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Everything posted by cereality

  1. HAHAH. I was just going to post that in that IG where Carlin is holding the baby and Trav is playing guitar, there are a LOT of bags on the bed and looks like Evan is running around maybe packing. Yep they wanted out of there ASAP - Katie got home this morning and these 2 hit the road at 6 pm. Not saying it's bad for Katie/Trav to finally get some time to be alone with their baby. But nothing screams WE ARE HERE TO HELP than leaving 4-6 hrs after the mother and newborn get home. Just as well - you know they were not going to cook a single meal, left behind not one freezer meal etc. so better for Katie/Trav to just do it on their own and with help from MIL/SIL if they need help. I know some people prefer to drive at night with kids so they'll sleep but Google says it's a 10 hr drive and the drive over to NJ took 17. Starting a 10-17 hr drive at 6 pm on a long weekend when others are also trying to get home?? [Though I realize it isn't a long weekend for all + these ppl's lives are a long weekend so they prob don't realize others had off.] Sounds super safe. IDK maybe it's just me but I hate sharing the road with the large trucks that travel overnight esp on weeknights. Mama Clark has to be breathing a sigh of relief that all the Bates are gone. She'll likely stop by the house with dinner etc. and not have to worry about feeding the boorish inlaws. I mean these are the same people who showed up to the baby shower early - G&K, Evan/Carlin, John - pizza in hand FOR THEMSELVES, and proceeded to eat and talk about how good it was while the Clarks run around setting up the food, utensils, tables, chairs before the party. Their only help was offering up 15 yr old Addie who made some balloon decoration!? Mama Clark's inner Jersey girl was about to come out. These people couldn't be bothered to help even though they came early, and they couldn't wait like 30 more min to eat when the party started?! We've already seen the Smiths' disdain for the Bates too. They could barely contain their disdain as they were given a tour of the Bates' sty which no one bothered to clean before company arrive + saw Jeb/Jud's feral behavior; something like ice cream was being served and Jeb/Jud - who were 5-7 yrs old at the time - were sticking their fingers into the entire tubs of ice cream until Bobby told them they couldn't do that as the food was for everyone?! So yeah I think all the inlaws question the Bates' manners, child rearing, and house running, as well as their general lack of interest in their grown kids. Even though we've never seen them, I'm sure Mrs. Paine and Webster could join that convo - ahem - Mrs. Paine came and stayed for weeks after Erin's surgery to take care of her and the kids while her local mother didn't bother and no doubt the Websters noticed that the Bates left before Alyssa was even discharged from her heart surgery!?
  2. Obviously IDK but somehow the 5 oldest Duggar girls don't seem as petty and mean as the Bates girls. My sense is that the Duggar girls - not matter what they say - rightly place their hate on their PARENTS more than each other. More than one daughter [Jill; Jinger] has said just bc you can keep having kids doesn't mean you should, you need to take care of the ones you have. So I think they do acknowledge that their parents had far too many and then let bad things go on while protecting their first born SON. I also think the Duggar daughters just have their own lives and aren't trying to be each others' besties anymore - probably due to a realization that they are really different and the only reason they were besties is bc their parents said so and never allowed them to have real friends. Seems like they don't see each other much, don't comment on each others' social media much, but then when they do randomly visit - like Joy visiting Jinger in LA recently even though their lives are worlds apart - they're happy just to be together for a few days and catch up. Maybe they is some realization that their lives are just too different to compare anymore - single Jana vs. Jing in LA being vocal about her upbringing vs. Jill in Okla with her lawyer husband also vocal about her upbringing vs. Joy in rural Ark in a quiet country life with her old school husband vs. Jessa in Ark with her husband I think still relying on her father for work/money. And pragmatically unlike the Bates sisters bc they have much larger social media followings, they aren't competing with each other for social media $ either. Jill shills cereal, some swim school her kids go to, and some meal prep company whereas the last Joy ad I saw was for one of those car battery chargers to jump start a car. Meanwhile in the Bates' clan I feel like it REALLY chaps the sisters' asses when they get in with Dime Beauty or Navy hair or Cuts or whomever and oh look within weeks each of their sisters is plugging the same thing - cutting into their potential earnings. The Bates girls haven't realized they are so messed up bc of G&K giving them NO attention except on their wedding day and pushing out baby number 1 day. Instead of blaming G&K, they find reasons to pick on each other for "stealing" attention away. And apparently they aren't content enough in their own husbands/home lives to just focus on those rather than their sisters. And BTW Carlin looks like an idiot in the hospital room wearing that poofy braid that Josie made SUCH a big deal of as she stood in front of the mirror on the ski trip proclaiming her bestie to be Lydia as they both did their hair that way for skiing. It was very much Carlin's way of being like - well you may have skied with YOUR bestie Lydia but I can wear my hair the same way while watching MY BESTIE Katie, your FORMER bestie push out a baby which beats skiing any day. Maybe that hair style has some benefits for windy conditions on a mountain but it just looks asinine indoors in L&D.
  3. Not even a little surprised. If she delivered Friday, she likely came home Sunday night or maybe first thing Monday. G&K do not want to be home for that type of thing bc heaven forbid Katie/Trav look to the 87 other adults in their house right now to maybe handle dinner for the first few nights. I mean these are the same people who left for the airport after Alyssa's heart surgery and to be exact Gil left while she was STILL IN RECOVERY having not even seen her + Kelly left a few hrs later once she was in a room but having complications. Both were splitsville bc they got their IG pics evidencing they care and they pray over their daughter but actually staying for the 2-3 days in the hospital + then helping her at home when she could not move, had to have food brought to her and John had to lift her up to sit etc. - no thanks. Evan/Carlin arrived Feb 1 so it'll be 3 weeks Wed. I would not be surprised if they are out of there within 1-2 days of Katie getting home, again bc they don't actually want to help and now the party party is over bc Katie/Trav aren't taking them anywhere for a while.
  4. I wonder if E&C have realized yet that they're about to lose their NJ party party pals. Don't get me wrong, I think Katie will be slow to adjust to motherhood just like she was slow to adjust to marriage; I foresee Addie/Ellie spending A LOT of time in NJ in the next 3-6 mos as Katie complains about OMG it's SOOO hard, she doesn't sleep etc. Not that Addie/Ellie can help with that, but I do see some dumping of the baby on them during the day so Katie can sleep, primp herself, shill shit on IG etc. BUT ultimately I do think Katie will take to parenting like she did marriage and she and Trav will be better parents - or strive to it - more than E&C. While I think Trav is kind to Katie [more than we feared given what we know of Daddy Clark], I do think he has some expectations re how his home will run. I mean pre wedding ditzy Katie proudly went on and on about not knowing what to do when Nathan's wife was like turn this oven off in the next 30 min and then bring that dish with you in the car to the dinner we're hosting. Like went on and on to the point that Nathan's wife was about to slap her. 14 months later Katie cooks at least a few days a week - bc she shouts out her SIL/MIL for simple recipes; she's shown herself FaceTiming Michael as Michael walks her thru a recipe; she has said before that certain dishes freeze well. So yeah while they probably do eat CFA, Olive Garden, pizza half the week, I think at some point Trav clarified that he was not going to eat CFA daily for the rest of his life. I think the same will be true of parenting for both of them. They'll act ditzy at first like Hailey is a Gucci bag to carry around and pass off to some family member when they need a break, I also don't see them being the types who are like woohooo Evan/Carlin are here -- let's drop the kid off at the Clarks' [or all 3 kids - lol the Clarks would likely just say no to Evan/Carlin's feral kids] or hire a babysitter and woohoo Top Golf and cheesesteaks until midnight. Or worse yet, lets just bring the kids so we can party party and they can sleep on the floor anywhere. Somehow I can see Hailey at least having bed times, meal times, food that isn't chips. Katie has already mentioned consistency for things like potty training. These are things Evan/Carlin haven't managed in 3+ yrs and they pat themselves on the back when they give their kid pre sliced cheese + a slice of avocado + beans straight from the can + a stack of tortilla chips bc OMG we made TACO SALAD. I feel like having a family life is part of why Z&W are distancing themselves from E&C lately [and likely some work tension with these morons too] and I can see the same happening with Katie/Trav. There was a time when Whit was all too happy ditching her kids/Zach and going out to dinners with Evan/Carlin or 10 pm ice cream runs and now we don't see that at all; one of the times that Carlin was trying to "convince" them to do a date night after an entire day together at work, Whit looked horrified and was like uh we have to get home . . . . Hope they realize that especially once Hailey is mobile/needs a schedule, Katie/Trav won't be up for hitting up the beach or NYC bc Evan/Carlin are bored.
  5. But when you're 22 in fundie land, what other accomplishments can you have besides pushing out a baby [or making a baby if you're a man]? Graduating Harvard? Getting accepted to med/law school? Graduating the military academies and commissioning and learning to fly jets? Nope -- all that is for heathens, our men can get it up and our ladies can push. So she gave birthday Friday, Trav has basically been editing the videos since then to get one posted yesterday and one on Friday and Katie is laying in the hospital bed doing her makeup. I know it's 2023 and IG/influencers/blah blah but WTF.
  6. Nice to see they had no problem dumping their own kids on a stranger to go sit at the hospital. I get why Carlin was there but really Evan - couldn’t miss out huh and stay home with your own kids?? No doubt it was some sweet friend from the Clarks’ church watching the kids and I realize that mom and dad do leave kid 1 with someone to go birth kid 2 but to me it’s different here - unknown babysitter, strange house, and oh yeah this is only your SIL’s kid not yours so you don’t need to be there. Fear not they prob threw a bag of chips at Layla as they ran out cameras in hand. Could they look any less interested in that kid?? They are looking at the baby like you look at a distant coworkers baby out of politeness. Yet contrast Trav’s brother and SIL and sister and BIL - those are some very real smiles. Really hope the Bates won’t be godparents though I’m betting it’ll be Carlin + Trav’s brother. And why is Carlin so goddam stupid. In the waiting room “this is the support team, like are you kidding me” - as the camera pans to Trav’s parents, sister, brother and SIL, G&K, and her husband of course talking about food. No Carlin we aren’t kidding - that’s a pretty normal crew to come wait for a baby. What - you and your family can have 87,000 siblings at every birth but a family welcoming grandkid #1 can’t have 5 ppl in the waiting room? And someone mentioned certain sisters not getting along - what on earth went down btwn Katie and Erin that when just married in 2013 Erin listed Katie as her favorite/wanted to adopt and take Katie/Katie always hung out at the cottage to now where she didn’t congratulate Katie on her wedding or post a single pic w her and now is ignoring the birth of her first kid?? Katie posted re the baby 6 hrs ago and Erin has been on IG bc she posted Bible stuff 3-4 hrs ago. Though interestingly Erin only follows 2 accts related to Paine construction and none of her siblings?!
  7. Pretty sure you can’t do that when you’re the one who played the OMG you need to get here ASAP card without risking that (i) they don’t come back bc they aren’t paying for flights or gas again - esp if you aren’t offering to pay; or (ii) in this family - they never speak to you again bc they feel slighted. Not sure that Trav would care if Carlin wasn’t there for the birth but I think Katie is terrified and would care. And Trav has shown that he does try to make Katie comfortable whether it’s with homesickness or whatever else. And I think both Katie/Trav would care if telling C/E to go home chilled their relationship. I think Trav does like the bro time with Evan. I mean at this point all you can hope is that these two moochers realize this is taking forever and go home and then return. But if they didn’t do that when Kelly left, they won’t now as it’s closer to the birth. So maybe hope that they entertain themselves out of the home daily for a few hrs. I actually don’t get why they aren’t doing that - like they can’t take L/Z to the playground daily for an hr or two and then a neighborhood walk for 30 min daily esp given that the weather has been in the 50-60s?? Maybe that’s too kid centric?!
  8. Yeah something is off. Evan is on C’s IG hawking their budget app (prob bc her IG has more followers) and says when budgeting he noticed Carlin had been shopping lately. Carlin jumped in saying it was a stress relief shopping trip for her and Katie as Evan says “for the girl that’s not pregnant, it’s a stress reliever . . . .” Damn. Just a touch mean as they don’t know when Carlin will next have the family’s attention on her by popping out spawn 3. Evan did make his way to a golf course this morning bc he’s cooped up on baby watch. I have a sense they came expecting Katie would have the baby ASAP and they’d be sitting at the house for 2 weeks OR until Katie didn’t have the baby PARTY PARTY. And thus far in 2 weeks Katie/Trav have taken them to NYC for a few hrs + Dave and Busters. I think that’s MORE than you can expect from people expecting their first kid. But for this PARTY PARTY crowd I have a feeling they expected to be running to Philly every night for cheesesteaks, ice cream and pizza runs at 10 pm, sightseeing in Philly, multiple beach trips, outlet shopping daily etc so my sense is they’re a bit pissy due to lack of YT material. I wonder if Trav was very clear with Katie upfront that this is how it’d be - and they wouldn’t be running place to place until the baby was crowning. On an earlier trip - maybe Katie’s baby shower or maybe when they finished the house - they ran ragged from the moment C/E landed until the morning then left — cheesesteaks in Phila the minute they landed, multiple beach days but driving home the 1 hr each night, constant outlet malls, restaurants, aimless driving in the Tesla etc. Trav even said after they left that having family in town is fun but SO TIRING. My sense is Trav’s family is fine staying home, watching a basketball/football game on tv, reading etc so maybe he was like nope I’m not up for being the tour guide here with my 9 mo pregnant wife. Though C/E have their car, if they’re sooo bored, take your damn kids and go out for 4-6 hrs and give K/T some breathing room. But reality is it’s more PARTY PARTY with other people + they don’t want to deal with their kids so they’d rather have K/T along to help. There’s a great public library right in that town like 10 min away - yet these people don’t read, nor can their feral kids stay quiet for that sort of thing having never been exposed to it. All the historic sites in Phila are like 30 min away, there’s a great botanical garden 1 hr away but eh too much work unless Trav is driving, parking, paying.
  9. Hahahaha Kelly flew home at some point in the last 2 wks and just got back to NJ last night. I’m sorry but that makes Carlin/Evan look like even bigger losers with no lives of their own. They got to NJ Feb 1 bc Katie was told contractions/any day now. Feb 7 Katie has another drs appt and she’s told contractions were caused by an infection, they’ve stopped. Foursome heads to NYC that night. I’m thinking Kelly headed home prob by Feb 8 as she prob saw the writing on the wall that these 4 would run all over town leaving her to babysit for the next few weeks so she was out. If Carlin/E were normal or had any desire to be home or alone as a family, they could’ve left Feb 8 also with promises to return when contractions start for real?? Hell it would make for great “drama” to have to drive back 17 hrs 10 days later or heaven forbid, Evan watches his own kids (or runs to mommy) and Carlin flies back alone for 2-3 days?? Money seems tight for these people. Spirit/some low cost carrier runs a flight from Phila to Knox. But if they were to drive home and then fly back, 3 last min tickets on Spirit would be $100-150 or $300-450 total, plus they’d have to rent a car for a few days as Trav would need his Tesla to go back and forth to the hospital so there’s another $200-300. Does Evan not want to cough up another $750 for a second trip so it’s a better bargain to mooch off Trav’s food, electricity, water etc?
  10. Is there trouble in paradise for C&E or merely a desperation to hold onto content for YT? I mean they have seemed pissy at each other since Christmas, not that it matters since 90% of their time since then has involved family so it’s not like they have to be alone in that house they had to have. But now Valentine’s Day comes and goes and Carlin doesn’t post anything re the haul she got from Evan? Even though Ms. Competitive is living in Katie’s house - who gushed about Trav making sure that she woke up to Sbux, CFA, roses, and chocolates covered berries this morning. Now maybe Trav just had all this delivered surprising Evan bc otherwise did Evan not jump in the Tesla w Trav this morning to go get stuff for his wife? Meanwhile Carlin just half heartedly asked Layla what daddy got her as she pointed out 2-3 toys + backpack + chocolates + a smoothie as Carlin was like daddy must love you a lot. And Carlin’s IG posts were all about the kids, barely acknowledging Evan and Evan posts an “I’m blessed” IG pic at like 2 am on Feb 15?? Uh we all know this isn’t a case of - I worked such a long day I didn’t even realize today was valentines. These 2 seem a bit sick of each other - shocking given that they’ve been together 24-7 for like 9 mos. As for Katie - while she’s a dumbass, pretty sure she’s in a marriage that’ll go how Trav wants it to go. Trav has already said he wants 3 so I think that’ll be it for them; I’m sure she’ll whine and cry and get baby fever so maybe there will be a 4th but after that it’s done. Trav’s daddy is prob paying him like 150-200k - just a guess based on lifestyle in their area - but I think Trav gets that 200k for a family of 5-6 is different than 200k for a family of 8+ or 12+ or whatever.
  11. Ma Bates didn't potty train her own kids, why would she potty train a grand baby? And this child has zero relation to Ma Clark. Katie - maybe but asking someone 8 mos pregnant to potty train YOUR kid?? Though Carlin/Evan are rude enough to ask for that help. Pretty sure Trav foots the bill for these weeks long visits - so it comes out of what obscene 150k or 200k or whatever salary Pa Clark gives him from the school even though Trav/Katie swear he has a "remote marketing" job separate from the school - sure Jan, that's why you have time on a Wed night to run to NYC and eat pizza bc you don't have work on Thursday morning like most people? But yeah I mean Trav is the one driving to NYC - those tolls are easily near $30-50 from where they are in NJ, he is parking the car which a few hours in a garage near Times Square is going to be nearly $100. Even two slices of pizza per person with a soda in that part of NYC - where they can price gouge the tourists - is like $10-15/person or $60 total. You'd hope Evan would stick his hand in his wallet and at least spring for the pizza and donuts for all but he's quickly become Gil Bates, so I don't see him offering. Reality is I think in their heart of hearts Evan/Carlin are ridiculously jealous of Katie's situation - they live the life Evan/Carlin want with no one working + Tesla + shopping/eating out/fully renovated house/high end everything BUT unlike Evan/Carlin they don't have money worries while living that way. Like if their YT income goes away, I don't think Trav/Katie's life changes all that much. So you know Evan/Carlin probably take the attitude of - let them treat, they can afford it and each week we're there, we'll spring for CFA and Sbux for everyone once or twice IN SOUTH JERSEY, NOT at NYC prices. Can't believe this idiot is taking ANY supplements - let alone the crap that can be found on IG shilled by morons like her. Those supplements while mostly harmless often too have a LOT of x ingredient/vitamin and unbeknownst to people - oh look it causes y symptom. Someone who is under the care of a neuro, cardiologist, whoever else - to the point where her husband cannot leave her alone to go to work - should not be taking anything but prescribed drugs + ask the dr for one vitamin recommendation of something sold in a drug store that's been around for a thousand yrs - like a Nature Maid type brand. I'm willing to bet they did NOT ask her drs. These are the people who were like oh we didn't know we were supposed to re-start x drug after the test, no one told us -- when you know they were told and/or it was in the written instructions and/or they could have called and asked?? You KNOW they'd be like - they're sold on IG, of course they're safe, we didn't think we needed a dr to approve them?? And really a 3 yr old is filling her pill box and touching every pill?? Gross and unsafe.
  12. Woohooo content for the next YT. Katie/Trav and Evan/Carlin are in NYC. Guess whichever OB Katie saw in the practice this week did not say they had to sit home and the baby was coming tomorrow -- bc tonight they are in Times Square eating pizza with douchey Evan with that camera around his neck. No kids in sight in the first few videos from Katie, so I guess Mama B missed out on the trip?? I'm from one town over from Katie/Trav so I know NYC is close - you can drive in 90 min usually but damn Evan/Carlin. Clearly your sister/SIL did not desperately NEED you to come out 7 days ago if you guys are filling your time galivanting in Times Square. I'm actually surprised they haven't hit the beach though maybe it isn't as warm up there right now - haven't checked; we hit the 60s in DC today but NJ tends to be colder despite only being 3 hrs north. Or assuming they head back to NJ in the next few hrs, maybe a beach trip Friday? Then Super Bowl Sunday. Quite the vacation for Carlin/Evan.
  13. Are these ladies just going straight up mean girls here? Bc Josie posted a video of 18 mo old Hazel walking around in underwear - over her PJs but oh she wants to be just like big sister. Interesting timing given Carlin talking about the struggles of potty training a kid 2x Hazel's age. But then earlier this week Carlin had to be sure to put her hair in those weird poofy braids that Josie and bestie Lydia did all week at skiing . . . in a . . . you're not the only one who can wear her hair like that. These people have far too much time on their hands. As for Evan's dad maybe being happy that his son isn't doing manual labor and has an easier life, maybe but IDK his parents strike me as pretty traditional from what I've seen. I mean his parents could think manual labor is what men are SUPPOSED to do. But even if they don't think that, I think they're traditional enough to believe the man provides by toiling away. Like maybe they don't think trades are necessary, but then go sit in an office in front of a computer 40 hrs/wk. IDK that they seem like grifters who'd be so overjoyed that their son is eeking out a living by wandering around all day and filming it. And we know the dad at least watches the YTs bc they've shown him watching and is on IG [though we don't know if he watches those all day]. So I'm not sure what they think of a DIL who clearly now is ok enough to be home alone and a son who is stuffing his face with cheez its at 2 pm screaming "lets goooo" sitting at his sister in law's house for weeks, when he could be earning a living.
  14. As far as we know the brother is still in electrical training - sometimes he puts up pics on IG in his gear on a construction site, he’s put up a pic before of a sandwich for lunch thanking his wife for making his lunch. He generally doesn’t post much on IG - like maybe 1-2 long weekend type vacations per yr and does not appear to hang out at mommy and daddy’s house 2 wks per month - so presumably he’s at work/school? And married nearly 2 yrs with no baby or baby announcement yet. Meanwhile Evan is such a douche bag. Katie posted how they were basically at home eating snacks, and pans over to Evan 2x with him showing the horns hand gestures screaming “let’s goooo.” Uh dude you’re stuffing your face with snacks mid afternoon, there’s no “let’s gooo” here - you’re not playing beer pong at a college party nor storming the field at a college game. Meanwhile his idiot wife can be heard saying “it’s a party.” They think they’re soooo cool - one Friday night at big state u and they’d be traumatized to see ppl hooking up, students with tattoos, students black out drunk, gay students with same sex partners. So chill out - you don’t know what partying actually is and stuffing yourself full of cheez its ain’t it. And I guess they’re reading here and a bit offended that we think they don’t work and have dumped it all on Z&W bc Carlin was sure to post a pic sitting at her laptop working and then later a FaceTime w W bc omg work calls w W are THE BEST. Sure Jan I’m sure you put in an 8 hr day?! Did Kelly leave? No where in sight today as they were snacking - couldn’t even see her in the background lying around with her phone.
  15. Dude can’t hold down a job. They left his parents on Jan 30, in advance of Laylas bday on Jan 31. They say they were home for one day doing laundry etc and then took off on the 17 hr drive to NJ. It’s now Feb 7. What employer would just let you leave for a week - with no planned return date - bc baby watch at your sister in law’s house?? He knows what he’d be giving up having a job - the flexibility, mid day shopping and napping. He isn’t going back to that life until social media leaves them below the poverty line.
  16. Katie/Trav - yeah bc they go to UPenn for her care which is still requiring masking and from what I’ve seen at appts there, they will absolutely call out someone who isn’t masked. Carlin/Evan - we’ve seen dozens of unmasked neuro, cardio, eye dr followed by wandering the optical shop appts. But hey it’s all NBD so whatever.
  17. THIS. Anyone who thought covid, RSV, and flu were real and an actual threat to a newborn would not have a freaking 3 yr old and 1 yr old camping at their house for 2 wks when they bring their baby home?? I realize that 3 and 1 yr old don't have the exposures of regular kids bc no preschool or daycare, but they basically go store to store and nail salon to nail salon all freaking day. And their parents take zero precautions. We've seen plenty of urgent care appointments where Carlin/Evan treat it as an outing and bring the whole maskless family - rather than you know only taking the one kid whose appt it is. And Katie/Trav are in NJ and we've NEVER seen them mask even at the height of covid. NJ isn't Tenn. I'm from one town over from where they lived and people masked for a LONG time and even still in any grocery/big box store you'll see 10-20% of people masked. Katie/Trav couldn't even be "shamed" into masking when 75%+ of ppl were masking. They filmed plenty of IGs of themselves at Target etc. smiling away while everyone else in the background was masked. So yeah they're in the - it isn't real + God will protect camp.
  18. So as they're sitting home twiddling their thumbs at Katie's, they're taking IG questions and someone asked if Evan missed electrical work. HAHAHA he goes "I miss the IDEA OF IT [of creating something with your hands] but waking up to my wife and kids is a big plus so it was a good trade off." LOL let me guess Evan you miss the paycheck but prefer to be lazy and roll out of bed at 10 am and party party until midnight nightly, right? And then Carlin tries to make it sound better with "he gets to do side jobs." Lol no he doesn't because HE'S NEVER HOME. He's doing side jobs where exactly - in NJ? In Nashville? Bullshit. And with yesterdays IG, nice to see now Carlin also being Tesla obsessed. Talking about how it's cold out so they NEED the Tesla? Uh Katie's other car is some kind of very new luxury jeep/SUV, I'm fairly certain it has heat. I'm calling it now, these two will have a Tesla by year end. Debt or no, solid finances or not. It's the latest toy their fixated on, just like they HAD TO buy the house ASAP even though it meant buying at the peak of the market - great purchase too given that they are hardly there enough to use it. 🙄 Oh wait the Tesla comes up again in TODAY's IG and oh yeah Evan helped Trav install the charger at the house so that's electrical work . . . . So Zach goes to BSB daily - damn that's quite an admission. And yes she says Z is there daily "with the girls" - and W is a home schooling momma who juggles her schedule to be there certain days. Uh yeah so Z alone with a bunch of college age girls huh? She is like oh yeah we're there 2 full days a week with kids at babysitters. Uh no you're not bc you are out of town half the month and babysitters - we've all seen your kids spending the day rolling around on the floor. And WTF they would like to have more kids and plan to expand their family but likely in a few yrs?? Uh you can't handle the two you have and don't want to work?? And talk about making themselves too comfortable, as Carlin is answering questions, Evan is throwing pillows around Katie/Trav's living room as he makes himself comfortable and lies down on their sofa?? Uh little too comfy there for a guest.
  19. Katie goes to one of the UPenn practices. I feel like if something serious like dwarfism was on the table, an Ivy League health system would’ve mentioned it long ago. What are they thinking have Evan and Carlin and their potty training kid stay with them for however many weeks until their kid arrives. Do they really not want these final few weeks by themselves?!
  20. Katie posted after a drs appt today that the dr has told them it could be any day now and they think H is coming early and told them to get ready for the hospital. Katie is 35 wks. So IDK where Carlin is or if they just ran from Nashville to NJ back to Knox or what but I'm guessing they'll be headed out to NJ ASAP for the 2 wks they intend to spend there. Woohooo more material for YT. And someone is offended that so many of us have commented on Layla not being potty trained - now asking for grace and saying every child is different?? Yes Carlin, every child is different. Yet the one commonality - they don't train themselves, so in order for this to get done you need to STAY HOME whether it takes days or a week. But alas - nail salon was calling again . . . . And BTW Carlin your child is the one who announces she's pooped and you and your family take videos of it and put it out there, so really I don't think you have room to feel judged here. I mean one of the Evan's sisters bday IG wishes was - OMG Layla keeps us laughing all the time. You know what Layla was doing - Evan was holding her at his parents' house, they were counting down to something or getting ready to sing or whatever, child announces in front of the whole family that she pooped. Family laughs. SIL then posts this among her bday wishes and Carlin then reposts it going OMG HAHAHA. UH? WTH is Layla gonna do at Katie's house for 2 wks? Normal people would maybe bring some toys. But I guess there's primping in front of a mirror and cooing at the baby, those are more "girly girl" activities. I'm sorry no one's shirt rides up like Zade's does - up to his arm pits. Clearly the shirts ride up, but also they are clearly pulling them up further. They don't put an actual baby in a onesie but put their freaking THREE year old in them all the damn time??
  21. I get it - for a normal kid who is eating 3 meals/day w fruit, vegetables, meat - what's 2 straight days of cake around their birthday. For this kid OTOH Jesus it's the last thing she needs given her steady diet of cake pops and Doritos but I guess grandparents are there to spoil and it isn't their problem that her parents don't feed her regular food. Watch now that we've all said it, as soon as they get home - whenever that is - it'll be like OMG Lay-LUH we have bday presents for you at the house and we'll magically see the appearance of a toy or two. But yeah given how behind this kid is compared to any other 3 yr old, good God get her some toys that she has to do something with - not just makeup products. But you know what it is - at that age for a kid that has no exposure to toys via school or playdates, if you get her a puzzle or game or craft, you have to do it with her bc she won't just know what to do. And then sometimes they want to play that new game with you daily - that's just what parents do. As the damn Christmas gingerbread house showed us, they simply aren't interested in that level of real day to day engagement when they can check out on their phones and just film their kids for YT. And that post it note to pick the next activity thing is apparently making the rounds on IG/TikTok bc Trav/Katie did it too. But theirs wasn't them tricking a freaking toddler into picking what they wanted it bc it was being done with 2 adults. I mean way to make an ass of your kid by writing what you wanted her to choose on the pink post its bc she loves pink or on the yellow paper writing - pick the activity on pink. Seeing how clueless that kid looked made me thing OMG who is going to teach her how to read?? Like they aren't even potty training her, do we really think she'll be starting to read by 4-5 as most kids do these days?
  22. Nice to not have jobs or any responsibility at that “boutique” they both supposedly work at. They’re in Nashville on a Monday night - w Layla blowing out candles on - day before her bday/last day she’s 2 - cupcakes. Yep that kid doesn’t get enough cake and sugar so definitely night before bday cake is a must 🙄. Can’t imagine they head back tomorrow - the actual bday - so hey why not stay a week. And per Reddit all her bday presents were earrings, necklaces, nails, a facial (WTF?), and a zillion lipsticks. Uh no one thought maybe they could throw in something that could be good from a child development perspective for a feral kid - you know a book, game, puzzle, craft?!
  23. I took it to mean that tomatoes were an option but her "salad" didn't have any bc she didn't choose to add them. I do think it's odd that "taco salad" is the one meal they make and feed Layla when they are trying to show off what good parents they are, and she ALWAYS has a good amount of CHIPS w/ a bit of meat and avocado and pre cut cheese slices. Like hello she's a child and this is a meal, you don't have to give her any chips. You know the grain could be rice, right?? I think Layla is def under-educated/under-stimulated yet even still she has figured out what mommy likes and what gets her attention and praise -- so it's all about being pretty, make up, princess girly things, nails, blah blah. Kids aren't dumb. She has no exposure to anything else anyway but she'd quickly figure out that mommy isn't interested in planes or trucks or buildings or sports or whatever and thus Layla would not "like" them bc mommy - her bestie - doesn't like them. I mean Carlin the other day was like OMG she LOVES going to the dr. Uh gee I wonder why, is it bc she hears dr. convo in your house ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME. I'm not watching but this week's YT "LAYLA'S HEART CONDITION 3 YEARS LATER/LAYLA PLANS HER DREAM BIRTHDAY." Good life plan C/E - one family drs appt/health issue to the next hoping people care enough to keep watching. Apparently no one cared last week bc "UPDATE ON LAYLA'S BACK PAIN" made them a whopping $700 as it had just 142k views. And I'm sorry but I can't be the only one - while I take care of medical things as a grown adult, I REALLY REALLY don't want to see or hear about anyone else's drs appts. I cringe at my own appts, hearing about my elderly parents but that's it. In no way am I wanting to hear about anyone else's health issues as "entertainment"?? Carlin/Evan - next week how about "EVAN HAS TO TURN HIS HEAD AND COUGH" or "CARLIN'S VAGINAL EXAM"?? I'm not a huge fan of Kelton/Josie but to see their kid vs. Layla - wow. And that kid isn't going to preschool or anything either but it's clear that adults - like her parents, Michaela the once/twice per week she keeps her, Kelton's dad who often visits and reads to the kids - clearly TALK TO HER and engage her at a kid level. They missed their connecting flight home from Dallas last night due to some mechanical issue and the 3 yr old is like "the plane drs will fix the plane." Lol. I don't see Layla having the creativity to come up with something like that. And how pissed are C/E that after the whole week of skiing etc. Josie/Kelton, Trace/Lydia, and Warden get an extra day in a hotel in Dallas. Not that any rational person wants a flight canceled at midnight and scramble to get a hotel but to C/E - they can afford a hotel and it'll be another night away for them.
  24. I think it's perfectly normal at their ages to be restless bc as I recall my early/mid 20s, you have a TON of energy. Yet normal people that aren't fundie take advantage of that energetic time in life to - go to college or med/law/business school and working like 80 hrs/wk upon graduation or pick up a trade and work as many hours/overtime as they can. These two idiots seem to think a good use of energy is going store to store to store out of boredom. And yeah mother of the century certainly did not teach her daughters anything about housewife-ing - none of them went into marriage knowing how to cook; clean; and apparently even basic budgeting - like don't walk the aisles of CVS shopping - wasn't a thing either. I do think so much of how these girls are is bc of G&K having far too many kids + far too little time/attention/money. I'm convinced Carlin stuffs Layla full of Cheetos, Doritos, and cake pops bc she NEVER got those kinds of things, so to her she's being a fantastic mom by getting her kid treats the size of her head any time she wants a snack. Rather than being a responsible parent who is like no - you can't have chips/sugar for a snack all the time, your snack is either an apple or cheese stick which do you want? Not that Evan was that deprived, but he's basically a teen dad so in his mind if a bag of Doritos makes Layla shut up so he can get back to his phone, perfect. Even if they are bored bc they aren't doing anything productive like working, uh yeah they could raise those kids they had to have ASAP. But reality is I don't think either of them enjoys their annoying kids beyond carrying them like a Gucci bag and complimenting how cute they are - which by extension compliments themselves on making cute kids. I mean how many times have we seen Layla try to get their attention and they are both glued to their phones barely looking up; or working on their own gingerbread houses at Christmas leaving a 3 yr old to deal with her own house by herself which she obv couldn't and she ended up breaking it and getting upset?? Honestly when cameras aren't rolling, I have a feeling Layla is plopped in front of the TV and handed a bag of chips or cookies to shut her up and she's just zoned out. It also explains why she was fairly late to talk and even now isn't a kid who says much/asks questions/has insights/makes up games or stories like many kids - including her 6 mos older cousin [Josie's kid] - at her age. EDITED TO ADD: @writerwoman had to go back and look. It’s a CVS cart - says CVS upfront + it’s a wire cart as opposed to the Target red plastic cart.
  25. I mean it's tit for tat with these people. Josie said in an IG today how great of a vacation it's been and staying in the same cabin and staying up late having family time has been the best. So yeah she narrowed down her family to Trace/Lydia [and her brothers/parents but I'm pretty sure this was about bestie Lydia not Law/Warden or Gil lol]. So you know Carlin was like FINE MY FAMILY is Z&W and you aren't the only ones who can "party" by eating crappy snacks and playing card games, we're gonna do that too . . . . For people relying on the dwindling earnings from YT and BSB, economizing certainly isn't for them. Just showed her cart at CVS where they headed to pick up Carlin's meds before heading to the grocery store for dinner ingredients, but hey while we're here, we also need diapers, wipes, vitamins, kids meds just to stock up, and energy drinks for Evan. Sure it's like 4-5 PM and they said they were out of wipes and still need to do something for dinner so it's easier to just get them where you are, but uh you two are jobless and go store to store all the time. Would it not make sense to make a list and go to say Walmart which doesn't charge a huge mark-up on all goods like CVS?? And for things that may not be on the shelves like vitamins or kids meds bc they sell out, again you're home doing nothing all day - you can't make a list and do an online order from Walmart or Target?? You know Layla is only getting her ears pierced bc they are DESPERATE for YT content. Piercing a 3 yr old's ears is an exercise in stupidity esp with irresponsible parents. Nothing against pierced ears but I feel like you need to do it while the kid is practically a baby [which is a cultural thing for many] and relies on parents to clean them and frankly is young enough that they won't notice or care about earrings enough to mess with them OR you need to wait until the kid is ages 6+ and can listen to instructions and follow them re cleaning but also re not touching them/pulling at them while they heal. A feral 3 yr old is the worst candidate for this - she has to rely on irresponsible mom/dad to clean them and they'll forget about this in a day PLUS she doesn't have the self control yet not to mess with ears all the time while they heal. I mean get the kid some pink clip ons for her bday and be done with it. You know she isn't asking for pierced ears at this age?? And BTW have they considered that a 3 yr old with no sense of discipline is gonna treat earrings like a toy, leaving them wherever and they have an under 1 yr old who puts things in this mouth?? That alone would be a reason not to do this now bc Layla wanders around unsupervised and Z is bound to find an earring on the ground and think it's food.
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