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Everything posted by cereality

  1. While Chad and Erin are obviously leaving due to some combo of being able to get housing in Fla + whatever is going to come out re IBPL + to go deeper fundie/isolate their kids more, I’m willing to bet he can’t wait to get away from the “loose” morals of the Bates. He goes to a Bates gathering yesterday only to have his daughters “defrauded” seeing Uncle Warden playing basketball w no shirt on + cousin Willow jumping on the trampoline with them in whatever pants/jumper her hussy of a mother thinks is ok for a girl. And then he turns around and seeing Kolter + Holland hugging and standing in a prom pose. Erin giggles along and Chad can be heard saying “what are you guys doing” and the kids quickly separate. I think it’ll be a relief to him to be someplace where his kids are the only kids or they are in a stricter fundie environment where boys and girls don’t play together; if some other Paines are moving down there besides his parents - I can see him and his brothers and/or his rapist brother in law being “stricter” about how the cousins play esp in a few yrs once the girls are all 5+ and Chad’s actively thinking of their husbands coming along in a decade. I have a feeling when they first married, Chad was ok being near the Bates as all the sisters were under Gil’s thumb and the first sisters that married after Erin moved off to Fla or were very conservative themselves (Michael). Fast forward 5 yrs and you’ve got Josie and Carlin marrying, dancing at the wedding, and living locally — wearing pants and working at businesses that aren’t ministering to anyone — he likely does not want his daughters or his son to believe this is ok for women.
  2. Somehow I don’t think Evan’s parents are guilt tripping them about a freaking 5 yr olds graduation or t-ball games. His parents seem supportive and concerned and seem like they’d 100% support the idea of them staying home to rest. I think it’s their dumbass son w the camera around this neck + DIL w these stupid ideas. I think E&C 100% prefer NOT being alone in case of future episodes and trust his parents way more to take care of them, urge them to get med care etc. Fine. Then sit your asses there. I realize at least the neuro is in Knox - bc they assumed they’d be ok going back there and staying or the first appts they could get were in Knox. So stay full time at his parents and when she has a drs appt in Knox, leave the day before, stay at your house the night before, go see the dr/check on the new house, maybe stay 1 more night in Knox and drive back. It’s a 2-3 day excursion allowing you to see the dr and check on your homes. It’s not this constant driving back every 4 days bc FOMO re some daily life event that occurs many nights/wk (baseball games). I realize drs told her when she had her heart monitor that she needs to live somewhat normally bc lying in bed won’t capture any arrhythmias. First she no longer has that monitor. Second - no one is saying lie in bed, but I’m pretty sure no dr’s idea of normal life for this 24 yr old dumbass is packing to go btwn two cities 2x in 4 days, sitting in the car for 12 hrs in 4 days, and attending useless events when she isn’t up to it. Like you’re not a corporate consultant living that type of like w business meetings constantly sweetie. Like do they get that normal life = ambling around the house + walking around the yard + pushing Layla on her swing + doing activities like dishes or laundry once in a while? All things she could do at his parents’ house. Clearly they want family support from HIS family. They need to start thinking about making a life in Nashville. He can get the union to place him in a job in Nash. Sure they’d have to sell the house and may lose money on that - since they bought exactly as the market was peaking bc they had to have a house NOW + you don’t recoup closing costs in a few months. So while it’d take them time to save up again for a house in Nashville, at least there he may be able to work without worry; even after meds are regulated, for a while they’d likely be more comfortable is she was spending some time at his parents’ house during the day or they were dropping by to look in on her/kids. And I agree with others - WTF kind of husband is so desperate to go to his sister’s kid’s k graduation that he’ll make his wife who is on new meds + saying she doesn’t feel well, sit in the car for an hr or two?!? Like this wasn’t Layla’s event where E decided well one of us has to attend - this kid has his own parents + grandparents.
  3. Interesting that they drove back from Nashville like Monday-Tuesday and drove back there again like Friday. Carlin mentioned being there yesterday for their nephews kindergarten graduation (and we all know the Bates kids don’t go to actual school) but felt unwell and spent it all in the car and were headed today to some family get together w Carlin saying she hoped she wouldn’t be sitting in the car all day. She looks unwell and said they’re working out meds + Evan said she’s been so worn out. So why drive back and forth sooo much??? Maybe it’s bc the family support is there so they feel more comfortable at his parents’ home?
  4. I'm not one of the ones that thinks it's fake AT ALL as she got admitted to the hospital. Hospitals are busting at the seams and they make people go home sometimes who need to be there. So no way did she get admitted because she showed up with Evan filming, nor did she get admitted for "vapors." I am one of the ones however who is saying WTF are they doing?? I think running off to Cali and being on two 5 hr flights was massively dumb. But even more now WTF?? At his parents' house/in the ER Evan was freaking out, teary, saying he had to stay within 5 ft. They come home and within 12 hrs, they're running to the new house [and the shop though not filmed], wandering the whole house and Evan is no where near her? Part of me wonders if at his parents' house, his parents were the mature adults telling both of them - Evan someone needs to stay right by her, Carlin no you can't carry the baby/go to Sonic/whatever unless someone is with you etc. and now without that mature voice in their ears, both of them are like - whatever. And then they go to the dr. and Evan and Carlin are SOOOOO happy that she had an episode in front of the dr? I get it - now drs. have seen it and know what to think/test next and there is some relief in that. But to be soooooo happy at what has the potential of still being a rough diagnosis? I mean Evan just seemed 1000% relieved that for this one, a dr. was there to deal with it; didn't see that douchy camera around his neck but I wonder if he just stepped back and started filming since he didn't need to do anything? And in the car Carlin says she's SO HAPPY? I understand how frustrated/scared they are without a diagnosis, but are they so immature or naive that they don't get that they don't want a serious diagnosis here? I DO think they are really only thinking of this as YouTube $$$. Like they were GLEEFUL in the car in a way adults would not be facing possibly a tough diagnosis and you could tell it was a bit of them adding up the $$ re how many more YT videos this gets them with 100k+ views. I do wonder if some part of them is just hoping Evan can not work as an electrician or work like super part time like 10 hrs/wk and become fulltime YT stars instead? I mean it'd fulfill Carlin's fundie mission of having a husband home. Evan doesn't come from that type of family but it's not like Carlin hasn't had an influence on him in 6+ yrs and he does fancy himself a star. And I hope I'm wrong but I do see them flaunting any no driving rules - maybe not right away but after a while. While she's very much acknowledged all the drs/nurses are doing [something her sisters never do - they always thank God for their NICU babies recovering but never drs/nurses], she did seem massively eye rolling in Nashville when she was recounting that she was told not to drive as she was like - "that's annoying, I have kids." Uh your kids are hardly going to school or soccer practice here??
  5. Meaning supervised release after release from prison? Supervised release for CS offenders can sometimes go on for decades but doesn't necessarily have to be onerous - just things like he can't work as a teacher/with kids; he has to work; he has to check in with his probation officer with x frequency. Correct - time off for good behavior is largely a state court thing. It happens once in a rare while in fed prisons when prisons are filled to capacity but rare bc they can just move him to a different prison as needed.
  6. No conjugal visits in fed prison and no early parole from fed prison. -A fed court lawyer
  7. 12.5 yrs. Not bad at all. I always thought anything over 10 would be a win. And this is fed prison so there is no parole to bring him home before age 45-46. So I haven't followed anything except the legal part of this - do we think Anna stays with him for the next 13 yrs? I saw Amy was "calling on" her to divorce him, not that Amy's opinion matters. Looks like the first 3 kids will be age 20+ and 2 in the later teens - as they grow old enough they should be focused on putting a ring on it/getting someone to put a ring on it to get the eff out of there before daddy comes home. I guess 2 kids will be stuck there for a while after his return at ages 12-13 but better than all 7 kids.
  8. What's the local station that you all are following and where?
  9. Well Joshie's team pretty much got smoked on pre sentencing objections; nearly every single one overruled. I'm surprised Jill and Derick aren't there; Derick may be working now but you'd think Jill would want to come.
  10. I'm one of the litigators who has followed along here - totally forgot this was today. Do we have the sentencing memos - from Josh's side and from the gov't?
  11. WTH happened?? They went from Evan teary in IG videos talking about FMLA leave from work to leaving the inlaws, returning to Knox, getting ONE night's sleep, and they're back to normal w/ Carlin in full makeup promising a house tour next week? At first it was like ok well they've been away for two+ weeks, it does make sense to go check on the new house given that they own it and if anything has gone wrong, it is their problem; and Evan can't leave Carlin alone so she has to ride along. Then we see Evan playing soccer with Layla - hmm he's suspiciously more than 5 ft away - but ok maybe she's sitting in a chair watching, you can't just make a 2 yr old "rest" for weeks bc mommy needs to. Then it's uh why is she on a concrete patio - can she not sit/stand on the soft grass? And then they go back inside to show the house and again Evan is no where near her. Evan does mention needing to get Carlin's health in order as the reason they'll now keep renting thru June 30. So paying both rent + mortgage while Evan isn't working isn't an obvious concern - and yet at the end Carlin has to show two dozen envelopes to show how overwhelmed they are with bills? While facing the envelopes backwards so we can't see if they really are from the gas or power co. or just random mail. And tech savvy 27 yr old Evan REALLY receives bills in envelopes as opposed to online - does he write paper checks too? My whole reaction to those stories was WTF is this?? I'm sure they've been told by drs. to live as normal as possible but did they mean THIS normal THIS soon before she's even seen any specialists? Added - per Whit, she and Z are headed to the store and meeting C&E there. So they really are back to a normal schedule within a day??
  12. Wow Evan likely headed out on unpaid FMLA to be w Carlin 24-7 per dr advice. That’s going to be rough. Assuming he can get FMLA as he hasn’t worked as an electrician for a yr though hopefully apprenticeship counts towards the 1 yr requirement for FMLA eligibility or he’s going to have to quit. This is going to be rough esp w a mortgage.
  13. Hospital are still slammed and understaffed. Sure there is a process for everything - call a nurses aide to go to the bathroom etc. But reality is most hospitals are requesting [though can't require] a family member to be present; just had that happen w/ an 80+ yr old family member who had freaking open heart surgery - the type of thing where you REALLY want the staff to be taking care of the person, not the family. Most hospitals don't have enough staff to have a nurses aide in the persons room the minute they have to go to the bathroom - often you're lucky if someone gets to you in a half hr. And in most families IF there is a way to help out the relative, they WANT to do that not be like - eh there are nurses, good luck, call me when you need a ride home. I mean Evan right now looks like he couldn't pee without freaking out that he's taking too long and shouldn't be away from Carlin. As for - what would the Bates even do, they don't need to show up. Of course no one can do anything right now besides wait for all the testing. But do you really think Evan couldn't use a break - just looking at his face? Do you really think the Stewart grandparents couldn't use a hand with an infant and a toddler that they're now watching full time? They're 65+ yrs old + Evan has said before that his dad has health problems + they've been on call here for about 10 days now and now are on full time with two babies. I mean last weekend the plan was for Evan to leave on Monday leaving Carlin and the kids with his parents and working the week; clearly Evan or his parents felt that HE needed to stay too bc they couldn't watch 2 kids + watch Carlin + run her to the hospital as needed. So IDK that they they'd really be refusing any help from G&K to come take the grandkids off their hands for a half a day - or bringing Addie/Ellie to do so. And do you know a lot of parents who are jobless + don't raise their own kids + have nothing to do all day + are sitting 3 hrs away and wouldn't visit their kid who has been in the hospital like 5 times in 10 days?? Even if there is nothing to do and they arrive and see that Evan and his parents are running a well oiled machine and it's evident they don't need to stay, do they not want to see their kid in person rather than whatever Facetime Evan is sending?? They act like they are 90+ yrs old and driving on the freeway to Nashville would be SO HARD - yet when it's time to go to Ms. Renee's, let's go. Or they act like they both have full time jobs and the damn boss just won't give them the time off [and those types of parents would visit on the weekends].
  14. This is a huge family so they don’t even have the logistic concerns of normal sized families, they just don’t want to ruin their fun. G&K need to get their asses to an AirBnb near the hospital or equidistant to the hospital and the Stewart home. Then G, K, and Evan trade off being with Carlin + being in the Stewart home w the kids, however Evan prefers it with some instances of “forcing” Evan to go back to the AirBnb at times to sleep and shower (which likely will be hard for him at his parents bc the moment he walks in Layla will cling to him). Plus bring one of the single jobless sibs preferably a son like Warden/Isiah/Trace - whoever Chad can spare 🙄. That son’s only job is to drive back and forth from the hospital to the Stewart home delivering milk whenever Carlin texts them; frankly bring 2 sons for this job so they can either drive in a new place together - or if that’s not needed, trade off for sleeping purposes bc this needs to happen all night. Added - to be fair I don’t see Kelly in the quick BBQ shot. But would she go alone? I mean she does go to that bridal shop in Kentucky 3 hrs away but it’s always w a gaggle of ppl. In the shot I only see Gil and Isiah so presumably she could have gone taking Warden, Addie or Ellie - and hopefully NOT Jeb/Jud. This is a major situation and Evan needs adults to step in and his mom doesn’t need feral children to watch and feed in addition to the grandkids in her care.
  15. I’m sure G&K will show up for an IG pic, maybe stay a few hrs or one day and that’s that - that’s what Alyssa got. Evan looks exhausted and somber. I fully agree they are social media whores but come on look at his face — they aren’t doing this and then gleefully being like we got 100k views; not to mention even if he has great insurance - hospital copays etc +potential unpaid leave at work - are going to exceed what social media brings in by a long shot. Not to mention obv something is medically going on to admit her - it’s not like some ER dr said hmm you’d make $1000 on YT for this, ok you’re admitted?! E has to stay in the hospital bc someone needs to be there if Carlin needs to move around - say to the bathroom; hospitals are so understaffed sometimes there’s not nurses aides to help with that. If G&K could come sit at the hospital for say 6-8 hrs, they could send him home to sleep. Not that the Stewarts couldn’t use a hand if they’d rather be there — they’re age 65+ full time handling a newborn + a 2 yr old likely freaking out bc mom and dad both left abruptly. Staying at the hospital for a while also let’s Evan go home and calm down his toddler. Added - well G&K don’t appear that concerned, shocking. They didn’t rush out after church. Whit had mentioned hosting an afternoon BBQ at their house for their church family. She posted a few videos and yet when she pans the camera away from Z at the grill, you see Gil eating and fellowshipping. At this point their daughter had been in the hospital for at least 10-12 hrs assuming it’s a noon-2 pm type BBQ. Far be it for them to drop skip out on burgers and drive to Nashville - though who knows may they left late afternoon and are there now, though Evan gave no such indication.
  16. Agree 1000%. G&K and the siblings clearly aren’t as close as they portrayed on the show. You know if Carlin had say gone into labor while in Nash G&K would’ve been there w bells on (in fact Tori did have her first kid in Nash and Gil, Erin, Law, and Tori set out in the dead of night to get there before delivery and Kelly was already there). But for something not fun be it cardiac or neuro or whatever . . . we don’t even get a grand baby after driving here (or a wedding or ski trip or coffee and manis/pedis), eh, good luck Evan. While I do think they’re dramatic and not super bright (so I do wonder if they’re lost as drs talk to them), I don’t think they’re faking this at all. Being transported in a collar means some assessment needing to be done for a fall - hopefully that assessment did take 2 seconds and Evan just took that pic waiting for the ER dr to enter. But the fact that there may have been a fall here makes this a new incident from the others. This has now gotten to the point where prob more than 1 person needs to be with Carlin and the kids if Evan were to go to work, which means even if Michael agrees, it’s not enough. Evan has said he feels he needs to be within 5 ft of Carlin. But if the same person was watching Carlin + the kids, at some point they’d need to go get lunch for Layla, change the kids’ diapers etc, leaving Carlin alone. I suppose they could set it up so that diapers etc are changed right there w Carlin on the couch etc but more pragmatic would be having 2 people. Not that G&K would inconvenience themselves but I guess if these guys go back to Knox at some point and Michaela agrees to be the primary adult caretaker, G&K would deploy Addie/Ellie as a secondary helper.
  17. I had a feeling something was up. No way is this them passing off an old incident -the IG is in real time and YT is once a week. Plus she’s in a neck collar which indicates she may have fallen and then need to rule out injuries before she moves; in the last incident at the ball park Evan said his dad caught her and C said she’s always been caught up until then and the first time she wasn’t it’d hurt. If she is wearing a collar, chances are she wasn’t caught this time, which makes this a different incident than prior ones. After passing out at the ball park and making neuro appts for next week, they had said they would get back to Knox on Sat is she stayed ok. When they were quiet all day Sat I had a feeling something was up. I mean Carlin is looking for IG content - no way she wouldn’t have popped up on IG for a second to show them packing up at the in-laws, in the car, at a rest stop, or walking into their home for the first time since Cali - and when she didn’t it was like maybe they didn’t leave?! What is Evan going to do?? I think the plan was to return to Knox on Sat and leave Carlin maybe w G&K or Michael and have Evan go to work starting Monday and then taking days off for her neuro appt. But IDK if he can go back to work with her like this. Maybe he now is taking an unpaid leave of absence until she’s stable enough to leave with family. And the silence from G&K and her siblings is stunning - he posts a pic of their daughter/sister in a collar on oxygen etc and none of these social media whores reposts even to say they’re worried/praying?! What the hell kind of family rift is this - or do they really only love each other when it’s time for Cali vacations, weddings and Christmas parties and the not fun life stuff is like eh whatever?!
  18. That's the worrisome part - how is Trav REALLY going to be with Katie and with their kids. There are people on Reddit who say they've seen Pa Clark get physical w/ Mama Clark - like out in the public in the Burlington Coat Factory parking lot - to the point where strangers called the cops?? She of course then defended her husband and said she stumbled or whatever, but where there's smoke there's fire. Ok maybe that's just his dad and maybe Trav will grow to adore Katie and not ever be like that with her. Fine. But what about his eventual kids esp. any sons?? He has been raised with dad wrestling him to the point where it hurts, grandpa hitting him with a belt for "sport" and no other adult dares stands up for the child telling them to stop. And that's all we've seen; again where there's smoke there's fire, and I'm betting there was worse stuff behind closed doors + when Trav was younger and videoing on smart phones wasn't a thing so you really could do whatever and no one would know. And we haven't seen Trav "step back" from his family in any way because of these things. If anything he's as enmeshed with his family as he ever was with Daddy buying his house, gutting renovating his house, buying his luxury vehicle, his all Ralph Lauren wardrobe, and paying for at least 2-3 vacations/year if not more. And yeah I'm sure people say oh Trav works but give me a break he was a student up until 15 min ago and what student can afford to buy a house + gut renovate it + drive a luxury SUV?? And Trav's work up until now [and likely still despite what Katie says about his being "in sales"] is for his dad/grandpa's school -- i.e. for random office work or teaching music lessons they cut him a check for the 150k lifestyle he needs, whereas any other student/recent grad worker would get $15/hr. Having been raised in this life and being indoctrinated in it, YOU KNOW some part of him believes "this is how you raise sons," "you toughen them up just like dad/grandpa did for me." I fear it would be instinct re child rearing for him. Esp. since he has spent NO time with other families seeing this this is NOT normal. It's not like he's a normal guy who went a few states away for college, lived with a roommate, and hung out with a roommate or a girlfriend's family over the years to REALLY start to see how others interact with kids and to gain some awareness that what his dad/grandpa do isn't right. I mean he did visit Katie a bunch - and I said on another thread that he looks so unbelievably RELAXED and at ease with the Bates clan in a way he doesn't at home - but IDK if that was enough to completely change his view on how sons must be raised. If anything he may have fun with the Bates but look down on how they raised their sons - given that most of them do nothing. None of what is coming out now is especially secretive. These videos have been around since 2018 - before the courtship began. Nice to see Gil does ZERO diligence on suitors these days - if it's male + professes to be overly Christian - great it gets a daughter off my payroll.
  19. Wouldn't he be Charles Stephen Paine? Since Chad is III and Carson is IV? It's so rural that there aren't even going to be small construction jobs like Chad does now - like renovating kitchens and bathrooms. Which is why I feel like his construction work will now somehow be for the new church they're so excited for; I can see a new fundie church being built out someplace where there is nothing else.
  20. Far more disturbing is the video of Daddy Clark from 2018 on the Reddit BUB page. Something is wrong with that man + that family. He is rubbing guys' [likely students] shoulders [in a way that makes me feel that he is "repressing" some feelings] and then biting the guy's ear in a way that looks like a vicious assault to me. She's married in so nothing she can do now, but given what we've seen of Mama and Daddy Clark - the way he wrestled Trav on his bday to the point where Trav said it was hurting his neck and he didn't stop nor did mom tell her husband to stop; the constant look of tension where it seems like he is screaming at Trav right up until the moment they have to walk into a school/church event and then they sit there arms crossed as if they're pissed at each other; and now this. If/when Katie has kids, is she really going to allow them to be with the Clark grandparents unsupervised? Esp boys who grandpa feels he will have to "toughen up"?? I kind of wonder if this is part of the reason [besides being a baby himself] that Trav is not pushing to have kids ASAP - just not wanting to subject a child to his nightmare of a family though IDK what difference a yr or two will make; it's not like Daddy Clark is so aged that he'll start to slow down and mellow or Trav is so close to being self sufficient that he won't be taking daddy's money and thus won't have to put up with his BS.
  21. Honestly I think now that the few extra $$ that used to come from appearing on BUB are gone, most of G&K's kids are open to moving away and moving closer to their inlaws rather than their parents. The only ones who def stay are those couples where both have local parents - Josie/Kelton; Zach/Whit; Trace/Lydia. I think ALL the kids realize how worthless G&K really are and even having 87 siblings locally doesn't necessarily provide that much support in that family. When times are tough, they all seem to turn to their inlaws who show up -- when Erin went thru her surgeries, Chad's mom stayed with them for weeks/months despite G&K living locally; when Carlin got meningitis after Layla's birth at the same time Layla got admitted to a children's hospital for a heart issue, Evan ran hospital to hospital alone [supposedly G&K were out of town and weren't going to fly back, but no Bates siblings stepped in to help him either] and then he finally had his parents come; and we all know how much the inlaws are helping w/ Carlin's current issue. Chad/Erin had always said Chad was moving to Tenn. upon marriage bc Erin was still in school; then there were the series of miscarriages where he prob didn't want to push her to move esp since back then she was still close with her family; then they blinked and had 5 kids in 8 yrs so moving mid high risk pregnancies or recovery was likely never on their radar. This was prob the perfect time - being fed up with how "modern" the Bates family is getting and the influence that'll have on their kids + a fundie church opportunity + a chance at a house. Michaela has also said before that they don't know if they'll always stay in Knox, as they moved for her nursing school which is long over. She too seems to get along well with her inlaws and honestly it may mentally be helpful to her to NOT be near the Bates baby train - as there will def be kids from the siblings that stay in town. Not that the Keilens don't have babies but not all of his siblings live in Michigan and they seem to have a reasonable 3-6 kids and move on so while she'll be around nieces/nephews, there will come a time where they will be teen/adults and it can only mentally help her to not constantly be fawning over babies. And bestie Tori is also fairly fundie + happened to marry a man from Fla. I can see her wanting to move bc she'd miss the sister she's closest too [I have a feeling she broke the news to Tori in Ca/just after bc they randomly were gushing about each other just after returning from Ca]. Tori's inlaws don't seem as in love with her, though I question how much they know her now. She isn't the same loud annoying 21 yr old he married, as she's broken away from Carlin and settled into a quieter religious life of being a mom. And even if the inlaws don't love her, they don't necessarily have to live near the inlaws, nor does Bobby have to follow his dad's line of work [though he seems to have done well for himself working for big business employers]. Bobby wanted to be a minister except Tori freaked out after they lived "alone" in Nashville for like 9 months and ran back to Tenn; I could see them being interested if Bobby could get some kind of church position w/ whatever church the Paines are with. Otherwise he has general admin type experience now working for Kelton for like 3 yrs so it's not like he couldn't get a job doing scheduling/inventory etc. for some Fla. small business. I think it'd be hard for Bobby to leave Kelton but just bc his college bestie is from Tenn. doesn't mean he has to be there too and Kelton is 1000% pursuing the life he wants - in Knox with a business - w/ Bobby just along for the ride.
  22. Reddit is saying they are headed to Brooksville Fla. which put them an hour+ from both Orlando and Tampa and yes 50 min from Alyssa. While Hernando County is not an especially pricey part of Fla., the only thing they can get for 50-100k is the type of old cottage they live in now - like 700 sqft for 7 ppl. Anything even a bit bigger will be 200k+ and a house that's actually suitable for their family size - say 3 bed, is easily going to be 300k+. No way the Paines can afford a house there if they can't afford one in rural Tenn. I honestly think all this "new church family" talk = a new church is forming/new offshoot of IBPL that's going back to the fundie roots; I think this even more given that Chad's parents are selling their home in Okla. also. As for housing/work I think one of two things has been worked out - Chad will work on building the church for the next few years and in return for that gets a piece of church land to build a house on. OR Grandpa Paine has some kind of homestead situation like Papa Bill and Chad can build a house there for free [just the cost of his own materials] and/or they're moving in with Grandpa Paine with promises that Erin and the daughters will look after him and inherit the house; Grandpa's homestead is what enables them to pick up and move with animals in tow. And yes I do think both C&E aren't thrilled with raising their kids near girl cousins who wear pants + watch TV + will enroll in dance/sports etc. [which I'm sure Layla will and maybe Josie/Willow too] + go to Disney + generally are allowed to speak and tell stories and have sass [see Willow - not in a bad way but she's a regular toddler]; hell forget the girl cousins, their moms wear pants and work outside the home - Carlin, Josie. I have a feeling C&E's kids' lives are about to become A LOT more traditional fundie and isolated from others who are non-fundie. I mean the Paines are fundie royalty and want their kids/grandkids raised that way, not in the worldly watching TV and on social media world. And yes I do fully expect them to pursue a shady fertility dr/clinic in Fla for a brother for Carson. There are religious/conservative and of course anti science communities in Fla. so you can find a dr. who'll tell you what you want to hear [yes have as many more babies as possible] vs. what you need to hear [uh you may not want to risk kid #6 with your various clotting issues + all the recent problems you've had].
  23. Exactly. I mean there should be at least one female or more involved just to oversee the move and help pack. Sure Trace/Warden/Isiah/Jackson can def pick up the sofas, beds, TV, dressers etc. and move them. And yet like all teen-20 something boys, I can see them grabbing E&C's toothbrushes and throwing them in with their toilet bowl cleaner. Or packing their dishes by throwing them in boxes with a few newspapers and whatever gets broken gets broken. I doubt anyone cares right now about throwing out toothbrushes, but for a couple that's going to have a LOT of bills in the next few months, I highly doubt they want to be buying new plates/glasses bc half of theirs got broken. What sisters live in town now - just bestie Whit, and Erin, Tori, and Michaela? If Erin has ANY interest in ever repairing their rift, she could step up big and orchestrate this whole move. And given that they live in something like 600-900 sqft, it's not like it would even take more than a half day on Saturday if a few sisters organized/packed and the brothers loaded and unloaded the truck. We know G&K are offering jack $hit but hopefully some of the siblings are offering to do this + acting like it'd be NBD, just send us the key and we'll get it done in 24 hrs.
  24. Carlin just posted that she couldn't get appts until next week and they're staying in Nashville all this week and hopefully headed back Saturday; I assume that means appts are in Knox. It's quite possible he took this whole week as unpaid leave. Deductible likely is met but lots of the "good" insurance plans now have 20% coinsurances - so you're STILL paying 20% of what the insurer is paying even post deductible. That is capped for the year but a cap can be anything from $1000-10,000/yr or more. Plus lots of plans have high ER copays regardless of deductibles; Carlin's post also said they'll try to stay out of the ER now for "short" episodes but some episodes have been long and scary. For Evan's sake hope all the caps are low. Carlin's healthcare is 1000x better than what she had with her parents but it always feels like even great plans result in $200 bills here, $500 there these days.
  25. No one is asking her for an explanation - SHE is the one that is acting like she missed out by the way she's commenting on IG pics. And funny how 97 other family members with the same number of kids and without husbands in the skilled trades could figure it out finances + flights + hotels + kid arrangements and only she couldn't. Oh well - the Websters may want to look into some budgeting apps and/or talk to her numerous siblings for ideas for the future.
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