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Everything posted by cereality

  1. Complete waste of a trip to Vegas. If they left their hotel room for anything other than takeout Sbux or burgers [I still doubt it], maybe they went out to a steak dinner. After all they've done that in Knox as their "annual meeting" to "talk business" -- i.e. fancy dinner that they got to write off. But rest assured if they did, they only went to a chain they've been to before. Heaven forbid they go to a restaurant that's only in Vegas/from another part of the country. Most non-curious, close minded people ever. Imagine being grown 21+ year olds who constantly talk about "partying" but when you had the chance to explore a fun city you were scared bc OMG what if you saw a show girl or shirtless man on the street or drunk bachelor/bachelorette party groups? I guess these people can only be tourists in places with a ton of churches [Italy/Israel] or poor people they can preach too [mission trips] or nature [Gatlinburg; forests; beaches like San Diego] and they need to stay the hell away from cities where they may see people that look or act different from them.
  2. Same. Let's be real their convention= buying cheap crap which you can do at whatever time you want for a few hours each day and then just roam. If you've never been, the hotels themselves are cool. Why wouldn't you go to the Bellagio fountains and then duck inside to see the observatory? Or go to the Venetian which has the canals and gondolas? This morning you could see the Wynn in the background of their walk, why wouldn't go you in there and see the lobby which is pretty nice w/ the flower merry go round? Why wouldn't you go on the High Roller and get a view of the whole city/mountains? And if go do stuff in Vegas early in the day, it's kind of empty so you're not going to get drunk people [or maybe even any people] in your High Roller cabin?? And the Vegas people watching is a sight to behold - and I say this as a NYC person. IDK if they're NOT doing stuff/hiding it because of their buying public bc I actually don't think their buying public is fundie. Conservatives without money sure - so 2 days in Vegas would be a dream vacation to them and I'm sure they'd like to see a young couple riding the Venetian gondola or the High Roller and posing for 8000 pics?? I think they are just "afraid" of Vegas and what they or their precious husbands may see that may cause them to pop a boner [and are the most un-curious people on earth], so I think they go to the convention each morning, they "see" Vegas by grabbing a Starbucks in the hotel lobby and are probably aghast seeing people rolling in at 8 am clearly having partied all night, and then when you're exhausted and done - they come running home to the hotel. I GUARANTEE they've been "partying" by gathering in one of their rooms with takeout pizza each night. And then they get bored so they spend their time shilling for that damn beauty line [Carlin] or some cooking thing [Katie], gushing about how much they miss their kids blah blah. I agree Evan is about to be named Social Media Director of BSB - pretty obvious after that video he made of them at the airport. @SMama - where did Evan hint at a solution for Carlin needing him around? On YT videos? Whatever said solution is FMLA boy was walking 15+ ft ahead of his wife chattering with other people as she was videoing the group walking to the convention center and it doesn't appear she's in the wheelchair today . . . .
  3. Of course FMLA boy can't push the wheelchair, he's filming. If you look at the BSB IG page, they aren't hiding the guys. Zach is there as the "buyer/manager" "negotiating" to get a good price on the dresses the ladies want . . . . And you can kind of see the seller nodding her head no as Zach begs for a discount. Zach may want to consider hitting up the hotel gym . . . sitting home or at a dress shop all day seems to suit him. Later when they are all sprawled on the floor of the convention hotel [gross], you see Evan there editing on the laptop. But seems like Carlin was in the wheelchair for the day - as some employee is pushing her in the BSB IG. Wonder if Carlin had a scare or if this is precautionary given the over 100 degree temps in Vegas and the fact that Vegas hotels and convention centers are huge and as always she was posting awake from the hotel at like 2 am to show us the view - which would be 5 am Knox time, so it's not like she's slept. I did however enjoy the hysterical crying pics from the airport after the grandparents took the babies. Give me a break Carlin you and your DH are going on a made up trip for 2 days to Vegas that doesn't require you, not deploying to the army for the next year. And btw if you cared soooo much, you couldn't have arrived in Nashville early, taken your kids to the grandparents and settled them down there. You instead had to see your church family and then road trip to Nashville of course stopping at the new family favorite "buccees" so that only left time for an airport hand off? @3 is enough - can you tell where they're staying by Carlin or Whit's pics of the views? It looks like it's somewhere near the Strat to me, though I can't tell if they're north or south of the Strat. Definitely the cheaper and shadier part of town - so it looks like they didn't spring for the nice resorts like Bellagio.
  4. He never actually worked for real post-apprentice. The apprentice-ship of course looks like a job, but it's part of the requirements to graduate - not an actual job. I remember this bc his graduation "party" [i.e. cake with mommy and daddy] was in Nashville when they were already staying in Nashville and Carlin was having episodes. Speaking of how much Carlin, Evan, and Whit talk about "OMG we stayed up and PARTIED," I'd pay to see these people go to a REAL party in Vegas. You know the types where alcohol flows freely, cocaine is totally available, women are wearing dresses w/ abundant cleavage, you can leave with a hooker if you want, and guys will come up to Carlin and Whit and ask them to dance. Their minds would be blown at the sin of it all . . . they THINK they party bc they pick up snacks at Dollar General and stay up all night at their parents' homes playing board games - woohoo. Wonder where they're staying. The Strip is pricey right now, so I wouldn't be shocked if it was off strip. But cue DAYS of Carlin crying about OMG I've never left MY BABIES, I miss them SOOO MUCH. Sorry but the rest of us aren't dumb, YES you have. Maybe she hasn't left Zade, but they dumped Layla off with the inlaws for a weekend in Arkansas to spend w/ Joy with the purpose of buying a used car, apparently there are no used cars for sale in all of Tenn. And lest it be forgotten, when Carlin got covid the first time, Layla wasn't home because she had been staying with the inlaws for days prior to that?? They left their then SEVEN MONTH old with a heart problem hours away with the inlaws during a pandemic in 2020, when no one knew what was going on?! Come to think of it, for their second bout w/ covid, they had also dumped Layla with the inlaws as they baby-mooned at a hotel in Nashville but then they ended up coming home when they felt sick. So spare me the - I've NEVER left my babies. Layla's only been on this earth for 2.5 yrs, and there's 3 examples riight there. But cue week 12 [the final week] of FMLA for Evan - party in Vegas, woohoo. I'm sorry but what part of "travel more" = take care of yourself and be careful??
  5. Exactly. If she had an ounce of intelligence, instead of sitting around for the first 6 months of her marriage BEGGING for Trav to make a baby with her -- she would have instead joined the cosmetology program at the local community college, which is really pretty close to where they live. Trav has said before that he'd "let her" work and he even put a sink/chair set up in the basement, likely hoping she'd start doing hair for fundie weddings at his church or something - anything to distract herself from needing a baby ASAP. Trav has said before also that the Tenn cosmetology license doesn't transfer to NJ directly - she'd have to take some more classes to get a NJ license. So yeah moron Katie, she could've taken said classes and in doing so met some other girls her age. But reality is she and her sister were raised with ZERO self awareness and were raised like all fundies to believe they are BEST. So when she met 18-22 classmates with no husbands, not knowing whether they'll marry and become moms in 2 yrs or 10, you'd know she'd feel superior and feel sorry for them. Not the makings of friendship . . . . It's the way Anna Duggar when living in DC famously said she felt sorry for all those DC girls who "had to" work and didn't even have a man because "they don't even have a man to take out the garbage." HAHAHAHA pretty sure those east coast women are better off NOT having the garbage that fundie women deal with on the regular.
  6. Grew up right where they live - in fact if Trav's family were to send anyone to public school [the horror], they'd go to my high school. While that part of NJ is a bit more provincial than the northern NJ/right outside of NYC suburbs, it's still not provincial like Katie and Trav. No one marries at 19 or 21 or whatever age they were and it's rare to find a MARRIED mom with a baby at 22. Like anywhere you'll find some accidental pregnancy/single mom/guy ran away type situations but perish the thought Katie wouldn't hang out with THOSE women. At 22 most women in that area - even the ones who weren't the most studious - are finishing up some sort of college, nursing, medical tech type program. Assuming she has her baby in the major hospital system there, she'll notice MANY of the lab techs, nurses, etc. are her age. But guess it doesn't matter for them, their baby won't socialize with the regulars at Mommy & Me anyway - it'll be all about the church family and the inlaws. Heaven forbid it's a son, we can only think about what Grandpa Clark and Great Grandpa Clark will be doing to start "toughening him up" starting at like 6 mos.
  7. How hard pressed are these people for content? I'm sorry but no want wants 2 damn days of discussion re the dentist complete w/ a gross selfie you've taken w/ mouth wide open as the dentist works on you and a complete run down of which tooth needed a sealant and which had a cavity and whether husband or wife brush their teeth more??! I too noticed the "dinner" consisting of chips + soda/bottled beverage. Are they incapable of cooking? Like is it impossible for them to boil some pasta and throw jarred sauce on top or make a grilled cheese or or PBJ? Week 12 of FMLA starts on Monday for Evan. Not that they'll acknowledge it that this is the last week or next week say - ok well back to work now. I mean they'll just ignore the fact altogether if E continues to stay home as they very likely believe their viewing audience believes his job is forever protected so whenever he is done being a fabulous husband driving her around all day to fast food places, he can just waltz back into work. Hell given how often they "misunderstand" things - THEY may believe that.
  8. Glad to see taking care of herself has fallen by the wayside again - came back from the inlaws' Thursday, Law/Tiff stayed with them Sat night - ok fine. Yet at 2 am Tiff is posting videos being like - woohoo party, we're making pizza rolls?? Uh GO TO BED Carlin. If IIRC she had an episode at the last BSB sale and on the way to that sale she was going on and on about how they stayed up until 1 am "partying" at her parents house. Sure everyone likes to stay up, but my God woman take care of yourself and that includes sleeping! They def won't say we don't need Evan's income bc it opens up the whole door of - you're THE MAN, you're not gonna provide and live off your wife's dress shop and her little social media hobby? I don't think they have told or would tell either set of parents - that this is bringing in about 50k/yr if not more this yr due to Carlin's health, so he doesn't HAVE to work as long as he's jumping on her gurney to get the right footage. So if they say well we don't need Evan's paycheck, then they get likely HIS parents being all "worried" bc they're old school people who probably think - cute this pays them $100/month for a fun hobby. Plus social media ppl always want to act like their followers are "friends," not mere customers. It's much easier, more dramatic for YT clicks, and more "OMG what a GREAT husband to sacrifice after all that school, I mean he WANTS to work so badly but can't" -- to play the -- ooooh Carlin's health, money be damned, in this season of life I HAVE to be with her. But realistically yeah what would he do - drive her around to Sbux, Sonic, nails, and that damn shop? Carlin already gets groceries delivered as we've seen her showing 30 Walmart bags on her doorstep at the old house while gushing how it makes life soooo much easier [guess WMT didn't cough up a sponsorship though]. Sure there are drs appts but they aren't the only people in America to have to use time off for drs. They're dumbasses who are setting themselves back for years bc they can't plan their way out of a paper bag and their parents [esp hers] never taught them to think long term bc eh God. Like sure you're making easy money now as YT stars. But you're developing no skills or experience useable for a real job for when you need one - your electrician training means jack $hit until you have years of experience to handle any kind of job. So what happens in 2-5 yrs, there will be new young YT stars, your kids are fairly homely so no one is watching for that . . . then what?? And in the meantime you're living off Medicaid [bc I guarantee grifters Zach/Gil will teach them how to "reduce" their income to get free insurance at least for the kids], saving $0 for retirement - when you could be earning a pension at your freaking union job??
  9. I don't watch their videos bc they don't need more $ and I can get the gist here. Her fall was caught on security camera? So where was Evan, why was he not by her side given that the episode with Alyssa where C was in a freaking parking lot was a few days prior? I know they had said before that Evan wasn't there bc he was off helping with VBS but really was he running to grab the footage - bc at the point they couldn't have known they'd have security camera footage. Also interest that Reddit ppl are saying the video features a number of people who saw it happen and ignored it/went on with their business. This was at VBS. All these church obsessed ppl seem very Christ like . . . . And sorry despite her issues Carlin is kind of a bitch. I do understand why her sisters are mostly like - whatever - they aren't showing up to babysit her kids, bring her meals etc. She's on her way home from the shower this afternoon and is GUSHING about Evan driving her home from "A SHOWER." It wasn't A SHOWER for some long lost coworker or neighbor from a decade ago, it was for your future SIL - you REALLY can't say her name or acknowledge she's marrying Trace? I realize Carlin doesn't like Lydia/Trace since they are team Josie, but I'm of the view that if I really hate you that much then fine, I'm not going to your event, I'll let you have your day without my dour face. If I do go to your event however, I'll be polite, celebrate, and wish you congrats etc. even if I'm not your bestie. It's called being an adult. She posted ONE pic from the shower and it was with bestie Whit and Tiff. Sure NOT posting a pic doesn't mean she didn't interact with Lydia at all but come on we know every time she or her husband take a piss bc they must post it - I really think if she interacted with Lydia/Josie at any length, she would have posted a pic. Interesting that Evan dropped on IG that it'll be a year before Carlin drives - which I think is state law. They would have Uber $ esp if he went back to work, not to mention Addie/Ellie likely drive now . . . .
  10. So back home, back to shilling, and seemingly fine - so does Evan take week 11 off next week? And for what exactly? If he has an ounce of common sense he'd go back next week just to save the remaining 2 weeks of FMLA just in case something comes up later in the year. I mean she had a concussion and headaches so bad that she was sitting there in her inlaws' house on Sunday with headphones and sunglasses on. And then on Thursday she's back home and "working out." Granted it wasn't hard working out but she feels well enough to get down on the floor and do planks and put pressure on her body, so clearly she's better. Wonder if she goes to Lydia's shower tomorrow. I'm guessing no. Josie is running the show as Lydia is her bestie and given some frosty relations between Josie and Carlin PLUS probably being really insulted that Trace embarrassed her and Evan multiple times on social media re how dirty they live, I'm guessing she's stepped back from Trace; and Josie, Trace, and Lydia are their own clique.
  11. No money has been made off the pic YET. Yet I bet Zade's cold + breathing treatments show up in next weekend's video - whether as the topic of the entire video or 1/3 of the video split btwn Zade's issues, mama's issues, and whatever they did for fun at the inlaws' house. They really are jumping on the - medical stories make $ bandwagon. People need to stop watching their freaking videos. Last one I watched was Carlin's hysterical anxiety breakdown re we'll never get a house OMG . . . glad those morons bought at the exact peak of the market. And as Reddit is pointing out - no dr would prescribe that mask if Zade really needed breathing treatments. They're prescribe a baby sized mask bc fit is important. W/ the mask that Evan is holding, whatever comes out of the middle of the mask then drifts below and circles right out by the baby's chin so how much treatment is he even getting. Anyone willing to bet that they needed to drum this up as something a bit bigger to get clicks so hey - let's just run to CVS and grab a breathing mask or here's one that brother in law used for real when an actual dr prescribed it, let's just grab this dirty old one and stick it on the baby's face, what could it hurt. I HIGHLY doubt they took that kid to a dr. If for no other reason that right now a dr would test for covid too and I bet they wouldn't want that.
  12. Kelton’s gross, creepy and controlling. Doesn’t matter that he runs a biz and has money and cooks, something isn’t right with him as a person. I mean when he was starting to talk to Josie - she was going into 9th grade (if she went to school) and he was heading off to college and then he was pissed when Gil said no. Like what parent would allow that - fundie or not - it’s not even legal if they were to do stuff (not that they would but hey any relationship can go awry). And then he brought it up about 75 times - and no he wasn’t a “respectful young man.” He did a whole discussion w his dad about it when setting up the courtship ask - he can talk to his dad about whatever, he CHOSE to to it when UPTv was with him and dad. He brought it up at the freaking rehearsal dinner that G&K had said no to him 4 yrs ago as did best man Bobby in his freaking speech?! And yeah then the butt grab at the reception was a very clear - she’s mine now bitch. But then this is the dude whose birthday wish for his 2 yr old was that she remains pure for her future husband. He took it down when he got enough negative comments but he ain’t right in the head to be thinking about his toddler’s virginity and will be waging a turf war when the future sons in law do come along to take his daughters’ virginity. I find it comical that a macho asshole like that hasn’t been able to make a boy and is stuck with just 2 girls. I’m sure they’ll try for a boy but with Josie’s clotting disorders and just the sisters’ overall health who knows. Pretty sure he views women as just good for sex so wouldn’t be surprised if Josie held sex over him to undertake such a major project for his parents.
  13. And then she features herself sitting at the Stewarts' game night with sunglasses and giant headphones on to block some light and sound to ease her headache. You know what would be quieter and you could turn out the lights and just sit in the dark - your OWN freaking home?? If she is feeling that bad, why the hell are they traveling?? Why are they going to child recitals? His siblings all live nearby and have stopped in with their kids/sat around played games at least twice since Sat. Of course it's going to be loud with other grandkids visiting their grandparents. Why not stay in your own freaking home and farm out your kids for some grandparent time or Michael/Brandon babysitting for a few hours each day??
  14. I hope you all are right that Evan would listen to his parents on this but I don't see it. From what little we've seen, his parents seem like the traditional, grounded, supportive types. As in maybe dad is having/will have man to man talks with Evan regarding needing to go back to a job with a steady long term paycheck, retirement, and esp. insurance now that he has a wife who may have a continuing health problem. Yet I also see Evan's parents being the quiet types - like they speak their opinion once calmly and then say - but you're a grown man, you can do what's best for your family, we'll pray that you get guidance. I don't see them harping on it, yelling, lecturing etc. And while Evan was raised by his parents, he's been on the scene with Carlin for 6 yrs - since age 21. He's always been a prima donna wannabe music star and I think was really really impressed with the Bates for having their own show and LOVED having cameras following him and funding their experiences; so now if he can make money by "replicating" that fame with social media you know he's going to be like - what - my parents raised me to be a man that takes care of my family, and I am, this makes $. PLUS he's learned from the grifters - once he pulls out the - God laid it on my heart that I should put the electrician thing on pause in this season of life and not leave Carlin, what are his parents going to say? I mean we don't know that his parents haven't been speaking to Evan already and it's made no difference. I mean from weeks 3-about 7 she was largely ok on a day to day basis. They could have been encouraging him to leave Carlin and the kids with them and go to work to save his time off for when she needed to go off the meds for the EEG; they could have been suggesting that they ask one of the Bates sisters to watch her and maybe even offer to pay since it'd be taking away from that person's time with their business [like Michaela].
  15. They absolutely bought without an inspection. They bought at the absolute peak of the market where properties were going like hot cakes so a buyer asking for an inspection was skipped over in favor of another offer for the property as is. Plus buying from sweet church friends they prob didn’t want to give the impression they didn’t trust them - though likely it never even occurred to them that anything could be wrong, they looked at the house with an eye towards how it’d look on YT and nothing else. Had they cooled their jets for a few months, they would’ve been in a different real estate market but Carlin was too busy then having anxiety about not having a house ASAP. As for hiring Kelton - they’d have to actually hire him and pay his rates and likely aren’t willing to do that. Yet no way is Kelton going to work for them for free given how the cliques in this family are. I mean Trace pushed them off on some stuff with prices so high that they went with another contractor — not shocking given that Trace and his gf are Josie’s besties. Resting at the in-laws didn’t last long as they were at some niece’s dance recital this afternoon. Though at least she’s sat still much of the weekend as we got no IGs at Sbux or nails. Looks like they’re staying past the weekend - Sunday night and still there. Week 10 of FMLA starts this week - not much time left to decide whether Evan goes back or not.
  16. I was curious why they hadn't gone to the inlaws yet, given Carlin's episodes with Alyssa and at the BSB sale. But then I guess they wanted to get the neuro appt out of the way in Knoxville. I wouldn't be surprised if they're going there to stay for a while now, as she seemed to indicate she sees the neuro in a month and if they're seeing the same cardiologist as last time, he's in Nashville. The packing seems to indicate more than a Sat afternoon to Sunday evening trip. I hope so - they do better there. I assume in no small part because they have 2 adults watching them and telling them - no you don't need to be running off to the outlet mall to nails to Sbux to Sonic, go sit down; plus they get regular meals; and I assume there's no one to "party with" [lol they think they party with Whit and G&K] there so I assume by 10-11 pm there's nothing to do but sleep. Kind of wonder if the dr. had a lifestyle talk with Carlin and/or it just occurred to her. Bc this week she made a show of NOT going to VBS and saying Layla went with Evan and then showing a plate with a turkey sandwich to show she was eating a real dinner; and one night she also showed hers and Evan's slippers by the bed by 10 pm - with an off to bed message on IG. The turkey sandwich is what reminded me bc during the pregnancy when she'd go on about low iron, I have a feeling an OBGYN said no you can't just run on chips and Sbux, so she's feature herself with a turkey sandwich [as if it's a HUGE accomplishment to make one] and apple slices. Added benefit Layla was eating those things for a hot second too before mother and daughter went back to their Cheetos and Cheez Its diet. And sorry but a lot of these girls live pretty dirty, so I'm not at all shocked by shoes ON her bed. And I'm positive she then proceeded to throw them in her suitcase w/o putting them in any kind of shoe bag or plastic baggie - just right in there with clean underwear and toothbrush. I mean we've seen this woman fold CLEAN laundry on the freaking kitchen floor - in a home where they don't take off shoes - so whatever anyone tracked into the kitchen floor, was right there on her clean clothing. We've seen them leave dirty dishes for an entire week. We've seen Josie allow Willow to give her sister a donut on the porch by placing the donut directly on the doormat for the to pick up. You know the doormat the Amazon guy stands on 300 times/wk, where Kelton wipes off his shoes after lord knows what plumbing job etc; and to make it better as Willow gnawed on her own donut sitting on the ground of the porch while touching the ground every 2 seconds, it was super clear that she was sitting amid either bird or paint droppings. So yeah G&K raised their kids in a sty and Kelly gave the girls ZERO wife or mother training and the girls being so insta obsessed think as long hair and makeup look good, there is no such thing is dirty. I feel like Alyssa and Michaela are the only ones not like that - A bc she craved order and was horrified by how her family lived and M bc I think she desires to be the old school fundie wife so I see her sitting there starching Brandon's shirts and packing his suitcases perfectly, not just throwing shoes in with his toothbrush.
  17. They are 24 and 27 and basically still living the college kid life - complete with fast food 5 days/wk; no cooking; letting the dishes pile up and doing them once a week; letting the garbage pile up and taking it out when it overflows; always having piles of laundry; apparently not dusting; back burnering health as much as possible. All perfectly fine as they are living out the youth they SHOULD have lived out at ages 18-22. Yet then they were living in mama's house and desperately looking for a spouse to make babies with ASAP - did not matter whether they were mentally ready or not. What's sad is that they're doing this with kids. Plenty of people have kids at 24 and 27 - even moreso in the south. By the time the kids come around, those parents have settled down and are cooking and cleaning some and keeping a decent home. They aren't acting like these two morons running from nails to hair to YT filming to staying up at their parents' homes until 2 am - with a newborn and toddler eating whatever, sleeping wherever etc. What I don't get is they were leaving a sweet church friend's home, knowing that it would be taken by their brother. I realize they were in Nashville and had a lot on their plate but they aren't exactly hurting for money - could they not have had a cleaning service come in after they moved out to clean and thus leave it in decent shape for the landlord and new the renter? Are they not embarrassed that they live like this and now their sweet friend from church + their brother/fiance + any number of YT viewers know? Or do they assume it's fine bc everyone lives like them? I mean I do think G&K's house is a sty . . . . As for the hissy fit - IDK if I'd go so far as hissy fit - but there's this thing that Carlin does when she's trying to be sarcastic [IDK if she knows what that even is] that just comes off 1000% rude - as if her problems are the doctors' fault or the doctors are so dumb. That's how she was speaking when she left the dr. yesterday with mixed messaging of - they'll watch me for the next month to see how episodes go vs. I need to schedule a 5 day EEG in the hospital. Like if you're not happy with your care, you are free to go someplace else. I wonder if part of it is that Carlin and family never got routine care. If Gil was taking kids to the ER, that's more of a situation where they give the kid antibiotics or whatever and they're on their way. Like I wonder if she didn't realize before this that there are situations where drs monitor you, you could back for testing often, based on that testing meds are started or changed etc. -- like it's a process in a way that the ER patching up a kid isn't. Like I really wonder if they've ever done any follow up appts w/ Layla and a cardiologist to confirm that hole in her heart is indeed closed or if it's more of a - well she seems fine, her primary didn't make a big fuss so we're good.
  18. So they were/are at the dr filming each other. Carlin filming Evan as he fills out forms for her asking symptoms - can she not do that? While he jokes that he can’t wait to see the dr bc he’s his friend and the person Evan call and texts most right now. 🙄 And then Evan filming Carlin sitting in the chair for her blood draw. Do we need to see this?? No doubt it’s for their next YT but I don’t like being at my own drs appts let alone someone else’s?! Glad to see no one in Tenn masks even in medical settings as Carlin, Evan, and the nurse about to do the blood draw are all mask less . . . . So now she needs to follow up w a cardiologist and then schedule a 5 day EEG in the hospital - even though the 2-3 day at home was all clear and in the previous slide that said they’ll re evaluate if she has more episodes in the next month?? Maybe the 5 day in hospital one is IF NEEDED? She’s vague booking - and saying “we did find out some things” but won’t say what those are, as she acts a bit bratty re “We have more follow ups how fun. I have low expectations, I won’t be disappointed.” They apparently did talk to them about how 2 concussions in a row could be dangerous. In at least some of the post Evan’s hand is on the back of her neck. But please follow this up by staying home a bit more - though who knows if the dr explicitly said that.
  19. Why are these girls and their headships so stupid?? Josie is on IG crowing about how they’re getting a full security system put in because “weird things have been happening.” Of course she’s shilling for the company. But sweetie if indeed weird things have been happening (she could be lying so who knows), do you think it’s necessary to show viewers exactly where the main alarm panel is, where the cameras are being drilled in to the side of your house, and then show us on the panel exactly which areas are camera-ed? I mean you already live in a nothing town where it’s easy to figure out who lives where (and K helpfully let all know it’s at the end of a dead end road) + you’d shown everyone the exact layout of your house + you show off your $$ goods like the Trager + everyone knows the exact days you’re at work/on vacation etc. They need to take a lesson from any number of actual B/C list celebrities - I follow a few of the Bachelor alums who have a legit empire, some low level NFL players. These people know they aren’t STARS yet still - while they film inside their homes, they never show exact layouts; they don’t show enough of the exterior for you to know the exact house; they certainly never announce what days they work out of the home; vacations - maybe they’ll post mid way thru/at the end but unlike the Bates they don’t put a sign up that they’re gone by showing themselves leaving at 6 am. A few always say they have dog/house sitters staying over - who knows if they do - but they want that impression out there. Contrast the Bates girls - woohoo here’s our address, send us free stuff.
  20. I wouldn't underestimate just how dumb and under-educated these headships are. We all know G&K raised their daughters to be dumb ditzes bc what does a woman need besides the Lord + making babies, she'll have a headship that'll make all the decisions for her + the boys won't be attracted to a daughter that's too smart. They excitedly married them off to to the first headship that looked at them who believed in the Bible + were handsome + had a k-12 education consisting of Bible flashcards with their own mamas - as is the case with Evan and John. After both of Alyssa's surgeries were done, she and John made a video about it and I still remember being stunned watching John and his lack of deductive reasoning. I mean sure he was sweet being appropriately teary about how much he loved his wife and how stunned he was that she needed heart surgery. And then he went on and on and on about how they never understood what was going on, the drs. used SUCH big words, who even knew if the surgeries were what she needed but they Lord moved them in that direction, who even knew that there are different types of cardiologists and all they could do is pray she found the right dr. Sure medical issues are stunning for anyone, but in this day and age and esp. with conditions that are dealt with over a series of drs. office visits [as opposed to true emergencies], most people are able to read up, ask the dr questions when he/she explains, if they don't understand - ask follow up questions. These daughters obviously can't do that, but their headships can't either. I legit think a dr speaks and they get overwhelmed by big words, don't know what to ask or how to ask, so they go with it and then are left saying - who knows what the drs were saying . . . . And then they revert to what they know - the Lord; drs. don't know everything, it's in the Lord's hands, the Lord's moving us to seek this treatment that the dr mentioned that we totally don't understand . . . . I think that's where a lot of Carlin's - drs don't do anything - stuff is coming from; and then when she's in a better mood/feeling better, she'll sometimes say how nice all the drs/nurses were. Which is something a 4th grade little girl would say - that the dr. was NICE - as oppose to he/she really explained x, we asked a ton of questions, they came up with a plan etc.
  21. Lol no drs. cannot respond publicly to what a patient says. Not to mention no dr. cares what two F list UPTV stars and wannabe YT stars [or any patient really] say. Frankly if they aren't happy with their care, what exactly stops them from going to Vanderbilt [as I think the neuro is in Knox] or flying to Northwestern or U Chicago for a high level health system opinion [and frankly it wouldn't be a bad idea at all to do this]? Reality is they aren't telling us the details so all the "drs. do nothing" BS likely is just BS. Did drs. tell her NOT to go back on her meds after a two day test? Was that instruction really not written down - as most testing as well as pre/post testing discussions are written nowadays. And if they really didn't understand, did drs. tell her she couldn't call the office and ask re meds? And once told yes you need to go back on meds - did they tell her to wait until after her precious cash and carry? Did they say her family could not take her to the ER after she fell on a parking lot with Alyssa or did Evan veto that when Alyssa called him? Did they say they couldn't take her yesterday when she got a concussion or did Evan make that decision while she was out? Did they say that with a concussion she had to stay up all night and then go to a BSB meeting as if it's a corporate board meeting for a Fortune 500 - and BTW even those have a telephone or zoom option now? For all we know drs. ARE telling them to mostly stay home and/or go out only when Evan can directly walk with her. Drs. may be telling them she needs to completely rest now with a concussion but per Evan she's "little miss stubborn" and just had to go to BSB. And as usual Evan is acting like it's sooo cute that his wife is so stubborn and she'll do what she does and thinks drs. do nothing. Uh bro it isn't cute - you guys are taking chances here. Though who knows maybe he's just scared so it's easier to just play it cute and focus on filming for YT.
  22. Carlin and family were at today's BSB meeting per Whit. Whit on IG says Carlin made it and pray for her bc she's not at 100% but she's such a trooper; and in her later videos you can see Carlin sitting there and Evan and the kids off to the side as well as the girl who functions as their nanny. Lord knows she couldn't skip a meeting with "designers" from Cali bc how else would their cheap dresses and tshirts for fall get selected. That was def more important than maybe seeing some kind of dr in person for the concussion she was told she may have. This is 100% about knowing she and Whit edged out Erin when she got long covid so Whit could now turn around and do the same to her. It's interesting to go back and look and how just 2 yrs ago Carlin and Erin were close. When Carlin was hospitalized with meningitis after Layla's birth, they left Layla with Erin. ERIN was the one who saw Layla turning blue while she was watching her and rushed her to the hospital and that's when they found the hole in her heart. And now to think these sisters don't speak to each other. I guess they were all good until Erin got covid in Aug 2020 and then long covid/her surgeries would have been that fall/winter.
  23. But if they weren’t going to an ER then come home ASAP. Why stay at church until 11:45 - to have ppl pray over them?? Ppl can pray after you go home too. Anyone notice that mirror isn’t anchored? I get it, it’s going upstairs so no one will anchor it in the living room. But have they noticed they have a toddler + a dog? Layla was going up to it putting her hands on it and by the number of hand prints it looked like she’d been doing that all day. Sure she’s too tiny to pull it down but do they realize their dog can get into the section that’s angled next to the wall or try to get in and in doing so rock the mirror that Layla is standing in front of just enough?! How stupid are they?? They need to call Trace/Warden/Isiah ASAP to come help Evan carry that upstairs and anchor it ASAP. And until that could be done most normal parents would’ve left it boxed up in the garage so it wouldn’t draw a toddler’s fascination and made sure the toddler never went into the garage alone lest she get curious about the giant box. This is what happens when young immature undereducated idiots have babies. They’re no different than the dozens who’ve been on Teen Mom - they’d be horrified at that comparison bc they put a ring on it before getting it on - but their preparation for life was less than those on that show bc they were so effing sheltered and then ran straight to marriage + babies ASAP.
  24. Well she had an episode at VBS and fell hard enough that she has a concussion and Evan is staying up all night with her and that friend that scrubbed their tub is staying over?! Doesn’t sound like they went to the hospital (though maybe as it’s 11:45 in the IG and Evan says they just got home) and they have a follow up appt w her dr this week. She’s insisting on Evan taking her to a BSB meeting in the morning though right now he’s saying IDK about that — uh why not insist on the dr seeing you in person in the morning?? Why don’t they stay home more?? And Evan says in the video that he’s never there when this happens - presumably bc he was off helping/socializing. Why don’t they implement a plan that if they go out then he legit must stay by her side the whole time even if that means less time with his friends???
  25. Alyssa said clear as day in her video - it's not that I'm not a dog person, I'm not THAT dog's person. And then later in the video she is totally playing with Carlin's dog, encouraging her kids to pet Carlin's dog etc., saying she needs to talk to John about a dog - so it's not like she's completely freaked out by all dogs. I'm guessing because this is a big aggressive breed of dog and likely not well trained [bc come on this is Lawson as the "responsible owner" here], she is wary of its behavior towards her/her young kids. It's quite possible that the dog has shown aggression towards her/her kids [whom it would view as strangers bc how often is she there], Alyssa said something to Law or Gil since he lives at Gil's house, and they brushed it off as - oh he's friendly, he's just saying hi, don't be paranoid etc. - so now Alyssa is like, nope not taking any chances with that badly trained huge dog.
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