HER HEART is away as a pandemic sweeps the nation, where exactly!? Oh she's been at the Stewart grandparents in Nashville!? Uh - morons what happens if people in that household catch covid, your baby will get exposed there and be away from you?! You realize the hole in her heart makes her high risk, do you really want anyone but her parents making medical decisions for her!? Evan's covid was apparently mild so he went to go visit Layla and they made a big production (and YT video) re how he had to live in his parents' driveway, couldn't go inside. And then the Stewart household got covid and Layla got to come home bc she'd already been exposed . . . . But yeah tell me how attentive of a mother you are. You (and Evan - I don't just blame Carlin) couldn't even be bothered to get blood tests done for this kid for SIX weeks bc you weren't going to miss a single second of Katie's stupid wedding prep, the Stewart vacation, Nathan's wedding, or Katie's 11th shower!? And I do wonder how immature they are in front of the drs? I do think they probably sugar coat and go with - oh no she eats a lots of good foods, chicken is her favorite etc. Which leads the dr to go - hmm so she's eating good nutritious foods and falling off the charts, ok we need testing. Are they mentioning that it's mostly nuggets and fries from McDs, constant cake pops, soda or chocolate milk in her bottle lately, and then the full complement of doritos, cheez its etc.!? Sometimes it's "easier" to be truthful w/ drs and look to them for instruction so they can say - ok for the next 2 months feed her oatmeal, eggs, chicken, cheese, veggies, beans etc. only, no fast food or chips and let's see how she does; though I suspect you don't do that bc you think drs. will judge. I mean she's obviously going to be a small kid bc her parents are small but w/ all little kids - they eat so little in one sitting, I thought the trick was to NOT give them any junk food and give them nutritious food for as long as you could - before the discover junk, which she obviously will w/ 1000 aunts/uncles who'll offer her cookies and candy. I realize they won't cook but really is a boiled or scrambled egg, grilled cheese, pasta w/ jarred sauce and a bit of frozen spinach, or melting cheese on a tortilla and throwing some pre cooked canned beans on top really COOKING? Like would it really take away from C's stupid IG videos or boutique!?
  18. Was totally wondering what she was talking about as she was like ONE DAY Allie may do ballet, as I was like she's 6, this is when kids start these activities. Because let's be honest most kids who want to do ballet start around age 5, quitting by age 8-10 because it becomes much more of a time commitment, body starts to matter etc.; so kids who just want to try it do it in 1st-4th grade and then choose something else. I think all these husbands put up with all the filming/YT/IG (bc it brings $$$ into the household) + their wives' lack of cooking (bc they're trying not to fight), but make no mistake for all of these headships they are very clear that these are THEIR kids. Sure it's mom's job to bathe them and clothe them daily but big picture of how they are raised is up to dad. John comes from a traditional family - much more than Evan I think. I'm SURE he's like NO DAUGHTER OF MINE WILL DANCE IN PUBLIC; no way will he let his 6 yr old wear a tutu in public. And then it's prob extends to sports too even though sports can be fully clothed, bc sports aren't feminine. John himself has said the 2nd kid loves sports/more a tomboy. But in his mind - these girls will be WIVES in 14 short years, no man wants a tomboy, NO WAY am I allowing kid #2 to play softball or soccer or whatever and encouraging this -- she needs to spend time with her sisters and be lady like at age 4-5. I mean come on this is the man who starts taking his daughters on birthday dates starting at 4-5, while wearing a full suit and bringing them flowers, so they can learn how dates go/prep for their man!? John always makes insecure, self deprecating comments re homeschooling (like oh y'all think we're losers bc we were homeschooled but our kids have FRIENDS, they'll make "friends" w/ other kids in line at Target - uh ok!?). So I think he's patting himself on the back for letting them out of the house 1 day (1/2 day?)/wk for co-op where they can have actual friends. Ain't no way he'll allow more than that whether it's dance or sports. Evan's family OTOH while godly isn't AS traditional. He and his brother have posted pics over the years at soccer, softball, baseball - nephews AND nieces play; and I've seen pics from dance recitals too ballet but also the more mainstream stuff like tap or jazz or whatever and his nieces aren't as young as Alyssa's kids. Like if they were truly that old school, they wouldn't allow a 10 yr old girl to dance. I think Layla will get to do what she wants whether it's dance or sports or both. John I think all he'll allow is musical instruments like piano or violin bc then they can play for church purposes and that's ladylike and Godly. Feeling worse for A&J's 2nd kid - she likes sports + has said she wants to be a dentist. The chance that either of those dreams comes true = 0%?!
  19. Sounds like a broken record but I always come back to -- aren't these people BORED of each other!? So it was Monday thru Thursday of the most BORING bachelorette trip ever -- nail salon; facials/massages; pj party on the first night with cheesecake and a movie; a FANCY dinner on night 2 with GREAT food at Cheesecake Factory LOL; pottery class; outlet mall shopping with a GREAT lunch of outlet mall food court pizza and chinese; and no idea what they did today - besides pack and sit by the pool though they had all day. Like these are normal things that people do on a weekend, and certainly not what anyone considers a lifetime vacation!? And then on pottery day Alyssa was going on about how they were soooo tired bc they stayed up until 5 am the night before talking, as I'm thinking ABOUT WHAT!? Like how much can you possibly gush about husbands and babies and future babies!? I mean y'all don't seem like the type who can have hours of discussion regarding politics, science, art, current events etc.!? Guess Michaela was on baby duty - at least during the day for Carlin's kid and I assume Josie's kids; Evan was at least taking Layla nightly after work and today had her from the afternoon onwards so likely he took the afternoon off - or he tends to get Fridays off anyway so maybe the weekend started a few hrs earlier. I assume Z has been with his own kids the whole time. They're FINALLY headed back as Carlin posted at 8 pm that their flight was delayed so they got snacks at the airport. Cue the shot of them sitting in a PACKED gate, some of them on the floor, snarfing down cheez its. I know lots of people are done with the pandemic - and these people didn't believe in the pandemic to begin with - but literally every person shown in any seat near them was masked up and here they all sit unmasked INCLUDING the ones that weren't eating like Whit and Mama B. Hello!? If you want to be unmasked + unvaccinated that's your choice, but maybe move to less crowded gate so you can sit unmasked screaming and spewing your particles. Cue all the videos tomorrow re I missed my babies SOOOOO MUCH, it's SOOOOOO good to be with my HUSBAND OMG IDK how I survived without him. . . .
  20. As much as I snark on these people, come on a first grade boy dressing up as Pistol Pete is perfectly fine, and I'd say that whether these were the Dillards or the random Smith family in class. He has seen Pistol Pete on the sidelines at games - bc I think they do go to a game or two a year or at least homecoming. PLUS Pete is big in his family as he knows that both dad and grandpa were Pistol Pete in college. He's a 1st grade boy, it's perfectly normal for him to want to be like his daddy/do what his daddy did - whether we like his daddy or not. Plus many/most boys that age in SEC country would want to be something related to sports as their character - whether that's football player or mascot. He does read books - that doesn't mean he OR his classmates want to be a Hardy Boy when they can be something associated to football. I mean are people expecting a 6 year old boy to want to be a Shakespearan character in tights or to fit in with the other boys - who'll predictably all be football players and cowboys!? I assume he told J&D this is what he wanted, so they grabbed the book - and honestly probably had it bc Derick probably got it as "swag" at some homecoming event years ago. As for Derick's obsession with Pete - I mean I don't love Derick - but he lost his dad suddenly as a first semester college freshman. If anyone thinks that didn't affect him and the trajectory of his life, they're kidding. He was at the time practicing to try out for Pete and hadn't told his dad/it was going to be a surprise. So OF COURSE he clings to Pete because it is like the ONLY thing he has that he shared with his dad as an adult. It's no different from guys who lose their dads in the military when they are young boys/before they remember them, and then they go into the military; lots of them will say that they never got to share anything that was important to them with their dads - not driving a car, high school football, shaving, or anything, so at least this way they get to share something that was important to dad. And if Iz and/or Sam end up going to Okla - as Pete or not - god bless, they could do MUCH worse. I'm not saying people going to those schools don't have heinous views under the guise of religion, but come on they'll still be 1000000% ahead of the Seewald cousins who'll have absolutely NO academic training. I mean even 1st grade public school puts Iz 1000% ahead and it's only 1st grade.
  21. These girls are so pathetic. This is what happens when you have no life + no real friends (besides the 1 friend each of them makes in college who is then in on their wedding stuff) BUT you want to live the 20-something life except you're tying yourself down when others are out at college/partying etc. -- you keep doing bridal trips and events OVER AND OVER with the SAME PEOPLE!? WTF how many events does she need? The same crew went to Fla for a day to help pick out her dress; then to pick up her dress (don't ask me how that requires an entourage); random weirdo last minute bridal trip to the beach in NC or SC; bridal shower in Tenn; bridal shower in NJ; I believe there was some other bridal trip to Fla - though maybe that was her birthday; and now an AirBnb stay in Orlando!? On top of having 57 events, these are all lame bc it's the same 4 sisters each time!? Oooohh this one is a pajama party at the AirBnb with desserts - OMG how exciting 🙄 I have a feeling this makes all of them feel soooo important though. Airport at 6 am, picking up Sbux at the airport, place to place thru the day and then chill at night with dinner and fly home the next morning. Much like I did when I was a 26 year old lawyer - but oh yeah I was a lawyer going to a court hearing or business meeting, not spending the day at yet another salon or Cracker Barrel w/the same 4 sisters talking about the same BS!? None of them have any kids for this trip, so I assume it'll be another post from Alyssa in the morning about how they "partied" until 2 am and then had to run someone to the airport at 6 am. Whit - no kids, no surprise; I don't think she even wants kids at this point and her live in nanny Zach deals with them well. Usually Josie and Carlin drag 1 kid along but didn't this time, which I guess means Michaela may have them during the day today and maybe overnight if the husbands don't want to deal and those 2 will head back ASAP. Addie may end up staying as Alyssa's live in nanny for this week, since Ellie did it last week. And Kelly seems to have forgotten she has any kids at home as she wants to live the "party life" with her daughters - from Nathan's wedding week to NJ to Italy for a week and now straight to Fla. No wonder her own kids call her Mama B now - she's like a mother in law or aunt you see once in a while, not a mom who is always around for her youngest kids. The more I see this, the more I don't blame Erin and Tori ONE BIT for bowing of this idiocy on day 1. Because if they participated once in a while but then started backing out, the rest of these sisters would be pissed and feel judged for leaving their kids - better to not even get into it at all. And this Tikki woman is creepy. I don't care how much money you have, to be sending clothes constantly to one family and now dinner bc Alyssa mentioned the upcoming bridal shower, strikes me as buying your way into "sweet fellowships." If the goal is to start moving in the Bates/fundie circles, the way to do it USED TO BE showing up at church and rubbing elbows with the family; that's how Ben Seewald got to know Jessa - by just showing up every Sunday. Kelton also edged in that way I think. Though I guess they have always been grifters + this next gen is into nice clothes etc., so bribery may work better PLUS the ride to Tenn is only doable a few times/yr.
  22. They waited like 5-6 weeks to get bloodwork done - bc the YT videos aren't live, they're usually posted a week or so after the event. Carlin walked out of the drs office and with the dramatic tears in her eyes did the - it breaks my mama heart that she has to get blood drawn; and then went on about how Evan has to go with Carlin bc she can't handle needles/blood and he'll be able to go bc Childrens' has Saturday appointments. My guess is they were like when we can get a Sat appointment that does not interrupt even 1 hr of our fun Oct. schedule, we'll do it. Bc in the same video (though before the drs.) she goes on about how Oct is sooo booked bc she has to go to Fla to "help" Katie pick up her dress; a Stew Family vacation; Nathan's wedding; all the made by shenanigans leading up to the wedding; Katie's NJ shower; and then of course sleeping over at G&K's house for a WEEK after the wedding paling around with Whit; sleeping over at G&K's house bc Travis came for a visit (uh he's not YOUR fiance and who cares he visits all the time)!? Mind you ALL of these events besides Fla were driving events. This is YOUR KID'S HEALTH. You really can't tell the Bates or Stewart families that you're going to arrive late/leave early for one stupid event bc this is when Evan has time off and you need to use some of that time to get to the lab at Childrens when it still open, so sorry we'll see you this evening instead of this afternoon!? Evan has taken time off this month on weekdays - couldn't schedule an 8 am appt for Layla on a day you had already taken off AND THEN leave to drive to your dumb family vacation in Missouri?? And honestly in most families one parent would have just sucked it up and taken her - yes no one likes to see their kid cry but as the ADULT you understand why it's important!?
  23. Watched just that part of the YT video from a month ago (bc I wasn't going to sit thru Evan and Trav getting pedicures) and Carlin explained that the dr. said her growth was falling off; she's growing but slower than before, so she wants to see if something is going on. The dr. apparently did account for the fact that both E&C are small so their kid will be too. But the change in the growth curve is what they look for. And then Carlin also said she eats 24-7 - so maybe the dr finds that surprising. This was the drs. visit where Carlin felt it ok to feed this kid chicken nuggets in the exam room sitting on the table that 8000 other kids sat on that day. Things must be rough for Carlin & Evan when dealing with drs. with so little command of the English language. At the drs. office it was the dr said - her growth is "staggered." In this IG - her growth is "stagnating." Pretty sure it's stagnating, yet IDK if they know the difference between those 2 words. I mean in general it's hard to understand what medical people are talking about but with these 2 and their logic, reasoning and vocab . . . . It is interesting that Whit's 3rd kid and Layla are only 2 months apart; Layla is only 2 months younger and looks much more baby-ish if you look at recent pics from the wedding; granted Z&W's kid is going to be bigger bc Z&W are bigger but she just seems "older." This kid has had a rough start. Too late now but you'd wish that her parents would have waited to get knocked up again and instead focused on her a bit with her cardiac stuff, now this etc. and THEN when she's maybe ~3+, make the next baby. But nah gotta get that boy ASAP and with that of course attention is already split. Carlin has her own high risk appts; Carlin will have to do a shot regime for 1-2 months post delivery; newborns have a lot of routine appts; and no way is Carlin giving up one more second than necessary paling around with Whit at the store and at sleepovers at G&K's house (fun fact - last months video's also mentions a sleepover then - WTF!?). Maybe Layla can just make herself some scrambled eggs in good oils to get herself back on the growth curve.
  24. Yeah that video 100% shows who they are and where their priorities are at. They posted a YT video 4-5 weeks ago about being sent to Childrens' for bloodwork (didn't watch it but they said it in the previews) - they're just NOW getting around to it?? But I guess there was also a Stew Family vacation, RV trip to Nathan's wedding and associated wedding prep drama, wedding, Katie's baby shower, and the sleepover at G&K's house for the last week until they finally get around to it on a Saturday. And now Carlin is posting about planning a gender reveal party, so clearly they're chilling tonight. Most parents would be very concerned about this (but nah their big concern was they had to take 4 "vowels" of blood and Evan was like she won't have any blood left - WTF dude?!) AND parents of kids with a known heart issue would be even more worried; often if the heart isn't functioning effectively in a little kid, lack height/weight gain is a tip off bc so much energy is going into cardiac function that they don't grow as they should. IDK if she is small for her age, maybe height-wise - she certainly doesn't look like she's grown taller as you keep seeing Josie's older kid getting thinner and taller. But I do wonder if this is why Carlin keeps her on a 100% junk diet; though usually if you're trying to get a kid to grow I don't think you focus on cake pops, donuts, or Doritos as much as avocados, nuts/peanut butter if allowed, eggs cooked in butter or olive oil etc.
  25. Don't Carlin and Whit ever get sick of each other? Carlin said on an IG that she and Evan have been staying at G&K's house since returning from Pa/NJ since G&K are in Italy and Z&W are staying there too bc apparently their house isn't liveable during the current phase of reno. Ok so maybe it makes sense for Z&W to stay there for a week and knock out demolition or something w/o their kids breathing in the fumes, but then Carlin and Evan need to stay there too to turn it into a college dorm every night? And maybe it's under the guise of "taking care of the kids" but come on we know Carlin is way too irresponsible for that anyway and barely knows her younger brothers' names; she basically grabs her own kid when she rolls out of bed and heads to the store; you know Addie and Callie are dealing with the other kids and if they need an assist, I bet Michaela comes over. They may be glad Z is there bc apparently he's cooking for everyone. But seriously you're grownups with your own home, marriage, and kid and you've been with your family since like last Wed when you hopped in the RV to all ride to Pa together. 9 days later + seeing Whit at work too -- aren't you tired of each other?? Don't you want to just go home and not have to make conversation!? What else is there to even to say to each other?
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