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Everything posted by cereality

  1. They’re def leaning into the - medical conditions videos make bank - view of YT. This week = LAYLA’S HEART CONDITION. Haven’t watched so no idea what it says. Didn’t work last week for Carlin’s neurologist update as that’s sitting at only 175k views or less than $1000 in earnings. The heart condition is up to 112k views or $500 - may fair better as people are curious how much they really look after the kids, though maybe not - it’s Thanksgiving week and people have their own lives.
  2. Wait so if Maci, Zoe, and John Jr are sharing a room, obv John Jr’s name can’t be written in pink or surrounded by flowers or whatever bc his dick and balls may not work properly when he grows up, but he can’t even look at his sisters’ pink or floral or otherwise girly looking signs?! Hate to break it to you but you’re birthing a boy after 4 girls so either you break your daughters’ hearts by throwing away all their dolls/pink/girl toys or you start praying for little man’s sexuality now. I assume Alyssa would have no problems denying the girls absolutely everything from now on in order to raise little man perfectly.
  3. On top of Layla's diapered butt + feet up on the counters were food is being prepped + ingredients like sticks of butter and bottles of vanilla sitting right behind her diapered butt, anyone else note that that video was around 10 pm and Carlin commented on how hard Layla was trying to stay awake for Nini/Pop. The child's eyes were drooping and she was talking gibberish. Way to parent C&E. Can you really not say - ok you are going to bed at 8 or 9 pm tonight and if Nini/Pop are here before then you can see them tonight, if not you'll see them first thing in the morning? And then freaking stick to it and take the child upstairs at that hour. I realize they can't be bothered with bedtimes or routines, but can they really not see a kid falling asleep on a kitchen counter and say that's it - bedtime.
  4. Carlin since you read here - Zade's next food should be fries, he'll be able to eat those easily . . . . Really though these two idiots defy belief. IDK what the current baby feeding rules are but there's a reason that for generations, people have given toddlers a ton of healthy foods and almost no junk so they get a taste for vegetables etc. while you still 100% control their eating and before the world gives them the taste for McDonalds, chips, candy. Like you want to give him solid food - fine, how about some mashed up peas or potatoes. But I guess that's harder to do when your home never has cooked peas or potatoes. But really store bought mac and cheese? It's empty carbs + chemical cheese product + a boatload of salt. Do they really think there's a grandma standing in the kitchen lovingly grating real Vermont cheddar all day? They eat like college kids - probably bc they never got that experience at that age + can't be bothered to cook - and feed their kids the same way, not caring that from a development perspective, their kids need healthy foods right now. I also think there's an unhealthy amount of over-compensating happening. Carlin grew up in a home where she NEVER got store bought treats. While Evan's home probably wasn't that financially tight, his mom seems like she runs a tight ship with meals with a meat + green vegetables every night, so I'm guess his parents just may not have said yes every time a kid asked for a bag of chips or twinkies. Now that C&E can buy that stuff on their own, they've been like kids in a candy store for the last 4 yrs. I mean not only do they get Layla a cake pop or chips or something like EVERY time they go out, but it'll be those bags of chips that are meant to be 2.5 servings. She went outlet mall shopping w/ Kelly and Katie at one point and bought Layla a bag of chips literally the size of the child's head and handed it to her for lunch. Whatever happened to Evan's rant from 1-2 wks ago about how they were going to start cooking but there's just nothing good to eat out blah blah. Don't think they've pictured themselves cooking once since then.
  5. C&E are soooo busy. They're working 9-10 hrs/day every day and are SOOO exhausted. Fast forward to WEDNESDAY - getting haircuts, out at 1 pm with their Sbux drinks, figuring out where to go for lunch, feeding the kid mac and cheese at a restaurant, planning to go winter clothes shopping afterwards, and then picking up egg nog bc they just can't get into the Christmas decorating spirit without it. So get your story straight C&E - are you SOOOO busy or not bc let me tell you people with busy jobs aren't doing any of this $hit mid day on a Wed. Beats me what they even CLAIM to be so busy with. Other retailers are busy this time of year bc they are constantly having to re-stock the shelves and staff the registers, or packing up goods to ship out and then re-stock the shelves and packing the next round of orders. Given that their inventory is continually touching the ceiling of that "shop" of theirs, I'm thinking there aren't thousands or even dozens of orders that need to go out the door daily. Just seems like a handy thing to say - we're in retail, this is our busy season. And seeing the kids' pic yesterday, my first thought was - is this how these kids will be raised just sprawled on a blanket at the shop with zero academic/enrichment? It blows my mind that Layla [and all her cousins] is 3 and has had ZERO real education beyond mom/dad once in a while being like - what comes after 3, oooohhh you're SOOOO smart. Send the kid to a damn school. First they aren't even fundie so I doubt that their kid being corrupted by talk re TV, Disney, or by the minimal interaction with non Christians in Rocky Top is that big of a deal. Second if that is a big deal, do they realize that every mega church in the south [including theirs most likely] runs a preschool?? Sure it'll cost them money - but with their continuous traveling, shopping, and not working, doesn't seem like $ is an object. But I'm guessing actually spending $ on their kid, which may require them to cut back on vacation and dining out $, prob would be an issue for them. To say nothing of the actual responsibility. Once kids are in school, you are on a schedule where you are up and ready to go at 7-8 am. No way C&E are giving up their schedule of kids up until 10 screaming, leisurely rolling out of bed at 10 am etc.
  6. Individuality? They're fundie. Girls are all the same - born to be someone's wife, must keep a countenance the boys will like, long hair, play an instrument, read her bible, and be able to cook, clean, and birth. There's no room for individuality. If you like sports or want to go to regular school and college and be a dr or lawyer, too bad that's not what God intended for you - see Alyssa's second kid who wants to play sports and says she wants to be a dentist. Erin is prissy and prim and proper, she'd LOVE to have 4 matching dresses each week + some kind of complementary boy outfit for Carson. But she doesn't have Tiki sending her that stuff and no way can they just go buy it even if a few times/yr. I have a feeling that's one of the families that still buying used and saving the difference. Kind of sucks that she's on the outs with everyone in her family - with so many nieces and nephews, it'd be hand me downs galore. Though given how competitive and showy the family is now, I'm guessing she couldn't tell anyone they needed hand me downs except Tori and her kids are younger and boys so that's unhelpful. This isn't the first time she's taken a swipe at Alyssa's kids. She's said something before how kids wouldn't remember a perfect/big house or perfect outfits but they'd remember all the days running barefoot after the chickens in the mud making "memories." I don't get the competition. You want to live a down home on the farm type of life bc you either want that or that's what you can afford - ok go ahead. Alyssa wants to compensate for all the things she never had by having a perfect white house and [likely] screaming at her kids if they make a mess or get a hair out of place, ok that's her choice. And shouldn't she be making nice to Alyssa given that she's moving someplace for the first time in her 31 yrs where she won't be 10 min from mom and dad? Granted she and Alyssa may not be close but it's the only family she'll have within a hr. Though I'm guessing it doesn't matter to her if Chad's family is moving down there [IDK - it was speculated earlier] and/or they're joining a church cult.
  7. Alyssa is in Clermont - about 60 miles/1 hr driving time. So yeah they can see each other and I think they will [while they don't seem close, when Alyssa visits she does usually go spend an afternoon with Erin and lets the kids run around w/ their animals etc. + Carson doesn't have a brother so now with a boy cousin coming, they may be interested in the sons knowing each other even though nearly a decade apart in age]. But it's not like living down the street and the kids seeing each other many times a week - as is the case with Tori and Zach's kids.
  8. Stew Crew YT: NEUROLOGIST APPOINTMENT! CARLIN SHARES HOW SHE REALLY FEELS . . . . Then they show them in the drs office for 30 seconds and at the end of the video they discuss for another 30 seconds -- the second med is really helping, they did blood work to see if they need to change meds, this is the best she's felt though she's still having episodes, and she now realizes how "normal" it is to live with seizures [WTF?]. Done. So 3 wks ago it was Mayo clinic consults and now it's all good and normal? If things are so normal why do you need to use NEURO APPT in your YT title when it's 60 seconds of discussion and the rest is putting up Christmas lights and celebrating his dad's bday. Maybe bc you want to drive in clicks and no one wants to watch you put up Christmas lights, as they do those chores themselves? And the rest of the time was them whining about how they are SOOOO busy now with Christmas coming up and "all of their businesses" and Black Friday is SOOO huge for them. Lol good luck with that guys as most people are spending less this Christmas + no one buys your goods anyway as evidenced by your warehouse stacked to the ceiling and your discount sales weekly. And morons plenty of us have family Thanksgiving and Christmas obligations ON TOP OF jobs that are 40+ hr/wk. If things are SOOOO normal, why not consider going back to work Evan? Can't even do part time 20-30 hrs/wk, huh? And I saw their IG the day of the neuro appt, they are such self obsessed assholes. They spend money non stop yet can't hire a sitter or get a sweet church friend or one of her 8600 family members to keep the kids for an hr? Instead they bring both and Layla is freaking SCREAMING in the exam room. I don't blame her, 3 yr olds are just loud and this isn't a 3 yr old that goes to school and has been told "indoor voices." But idiots this isn't bringing your loud kids to the mall, this is a professional office where people are paying good money for care. It's also an office where the dr wants to talk to YOU without you responding to your kid's interruptions every 3 seconds. I mean you're already stupid, do you think you'll understand things better if you're half listening. And I know they think the world just LOVES their kids given covid + flu + RSV, right now, maybe consider that lots of adults' [esp those vulnerable enough to need a neuro appt] don't feel comfortable being around kids; yeah yeah their kids don't go to daycare but how is a stranger to know that? Very reminiscent of Alyssa who brought 3 freaking kids to the cardiologist and the kids were running around the exam room, lying on the table with her etc. Like it never occurred to them that cardiologists like exam rooms quiet bc they are listening for subtle things which you can't hear w/ kids talking.
  9. Looks like Kelly’s mother passed of RSV per IG. She had been ill over time right?
  10. It's the immaturity that's stunning. Sure maybe she is overwhelmed bc this babe clearly was not ready for children let alone two but that's what they did. So now she needs help. So instead of admitting that and enrolling the kids in some kind of pre school or daycare or hell even admitting that as the reason they go to the inlaws' every other weekends, it's about these episodes? I mean her inlaws seem like the loving, helpful type anyway. You can see it with her kids but also with the pics of them with their other grandkids. So it's not like absent these episodes, they couldn't still go to the inlaws' twice a month, MIL still wouldn't feed them dinner every night they're there, or MIL/FIL still wouldn't spend time with their kids. Sure maybe they couldn't just drop the kids altogether and be like sorry gotta deal with Carlin's episodes. Likely it would be more tag team where the kids are going back and forth between Evan/Carlin and the inlaws, but it'd still be a lot of help - and a shit ton more help than she gets from G&K.
  11. Agreed. I did appreciate John saying loud and clear that "everyone thinks I wanted the boy, not true, it's THIS ONE [pointing to Alyssa]." Maybe Allie and Lexi understood it, maybe they didn't understand it yet but videos live on forever and at some point in the next few years they'll stumble upon their parents' YouTube. BUT it'll only mean something if he actually backs it up and makes sure his daughters aren't treated like trash bc of "little man" -- and I have my doubts about that. He is very very traditional. AND at the end of the day, they're with Alyssa 40 hrs'wk, not John. Alyssa needs the help with cooking and cleaning and John as a fundie likely thinks that's right bc hey we're raising them how they need to be raised to be good wives and mommies and we'll raise little man how he needs to be raised to be king of the castle. Hope John at least steps in on the small stuff. Like kids are kids and at some point yeah the girls will end up breaking little man's toys or excluding little man - whether accidentally or jealousy or whatever - and I hope he can then reign in Alyssa's screaming and he himself can recognize it's kids being kids. John has talked the talk before. In a YT video pre-Maci he also said something about not needing a Jr. and something along the lines of "how is that going to make our girls feel if we're desperate for a boy - like they aren't good enough?" So he at least recognizes the issue. Whether he can act on it is a different thing.
  12. Alyssa is doubling down. She can’t wait to spoil her little man rotten - per her IG post re the reveal. Daughters be damned I guess.
  13. She's dumb + vain + immature + still has it stuck in her head that girls are supposed to be stupider and not understand things to make the headships feel like they must take charge/make decision/explain things. Fantastic combo of qualities for someone going through their own health problems with a kid who has/had a hole in her heart and having trouble staying on the growth curve. She likely doesn't understand much of what the drs. say + doesn't have the critical thinking skills to actually ask a question bc she doesn't understand what she doesn't understand + as @ginger90 says is preoccupied the whole time at the drs. office anyway wondering if her outfit is cute enough or if the dr sees her fresh mani. Kudos G&K for raising your daughters to be THIS stupid and uneducated and then handing them off of to headships who are barely any better. Though I guess Evan at least can say "astigmatism," which Carlin could only remember as "a stigma." And also kudos G&K for the AMAZING healthcare you provided to your children. Evan said Carlin has only been to the eye dr TWICE in her LIFE - both times after marriage?? Uh she's 24. I realize they don't believe in preventative care + their kids weren't reading a blackboard so they couldn't complain about not being able to see from the back of the classroom but Jesus, it never occurred to G&K to have their kids' eyes tested at least a few times thru childhood??
  14. YMMV but I don't think that's Law's job. He was raised fundie, he knows Chad and Erin are very fundie, he wouldn't be wrong in assuming that they are raising their kids how they were raised -- boys get special privileges and the girls have to deal. Not sure why they'd change their mind bc childless Law thinks they're wrong. Plus as @Salacious Kitty points out, we don't know how it shook out - maybe he DID say, are you sure that's ok, won't Brooklyn be hurt - and Chad/Erin were all like no no it's fine, she needs to deal with this stuff. What's he supposed to say then, ok well I still don't want Carson alone so he's out? And with a family that big, no way can he open the door to contributing to certain people's flights bc forever others will bitch that they had to spend $$$ to fly out there. These things don't stay secret.
  15. It was def a monetary thing, but they aren't the first people in the universe to have tight finances. In most non fundie families, when the thing that is unaffordable is a trip to Cali for 2 similar age kids, the automatic solution is NOT pick the boy. The solution is ok no kid goes, only mom goes bc it's her brother's wedding. As much as I am not a fan of Law, even before Tiff came on the scene, he would go out on little outings with Bradley and Kacie and also with Carson and Brooklyn. Nothing big but just like 2 hrs at a local amusement park or fair followed by ice cream; he wouldn't just take the boys but each boy AND his almost same age sister. He EASILY could have told his sister/SIL that he just wanted to take their son out on a guy's outing/it's easier to take a little boy etc. and they totally would have agreed bc after all as Alyssa clarified "that's how boys are treated." But he didn't do that. For that reason alone I'm convinced he didn't just ask Carson to be in his wedding but asked for both Carson and Brooklyn [just like he asked both Brad/Kacie] and Chad/Erin said - eh we can't spend the $ on more than 2 Cali tix, just ask Carson, instead of saying nah it won't be fair, you know what just skip our kids. While yes us adults think weddings are boring and forgettable, from Brooklyn's perspective - Carson got to get on a plane, stay in a hotel for 2 nights, go to the beach in the free morning [and this fam rarely travels], and all that while getting 1:1 time w/ mom, seeing Uncle Law/Aunt Tiff and a zillion cousins. So yeah he got something BIG that she didn't bc he has a penis. And I thought Erin was OH SO SENSITIVE to post pics of Carson throughout - eating ice cream at the airport, at the beach, in the wedding. Now granted Chad isn't a social media person so maybe he wasn't showing Brooklyn pics, but I wouldn't put it past him TO show her pics and fully expect her to be THRILLED for her brother. And she's now old enough to realize how old school her dad is - if she didn't act THRILLED for her brother, you know she'd be yelled about how much God hates jealousy, it's a sin, and made to repent.
  16. Alyssa def strikes me as the type with a mean streak. I mean John has said that she was kind of mean when they were courting, engaged and even in their first yr of marriage [he didn't say the word mean but very clearly implied that she was standoffish/would stop talking to him] and he kept running back to her and doing what he had to to make her happy. Apparently he had low enough self esteem that he thought that's what the types of girls worth marrying are like?? At some level she probably calmed herself w/ John as the realization set in that this marriage wasn't just about getting out of G&K's house and having a fundie wedding and sex, but she had to make a life with this man and he was her $ maker. But then that's ok bc along came the kids and in that house, while John is above her in fundie hierarchy, she is above the kids. She grew up in a crappy home with crappy parents and dreamt of having her own pristine quiet mansion with all white and glass furniture. All well and good, but usually the people who want that don't go and have 5 kids in 8 yrs. And given her crappy parents, she was scrubbing the house and cooking 3 meals a day with Michael prob by the time she was Allie's age. So you KNOW she looks at her kids esp Allie and Lexie and thinks they have it "too easy." I have a feeling a lot of keeping the house clean is falling on Allie and Lexie now when the IG cameras aren't on. A few months ago she started the - oh Allie LOVES to make lunch for her sisters. Granted lunch was like PBJ but I have a feeling Allie will be doing actual cooking of hot dinners sooner rather than later. John honestly doesn't even seem like he wants kids and if he's being truthful about not being desperate for a boy, I think he would've been fine if they had stopped esp after Alyssa's heart issue, which he seemed traumatized by. At that time they had 3 and I think he would've been fine being like, it's the lord's will to not keep stressing Alyssa's body out here after heart procedures.
  17. So they put the video up. In advance of the reveal they were badgering each of the girls about what they wanted [uh way to set up for disappointment; why not ask them to guess what it is]. Well Ally said girl and the other two said boy. So when they cut the cake and it was blue, Allie was already a bit disappointed. To his credit John hugged and kissed Allie as soon as the cake was cut. Then John later says -- "everyone thinks I wanted the boy, not true, it's THIS ONE [pointing to Alyssa]." Not sure that I fully believed him but at least he said it. Then dumbass Alyssa says "I want to be able to spoil the last one and not feel bad about it because it's a different gender, so I can just be like oh that's just how the boys get treated." Allie's face FALLS in that moment - you can see her look down, biting her lip/frowning - and the camera isn't even that close to her but still captured it. Even Lexi kind of looks away/disappointed. John kind of laughs and says "that's ridiculous" - again not super convincing - but he said it. And that's how Allie looked for the rest of the video . . . Noticeably the other two just seemed not that interested, esp. after Alyssa's comment. And BTW it's already started. There was paper confetti on the cake later and Alyssa has to say "THE GIRLS destroyed MY cake, why is there confetti on this cake." John says something like - oh they said we aren't eating it. Uh - I realize they're just THE GIRLS but you're still the parent and they are little kids who think this is a prop. Why did you not say in advance or when they started messing with the cake - hey no, no do not pick up confetti off the floor and put it on the cake bc we will eat that. And for as much as Alyssa cares about image, I assume she is PISSED at John that his shirt had very noticeable pit stains.
  18. Hate to give him any credit but it seems like the only one of the Bates kids/inlaws who hasn't dropped his daughter in favor of a son is Evan. I assumed he would bc he made a big deal about his family name carrying on, how he and his brother are his dad's only sons and his uncle has all daughters etc. Yet he seems to interact with Layla as he always did. He kicks the soccer ball around with her or sets her up with kid golf clubs when he himself is hitting golf balls. He posted some video where both him and Carlin were going to work out separately and Layla joined him and he didn't say - no you need to go with mom and her friend. Instead when she started copying him doing sit ups or whatever, he praised her for being so strong. He gushes over her when she shows off her princess dresses, nail polish, and dance moves. Interestingly he grew up in the same set up that Alyssa/John aspire to -- 4 older sisters followed by 2 boys. But he also didn't grow up in a fundie home, so I'm guessing his parents didn't just drop the sisters or act like they were only put on earth to cook, clean, or take care of Evan and his brother once they arrived. With Chad/Erin the favoritism towards Carson is obvious. With Z/W, it's less obvious but still there. While Z will carry the girls around or whatever, he ONLY ever does one on one things with Bradley; I'm sure they'd say - oh he's sooo busy with home reno, can't do that with a girl. And W GUSHES over Bradley in a way she doesn't over her daughters but she DOES go over the top praising the daughters when they are "fixing to do something sweet" FOR Bradley. But Z/W still aren't as heinous as Chad/Erin - we haven't seen them ONLY take Bradley places; in the times where they've done an activity like a football game or something and don't take the whole family, they'll take Bradley and Kacey, which at least makes sense as maybe an 8 and 6 yr old can handle an all day outing that a 1 and 3 yr old can't. Kelton with his gross macho and sexist attitudes re girls will 100% drop his daughters the second a little penis arrives, which I imagine him and Josie are negotiating now bc after all the second daughter is one and a half. Bobby IDK about - he like Evan didn't grow up fundie and grew up with 2 sisters, so maybe he'll include his daughters in fun things. Hard to know yet as the sons are older so sports, rough housing etc. is easier with them, but hopefully he lets his daughters join as soon as they can.
  19. This is going to be Carson Paine all over again. He's the golden child in that family [too bad they're unable to upgrade their housing, but even still Chad and Erin have said they're desperately trying to find a housing solution - "because you don't want a boy sharing a room with girls past age 8" - though they may miss their deadline there.] But he's still the golden boy and the girls are JUST girls. I mean HE got to go to California with Erin for Uncle Law's wedding, yet his sister who is only a year younger and just as close with Uncle Law didn't?? I see the Websters doing the same kind of thing - his own room + special activities/things just for him because OH HE'S a boy, he can appreciate going to games or driving go karts or whatever. Esp since John always says money is tight, I feel like their feeling will be like - it's enough to make sure the girls are fed and clothed [w/ hand me downs and/or Tiki attire if she doesn't move onto the boy], and extras will go to the boy having all new everything from toys to furniture in his room to clothes to sporting gear. And did she need to SAY that she's going to spoil the last one [which this isn't] and now she has a reason bc he's a boy?? WTF. We know you feel that way but your 7 yr old isn't a toddler - she gets what you just said.
  20. Doesn't Junior need a brother? You know they'll worry about a boy growing up with that many sisters. Poor daughters. This is the last of any attention they're getting from dad [or even mom or Gil/Kelly] until it's time to walk down the aisle, when the parents will suddenly gush about how sad they are that she's leaving. I mean I guess some attention can be had for the daughters that step up with the household chores, cooking, and child rearing - so maybe Allie. And poor Lexi - she'll see a brother getting to play soccer, football, whatever and being 6 yrs older - it'll be deemed inappropriate/unladylike for her to play as by the time this kid is 6, she'll be 12. In that sense Joy Duggar had it better, she was sporty too and while she was pulled away from that by the time she was a preteen, she at least grew up playing bc she was surrounded by a pack of similarly aged boys on either side.
  21. Yet they have to go to JOHN's softball games w/ his damn HVAC company and dutifully clap for daddy. A grown ass man needs little girls cheering him on at his "sport" - you know the type most normal guys play for fun while enjoying beer in the dugout? But god forbid the GIRLS get to try anything. Frankly why couldn't he make that a daddy daughter activity - let them bat off a tee, throw, catch, batting cages once they're big enough. But yeah if it's a boy, he'll have a baseball glove, basketball, and football in his possession as soon as he starts crawling.
  22. I mean in normal families in 2022, of course. Dads do everything with girls from every type of sport to repairing car engines to building computers to fishing/camping to renovating a house [and no I don't mean buying decor at Target - I mean knocking down walls]. But in the Webster home - uh no. John has made it 100% clear that girls = you're raising her to cook, clean, look pretty, and spew religious speak for her headship who should be showing up in another decade or so for Ally. I mean the second kid [Lexi] IS sporty. We haven't yet seen John indulge those interests even once. Why is she subject to getting dressed up w/ makeup and crappy plastic jewelry on her bday to go sit in a restaurant with John? Wouldn't it be a better activity for THIS kid to take her for her trampoline park or to a batting cage or to race go karts or to some kind of baseball/basketball/etc. college game as a birthday gift? These people never go anywhere + John is against organized activities it seems [Ally similarly can't take ballet lessons even though Alyssa wants her to] -- so why can't they put up a basketball hoop in their driveway and it can be an activity for whichever daughters want to play? Because John doesn't give a damn about these kids interests or even the things that could bring them small day to day happiness -- all that matters is getting the "raising them" part over with to hand them off to some man to make babies. Frankly even the way both Alyssa and John talk down to the second kid is kind of mean. It just seems like they're always disappointed in her bc she doesn't want to be the helping mommy type of sister - but dammit that's what girls are put on earth to do so we better get this child's mind right ASAP.
  23. Exactly how long is this camping trip? Because if you're not into it, it's perfectly fine to camp out for one afternoon/evening/night and pack up and go after breakfast. Frankly it's perfectly fine not to camp at all but we can't do w/o the YT and IG basic fall content here + keeping up with Josie. Second - as @BitterApple says, what is the point of camping if you won't do anything but exercise videos and sitting at your laptop? Can't you do those things at home? Who even brings a laptop when camping?? And Evan you are a YouTuber here, not an investment banker who'll miss a billion dollar global deal if he goes off the grid and doesn't get the signed documents back to London ASAP. While I don't care for Josie and Kelton, when they camp they at least seem to enjoy it - well Kelton does and Josie does the doting wife thing happily enough that she doesn't seem miserable. I mean they go with his family, seem to be talking the whole time, they'll set up the grill and cook actual meals etc. This guy mean while brings a Duraflame and a lighter and then leaves the lighter on top of the burning fire. Wonder if he realizes how a lighter works and what's inside it. I can see why the electrician thing wasn't for him - he isn't the manliest of men.
  24. Seems like a totally fake camping trip, and I think it’s the same spot as last year. They’ve gotten better with the camera but last years views showed that it was pretty much them pulling up to a ditch/retaining pond/random pond on the side of the road and “camping.” It’s all to showcase them in their fall outfits, perfect campfire etc. doing another check the box fall activity, and let’s be honest there’s a bit of competition w Josie who does this all the time. Wouldn’t be shocked if soon after the campfire shots, maybe they show a bit of sleeping say at 7 pm and then pack it up and go home, to return the next morning to show early morning. Just like a movie shooting. Though at that point, camp in your backyard - Layla would find it just as fun. And I realize they’re jobless but who goes camping on a random Wed? If you’re at a real campground (which they aren’t), you want to be there when it’s got other families, not the random guys living in vans doing whatever. But hey manly Evan has got this.
  25. He's like 27-28, which is the time when many guys start to balloon out as it hasn't yet occurred to them that they can't eat like their 21 year old selves anymore as they sit at a desk job [or in Evan's case sit and twiddle his thumbs all day, editing a YT video per week and playing dress shop]. I mean in Evan's case at 21, he was still living with mommy [as opposed to at college like most guys] and eating way healthier as his mom seems like the type that puts on full meals every night with green vegetables and everything. So yeah to go from that to Chick Fil a many nights per week and Sbux daily for the last 3+ yrs -- of course he's going to look gross. Before he got with Carlin he seemed somewhat disciplined -- school, working out many nights a week etc. But all it took was Ms. Carlin crying about how he's gone too much [bc there was a time where he'd finish school and then go to the gym for an hr and then come home] and all that got put to rest. Now he talks a good game about a new work out plan or whatever but himself says he sticks with it for 2 days and admitted that he's overweight for his height now. I feel like the Bates laziness has rubbed off on him big time. And I don't care how expensive those Cuts pants are Carlin, they are doing your man no favors. While you may think that buffoon is soooo sexy, no one needs to see every inch of his wide butt and now the entire outline of his package, so maybe you can get a sponsorship w some company making structured pants like jeans??
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