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Everything posted by cereality

  1. More importantly what parent allows it?? Not saying that in front of others at church they'd curse this pastor out or anything but if a parent sees an interaction going somewhere they don't like, even if it is meant to be innocent - isn't that when one of you says - hey I got her, so where do y'all want to go for lunch?? But nope Carlin and Evan can both be heard being loud in the background [IDK if they know how to be anything but LOUD] playing along with - no lunch for Layla, OMG Layla just said yes blah blah. Uh? Are you not seeing this happen in front of you and NEITHER of you thinks ok let me grab my kid back?
  2. And to add to the list of their parenting issues - why on earth is some dude at church [is this their pastor bestie?] holding Layla at all, let alone like that - with an arm between her legs?? I'm not saying there's anything in particular wrong with this dude, but this child is nearly 3 yrs old, not 3 months old. Don't people with kids start paying attention to who is holding them/how and also start discouraging them from being held by strange men? I mean she's nearly 3 - they all carry her around way too much as it is probably bc she's so small for her age, but it's one thing for her parents or grandparents to carry her and another to encourage her to be carried by other random guys. Is Carlin not friends with the Duggar family? Does she not get what happened with bestie Joy? Again - I'm not accusing this stranger of anything, I'm just suggesting that parents start to get a clue as kids move into toddlerhood. Not all guys are good guys even if they are godly church guys, so why does this child need SO much interaction with strangers in a physical way? Frankly the guys I know are super careful with this stuff just bc of optics - like if they really love kids, they're happy to talk to a child, play a game, draw a picture etc. but they won't pick up someone else's child - absent some emergency like the kid falls down and needs help ASAP and the parents aren't around.
  3. Katie says that Trav is an online sales rep for some company and thus works from home. I think he may have the sweet spot of - I get earnings from the family school bc daddy has agreed to pay me a % as an adult family member but I can't be there daily bc I'm working this other "job" and meanwhile the job is probably some super part time 10 hr/wk gig. Leaving him all the time in the world to sit home with Katie. Even when they're not on random road trips, much like Carlin and Evan their days are spent running to get Chick Fil A or ice cream or donuts or whatever - things that people with jobs aren't doing at 2 pm bc their random donut craving waits until work is over. Now I don't see this lasting forever. I feel like daddy may be giving him some leeway because he just "graduated" and got married to a wife who wasn't adjusting well at all initially and now has a pregnant wife, but I can see say by next school year, he's a full time music teacher or something at that school. Katie is likely going to split her time with Josie and Carlin, as we've seen her do every time. If Josie is going camping this weekend, Katie will be with Carlin until Sunday and then a few days with Josie before leaving. Hell no one has work Monday so it's not like they have to drive back on Sunday. She did the same thing last time - Josie was going to Fla or someplace later in the week of Katie's visit so initially Katie spent 100% of her time with Josie and then when Josie left it was exclusively Carlin. Seems like Katie doesn't even stay with G&K when she visits - she splits her time with the 2 sisters she acknowledges. She prob visits her parents some and while there maybe she runs into Michael if Michael has made an effort to come to G&K to see her.
  4. Sure Carlin is full of $hit re her episodes and BSB, but Josie is full of it too re her fab influencer life, her business which re-sells barrettes and hats and has her doing fundie wedding make up, and her creepy as hell ugly husband who discussed his 2 year old’s virginity. None of these people are great which makes it funnier that they have a pecking order amongst each other and think they’re better than each other.
  5. I mean Alyssa is right in that sibling relationships shift as you get older bc geography, careers, spouses, whether you have anything in common as grownups. But these girls have taken it to a different level of absurdity. I think this is what happens when you drill into kids' heads that their siblings are to be their BEST friends + you don't expose your kids to the world so they are under-developed emotionally. You have grown 25-30 yr old women playing the - YOU'RE not my best friend anymore, SO-AND-SO is my new best friend. You know the things kids do at age 4. I mean at Katie's wedding, Erin posted a pic and congratulated Travis and welcomed him to the family - made NO mention of HER SISTER, the bride - didn't even tag her?? I mean what 30 yr old plays these games?? But clearly she's hurt by whatever went down w BSB and the sides taken. Josie and Carlin don't interact to the point that they go to the same church, constantly post from church, and have never once posted any pic sitting near each other or even the cousins interacting; Josie never even acknowledged the episode Carlin had AT CHURCH. I honestly think beyond BSB there are some jealousy and superiority issues between Carlin and Josie re money/houses/success - as in Carlin is jealous of what Josie has and Josie has a superiority complex about how they're better off. Josie and Tori hang out somewhat regularly bc we've seen pics of Kade/Kolter on Josie's IG before. OTOH Carlin and Tori NEVER hang out. To the point that a few yrs ago Carlin posted a video where Kade was over at her house - bc G&K/Addie/Ellie/Callie were over and they must've been watching him so they brought him - and Carlin literally asks him - do you know who I am, I am Aunt Carlin. And then later thanks him for coming over. Not the kind of thing you do with a kid you see regularly. I mean I highly doubt Aunt Josie or Aunt Erin have to introduce themselves to Kade. And sick or not Layla was out at the store with Evan and they're headed to church tonight - no rest for those kids ever.
  6. I also think that Kelton simply is NOT interested in anyone on her side at all - except Bobby but they were besties before marriage - and I don't think he takes one for the team on any issue when it comes to Josie. He doesn't want to hang out with Trav which means he isn't wasting time or money flying to NJ for a long weekend, when he could hang out with his side of the family or use that time/money to go on a weekend vacation with Josie and his kids. He likely doesn't stop Josie from going, but as anyone with two young kids will tell you - you're only going to travel alone with two kids to visit your sister so many times. It is much easier to do these things if your spouse is on board so he helps with the travel, helps with the kids while you're there, and generally has an enjoyable time too [or at least acts like he's not miserable]. So that basically means Josie and Katie can hang out when Katie visits Tenn. But then given the Josie/Carlin rift for whatever reasons, Katie is splitting her time between Josie and Carlin as the three of them won't hang together. It limits the amount of Josie/Katie time. So then in true Bates fashion, Josie drops Katie and proclaims Lydia has her new bestie as she and Katie drift apart. And I know people LOVE Kelton bc he's soooo successful but the dude is a douchebag who needs to get over himself. Dude you're a plumber who bought a plumbing franchise even though you act like you started your own business from the ground up. I mean good for you, you ARE successful and you work hard and make money and that's great but the attitude. He really believes that he is better than EVERYONE and Josie has that tendency too so the two of them have a superiority complex - as a plumber and weekend wedding make up artist?? Nothing wrong with those professions but imagine if they had real education and $ and were a doctor and lawyer couple - they'd never speak to anyone again. I just think that in a family so huge, where you are cut from the same religious conservative cloth, if you have ZERO relationships with anyone in the family after all these years when there are so many members to choose from - it's you dude. Even John who doesn't like all the hoopla still seems to enjoy guy-ing it up and throwing the football around with Jackson etc. when he's in Tenn. Even though he's saddled w/ Kelton as his bestie, Bobby genuinely seems to like hanging with Zach. Like everyone has friends within the family except for Kelton??
  7. Sounds like the ear infection was when they first got to NJ - as she said her ears were hurting on the flight over. So it sounds like land in NJ, cheesesteaks etc. until midnight the first night, then nails etc. the next day [where Layla has some kind of ear plugs/cotton in her ear] THEN take the kid to urgent care in NJ [nails were first bc the kid's nails are already pink at the appt], and then continue on with Ocean City blah blah. The kids were sick the weekend before they left. Guess it was already an ear infection then/was escalating but they didn't think to take her in in Tenn bc they assumed it was just a cold? And of course they aren't home. Back to Evan's parents' house. I get it they landed in Nashville but dear God don't they ever get tired of being in others' homes/living out of suitcases. I would have just landed and done the 3 hr drive home immediately and been done - instead of piddling away the rest of the week w/ his parents and then going home.
  8. The cash and carry is 11 days away. Between now and then she could sit her ass down at home, rest, eat 3 real meals per day with no Sbux or Sonic; not that that necessarily prevents anything but it can’t hurt. But nah 11 days means at least a trip to Nashville and some other made up running around. At least she won’t have anything to do for the wedding except attend since Lydia is Josie’s bestie so no way are they including Carlin in anything leading up to the wedding; she’ll show up like any other guest except with a douchy husband carrying a mic-ed up camera.
  9. Hmm - why so quiet all of a sudden? Per Katie/Trav, Evan/Carlin left sometime during the day today; I assume it was during the day bc they had already left by the time Katie/Trav were taking Jeb/Jud to the beach and you usually go to the beach by mid day. Evan/Carlin are the worst type of houseguests - lol. You ask them to come for a weekend, their idea of weekend = 5 days. I don't think Katie/Trav mind as I think they both like having buffers around, and Evan and Trav actually get along so it isn't like an awkward brother in law interaction for 5 days. But Jesus Evan/Carlin talk about over-staying. I mean as much as I think Trav doesn't mind them, he did say in the car today that they're exhausted and have done so much stuff in the last 4 days - bc of course that's how it is with houseguests. But yeah with a mid morning/afternoon flight that is only 2 hrs - they're STILL quiet at 8 pm? Hmm . . . . Guess we can look forward to them popping back on at some point being like guys we've been SOOOOO busy [being houseguests?], you can't imagine how much we have to do now - get the mail, unpack the suitcases, a load of laundry etc. And per Lydia, Trace/Lydia's wedding is 19 days away - so the hoopla begins again for these two in 2.5 wks and between now and then there's a Cash and Carry. Talk about a packed schedule - who could hold down a job with this much obligation? Lol
  10. They of course haven't confirmed it on the show or anything, but based on how they post every time they take a piss on social media, it seems fairly obvious that they do nothing for/with Michael. I mean they'll door dash either a Starbucks coffee or chick fila and it goes on IG immediately to show how kind, generous and close they are. Same with FaceTime calls w/ Katie or Alyssa - Carlin has to post a screen shot to show she spoke to them. We've never seen either of these gestures w/ Michaela, nor them going out to hang out with her or even hanging at her house - and she unlike Tori has and uses social media. I do think Brandon probably gets it and doesn't want her wife to be used. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brandon is the one who has encouraged her to do things other than serving her family - like her sewing business. I mean she watches Josie's kids 1 day/wk and you better believe Josie would be happy to dump them off 2-3 days/wk for her barrette business, but Michaela has said she babysits for another family a few days/wk. That family is not related to the Bates, so my guess is that's a paid gig. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Brandon realizes that her sisters would just use her, so if you love kids and want to be with kids all day - why not go do that for some family that values you? I also wouldn't be surprised if Brandon suggested that she stand back and not volunteer to watch dingbat Carlin [when it was speculated that Evan may work] bc again they'd expect her to do it bc she's childless but she still wouldn't be in their special circle. So yeah do the family thing 1 day/wk w/ Josie's kids, but then the rest of the time work for another family, sewing etc.
  11. 100% guaranteed that no one calls Michael just to say hi, no one door dashes her coffee or lunch just because, no one who knows that she had a fertility dr appt would make it a point to meet up with her in the days after to see if she wanted to talk or if she didn't just take her out for a few hours as a distraction. I'm fairly certain they only call her when it's like uh you're still watching my kids every Monday right [Josie]; or I'm headed to Katie's 11th dress shopping trip to Florida, you'll watch my kids right [Carlin]; or we want to go outlet mall shopping but don't want to watch our own kids please come [Kelly; Carlin; Whit; Alyssa]; OMG I'm soo overwhelmed with 2 kids maybe it's postpartum [Josie] - cue Michaela showing up with homemade dinner + banana bread. I feel like Michaela is the only one of the kids who is TRULY fundie in her beliefs [Erin is in a performative way, Tori might be but not as much as M]. Like I really think she took it completely seriously when she was taught to put others in front of herself. So she instinctively just does that. That being said she's now 32 and not an idiot, so certainly she must have noticed that while she's always ready to drop everything to babysit someone's kids or run them a home cooked dinner, absolutely no one offers to do anything for her. She is on social media, so clearly she sees that the other sisters are proclaiming each other besties and door dashing each other coffee or whatever and no one has once done that for her, even say when they know she's had a whole series of fertility drs appts and must be stressed/sad. That's where her insecurities and low self esteem come in. I feel like in normal friendships/family relationships once people notice they are being used and no one really cares about them, they step back a little. They'll say no to babysitting or setting up some party when asked even if they aren't busy bc it's like - you know what do it without me once and see how hard it is. But being insecure about not being a mom you KNOW she rationalizes it as - of course they aren't here to help me, what would I need help with, I don't even have kids to take care of, they're the ones who need help, they're mothers. She tells herself that and keeps herself useful bc she knows she'll be 100% forgotten if she isn't useful to them. She's denying the reality that even if she had a kid tomorrow, guess what NONE of the sisters would help her bc they are users. Like Carlin or Josie would stop woo-hooing long enough to babysit her kid? Like Erin or Tori wouldn't have the excuse of - sorry I already have my hands full with my own litter? Please.
  12. I feel like for the first time we've seen Whit eye rolling at Carlin a bit this year. I think like all of these girls always do she jumped into -- OMG MY NEW BESTIE mode -- super fast once they pushed Erin out last fall/winter to show just how close they were and how much she wanted to own BSB with just Carlin, and then it took a few months to realize who Carlin REALLY is. Loud and "fun" may have seemed ok when there were 3 of them and Carlin's own sister could roll her eyes/tell her to pipe down occasionally, but a SIL who is DYING to be loved by her inlaws can't do that so much. I noticed it too when Carlin was BEGGING them to go out on a double date and Whit was coming up with every excuse in the book. Also noticed it when Zach/Whit bought the new house but were living with G&K during construction, one day they finished at the store and Whit was like - oh it's early we have so much to do, I'm heading to the house to paint window sills. And Carlin was like - oh I'll come too. Carlin being Carlin it's not like she'd help paint or even be quiet, she was all loud woohooo party, stepped in paint and then trekked it onto the new wood floors and Z&W looked like they wanted to kill her. I assume Whit was pissed generally when they bought the house bc you know they wanted to be celebrated for their second home and here was Carlin crying and whining and having anxiety all the time re OMG what if we NEVER get a house [during the hottest housing market we've ever seen w/ my husband being a student]. Now with the addition of Evan to the boutique there's another loud obnoxious person to deal with, though not that they could say no to him joining BSB given that he HAD TO quit his job to take care of his wife. It's possible Z has clued her in that Carlin has attention issues and if you give her an inch, she'll take a mile. When they were temporarily living at G&K's house and Carlin would be all -- woohoo party, we'll stay until 2 am playing board games here -- that was one thing and a temporary situation. Z probably does not want that happening in HIS home and he knows with his sister, if they don't set boundaries, her and Evan will be over every night hanging until midnight - when Z is like uh I'd like to sleep with my wife now, go home.
  13. Gil and Kelly are boors and they raised boorish children. I'm sorry but in what universe is it ok to show up to someone else's house [this is the Clark parents' house] for a party YOUR SIDE wants and not help?? Gil, Kelly, John, Jeb/Jud, Michaela ALL parked themselves in the shade under the patio umbrella and were stuffing themselves full of pizza [uh party is about to start - you'll be fed in like 20 min], while ALL the people doing party prep except for Addie are from the Clark side. [Excuse me after the food is all set up Carlin DID walk by the tables and drop confetti on them to decorate.] And Carlin [and Evan I'm sure] is running around videoing this $hit with Carlin screaming "go Mama Clark WOOHOOO." WTF. If these people weren't her son's inlaws, Mama Clark's inner Jersey girl was about to come out with a middle finger when Carlin woo-hooed. And how do these morons not realize this party is for THEIR SIDE? There are like 15 ppl there max - the only Clarks were Travis' parents, his brother, sister and their spouses. The rest are Bates who've flown in for this. You know if Katie hadn't made a big deal about a gender reveal, they would have simply announced to his family at dinner one night - hey it's a girl. Or if Katie/Trav wanted to do something, THEY would do it at their own home - like have the whole family over, be responsible for cooking/ordering out + cleaning up, and decide whatever they wanted to do for the reveal. But bc they needed a party, I bet it was like - oh our house isn't finished yet, can we do it at your house. I bet when they went out to dinner with the Clarks after Ocean City on Thursday night, the Clarks asked about what else is needed for the party - and guaranteed Carlin and Katie were like oh no you don't have to do anything, we'll do it all blah blah. And then this afternoon rolls around, the Bates side is too busy shilling hair products and having girl time - so Mama Clark and her side are running around setting up tables, finishing food prep, picking up food, building that damn balloon arch. And now that the party is over, how much do you want to bet G&K, Carlin/Evan, John have kicked up their feet on the Clarks' furniture or just left - rather than gathering all the trash and taking it out, putting dishes in the dishwasher, folding up the tables and carrying them to the garage etc. Obviously the Clarks have money and do nice gatherings with decent food, but they should learn sooner rather than later that with these boors it isn't necessary. Seriously just pick up 5-10 pizzas and a few bottles of soda and be done with it. And it doesn't even have to be good NJ pizza, Dominos is fine for these fools. I mean G&K's idea of hosting is Little Caesars or forcing Michaela to cook - they don't need nice parties. While I'm no fan of the Clarks, their reaction to G&K, Carlin etc. seems very similar to what we saw of Bobby's parents early on. They also have some $ and do things in a nice, orderly, hospitable way. And then they met the utter loud-mouth chaos that is the Bates and seemed disgusted . . . . Fast forward 4 yrs later - I think they have almost nothing to do with the Bates - maybe a 15 min courtesy visit if they visit Bobby/Tori which they don't all that often it seems.
  14. Wow a girl. I’m surprised though in that family, it’s for the best.
  15. Yeah I didn't realize living in the moment = your dochebag husband sitting in the front of that 4 person bike with with a camera and microphone as if you are a celebrity being followed by a TV station?? Reality is Carlin, Josie, and Alyssa [before social media kind of fell apart for her] all made a HUGE deal of "oh I won't be on here bc I'll be living in the moment," only to come back the day after with picture after picture of EXACTLY what they did that day. Reality is all 3 have realized that if they don't post for a day, their leghumpers miss them and start DM-ing - OMG are you ok; Carlin did you have an episode; are you pregnant blah blah. It strokes the ego and makes them feel like SEE we're right to do this as a career, look what a HUGE following we have. It's looking like these 2 idiots are the only ones attending, no? Maybe G&K will show but seems like Katie's besties Alyssa and Josie are still home, prattling on about slip on shoes and counter tops, with no mad dashes to the airport or references to omg I have so much to pack and it's 5 pm the day before the event? Makes Evan/Carlin all the more pathetic - they desperately just needed something to do/someplace to go to keep their vlog going so off to a nothing gender reveal which is likely nothing more than a balloon release or cake cutting or something for people that are already local - not something you fly in for. And BTW the woman who passed out during a treadmill test on Tues, then drove 3 hrs to Nashville on Wed, sat around an airport for at least 1-2 hr, flew 2 hrs, did a 45 min-1 hr stop at Pats/Genos Cheesesteaks [they're close to the airport but it always takes longer that you'd expect to drive there, find parking and make it thru the lines] around 10-11 pm Wed. night, arrived at her sister's home at midnight, and then on Thursday - spent no less than a half a day at the beach?? Ocean City is close to where they live but again not SO close that you'd go for 45 min. By the time you drive from Berlin, get to OC, park, and get to the area of the boardwalk you want to go to w/ the fries/pizza you want to eat, it's at least 90 min. So it never makes sense to go unless you want to spend at least 3-4 hrs. What is wrong with them?? Their poor kids. They're saddled with parents who think they are college kids with zero responsibility.
  16. Are other siblings not going or are these two over eager and going 3 days early? Everyone else's IG feed right now is the normal - getting hair done, Wed. church, home project BS. Seems like people aren't going or are maybe going the day before what I presume is a Saturday event. Why are these two soooo desperate to arrive on Wed? With kids that were sick with colds or something this weekend, now wandering barefoot thru the airport [I know kids are kids sometimes they can't be stopped and will sit on gross airport carpet but really can't you make sure they're as covered as possible when they do that - with socks??]. I mean supposedly yesterday's testing was rough - at least the treadmill test - and still off we go the next day driving 3 hrs to Nashville and then a 2 hr flight to Phila. and then another 30-45 min drive to Katie's from there? They aren't arriving at Katie's house before 9-10 pm tonight if everything is on time, which with the Phila. airport is a BIG IF. Kind of a lot for a woman who needed cardiac testing yesterday, no?? And Carlin/Evan no person on earth needs to see you getting an echocardiogram. I know the gown was as such that no boob was showing in the direction of the camera but still you can keep certain things to yourself.
  17. Agreed John is against activities. I'm sure some of this is money as he does talk about how money is tight, they aren't good with money etc. I'm sure more of it is - they are just girls, all they need is to be prepped to be wives and moms, Alyssa can do that at home with them + church, how on earth is dance or soccer going to help with wife and mom things. Beyond loving them big picture, I think he is very fundie at heart [if his dad is any example and he says his dad is his role model], so to him children are raised for a purpose. The kid simply being happy or having fun for an hour a week at soccer practice is not enough of a reason for him to "allow" any activity that isn't religion or mothering related - and let's be real will expose them to all kinds of other kids. I mean god heavens the soccer team could have a few Muslim or Jewish or atheist kids?? And while dance is pink and sparkly, let's be real it's his daughter prancing around in little outfits in front of others. As much as these people sexualize children and think about them as someone's wife the moment their born [and in Kelton's case think about their toddlers' virginity], I can see him saying no just for that reason. And something like pop/jazz - then on top of little outfits you have popular music + the moves can be suggestive looking even when they are little girls. So yeah I don't see him agreeing to dance as much as he wouldn't agree to soccer for Lexi. Carlin/Evan go to his niece's dance recitals and encourage Layla when she copies her cousins - they are the only couple I can see putting a daughter in dance, and they are WAY more mainstream than the Webster family.
  18. And this is why they like Lexi the least. I mean they love her blah blah but she is the one of their kids that you know Alyssa and John "worry" about bc she doesn't tow the line. She's the one who wants to play sports. John isn't allowing any daughter of his to be so unfeminine so nope - sorry child - you can instead come watch ME play softball every week but you can't play with little girls your own age. Instead you need to get dolled up to go on birthday dates with daddy to prep for your next headship who should be here in 13-ish yrs - doesn't matter that you don't want to put on tacky plastic jewelry and sit in a restaurant and would rather a dad daughter activity be a trampoline park or watching a baseball game or hitting golf balls. She's the one who says she wants to be a dentist; that's not happening either bc I highly doubt k-12 being plopped in front of a screen readies you to study college level biology, which you need to do to get into dental school. And like Alyssa and John would ever let any daughter delay/back burner marriage until age 26 bc school - lol - no. I feel bad for her. Haven't watched the video but has Alyssa said when she's due? Is it possible she already knows the sex but isn't saying yet bc they need to get eyes on a tacky YouTube gender reveal? Bc I'm thinking they KNOW it's a girl, are annoyed, and are like ok we're done - we'll just be like John's brother with the half dozen girls. Bc I GUARANTEE if they've seen a holy penis they aren't announcing this as the grand finale bc a child with a holy penis needs a brother. He can't grow up surrounded by all sisters - lest he turn out - well . . . you know.
  19. What does Grand Finale mean? Are they claiming this is the last? Because how do you claim that unless it’s followed up by - and I’m having a c section this time so my tubes will be tied at the same time or baby is due on x and John’s vasectomy is scheduled 10 days later? And of course if it’s a boy he gets his own everything and the girls will “want” to be packed together in one small room until suitors start to show up in 12-16 yrs. They will both lose their minds if it’s another girl. Like they didn’t even try to hide their disappointment and lack of interest at Maci’s gender reveal. Though John has said he has a brother w 6 daughters and no boys so he knows it’s possible.
  20. I mean we all know how self centered they are [and let's be honest most Americans right now re the pandemic] but you'd think they'd have the kids tested before going to their PREGNANT sister's house. Whether the kids are going or not, they've been in the same house with kids and now going to a pregnant woman's house. Didn't Josie miscarry right around when they had Covid? And don't they realize Erin's covid induced fertility issues?
  21. Wow they stayed home for an entire weekend?? The kids apparently have colds/fevers. Aren't they traveling to NJ this week too? Not that their kids being sick would keep them from dragging them on a plane - doesn't matter who they infect with what - or dumping them with Evan's parents, whatever they've planned. More time to work on the drab room for 35 year old Layla I guess. And anyone willing to bet that Dumb and Dumber will be getting a Tesla within the next 12 mos given that they'll see Trav's Tesla when they visit? I mean I think E&C do compare A LOT with K&T; honestly I think that drove A LOT of Carlin's anxiety in January-Feb re what if we never get a house because here was her newlywed younger sister moving directly into a house that was gut renovated with top end finishings. They seem to want to ignore that K&T don't need to cobble together a living with IG, YT, and BSB. Sure those two do make side income on social media and Trav has some stay home sales rep gig, but reality is Trav has the kind of family business where dad/grandpa just keep him and his siblings on payroll in some made up gig and with that comes a 200k type paycheck. He's always had that - as he was a STUDENT who bought a renovated a job and drove fancy jeeps. It's like E&C don't want to realize that that's actually very common. Being from one town over from Trav and then living in NYC for a decade, it is hugely common for doctors and lawyers and other high paid professionals to be well into their 30s saving up a down payment, ,while others buy homes at 22 bc mom and dad can hand them a 200-300k down payment [or in south jersey - just buy a house for that much, it's not even just a down payment]. Welcome to the real world of comparison E&C.
  22. Totally my first thought. The "accent wall" will be all white flowers or something or if Layla is SUPER lucky some shade of beige or gray or barely visible pale pink. The fabric they're buying looks white. And yeah her and Josie's kids are 2 - they don't freaking care about their rooms so don't waste $ on it. If you want to waste money on them, maybe get them some bright colorful toys so they have things to play with that are bright colors, not just beige and brown. But then how would you reinforce the - you're a girly girl, see your room has flowers vs. you're a manly boy, see your room has a truck. They don't need a dining table, they're college kids in their own minds - eat over the sink. In reality they are gross slobs and they always feed Layla on the sofa bc we all know little kids are so neat when they eat, they never drop a crumb and never smear their dirty hands everywhere; I assume they use the sofa they paid a few thousand for, rather than the 10k sofa for this. I mean hell one night when she was complaining about date night being canceled, there was Carlin plopping herself down on the couch with dinner - a bag of chips + soda. They completely live as people who were deprived their whole childhoods. I mean they never got snacks. Z has said that if they went to an amusement park/zoo/day trip, Gil would be like, you're lucky we even brought you here, no you can't get a soda/ice cream. Or if Gil splurged on soda he'd literally buy 3-4 sodas for 15 kids and they each got to have a few sips. So cue Carlin - she stuffs Layla with junk [though also out of laziness and not wanting to cook]. I mean not only do they CONSTANTLY buy her snacks, they buy her bags of chips as big as her head. They're no reason a kid that size needs anything beyond a small snack size/kid sized bag. IDK what's wrong with Evan though [I know broad question], it doesn't appear he was raised that way. He doesn't seem like he was that deprived, so I'm surprised he's into getting Layla's treats ALL THE TIME though that may be a daddy's little girl thing. His parents' home also seems more structured and less haphazard that G&K. He grew up with a proper dining table, you'd think he'd want one in his own house bc he doesn't want to eat standing in the kitchen or laying on the sofa.
  23. Uh who showers BEFORE a deep cleaning?? By definition aren’t you getting dusty and dirty and want to hold your shower until after that? I don’t even love to vacuum after shower though I do it - bc you know it stirs up dust. And if they wanted gender neutral colors for a bouncy house - Fisher Price makes a number of them in the $100-180 range in color combos like red/blue/yellow. You know primary colors which kids are supposed to look at. Different colors stimulate different things in the brain which is why for child development purposes you’ll never see a preschool with drab white walls with no color or no colorful posters on walls. I know Carlin (and Josie) don’t allow their kids to wear color beyond white/beige/gray and don’t allow colorful indoor toys lest they clash w the drab beige decor, but outdoor toys have to be white too??
  24. So last week or two weeks ago - conveniently before his firing - Carlin couldn't be left at home alone, so they went to Walmart together for an oil change, wandered the whole store, manis someplace, she sat in the car outside his barber. This morning Evan is out alone with the critical decision of should I get my usual fattening pumpkin spice drink or should I get the lower cal one since I've gained weight, hmm IDK if I like this lower cal one. He's clearly in the car by himself bc if Carlin was there, she would've spoken, you would have heard a kid scream or two; and he walks into the house alone. And then he throws in that he feels guilty for buying coffee bc they have a coffee maker right there in the kitchen . . . clearly he's been reading here/Reddit as people criticize their lifestyle.
  25. Super interesting that G&K had some of their camera/sound guys from UP over at the house and posted a whole video montage of it. They are very clearly pitching another show, which is all the more interesting when Whit said recently that the show was Z's parents' show but they'd let us know if anything was brewing. I mean Law and Tiff came in from Nashville; warring factions Erin and Whit are both there; Tori is there and she hardly participates in these kinds of things; the younger kids look less feral; Isiah is in a freaking suit?? And some of their "fellowshipping" was held at Tori's house. Guaranteed they are trying to get a Counting On kind of spin off - ok we'll leave off the couples that are racist [uh all of them?] but look at all this interesting stuff our married couples are doing [uh making babies], and look we can't be racist, we have an Asian DIL. Interesting to beg your camera and sound guys for a show? Like they have authority regarding production decisions? Hate to say it it also screams a bit like -- look look we can't be racist, we had these black guys over to our house and our kids and grandkids were paying with them. Though maybe don't caption it "some of the guys we've learned to love." Noticeably Carlin and Evan aren't there. Major FOMO over there I'm sure. I kind of wonder if the family - while keeping sweet/spouting God's will - blames Carlin for the cancelation of the show. Not the racist who laughed about George Floyd [Trace], but the one who filmed and posted it and then did a non apology [Carlin].
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